
Legacy of the White Dragon : Dance of the Dragons

Jon Snow dies after killing Daenerys and is sent back to the Time of Dance of The Dragons. Jon Snow is reborn as Aemon Targaryen son of Baelon Targaryen and Lyanna Stark.

HeroDuT1998 · Book&Literature
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Chapter 19: Fallout of secrets

Alicent Hightower (107 A.C. First Moon)


She hurriedly pursued her friend, a pang of hurt mirrored in her own heart. The revelation about Aemon's impending marriage to Rhaenyra as well had blindsided her, a secret she hadn't been a part of, Rhaenyra nor Aemon had told her about it. The tears welled up, threatening to spill over. Fortunately, the discussion about Aemon was mercifully brief, sparing her from breaking down completely.

The savior of the moment arrived in the form of her future husband, publicly announcing their impending union to the council and onlookers present. She had deceived him the night before, strategically leaving traces of blood and coaxing him into sowing his seed, not inside or having laid with her at all, as he was drunk enough not to notice. However, the king believed he claimed her maidenhead but in reality, it would always be Aemon who had claimed it. In an act of love and kindness for her, she would hold with her forever.

"Rhaenyra, please, let me talk to you," she pleaded, desperate to mend the bonds of sisterhood. "Don't, you betray me when we're planning to tell if at all?" Rhaenyra shot back when they faced each other in front of the weirwood.

"Betrayed? You didn't tell me you were marrying Aemon," she retorted, her heartache palpable. "My father, your future husband, commanded me not to," Rhaenyra hissed in return.

"For your information, the king commanded me the same," she revealed, and a sob escaped Rhaenyra. The weight of their secrets and unspoken truths hung heavily in the air.

"Why? How did this happen? How long has it been going on? How long have you been seeing my father behind my back?" Rhaenyra demanded answers, each accusation piercing her.

Unable to reveal her father's coercion or even the duration of the clandestine affair, she faltered. "Nothing, huh? Well, my future queen, when you remember, you can tell me," Rhaenyra declared before storming away, leaving her alone in front of the weirwood to confront her decisions and mourn the friendship that seemed irreparably damaged.

"Alicent?" Aemon's voice sounded, a sad smile playing on his lips. "It was my brother you were talking about, wasn't it?" he asked sympathetically. She nodded, and he walked over, enfolding her in a comforting embrace.

"I'm sorry. I know you didn't want to lie, just as I didn't want to about the marriage to Rhaenyra," he confessed, kissing her forehead. Then, a question hung in the air. "Did you sleep with my brother?" She shook, denouncing it.

"Well, that's a relief. We can still halt the marriage then," he asserted, surprising her. "What? Aemon, it can't be. He believes we did," she sobbed into his chest.

"Why?" he asked, furrowing his brow. As she explained the intricacies of the deceptive plan, he listened attentively. Telling her she couldn't as he was too much in her mind. Also, she wasn't ready. "I'm sorry, I wish it could have been different. So you could have a say in your life. you did your duty to your family. I can't fault you for something I have done for as long as I can remember. Just remember, Alicent, you're to become my good-sister, family. If you need a friend or help, know that you can come to me. Just like I said two days ago," he assured her with a kiss on her forehead before leaving her. As he departed, he added, "I'll go and see what I can do for Rhaenyra. Perhaps it'll help her see things she didn't before."

Rhaenyra Targaryen (107 A.C. First Moon)

Oh, that traitorous bitch The anger still burned in her, recalling the conversation in the sept. "What if your father were to remarry," she had said. The memory of sitting in front of her bed, sobbing instead of reveling in the joy of her marriage announcement, haunted her. Betrayed by her father and best friend, she wept.

A knock interrupted her thoughts. "Rhae, it's me. Open up," came Aemon's voice—the one person she longed to see. She stood, opened the door, and uttered, "Aemon..." in a sob, collapsing into his chest. He closed the door, and they sat on the bed. Tears flowed, and then he spoke.

"Rhaenyra, your father is to blame for not stopping it or telling you. We are no different. We didn't tell her about us," Aemon confessed, and the truth struck her. She hadn't confided in her friend about Aemon, consumed by her own struggles during her time with her father and then a man mourning his wife.

"Did you know she's in love with you?" she asked, realizing her feelings too.

