
legacy of the forgotten gods

Lost my father in a assassination and my siblings are prodigies destined to rule universes while I'm not, or so I thought. My story begins as I gain the powers of gods that are long forgotten and inherit their legacy, I become their champion and... saviour? The name is Lucien and this is my story to try to become the one who stands above all, to become more powerful than a god

UndeadFallenangel · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
43 Chs

Chapter 9

Chapter Nine: The Test of Strength

The morning sun cast a golden glow over the city as Lucien prepared himself for the highly anticipated assessment at the prestigious academy. It had been a week since he had signed up, and during that time, he had dedicated himself to rigorous training and completing his daily quests. The effort had paid off, as he had gained two levels and acquired a new skill called

[Precision Pierce].

His determination burned brighter than ever as he mentally reviewed his training, knowing that this would be a pivotal moment in his journey. Lucien stepped outside, taking in the sights and sounds of the beautiful day. The vibrant colors of blooming flowers filled the air with a sweet fragrance, and a gentle breeze rustled the leaves on the trees. He glanced at his current status page.

[ Name: Lucien blackstin]

[ level 4]

[Title: none ]

[ race: human]

[ EXP : 0/200 ]

[ Class : legacy inheritor]


Health : 1500/1500

Mana : 1600/1600


Endurance: 15

Strength: 12[+5]

Intelligence: 16

Agility: 18[+10]

Stamina : 21[+ 7]

Charm : 20

vitality : 11

Attribute points: 12

Skill points:



Regeneration [ level 2][0/200]


Burst[ level 2][0/200]

Precision pierce[level 1][0/100]

He smiles gleefully at his strength increase, he trained extremely hard to grind levels but the system said he needed to kill evolved beast to gain EXP faster from absorbing their crystals, but sadly he wasn't ready to fight the savage beast and even if he was there were none in the forest next to the slums he was living in, he coincidentally gained a level in his skills and was allowed to upgrade it to level 2 by using it continuously, and he finally found out that the skill points were used to upgrade his passive which gave 10 for 1 skill point. He set off to the academy he called a taxi to take him there, passing the slums and entering the richer parts of the city he was amazed at the level of technology and angered comparing the difference between the living conditions of the rich and poor, the poor were trying to strive to make money some taking up farming providing food,clothes and shelter for their family, only some of the farmers had a enough money to but a tv yet the difference between their luxury and the big city luxury was like comparing a Pig to a dove, there was no comparison at all, he saw a massive structure at the other end of the city close to the devil's forest.

They call it the Devil's forest because of the beast that live there ranging from evolved to mythical, rumours even said there was a level above the mythical but none have seen the creature, seeing the structure he wondered when he will be able to go there.The driver took him to a tower in the distance that stood majestically looking like an upright sword trying to pierce the heavens, he was shocked when he saw cars flying in the area and looked at the magnificent technology that was being used, his face then grimmed having realise the difference between here and the slums got even bigger and rage boiled in his heart but he calmed down having accepted this was how the world was.

He reached the tower ahead and was dropped off, " this tower is a little to small to be an academy, right?"

"oi kid,you must be here for the academy assessment? get over here now." a middle aged man with spiky blonde hair and a clean beard waved over to him he seemed to be standing near a billboard that said Raymond Magic academy, although the academy wasnt part of the big 3 academies, it was still the pride of the city of rushem as it's as ranked top 10 in the world with hundreds of other academies this said alot.

He followed the man and greeted him, "chat to me when you get in kid I don't speak to weaklings. oh and this isnt a ball" the middle aged man said as he stared up and down at Lucien, Lucien had worn one of the suits he managed to get after the fire because it was at his uncle's who was a tailor and he wore it thinking it would be the right occasion but looking around and seeing the other people there wearing training gear and tracksuits he knew he wasn't dressed well and his faced flushed red from embarrassment. Out of place Lucien stood alone and waited for the announcement.


Suddenly a light appeared below their feet encompassing everyone who stood there and was leaving.

"Alright kids if any of you want to leave now you have 5 seconds if not brace yourselves."

Many were to stunned to speak much less move and 5 seconds later they started to warp and cries and shouts resounded in the area.

" Wait what tha-"

"it's sucking me in"

"ehyooo thats su-"

" holy shi-"

They all disappeared their vision blackened.

[Teleportation circle, would you like to analyse i-]

before blacking out lucien saw a prompt before going unconscious.

