
Legacy of the White Dragon : Dance of the Dragons

Jon Snow dies after killing Daenerys and is sent back to the Time of Dance of The Dragons. Jon Snow is reborn as Aemon Targaryen son of Baelon Targaryen and Lyanna Stark.

HeroDuT1998 · Book&Literature
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Chapter 22: The Union of the Three Heads, and Union of Hightower and Targaryen - Part 3

Here we go, an update just before House of Dragon Season 2 airs. I hope you will have a good time with episode one and this chapter.

Aemon Targaryen (107 A.C Secondth Moon)

He woke, having slept wondrously, and if he were honest, he couldn't remember when he last did. Perhaps it was the day Ghost returned to him. Although the sight that greeted him upon waking was indeed wondrous, he had to admit that his cock stirred at the sight. Two Valyrian beauties, both with silver hair—his niece with straight hair and Laena with curly locks, both lovely in his eyes.

He didn't want to disturb them, but it was the day after the wedding. They couldn't stay here all they as his brother's marriage to Alicent would start today, another week of feasts, a day of tourney, and another of melee.

His thoughts were interrupted by a yawn. Rhaenyra was waking up. She was still young but a woman in the eyes of the world. She had bled, signifying her ability to bear children. He never held that as a measure of a woman's worth, though in the eyes of the world, it seemed crucial. To bear children for one's husband and continue the family line. As he looked at Rhaenyra, her purple eyes with shades of blue reminded him of Aemma. He hoped she approved wherever she was now. 

He traced her back, following her spine, he kissed her, their tongues dancing. "Husband," she murmured, snuggling closer to his chest after the kiss. "Wife," he responded, trailing his fingers down her back.

Then he moaned as he felt her touch at his cock. "Rhaenyra." "You dislike it, husband?" Rhaenyra said, licking her lips. "What man would?" he replied.

"Well, my husband, were you two starting without me?" Laena was woken by the commotion. "Sorry, love, our wife was hungry it seems," he said, kissing her. He gave another moan as Rhaenyra increased her efforts, and Laena smirked, moving to touch his balls.

"Oh, my loves, you both are wonderful," he said as they finished pleasuring him. Not wanting to seem unappreciative, his finger slipped into Rhaenyra, and she went over to suck his cock as it reached its peak. She took it all, falling wondrously with her mouth around his cock.

"Like that, husband, your little niece around your cock. A pity we can't ride it yet," Laena said in Valyrian, making her words sound even more seductive. He kissed her passionately at that, and she returned it in kind.

"Well, I must say, husband, your seed is something I could have every day. In my mouth or otherwise," Rhaenyra said in a seductive tone. It seemed his niece was becoming more outspoken in her feelings. He didn't mind; he liked this side of her. "Oh, wife, on that, we can agree," Laena said, leaning over to kiss Rhaenyra, who, if a man needed more drive to lay with a woman, saw his wife kissing in front of him, both naked, lying on his chest.

"Well, I had a good morning. I have an idea I would like to try if you both are inclined. To make sure you are both pleasured at the same time," he said. They stopped, a pity, but in truth, he didn't mind. "Oh, husband, what do you have in mind?" Laena questioned as he looked at him expectantly, as did his niece.

"Well, I'll use my tongue on one of you. While I'm busy with either of you, the one not receiving my attention will please the other one. Fine idea?" he asked, turning a bit red when he posed the question. He had no idea if they would like the idea or not.

"Oh," they both said, also turning as red as him. "I like the idea. I wouldn't mind pleasuring you, Rhae," Laena said, looking toward Rhaenyra. "True, I suppose we should learn now, as our husband will be leaving us soon, so we will be unsatisfied for a while," Rhaenyra said with a proud, almost mocking tone, but he only laughed, kissing her as he started tickling her in protest. Making her laugh, and Laena joined in, but she started to move down Rhaenyra's belly until she was at their wife's cunt. She started to kiss it and work it with her fingers, and Rhaenyra let out a moan.