"I know. She told me a few days ago, after Alicent and I went on a dragon ride," Aemon said with a sad smile. Alicent on a dragon ride? She had always denied her that pleasure. Love, it seemed, could bend even the most resolute denials.

"Alicent rode on Balerion with you?" she questioned, and he nodded. "Well, I had to accompany her to the Sept first, considering my feelings toward the faith*."

He chuckled, recognizing the similarities between their experiences with Alicent. "Tit for tat, niece. Alicent enjoyed the ride, and I'm sure she would join you now. It's our duty, as much as your father's, to integrate into our family. She will be your stepmother, and it's up to us to help her," Aemon declared, holding her. Nestled against his warm chest, her worries melted away.

"I will try, but I won't promise anything," she replied, gazing into his grey-purple eyes.

"Good, that's all I need, my future wife," he said, sealing his words with a kiss. Smiles exchanged, they soon found themselves lying on the bed, lost in a passionate kiss. Time slipped away as their connection deepened.

His hands explored her body, and hers reciprocated. His strength, particularly in his arms, evoked the power of Smith forging metal. A sudden realization made her blush as they broke the kiss—his hardness pressed against her in his breeches.

"Did you feel something, my love?" he inquired, and joy surged within her. She leaped on him, peppering his face with kisses. Laughter escaped him. "What did I say to get such a reaction?" he queried, a smile playing on his lips.

"'My love' does the trick, and I do love you too," she confessed, sealing it with another kiss. Lost in each other, time became irrelevant. In his arms, her pains vanished, and she basked in the warmth of her beloved.

Laenor Velayron (107 A.C. First Moon)


Measter had arrived, with a letter from his father and future brother-in-law, and best friend. He started to read and ended in a bit of shock.

My son,

I ride on the events of in the capitol.

The last via days have been a mess of chaos and change. To start of with some good news, your sister and Prince Aemon seemed to have a strong bond of love and respect. It warms my heart to see them together, and the match will make both houses proud.

The other good news is that the crown has granted me leave for an attack on the Stepstones, and it will be sponsored by the crown. Prince Aemon shall join the war effort and has placed the resources of Seadragon Point and Dragonstone up for use in this venture. I wanted you to start preparing for it, enlist your brother, and tell him I accept his request to become Aemon man.

The last thing, your sister, with Prince Aemon and Princess Rhaenyra confronted Daemon on Dragonstone and were able to make him back down. It will soon return to the hands of the rightful holder Prince Aemon of Dragonstone.

He smiled when read it his sister and future good-brother seemed to be in good spirits. Also, it seemed that arrogant piece shit Daemon had been brought low.

Unfortunately, that is where the good news ends, I have to say. Your sister will not be the only wife of Aemon. Princess Rhaenyra will also become his wife, and his graces have instituted a new law. Called the dragon has three heads. On the basis of the doctrine of Exceptionalism make it legal.

He has written a contract that states that either way, our blood will sit on the throne one day. The other thing is the foolishness of our king, he decided to take a new wife.

As many people around the realms suspected that would be Visenya the king's own sister. Also, her age would allow the realm to heal from the queen's passing. But our King has decided to marry Lady Alicent Hightower.

It seems our Lord Hand has shot his daughter at the king and hit its target. The realm will have a new queen, a week after the wedding of Aemon, Laena, and Rhaenyra. The shall wed the Hightower girl.

See you in two weeks son, then we shall discuss the expedition to the Stepstone further. I proud of how you handle yourself, it seems the time in Seadragon Point has raised you up.

Lord Corlys Velaryon,

Lord the Tights,

Master of Driftmark,

Master of Ships,

Why had Aemon not told him about it, but most likely he had been commanded not to? He trusted his brother in all but name, and he would hurt Laena without reason. So he trusted his future good-brother and brother not to dishonor his sister.

 Then he opened the letter of his brother.

My Dearest brother Laenor,

I trust this letter reaches you in good health and high spirits. The events unfolding in the capital have set the stage for significant changes, and I feel compelled to share them with you openly and honestly.

To begin on a positive note, our sister Laena and I at least in my opinion are in good strides and very happy with each other. The upcoming wedding and finally joining our hearts one.

Now, to the more pressing matters. My brother has been granted leave for an expedition to the Stepstones. I am to be part of the leadership the war effort, and both Seadragon Point and Dragonstone shall contribute their resources to this venture.