"ugh, agh"

Groans filled the air as peoples vision became clearer, he stood there staring at a magnificent structure before him.

"Welcome to the Raymond magic academy" .

The academy stood before him, emanating an aura of mystique and profundity. Its architectural style blended elements of medieval English castles with futuristic technology, creating a unique and captivating atmosphere. Lucien and everyone else couldn't help but be in awe of the grandeur and elegance that surrounded this place.

As he crossed the threshold, passing through the protective barrier, the school's vastness revealed itself. There was a sight to behold -a colossal stadium that could easily accommodate three football fields laid a few hundred metres to the right of the academy, with a what seemed to be a forest A few thousand miles behind it. The futuristic design of the stadium was a testament to the academy's advanced facilities and the grandeur of the event about to unfold.

Lucien joined the stream of students, walking towards the center of the stadium. The sheer number of applicants—300,000 in total—was staggering. However, the magnitude and technology of the stadium made it clear that only a fraction of them would make it through the rigorous selection process due to them not wanting to waste time on useless people.

The voice of the announcer boomed through the loudspeakers, capturing the attention of everyone present. "Welcome, young aspirants, to the first test of the assessment! Today, we will evaluate your strength and stamina."

The crowd buzzed with anticipation, their eyes fixed on the massive metal golem stationed in the center of the stadium. It towered above them, exuding an air of power and beauty. Though the rich young masters seemed unfazed, to the commoner students, it was a marvel to behold.

The announcer explained the rules of the test with a commanding voice. "You must strike the golem continuously for 20 minutes with the same striking force or higher. Your scores will be based on the proximity of each hit's power. The scores will be decided on the average percentage due to the strength of your strikes, the higher your score."

Lucien tightened his grip on his weapon, feeling the weight of anticipation settle on his shoulders. He glanced around, noticing the determination etched on the faces of his fellow applicants. They were all here to prove themselves, to stand out among the vast sea of talent.

Without wasting a moment, the test began. Each students unleashed a barrage of strikes upon the golem, their energy and determination fueling their every move, only few managed to last 20minutes while many others failed from using all their power in the first strike without the necessary stamina to back the continuous ones. Lucien focused his mind, channeled his inner strength, and attacked the golem with calculated precision.

Each strike was delivered with an unwavering determination and the newfound skill of [Precision Pierce] which gave him critical damage of 20% with each hit making his attacks strong but not weakening. His strikes landed with remarkable accuracy, earning him points for their proximity to each other. The golem reverberated under the relentless assault, but Lucien was not deterred. He poured his heart and soul into every strike, pushing himself to the limits.

As the minutes ticked by, fatigue threatened to set in. The intense exertion had taken a toll on the

other students, and their strikes wavered at their own time and place, the sound of heavy breathing echoed in the stadium as each student struggled to remain, 18 minutes passed on my a few tens of thousands remained . But Lucien's resolve remained unshaken, he trained to hard to fail here. He summoned every ounce of strength within him, pushing through the physical and mental barriers that stood in his way.

The final moments of the test arrived, and Lucien's strikes became more powerful, his precision unwavering. His determination to surpass his own limits burned bright, driving him forward. When the time was up, he took a step back, panting heavily, but a sense of accomplishment surged through his veins.

The announcer's voice boomed across the stadium once again. "Congratulations to all the participants! You have completed the first test with determination and resilience. Await the results for the next stage of the assessment."

Lucien looked around, noticing the mix of exhaustion and excitement on the faces of his peers. They had all given their best, and now it was up to fate and the judges to determine their fates. He couldn't help but feel a sense of pride for what he had achieved, knowing that he had left his mark on the test.

As he left the stadium, Lucien's mind shifted to the upcoming challenges that lay ahead. He had passed the first hurdle, but he knew that there were more trials awaiting him. The thought fueled his determination, strengthening his resolve to continue his journey and become even stronger.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Lucien headed back to his modest dwelling. He would rest, regroup, and continue his training in preparation for the next stage of the assessment. The path to greatness was long and arduous, but he was ready to face whatever challenges came his way.

As the sun set on the horizon, casting a warm glow over the city, Lucien fell into a deep slumber. Dreams of triumph and new beginnings filled his mind, propelling him towards a future where he could stand alongside his brother and sister, not as their shadow, but as their equal. The journey had only just begun, and Lucien was ready to embrace the path ahead.