
Legend In Another World

A man in his mid 30's dies in a tragic accident in his normal world. He dreamed of being something special, which the god heard. He got transmigrated to a new world, with a sword and magic, something he had never dreamed of. Wanting to make himself a legend, he starts on a journey, where he will save and destroy lives. Follow the story of a transmigrated named Henry, who will be building his own legend in another world.

MasterSpearmaster · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

'It seems there is nothing more to do in here' He thought to himself, as he looked at the door in front of him. He wanted to go out, to see how this world looked, how different it was from his own.

As he approached the door, his stomach started to feel butterflies. He was kind of scared, but also very excited. He had a feeling that the world would be dangerous. 'Don't be a wuss, go out there, and show your legend!' After thinking that, he hyped himself up, and chose to open the door.

What greeted him was nothing amazing. It was a small formation of 6 small tier 1 homes, with a big well placed in the middle. The citizens who lived in his territory were all currently sitting around the well, looking like they were waiting for something.

'What's going on?' He thought to himself as he approached the people sitting around the well.

As soon as they all saw him, they all stood up with smiles showing.

"You have finally woken up my lord, I am so happy!" An old man from the group came running over, kneeling in front of Henry. The old man showed a genuine smile.

Henry was shocked though. The old man acted all happy, and so did the people behind him, but he was kind of freaked out. None of them seemed to have any life, their bodies were all so malnourished, that they looked like zombies.

"What is going on, why are you all looking like this?" Henry did not care for anything as he asked this. He was worried about them.

The man gave Henry a sad look. "It is like this my lord … You have been unconscious for the past 5 months! We did all we could to survive, but about 1 month ago, the food that had been gathered was stolen by bandits … they left us here to die, with no chance of surviving …" The old man almost broke down in tears when he said what had happened.

'So this world really does seem to have some danger to it!' As Henry heard the words of the man, he became a little worried and tried to figure out a solution.

"I see, so that is the situation! I am guessing that all that have kept you alive, is the water in that well, correct?" Henry then asked, looking at the well. He knew that humans could survive 1-2 months without food, as long as they had water.

"Correct!" The man answered immediately. "What should we do my lord?" The old man continued. He was worried, he did not want to die in a situation like this.

Henry then had a pondering look on his face. He tried to think of many solutions, but ultimately he had to find a solution to their food problem. The bandits were not a problem as of yet, since they had stolen a lot of food a month ago.

"First up, you guys wait here … Let me go check around, to see if there is anything to eat in the forest!" Henry said. He knew it would be kind of risky, but he was not about to send a bunch of malnourished people into the forest to die. The old man just nodded to the order and went over to the others by the well.

He already knew a way to keep everyone alive, but he wanted to find a solution that would not be as terrible as the one he had in mind.

He ran around, to see if there were any plants he could recognize from his world. Something that would help him in the short term.

He had read a lot of history in his previous life, and in all of that history, he also read a lot about survival. So he had already found many solutions, but they would only be good in an emergency.

He found many fruits that looked kind of interesting, but he had never seen them before. This made it so he did not dare to take them back and eat them, as he had no idea if they were poisonous, or edible.

As he kept going through the forest, he suddenly had an idea of what to do. 'Maybe my 'system' can analyze the fruits to see if they are poisonous!' As he thought that, he took a yellow-tomato-looking fruit down from a tree.

"Analyze!" He spoke in a rather loud voice while looking at the yellow tomato.

[Analyzing …]

[Analazis complete!

Name: Yellow Shear


Small yellow fruit, with a sweet taste. Enjoyed by nobles and commoners alike all over the world.]

Henry's face lit up with happiness seeing the result of his experiment. This brought him happiness, both because he learned something useful from the system, and because he had found an edible fruit as the first thing. He felt truly blessed at this moment.

He then looked around where he stood, which made his face turn from pure happiness, into a bit of disappointment. There were barely any of these fruits around. There were lots of other fruits around though, this made it so he kept analyzing all of the fruits he could see. There were only two others that were edible, but there were even fewer of them.

'It seems I need to take my emergency food into use as well!' Henry did not want to eat it either, but he had to if he wanted to save everyone in the village.

Most of the trees around were luckily pine trees. This was where the emergency food would come from, as most barks from these trees were edible, and actually had a rather high value of nutrients.

He picked up all the Yellow Shear's that he could find, and took them back to the camp. He wanted to pickup some bark too, but that was not possible, as he was already carrying as much as he had room for in his arms.

"I am back everyone, I have brought something to eat!" Henry hurried over to everyone, as he was quite excited. "Before we can eat though, can two of you prepare a fire and a pot? And then the rest of you follow and help me!" Henry asked. He wanted them to help him collect bark, and then he wanted to cook it over the fire.

This would make it so the sweet taste of the fruits would help drowning out the bitter taste of the bark. The 10 citizens there were all excited when they saw the food, but they did what Henry said before anything else.

Henry had woken up in the middle of the day, and with all that had happened and all the searching he had done, it had slowly become early afternoon.

When everyone had finished their jobs with collecting all the bark and making the small fire, it had already become the evening. Henry had brought some water up from the well to boil, and then he had put the two ingredients they had inside of the boiling water.

"I know that it does not look like much, but it will fill the stomach!" Henry said as he started to give a small portion to each of the villagers. He himself did not eat anything before all of the villagers had eaten their fill. He felt bad for them, as there had been noone there to guide them.

"Thank you so much my lord … I had never thought the bark could be eaten like this! You have safed our lives!" After eating, the old man came up to Henry with tears in his eyes. He was truly thankful for everything, and Henry could clearly see that the old man was not the only happy one.

"Don't worry! From now on, let's work together!" Henry said, as he had finally taken a portion of food himself.

They all just looked at Henry with admiring gazes.

At this moment Henry didn't really pay anymore attention to them, as he himself had gotten quite hungry. So he just decided to focus on the food, as he started eating. "Blurgh!" As soon as the food touched his mouth, he made a weird sound. 'This is terrible, i need to find something better to eat … soon!' He thought, as he kept eating. '

[Leadership +1]

This notification was the last thing he saw, before he wanted to go to his bed, and sleep. He was figuring that it happened because of the way he had handled the villagers. It was still weird to him, as he had not really done anything. He decided he did not want to worry about it, as he had lots of other things to worry about.