There is, however, a development that weighs heavily on my heart and requires your understanding. A new law, named "The Dragon Has Three Heads," has been instituted by the crown. It mandates a union not only with Laena, my beloved but also with Princess Rhaenyra. Know that this decision was not made by my own will, and my commitment to Laena remains unwavering. I would never willingly cause her pain or dishonor our family.

I also had a confrontation with Dragonstone, Laena, along with Rhaenyra, successfully convinced Daemon to step down. Soon, Dragonstone will rightfully return to my hands. It was hard, but I do think Daemon might come around. Or at least he considering his options.

In the midst of these events, my brother the King has made a surprising choice for his new queen – Lady Alicent Hightower. It seems Otto has succeeded in his machinations, and the realm will soon witness a new royal wedding, a week after mine with Laena and Rhaenyra. Alicent shall wed my brother.

I look forward to our reunion in two weeks for the wedding.

Until we meet again, my chosen brother.

Prince Aemon Targaryen,

Prince of Dragonstone,

Lord of Seadragon Point,

Heir to the Iron Throne,


"Aemon" he murmured as he read the letter, he wasn't sure but it seemed his brother wasn't unable to not get in situations, that wouldn't cause trouble.

"Nephew, in any news from Kingslanding?" Vaemond asked intrigued. Then he explained what happened and his uncle shook his head. "It seemed we are finally going to show dogs of the Narrow Sea who rule in the seas and the sky." His uncle said with a grin.

"Soon enough they will make ready the army, we stand as always, The Old, the True, the Brave." He said speaking his house words. "The Old, the True, the Brave," His uncle said lifting his cup.


Jason Lannister (107 A.C. First Moon)

Casterly Rock

That fucking letter he just read had seen him raging. The fucking crown prince would marry two Valyrians two. What kind of madness was this, his chance of gaining a Valyrian bride for his family was slipping away.

He was getting older, and his closest bride was slipped through his fingers. Only Visenya Targaryen remained he read the letter again.

To the esteemed Lords and Ladies of the Realm,

By the light of the moon and the grace of the Seven, I, Viserys Targaryen, sit upon the Iron Throne as the rightful ruler of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men. With great joy and anticipation, I hereby decree momentous tidings that shall shape the future of House Targaryen and the Kingdoms over which we hold sway.

The words dripped with royal arrogance, and he couldn't help but scoff.

In the turn of the moon, my Brother and Heir, Prince Aemon Targaryen, shall enter into matrimony with the esteemed Lady Laena of House Velaryon. A union destined to forge alliances and strengthen the bonds that tie our noble houses together. To add further luster to this joyous occasion, my daughter, blood of my blood, shall join in marriage with my Heir, ensuring a lineage that echoes the ancient prophecies. Henceforth, a new law shall be established, bearing the name "A Dragon Has Three Heads," a doctrine of Exceptionalism that fortifies the prosperity of House Targaryen and secures the Royal line.

A new law, a new insult to his ambitions.

His chance, slipping away like sand through his fingers.

Furthermore, it is with great pleasure that I announce my own union with Lady Alicent Hightower, daughter of the esteemed Lord Otto Hightower, Hand of the King. The union shall be consecrated one week following the nuptials of Prince Aemon, a celebration befitting the grandeur of the realm.

In the spirit of safeguarding our people and ensuring the free flow of trade in the Narrow Sea, I proclaim an expedition into the Stepstones. To all those brave souls willing to stand by the Crown in this endeavor, assemble at Kingslanding, Seadragon Point, or Driftmark. This noble cause shall be led by the Crown Prince, Prince Aemon Targaryen, and the Master of Ships, Lord Corlys Velaryon.

May the Seven bless this union, and may the winds of fortune guide us in the pursuit of justice and prosperity.

Signed and Sealed by His Grace, King Viserys Targaryen, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm.

Lord Jason Lannister slammed the letter down on the polished surface of his desk, his face twisted in a mix of anger and frustration. The words on the parchment seemed to mock him, each sentence a bitter reminder of missed opportunities and dashed ambitions.

"The fucking Crown Prince," he muttered, the words heavy with disdain. He paced the room, his steps echoing in the silence, a lion caged within the confines of his own thoughts.

"Two Valyrians," he grumbled, his hands clenching into fists. The prospect of securing a Valyrian bride for his family, a goal he had fervently pursued, was slipping away like sand through his fingers.

