
legacy of the forgotten gods

Lost my father in a assassination and my siblings are prodigies destined to rule universes while I'm not, or so I thought. My story begins as I gain the powers of gods that are long forgotten and inherit their legacy, I become their champion and... saviour? The name is Lucien and this is my story to try to become the one who stands above all, to become more powerful than a god

UndeadFallenangel · Fantasy
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43 Chs

chapter 14

Chapter fourteen: The Lessons Begin

The students were completely still a s they listen to Ms.Lillith explain about the three types of states of mana. "Mana lives in all forms and sizes, it gives but takes, there are three states of mana, the one you use for elements teleportation shadow and light are all under universal elemental mana, these are mana bases that are derived out of laws and you can use mana to replicate them possibly master the law to control a part of the universe but that is for another day, the second is mind mana, this mana reinforces your mind and also helps to do tricks like make illusions or have the ability to make others do your will and control them or replace memory, this is all under mind mana it is a inherit racial trait of vampires but can be used by others but not as strong as them that is why it is key to train your mind and attain the elinghtment of mind mana, the thrid mana is life mana, it is everything around us and without it we will be but a void in space and this mana also helps in evolution, which is most commonly seen in humans and other races but only few races can breakthrough their supposed final evolution and become something unique like the Angels have archangel and demons have arch demons and even daemons the progenitors of sin in the demon race. We will talk about all those later" As ms.lillith drones on about mana the class finally ended.

As the students shuffled out of Ms. Lillith's class, their minds buzzing with newfound knowledge, they made their way to their next class, Combat Training. Lucien's heart raced with excitement, for he had always dreamed of becoming stronger and honing his combat skills.

Entering the classroom, the students were met by a handsome Angel knight named Edward. With his blonde hair, square-rimmed glasses, and scholarly aura, he exuded an air of confidence and expertise. Lucien couldn't help but be captivated by his presence.

Edward wasted no time and delved straight into the basics of combat. He covered a wide range of skills, from mage spells to close combat techniques, ensuring that every student had a foundation in various combat styles. He emphasized the importance of understanding one's strengths and choosing a suitable combat style based on individual preferences.

Lucien listened attentively as Edward explained the different types of combat, including long-range spellcasting, close-quarters assassinations, and the hybrid style of magic swordsmanship. The class was introduced to Martha and Beth, Edward's assistants, who would focus on teaching mage and assassin techniques, respectively.

Edward demonstrated his own expertise in magic swordsmanship, showcasing his skill with a single strike that effortlessly defeated an overconfident student. The display left the entire class in awe, their admiration for their instructor growing.

As the training continued, Lucien found himself captivated by Edward's teachings. The Angel knight emphasized the importance of sportsmanship, discipline, and precision in combat. Lucien eagerly absorbed every word, determined to apply them to his own training.

An hour into the class, one student, growing frustrated with the repetitive practice, questioned Edward's teaching methods and challenged him to a fight. The student believed that the techniques they were practicing lacked practicality. Unfazed, Edward calmly accepted the challenge.

With a swift strike of his sword, Edward effortlessly defeated the student, showcasing the true power and effectiveness of the techniques they had been practicing. The room fell into a stunned silence as they witnessed Edward's skill and dominance.

The rest of the class continued training with renewed vigor, now understanding the importance of discipline and focus. Lucien couldn't help but feel a surge of determination within him. He knew that if he wanted to become a skilled magic swordsman, he would have to undergo grueling training.

After the class concluded, Lucien approached Edward, a beaming smile on his face. He expressed his desire to learn magic swordsmanship and asked if Edward would be his mentor. Edward agreed, but he warned Lucien that the training would be arduous and demanding. Undeterred, Lucien eagerly accepted the challenge, ready to push his limits and unlock his true potential.

As Lucien walked away, filled with excitement and determination, he couldn't help but feel that this was just the beginning of his journey towards becoming a formidable warrior, one who is well versed in both mana and fighting