"Well, it seems our wife likes it. Shall we do now, Laena?" She stopped and nodded toward him, and he grinned. He kissed her down from her neck until he kissed his wife's firm ass. It took some strength not to claim Laena, as his cock was more than ready for another round. 'No, not yet. A lifetime is more worth waiting'. So instead, he started to work on his wife's cunt with his tongue.

He kissed her, licked her folds; she was already wet when he kissed her. Oh, she tasted divine; he growled a little when he did. Letting out moans as he worked her cunt, he thrust his fingers into her warm channel. After some time, he felt both his wives becoming undone. He tasted Laena's juices as she came, and he was sure she did the same with Rhaenyra.

He went over to both of them, kissing them as they lay on the bed full of sweat and the smell of sex. He kissed Laena first, and he could taste Rhaenyra on her as he slipped a finger inside her wet cunt, making her moan and grin. "So, did you enjoy our wife?" he asked as he rubbed her cunt, making her answer under strain, "Yes, very." "Good," he said with a grin, bending over toward Rhaenyra. Leaving Laena whimpering with displeasure as he pulled out of her wet cunt. He laughed as he saw Laena's face.

He growled as he kissed one of Rhaenyra's breasts and kissed her with passion. "So, Niece, how was it having your wife at your cunt?" he said as he stopped kissing. "Yes," she panted with pleasure, dipping a finger in as well. Just as wet as Laena.

"Oh, as much as I would like to do this all day, I think we all could use a bath. Not the first day of celebrations for my brother's wedding. I suppose good father now as well for me," he said with a chuckle. "Oh, my Rhae, your father is your good brother now as well," Laena said with a smirk, leaving Rhaenyra with a groan, pulling the cushion over her head.

He laughed as he stepped out of his bed, grabbing both his wives' asses. They both yelped in playful annoyance. He walked toward his closet and pulled out one of his morning robes.

He walked toward the door and opened it, where, as usual, his steward in the castle was waiting to take his orders. "A bath for three, bring comfortable clothes for my wives that they might wear for breakfast," he said to his steward Salwin Pole, who nodded and left with his orders. He also saw his guards waiting on either side of the door. They dared to laugh, and it was more fun for him because he was quite sure they were them, just not if not tonight. As the drunkenness made a bid lowered, lucky he only felt a little worn from yesterday.

"Well, my loves, a bath will come soon, I suppose it will be nice. Oh, I want to take you both to Winterfell one day. Bathing in the hot springs and or bath in the ones in Sea dragon Point is probably the best in the realm. Or I suppose the Valyrian ones I built in Seadragon Point are, I can't choose," he said longingly.

"After the war, my love, we'll travel so we may also be wed in the name of your mother's gods. Although, I thought I would love to marry on Dragonstone as well before you leave, in the tradition of the Valyrians. The three of us together," Rhaenyra said as she sat up in bed. He smiled; he would like it, he thought of it as well. It warmed his heart Rhaenyra had the same feeling. They both looked at Laena, as it seemed Rhaenyra noticed his smile when she sounded her wish.

"It would bring me joy as well; it would bring the three parts of all together. Valyrian, First Men, and Andal all would have been represented." Well, Andal, I suppose he was from his great-great-grandmother Lady Alyssa Velaryon.

Waiting for the bath, he came and sat at his desk, looking longingly at his wives. He was truly happy, and soon he would leave this happiness. He was going to war, to protect the kingdom, his family, and them most of all. Now he supposed until he held his child in his arms, they would be the most important things in his life.

Not much later, a knock came, "Come in," he said, after Laena and Rhaenyra had covered themselves under the covers. The maids and servants brought in the water. After they had filled the bronze tub with water, they were sent away. He also ordered a larger one brought to his chambers. One that could house three people so they could bathe together.

"Mmm," he murmured when he lay down in the bath. Laena came in with him first and cheekily laid against his chest. 'Why, woman!' he thought. Oh, they weren't making it easy on him. "Well, Laena, is our husband a nice pillow," Rhaenyra asked also climbing in. Just like Laena, she snuggled against him. To be honest, he didn't mind. Dragons should be together.