Viserys Targaryen's grandiose decree seemed like a cruel jest, and Lord Jason found himself caught in the throes of a maddening reality. The union of Prince Aemon and Lady Laena Velaryon, and Princess Rhaenyra was a blow to his aspirations, a blow that resonated deep within him.

"Only Visenya remains," he muttered bitterly, his eyes narrowing as he scanned the letter again. A slim chance, a glimmer of hope, but one that felt elusive.

The proclamation of a new law, "A Dragon Has Three Heads," struck a dissonant chord with Lord Jason. Exceptionalism that fortified House Targaryen's prosperity and secured their royal line – a stark reminder of the widening chasm between his house and the royal family.

As he read about the planned expedition into the Stepstones, the drums of war reverberated in his mind. A decision loomed on the horizon, one that would shape the fate of House Lannister.

"The damn war," he growled, his frustration boiling over. To sit out and spare his men or to throw in his lot with the Sea Snake and that damned Prince Aemon Targaryen – the choices weighed heavily on his mind.

In the dimly lit chamber, Lord Jason Lannister, the lion of Casterly Rock, stood at a crossroads. The game of thrones had dealt him a challenging hand, and the repercussions of his decision would echo through the annals of Westerosi history. The air in the room hung heavy with the tension of impending choices and the inexorable march of time toward conflict.


Aemon Targaryen (107 A.C. First Moon)

He sat in the room, working on writing letters and planning the campaign into the Stepstones. It wouldn't be his first war, but he must be the first at sea. Also, he was the only one who actually had the resources to fight it properly and didn't have to beg for support from ungrateful vassals.

"Son, how are you? The marriages are a good thing for us; they will unite Aemma's bloodline. The Vale will stand with us unless Daemon causes havoc. I saw the edict you wrote—a well-written one, if I might add. Well, it seems the Hightowers are again at the throne. Although I can't say I'm too displeased about my daughter not having to marry Viserys. Alicent and Otto are known players; if perhaps the Lord of Casterly Rock or another lord would pawn off their kin, we would be blind. Now we at least have a roadmap," his mother said when she came walking in.

"Well, to be honest, I do the same. We can talk openly; also, there are no rats around here, only mine. I have made sure no one overheard us. I'm pretty sure the youngest son of House Strong is a Warg. Although he isn't too strong—too much mixing with Riverlanders to have much First Man blood," he said toward his mother with a smile.

"Well, that's good. So it did happen as suspected. Did the Hightower woman come to your chambers?" His mother asked, and to be honest, it was a little awkward to talk about with her.

"Yes, she did, and yes, I made sure to take her maidenhead, it was part of the plan. But seeing Alicent it wasn't as difficult, as I thought it would be. Still feels a betrayal. I felt that she has been controlled, by her father much as you were before. If there's a chance the Hightowers think to besmear my reputation or any of my wives, I can hit them right back. There's a good chance there is already a child in Alicent's belly, she told me she didn't sleep with Viserys, so there is a good chance, that if there is a child it is mine. To be honest, it isn't something I'm proud of doing, but it is something to use in the future. Also, another secret bastard or child of the royal family. Also, the roles between Rhaenyra and Alicent are reversed. The gods must be playing with us," he said as he looked at his mother, more pained, as she stood in front of the desk. He gave a satisfied smile.

"Well done. Perhaps the Hightower woman can even stay on our side if you play it right. Perhaps sleep with her once in a while—the more control you have, the better." his mother said, surprising him. It was one thing bedding someone when he wasn't married, but asking him to bed a married woman while he was married as well was something else. Before he could speak, his mother continued.

"To be honest, speaking like this makes me feel like a hypocrite. I had the same thoughts about Robert, about not staying in the same bed, and now I'm saying my son should do the same. It's true, Alicent is as controlled as I was although I was partly able to escape it twice." she said with a sad smile. It was sad to hear his mother speak like that, thinking she was the same as Robert, and it was true his mother could see herself in Alicent. Well, she wasn't. Robert was a drunken whoremonger who plunged the realm partly into chaos and left the world open for the White Walkers.

"I'm not sure if will sleep with her again, I don't I can. Also, there is a difference between whoremongering for your own lust, and doing a less honorable deed for the realm. Both of my past fathers tried to be honorable, and they both got killed. So I don't think you are a hypocrite. I understood my duty long ago, and Robert never did."

