
legacy of the forgotten gods

Lost my father in a assassination and my siblings are prodigies destined to rule universes while I'm not, or so I thought. My story begins as I gain the powers of gods that are long forgotten and inherit their legacy, I become their champion and... saviour? The name is Lucien and this is my story to try to become the one who stands above all, to become more powerful than a god

UndeadFallenangel · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Chapter 10

Chapter Ten: The Test of Will

A week had passed since Lucien's impressive performance in the first test of the academy assessment.The academy had given them temporary accomadations in a hotel on the planet they were on. Suprisingkg this planet also had a city, one more magnificent than his own, he was awed at the stands and all the exoctic things on the planet, for the first time he saw men and women who looked like humanoid beast and he saw extremely beautiful women with pointy ears and greatly proportionate" assets" [Pervert] the system gave him a slight remark on his thoughts, "Where the hell did you learn That, I thought you were an old mystic power why do you know what a pervert is" Lucien said in confusion on how Panthenon knew of these words.[What do you mean master] " you just sai- forget it" he knew he shouldnt say anything considering the fact he gets quest from this thing and a punishment meant losing inches off his manhood the thought alone that it could remove it at anytime was frightening enough to shut him up.

A message was sent to all participants of the trials that the next test would be one of will, Lucien began to get ready he knew his determination and newfound strength had earned him a place among the top candidates, bringing him one step closer to his goal of surpassing his siblings. As he continued his training and preparations, he knew that the next challenge, the Test of Will, would be a true test of his mental fortitude

The day of the test arrived, and Lucien made his way to the designated location within the academy. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation as the candidates gathered, each one eager to prove their mettle. Lucien took a deep breath, grounding himself in the present moment and steeling his mind for what lay ahead.

As the participants were arranged in a circle, the air crackled with an undeniable pressure. Lucien could feel the presence of a formidable Tier 6 powerhouse. The knowledge that he would be in the presence of such a formidable opponent ignited a mix of apprehension and excitement within him.

The powerhouse stepped forward, a figure emanating strength and authority. "Welcome, young aspirants, to the Test of Will," the powerhouse's voice echoed with power and intensity. "In this test, you will face the pressure I shall impose upon you. Your task is to withstand it and remain standing. This test will determine your mental resilience and ability to face adversity."

Lucien's heart pounded in his chest as he gazed upon the powerhouse. He knew that this would not be an easy feat, but he was determined to push his limits and prove his inner strength.

Without further ado, the powerhouse raised a hand, and a visible aura of pressure enveloped the participants. The weight of it pressed down on their bodies, testing their resolve to remain upright.

Lucien closed his eyes, blocking out the physical strain and focusing on his inner strength. He drew upon the memories of his father and elder brother, their teachings, and the support of his stepmother. Their presence filled him with determination and a sense of purpose.

The pressure intensified, threatening to crush his spirit. Doubts and fears surfaced, attempting to undermine his resolve. But Lucien refused to succumb. He gritted his teeth, his mind a fortress of determination, and his will like steel, he knew he couldn't fail here or else all he did to get stronger would be for nought and he should just end his life if he failed.

Minutes turned into hours, and the pressure persisted. Lucien's body trembled under its weight, his muscles straining, but his spirit remained unyielding. He dug deep within himself, finding reserves of strength he never knew existed.

Time seemed to lose meaning as the test stretched on. Lucien's vision blurred, and his breaths came in ragged gasps. Yet, he held on, refusing to let go of his goal. He anchored himself in the belief that he was meant for greatness, that he had the power within him to overcome any challenge. Many had already collapsed and fallen while some completely blacked out at the first wave , the remaining were steadfast and unyielding including Lucien.

Finally, as if sensing the remaining candidates' limits, the powerhouse released the pressure. Lucien staggered, his body protesting against the sudden relief. But he remained on his feet, a testament to his unwavering will.

The powerhouse's voice reverberated through the air, filled with a mix of admiration and respect. "Impressive display, young aspirants. You have shown resilience and determination in the face of adversity. Remember this moment, for it is a testament to the strength within you."

Lucien felt a surge of pride and accomplishment. He had faced the overwhelming pressure and emerged stronger than before. The Test of Will had pushed him to his limits and beyond, revealing the depth of his inner strength.

As the candidates dispersed, Lucien took a moment to reflect. He realized that true strength extended far beyond physical prowess. Mental fortitude, unwavering determination, and an unyielding will were the qualities that would propel him towards his goals.

With the Test of Will behind him, Lucien knew that the path ahead would continue to challenge him. But he was more determined than ever to overcome every obstacle and prove himself worthy of standing beside his brother and sister.

As the day drew to a close, Lucien returned to his humble dwelling, a sense of accomplishment radiating within him. The journey to greatness was far from over, but with each challenge he faced, he grew stronger. The fire within him burned brighter than ever, fueling his resolve to surpass his siblings and forge his own destiny.

Lucien settled into his bed, his mind filled with dreams of a future where he stood shoulder to shoulder with the greatest warriors. The Test of Will had awakened something profound within him—an unshakeable belief in his own potential. And with that belief, he knew he would rise above every obstacle that stood in his way.