He was sure how long they lay together in the tub, and after some time, they started cleaning each other. As their peaceful wedding bliss was passing away.



Family dining hall.

He walked into the hall with both his wives in hand. Rhaenyra and Laena were both dressed in the same black and red dress, with his personal sigil of a white dragonwolf embroidered upon it. They both looked stunning. He decided to match it, wearing a black doublet with red, proudly displaying the dragonwolf.

"Ah, the newlyweds! It seems you all are pleased," his brother questioned. He nodded, and so did his wives, who also nodded with smiles. "Well, how joyous it is! We leave one festivity for another," his brother said with happiness. The man was easily happy, or turned to anger, or turned in a direction you wanted, although his marriage to Alicent wasn't one of them.

"Well, I'm happy my gooddaughters are happy. Aren't you, Vis? You got some sisters now," his mother asked his sister. "Yeah, I would love more family. Also, it makes Aemon stay, so he doesn't have to leave. Right, Muna?" She asked as she looked at their mother.

"Sorry, honey. Aemon is going to fight for us. For the family, he will come. He has Balerion to watch out for him, as well as Corlys, Laenor, and Harrold," his mother said in an effort to comfort his sister.

She still pouted and shook her head in irritation. He walked over to her, as Laena and Rhaenyra took their seats at the table. He knelt at her seat. "Hey Vis, remember I will always be with you. Your brother, no matter where we are, we are always together. We are connected like we are with our dragons and our wolves. Now give me a hug, and let's enjoy our breakfast," he said with a smile.

She grabbed him around the neck and hugged him tightly. "I miss you," she said weakly. "Hey, don't forget to take care of Rickon and Muna, okay? As well as your new sisters when away," he said, giving her a bright smile. "Yes, I will be a big dragon; I'll protect them with fire," Visenya said proudly.

The rest of the dinner was relaxed, as everyone was still happy about the previous night. Although Rhaenyra still seemed to be frosty toward her father. However, he couldn't blame her. Alicent was Rhaenyra's best friend, and her father would marry her. If she only knew about him and her, her wrath would be full. But that was a card he wouldn't play unless the winds of war were rising.


Otto Hightower (107 A.C Secondth Moon)

Here he sat at the high table, where he should have sat during the previous feast. But no, he wasn't yet family, even if he was the hand he sat at the lower table with his daughter. Now, though, he sat at the main table. The work gets his family, Andal, and faithful blood on the Throne. His blood will sit on the throne. Even if Viserys still had Aemon as his heir, even then surely he would name his firstborn son to the throne when he was born. His daughter was young and strong; soon enough, the realm would hear of a child in the queen's belly.

His daughter sat beside the king in the center of the table. She looked dutiful, and on occasion, she looked happy. Her happiness was something he hoped would come from future children and becoming the Queen at the end of the week. She was a comely girl, her red-brown hair, and her graceful body had made her a desirable maid. He turned down occasional offers; the time invested in this union and work on becoming had been far too great to accept.

Then it was time for the gifts to arrive. The first ones up were the other council members. Lord Beesbury brought a book, "The Life of Queen Alysanne," a thoughtful but minor gift. Lord Strong brought a cape with the Hightower and above it, the red dragon of House Targaryen, a better gift. Still, he didn't like the thought of House Hightower being lower than the dragon. The new master of the ship, Ser Tyland Lannister, brought a form from the gold gallery, a gold cup with engravings of the Hightower and dragon upon it.

Then came the former master of the ship, Corlys. "My Lord, my King, and future Queen. May yours be a happy union. May this gift of mine bring you speed when traveling on the seas; I gifted you a travel Galley." Corlys said and bowed. "A wonderful gift, it will be a great help traveling around the realm Lord Corlys, and a reminder of your loyal service," Viserys said, joyfully.

Aemon came up; he bowed down. Behind him stood Harrold, holding a box. "Brother, although I had my reservations about the match. I am more than confident that Lady Alicent will be a great queen to the realm and a future goodsister." Aemon said with a clipped tongue. Alicent, though, smiled brightly at Aemon; she always liked him too much, and of late, she seemed to be even more drawn to him.