"Thank you for saying that. I suppose you would like to know that Ser Criston has taken up the charge as your sister's shield. Ser Clement has taken up the charge of Rhaenyra. The king was more than happy to allow it considering the rejection of Visenya," she said, ending with a small distaste in her voice.

"As for Criston, I suppose we will have to see, but any insubordination will be punished. If he can stay loyal, he is an asset; if not, who cares truly about a nobody, landless house knight," he said with a smile. True, he liked Criston—a man who had to fight for his place in the world. No wonder if the rumors about Rhaenyra and him were true; he would lash out and have his so-called honor taken. Lashing out and becoming bitter and eventually becoming the kingmaker—probably one of the infamous names of the White Book.

"Yes, for now, he is loyal, and if he stays, perhaps he can become one of the greatest knights in the White Book," his mother said with a smile.

The rest of the evening, they discussed the future and the war in the Stepstones.


He strode down the corridor, flanked by Harrold, his trusted companion, and Farrick, one of the Houseguards from Seadragon Point. Farrick, a recruit handpicked from the ranks of the Seadragon Point Army, was among the chosen hundred. Their destination? The chambers of the king, and the one chosen to ascend the throne was Alicent. The reasons behind her selection were shrouded in uncertainty, and Aemon pondered whether his own intoxicated night with her played a role.

As he approached the king's chambers with Ser Darklyn and Ser Rickard Throne, memories of the latter's actions surged through him. Throne's name alone ignited a fiery resentment within Aemon. But, despite his feelings, He recognized Throne's competence—a loyal and skilled swordsman, unlike the treacherous Allister.

The room was announced, and Ser Darklyn swung the door open. "His Prince Aemon," he declared, and the command to enter was given by his brother's distant voice. He stepped inside to find Viserys engrossed in crafting a Valyrian city model, reminiscent of Balerion's vivid descriptions. Dragonstone's influence was evident, though the design seemed to blend Westerosi and Valyrian elements.

"Good evening, brother," Aemon greeted, taking a seat across from Viserys. The mention of Alicent hung in the air, and Viserys anticipated the purpose of Aemon's visit. "Brother, I suppose you are here about Alicent."

Aemon's frustration surfaced as he questioned Viserys about the secrecy surrounding Alicent and the lack of information shared. "Well, why else? You could at least have told me. How long have you been seeing her, and why tell only Otto? The man was practically grinning throughout the council meeting."

His brother sighed, acknowledging Aemon's concerns. "I knew you would talk me out of it. She was a comfort to me. I forgot my pain when I spoke with her." Spoke, yeah that was all you did. Well don't worry brother, just know she isn't true to you. She loved him and, it made him feel sorry for her. Alicent is being pushed toward the king.

He couldn't deny Alicent's kindness, he knew she would have been kind to Viserys, being dutiful through out the conversations.. "Why her? She is a good person, and a friend, but not a suitable match for a king. Daughter of a second son, landless one at that. The Hightowers may rejoice, but the great lords will be displeased. And now you've pushed our sister toward them." The thought of his sister being pushed by the likes of Jason Lannister, made him gag. Even if Viserys was older then her, he was kind, and it wouldn't be four moons since Aemma's death. They would have had time to form a bond, not being pushed toward Viserys as Alicent had been. 

His brother defended his choice with determination, but Aemon remained unconvinced. "Aemon Visenya is a child, younger than my daughter. I wasn't prepared for it. I made a choice, and I will not step back on it." Well, you can't it would be quite the scandal if you supposedly slept with a woman. Maybe even gotten with child, although it wasn't his brother who but him. Part of a grander plan, and an act of kindness toward a friend.

Aemon, frustrated by his brother's lack of foresight, reminded him of the duty that came with their roles. "Being a king means setting aside personal desires for the realm's greater good. I went along with your plan to marry Rhaenyra, became your heir, dealt with our brother, and lied behind Laena's back. Next time, brother, remember your duty. We are here for the greater good."

With those words, Aemon rose from his chair, leaving Viserys to contemplate the weight of his decisions. As the realm entered its next stage, new maneuvers and strategies would be crucial in the unfolding Game of Thrones.

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Well, the realm reacts. Next chapter the Wedding of Aemon, Rhaenyra, and Laena will happen.

Thanks for the read.

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