
legacy of the forgotten gods

Lost my father in a assassination and my siblings are prodigies destined to rule universes while I'm not, or so I thought. My story begins as I gain the powers of gods that are long forgotten and inherit their legacy, I become their champion and... saviour? The name is Lucien and this is my story to try to become the one who stands above all, to become more powerful than a god

UndeadFallenangel · Fantasy
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43 Chs


In a frenzied dance of clashing power, Lucien's father fought valiantly, every strike fueled by his unyielding determination to safeguard his family. Across the battleground, a masked adversary exuded an aura that left even the seasoned warrior on edge, their strength hidden like an enigma. Uncertainty gnawed at his senses, caution intertwining with dread as he contemplated the thought of confronting this mysterious being.

Arnold, once a stalwart figure known for his valor, had exchanged the battlefield for a life of love and companionship. Settled with a wife and three children, his legacy was that of both a protector and a family man. Yet, beneath his seemingly idyllic existence, he remained one of the most formidable forces on the planet Rudrim.

Among his children, destiny had woven unique paths. His daughter's affinity for both light and darkness drew the attention of the God of Light, Lumina. Gifted and powerful, she embarked on a journey of enlightenment under his tutelage. Arnold's eldest son, a prodigy with the sword, had caught the eye of the mighty Sword God. From the tender age of 3, he wielded the blade, his mastery of sword aura achieved at an astonishing 6 years old.

Then there was Lucien, the middle child, his potential veiled in ordinary existence. Unendowed with extraordinary talents or powers, Lucien was nonetheless cherished by his father. The bond between them defied the confines of special abilities.

In the heart of battle, Arnold's fervor surged. A flicker of realization passed through him—his opponent's might was slightly inferior. A surge of newfound confidence coursed through him, propelling him to press forward with relentless vigor. His strikes intensified, a symphony of force and energy, all directed toward ending the confrontation swiftly.

Yet, unbeknownst to Arnold, a shadowy presence lurked, a dagger clenched in its hand. In a split second, the dagger elongated mid-air, morphing into a sword of malevolent intent. As Arnold pressed on, focused solely on his masked opponent, the deadly sword found its mark, piercing his heart with cruel precision.

Shock gripped Arnold, a gasp torn from his lips. The unknown assailant, hidden in the obscurity of their mask, remained cloaked in ambiguity. A fatal blow dealt, Arnold teetered on the precipice of death. In his final moments, a forbidden technique, stolen from realms beyond, ignited within him. The forbidden power summoned a black hole, an abyss aimed right above his head.

As Arnold fell, the black hole erupted into existence, an unrelenting force of annihilation. Swirling darkness obliterated everything, consuming reality itself. The very ground trembled beneath the cataclysmic might, the masked adversary's fate sealed in its vortex.

But the stranger who had felled Arnold wasn't granted the same grim demise. In a cascade of flickering light, they vanished, escaping the all-consuming pull. Whether the assailant remained alive or succumbed to the obliteration of the multiverse-spanning black hole remained a tantalizing unknown. Thus the end of a great man who fought for his family, there is nothing left to avenge he destroyed his assailants to prevent any form of revenge consuming his family