"Thank you, brother, it's good to hear you say so. I appreciate your support. More than any other, except my daughter," Viserys said, with a smile. Of course, he did; Viserys always liked his brother and named him heir in front of the entire realm. Then the man broke Andal traditions and pushed upon the realm this marriage system for the heir and king, a Valyrian custom. What left his own daughter in danger of being replaced by another queen. The thought irritated him to no end, although he was pretty sure Aemon, nor Rhaenyra would let him.

Aemon pulled him out of his thoughts, "Harrold, please come forward, and open the chest." Then Harrold opened the chest. In it was a crown, on it was Dragons and Hightower engravings, and the metal was Valyrian steel. It had a look of green, white, and red. The centerpiece of the crown was a dragon circling a Hightower. The rest of the crown had six gemstones, one white, two red, one green, one black, and one grey. It was a wondrous piece, he grudgingly admitted. Aemon took the crown and showed it throughout the Throne room; people in the crowd gasped in awe. "May you be crowned with it, and show the union of Hightower and Targaryen," he said and bowed toward the king and Alicent. Alicent herself had tears in her eyes at the gift. "A gracious gift brother. A true gift for the new Queen," Viserys said, with a bright smile. "Thank you, Aemon, a true gift. I will cherish it every time I wear it," Alicent said with a smile, a bit too enthusiastically for his liking. Doesn't she understand that Aemon will kill her children the moment Viserys dies? He smiled faintly and gave Aemon a nod.

After some time, people moved around as dancing started. After Alicent danced with her husband, a less eccentric one than Aemon had with his wives. After that, other people joined in the dance and changed partners, but he didn't join.

After some time, his daughter danced with Aemon, and it seemed, for the first time, she genuinely smiled. He sighed as she did; true enough, if his daughter was married to Aemon, it would have been better for her. A man closer in age and arguably a stronger man, maybe with more prestige than the king himself. But Viserys could be controlled and hope the same with the children of the union.

Not much later, the stool beside him creaked. "Otto, a wonderful day for your daughter, isn't it? As well as my brother, a new queen for the realm. A true maid and the blood of the dragon will run true in her future children." It was Aemon who had seated down and spoken after he did. "Yes, a new chapter for the crown," he said, with a smirk, but he also wanted to punch Aemon's smirk from his face. Why was he so happy; that his sister wasn't going to be queen?

"Well, Lord Hand, I'm sure it will be. Two royal marriages, a war in the Stepstones. The realm will change forever, how can it not?" Aemon said. Yes, and he would make damn sure, together with his house, your damn marriage would never be accepted. The realm will rally around the faith, and magic, unseemly, and unnatural things will be rooted out.

"Yes, changes that will forever change the realm for sure, my prince," he said, and he would make sure it would be for the betterment of his house and line. A true king who would help uphold Andal traditions and the faith.

Alicent Hightower (107 A.C Secondth Moon)


The wedding of the day had come. It had been very uncomfortable, but some parts had been lovelier than others. The dancing made her able to dance with the man she wanted to marry for truth. Although it would never be, still in those moments, she was allowed to be happy. Even the dance with her husband wasn't bad; it was one thing she was grateful for was that Viserys was a kind man.

The door opened, and in stood her father. She swallowed hard; she always was uncomfortable during these moments. "A daughter you are very comely. The colors of our house are all on display for the world to see. Soon enough, the realm will be told of you being with child. The king will be happy, and a new heir for the realm, although it has been a boy, though. Even if the first one isn't one, the second or third can always be," her father said, and she looked and picked her fingers in nervousness.

"Stop that," her father said, as he took her hand in his. "This is the day our family has been waiting for, and how many more houses want what you are now given. Remember your duty and give the king an heir, and one day our blood will sit on the throne. Do you understand, say it," he spoke sternly.

