
legacy of the forgotten gods

Lost my father in a assassination and my siblings are prodigies destined to rule universes while I'm not, or so I thought. My story begins as I gain the powers of gods that are long forgotten and inherit their legacy, I become their champion and... saviour? The name is Lucien and this is my story to try to become the one who stands above all, to become more powerful than a god

UndeadFallenangel · Fantasy
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43 Chs

the start of a journey

In a haunting symphony of bloodcurdling screams and crackling flames, a young boy's anguished cry of "FATHER!" pierced through the chaos. Flames danced hungrily, reducing the grand mansion to a canvas of destruction. Amidst the turmoil, the boy stood in the garden, tears tracing pathways down his dirt-streaked face.

With reckless abandon, he charged toward the collapsing mansion, a cascade of fiery debris raining around him. Ignoring the searing heat, he reached the front door, his determination unyielding. Spotting a window high above, he surged upwards, his fingers clenching onto the window sill, teeth gritting against the pain of burns.

Through the window, he emerged into an oasis of untouched elegance — a pearly-tiled bathroom. Yet, even its pristine aura couldn't mask the acrid scent of smoke that made his eyes water. Escaping its confines, he sprinted along the hallway, voice slicing through the tumultuous air as he screamed for his father.

But his calls remained unanswered. The boy's search led him through rooms bearing the scars of the inferno, his beautiful hair now charred, his dirt-smeared face a mosaic of despair. Just as his spirit wavered, a gruff voice pierced through the cacophony, reigniting his dwindling hope. "Hold on, I'm almost there," the voice promised.

The boy raced forward, his heart pounding. The voice, honeyed and familiar, drew him like a beacon through the haze of destruction. "Father!" he cried, a renewed surge of energy propelling him onward. He found him at last — a man both handsome and powerful, a warrior who defied age and time.

Yet, his father was not alone. With a heart both heavy and forgiving, the boy rushed to aid his stepmother, trapped and unconscious amidst the wreckage. Rescuing her, the boy felt empathy triumph over his earlier animosity.

Then, a deafening boom echoed, amplifying the building's collapse. A crimson blur dashed by, leaving only a trail of red. "Lucien, take your mother and run!" his father's urgent command pierced the chaos.

Fear took hold, and the boy fled, stepmother's body clutched tightly against his chest. Metallic clashes reverberated behind him, a testament to battles waged by powerful forces. The boy's pulse raced as he sprinted toward a distant light, the source uncertain — salvation or another layer of devastation?

Within the flickering glow, a silhouette emerged, both enigmatic and surreal. "Is that you, God?" the boy wondered, his steps faltering momentarily before determination rekindled. He stumbled into the light, his strength forsaking him as he collapsed before the figure.

His gaze lifted, meeting the eyes of an unexpected savior — his elder brother. Words hung on the boy's lips, an unspoken bond between them. Darkness claimed him, cradling him alongside his stepmother, as the story of bravery, sacrifice, and the unbreakable ties of family found its momentary pause.