
Legend In Another World

A man in his mid 30's dies in a tragic accident in his normal world. He dreamed of being something special, which the god heard. He got transmigrated to a new world, with a sword and magic, something he had never dreamed of. Wanting to make himself a legend, he starts on a journey, where he will save and destroy lives. Follow the story of a transmigrated named Henry, who will be building his own legend in another world.

MasterSpearmaster · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 3

The night quickly went by, as he now woke up to his second day in this world. He had a lot of things to do, to make this small village, worth to live in. His guess was, that as soon as it was decent to live in the city, more people might want to come and live here.

As he walked out from his own little home, he saw that everyone was already waiting at the well, eagerly talking. It was obvious they were quite excited to have their leader back.

"Good morning everyone! It seems like you have all slept well?" Henry started by doing a small greeting to everyone. They all just nodded at him, and waited for the orders to come.

"Okay, let us begin the work! I want 2 of you, to go gather as many fruits like the ones I brought back yesterday! Then another 2 to go find some bark that is decently edible!" Henry started his orders straight away. His goal was to get as much food gathered as soon as possible.

"Then I want to know if we have anyone who is skilled in wood cutting, preparing food or making tools?" Henry continued, he needed these things before they could develop any further.

Four of the 110 people there then stood up, as they all had experience in one of the things he had said. Two of them were women, and they both had some experience in cooking. Henry made them the ones responsible for cooking the food.

The other two were two big men. One of them stood around 2 meters tall, while the other was around 1,90 meters tall.

The guy at 1,9 meters told Henry that he had previously been a blacksmith before he came to this small village, so he had some experience in making tools.

The one at two meters tall said he had some experience in blacksmithing too. He was much younger than the other one, so he did not want him to be a toolmaker with him.

"Do you have any skills with weapons?" Henry suddenly asked the bigger man, as he looked like someone with an enormous amount of strength.

"I do … As I was a blacksmith, I always went to the back of the shop when I had made a weapon, and practiced with it! I had always wanted to be a fighter!" He said. He always wanted to be someone that protected the weak, but his parents had always been against it.

'Analyze' Henry thought, as he looked at the big man in front of him.

[Analyzing …]

[Analazys complete]


Name: Bruno

Race: Human

Age: 29

Title: Villager

Occupation: None

Secondary occupation: None

Level 8

Health: 200/200

Mana: 40/40

Strength: 20

Dexterity: 5

Constitution: 10

Intelligence: 1

Charisma: 9

Leadership: 1


Sword mastery level 3





Special traits:

superhuman strength


He seemed to be someone he could easily use as a soldier. With this amount of strength and constitution, he could easily fight for a long time. Henry knew with his pathetic stats, he would easily be destroyed by Bruno.

"How about this Bruno, I plan to make you my first soldier, as you are quite strong, and have some skill with the sword! In the beginning, though, we don't have any possibility for this, so I will make you our woodcutter first!" Henry said. Henry did not show much emotion, but on the inside, he was quite excited to have a talent like this in the village.

"We now know who is in charge of cooking, making tools, and cutting wood. The trouble is we don't have the toolmaker shop! So that is the next task on the agenda!" Henry said as he pulled out the blueprint of the toolmaker shop.

[Toolmaker shop tier 1

size: 10x10 meters

Needed materials: 25x wood, 10x stone]

The materials needed were not a problem, as there was plenty of stone to gather around here, and the wood could easily be cut down by Bruno.

"Bruno and Gary(The toolmaker's name), you two go and build the toolmaker! This is the blueprint, and it should be built over there!" Henry ordered as he show the blueprint of the toolmaker shop and pointed to the outskirts of his territory.

"Got it!" Bruno replied immediately as he went to the woods and started to cut it down immediately. While Gary went to the side and started to gather whatever stone he could in the vicinity of the territory.

"You two" Henry said as he pointed at the two chefs he had seen earlier. "First you go help gather some materials for food, when you have enough, I want you to start cooking a meal we can eat later!" Henry ordered. He felt good being in charge, and also felt he was doing pretty well.

He now had 6 of his 10 people put to work. The rest of the people didn't know what to do yet. Henry searched through his blueprints, trying to find something useful, more specifically, he was looking for a blueprint of a warehouse. They needed a place to stock all their materials.

"Bingo!" It did not take him long before he found the tier-one warehouse. It was not really a warehouse. It was more of a spot, with a roof over it, so the materials wouldn't get wet.

[Warehouse tier 1

size: 15x15 meters

Materials needed: 15x wood. ]

Henry wanted to place the warehouse close to where the toolmaker was. He had a plan of making the area where most of the industrial buildings would be placed.

"The rest of you go and build the warehouse!" Henry ordered once again as he pointed to the spot beside the toolmaker shop.

He chose to use more people for this task, as he knew the toolmaker would be an easy job for Bruno and Gary. They were already skilled in working, and Bruno had the brutal ability to fell a tree in a single hit, with a stone axe.

Henry did not do anything either, as he wanted to start making the farmland. He chose the area at the opposite end of where he made the toolmaker shop.

Looking at the blueprint of the farmland, he thought that it was quite simple and easy to make.

[Farmland tier 1

Materials needed: 10x wood

size: 25x25 meters

Need seeds

Needs Hoe to farm this land]

Ten wood was not really a problem, Henry could easily go out and cut that down himself. He did need the toolmaker to make some hoes before he could do any farming though as well as some seeds.

As he went to cut down the trees, to make the farmland. He had the thought in the back of his head, to see if he could find any seeds that could be planted. He knew that if he did, it was not a lot he would find, but with time, it would become more and more.

To his dismay, every plant he found and analyzed was just some common weeds that were completely useless in the sense they couldn't be farmed in any way.

"Seems like we will be living on fruit and bark for a while …" He mumbled in a low and disappointed tone.

After finishing the farm he was building, he went to where the toolmaker and warehouse were being built. He saw that the toolmaker shop stood complete with Gary inside.

"I see that you have finished the toolmaker, nicely done!" Henry said as he came in front of Gary.

"Yes … we finished not long ago! Is there anything you want me to do?" Gary answered with an excited look. He had always had a passion for blacksmithing, so getting back to making tools made him excited. It might not be blacksmithing, but he still enjoyed the process.

"Yes, there is actually! Could you make me ten hoes and five spears?" The hoes were obviously for farming. He wanted the spears, both for hunting some animals, as well as having them to defend against the bandits that may come back sometime soon.

"Yes, sir! I will get right to it!" As he said that, he started to get his job finished immediately.

Henry then left the toolmaker shop and decided to go see how the warehouse was coming along. He saw that Bruno had gone over to help them cut down the last pieces of wood they needed. which made the process almost finished at the moment, as they were just putting the last pieces of wood together.

"I see that the warehouse has now been completed!" Henry came over to comment as he saw the finishing touches were made. "Go get some food, and rest up for a little while! After that, I have some more tasks for you to do!" Henry continued as he looked at the people there.

"Yes, sir!" The four people who had been tasked with making the warehouse immediately said, as they were all quite tired.

"I am not tired …" The big man Bruno said. He was not covered in sweat in the same way the four others were. He had not strained himself in any way.

"Hmmm, all I want you to do, is cut down trees and gather as much wood as possible, before it becomes winter!" Henry said. He noticed that Bruno was not the most intelligent man, but he was a good worker. He didn't want Bruno to do any of the harder tasks, as it would probably not be too successful.