"Yes, father, I will do my duty," she answered in a timid voice. But the child I carry won't be the kings. Although it would be in the future when Aemon would ascend. The child of the man she was in love with, although she knew Aemon did not love her like she wanted to. Nor would it ever be like that. But she would cherish every small part she could get.

Her father left her after that. When Rhaenyra walked in, she swallowed, nervous as her late friend and future stepdaughter walked through the door. She wore a black and red dress, with a white embroidered dragonwolf on the sigil of her husband. "We haven't talked much since the announcement. It's partially my fault; I wasn't sure what to think of the entire situation. I'm not sure why you did what you did. But I understand why you didn't tell me that you had visited my father. He asked me the same when I was supposed to marry Aemon, not to tell anyone" Rhaenyra said with a sad smile.

"True, I wanted to tell you, but Father said I couldn't, that you wouldn't understand. I'm sorry for the pain I caused; I never wanted to replace your mother nor will I." She looked down at the floor. Part shame, and sadness.

"I know, nor do I think anyone ever could, nor would I want to lose my friend. I want to trust you again and get my friend back. I just don't know how to maybe… Rhaenyra trailed off but spoke. "Alicent, I want to ask you a question; I suppose the only way I know how to trust you again is if you are honest," Rhaenyra said in a low voice.

What is she going to ask me? "Alicent, are you in love with Aemon?" Out of all the questions, she did not expect. Well, perhaps she should; she had a flow on Balerion with him. Also had been very close with him. "Yes," she croaked, then she was enveloped in a hug.

"I know, and I hope you can find some happiness with my father," Rhaenyra said in the hug. "I hope so as well. Thank you for this; I don't want to lose you." She, in response, tried to keep the tears she felt coming at bay.

"Well, shall we go; have you wed, sister. You will be, in truth, my father is now also my goodbrother. Although you were always my sister." Rhaenyra said and held out her arm to her. She nodded, and they both walked toward the carriage.

After a short ride, they arrived at the Sept. Rhaenyra and stepped out first, "The Princess Rhaenyra, and soon-to-be Queen Alicent Hightower." A voice announced although she couldn't hear who said it. She took a breath and walked out; her father was waiting for her and had for the first time seen a smile on his face, and seemed to be a genuine one although she couldn't tell for true.

Rhaenyra walked into the sept taking her place, and she walked toward her father who would soon give her away to her new husband. He took her arm, as she was guided toward the central point of the Sept where. Her future husband stood waiting. After they arrived, Viserys smiled at her, and she gave one back, as her heart pounded in her chest. Her father left and stepped back to watch with the rest of the Hightower family.

Aemon stood beside his wives, and at his back stood the Targaryen family, and members of House Velaryon. The rest of the Sept was filled with high nobles, instead of the thousands of commoners who also witnessed the wedding of Aemon. Then her attention was pulled away as the High Septon started to speak.

"Your grace, Princesses, and my Prince. Lords and Ladies, we are here today to witness the union of man and wife." The proclaimed loudly. "Our gracious King Viserys Targaryen shall take to wife the Lady Alicent Hightower, daughter of our Hand of The King." The man proclaimed. He then bound them in one.

"My King, you place the bride under your protection." The High Septon said. Viserys undid her Hightower of Grey, White, and Green and replaced it with a Targaryen one of Black and Red. She was almost Alicent of House Hightower and Targaryen. Then they spoke the words that would make it true. "Father, Smith, Maiden, Warrior, Crone, Stranger I'm his, he is mine until this day until the end of my days." She spoke the words in union with Viserys.

"Let it be known that Alicent Hightower and Viserys Targaryen are one heart, one flesh, one soul. Cursed be he who would seek to tear them asunder." High Septon spoke, and then her little one, now a woman was wed, and a queen. "With this kiss, I pledge my love," Viserys spoke and took her face in his hand, although one of his fingers was wrapped in a cloth from a wound. His kiss was soft and brief, and she was called; the main spectacle was over. Then applause from the crowd came, as they broke apart.

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Thank you all for the read.

Next part will be a planning episode for the Stepstones War.

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