
legacy of the forgotten gods

Lost my father in a assassination and my siblings are prodigies destined to rule universes while I'm not, or so I thought. My story begins as I gain the powers of gods that are long forgotten and inherit their legacy, I become their champion and... saviour? The name is Lucien and this is my story to try to become the one who stands above all, to become more powerful than a god

UndeadFallenangel · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Chapter 13

Chapter thirteen: The First Day of School

As Lucien, Jacob, and Janet arrived at the teleportation platform, anticipation filled the air. The platform shimmered with a yellow light, enveloping them and transporting them to the Raymond Magic Academy. The trio looked around in awe as they materialized in the heart of the school.

The academy was a sight to behold. Majestic buildings with sleek, modern architecture stood tall, surrounded by lush greenery and vibrant flowers. The campus resembled their own world but was infused with advanced technology and a touch of magic. It was a harmonious blend of the familiar and the extraordinary.

With their maps in hand, the trio made their way towards the administrative building. Students from various races and species bustled about, their vibrant appearances adding to the diverse atmosphere. Lucien couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and nervousness as he walked among them.

Reaching the administrative building, they followed the signs directing them to the dormitory section. Lucien's heart skipped a beat as he saw a familiar face among the crowd—an old merchant who had once told him stories of forgotten gods and their powers. He approached the man, a mix of surprise and curiosity in his eyes.

"Excuse me, sir," Lucien said, his voice filled with anticipation. "Do you remember me? We met a while ago, and you told me stories about the forgotten gods."

The old merchant looked at Lucien, his eyes filled with a mix of confusion and amusement. He gave Lucien a wrinkled smile and shook his head. "Ah, young one, you must be mistaken. I am Vani, not Choko. Perhaps you met my twin brother. We are often mistaken for one another," he replied, his voice carrying a hint of mystery.

Lucien's brows furrowed, but he decided to let it go for now. There was no point dwelling on the past when his focus should be on the present. He thanked the old man and continued on his way with Jacob and Janet.

Following the map, they arrived at the dormitory building. Excitement bubbled within them as they received their dorm room keys. To their delight, they discovered that their rooms were located just opposite each other, a testament to their similar rankings in the assessment in universal assessment which made them elated to know they scored so high even among greater more powerful races. Lucien was ranked 8th, Jacob 9th, and Janet 32nd.

Entering their respective dorm rooms, Lucien and Jacob were greeted by luxurious surroundings. It was a stark contrast to Lucien's previous living conditions, and he couldn't help but be amazed. Jacob, who had experienced a life of nobility, was still enthralled by the beauty and grandeur.

As they settled in, Jacob called out to Lucien, reminding him not to be late for the assembly. Lucien snapped out of his daze and quickly changed into his academy uniform. Together, they met up with Janet, who was already waiting for them.

The trio made their way to the grand hall where the assembly was to take place. The hall itself was vast, resembling a football stadium in size. They marveled at the sight of different species—demons, angels, druids, elves, dwarves, and more—gathered in one place.

Just as they found their seats, a hush fell over the crowd as a powerful-looking female demon stepped onto the stage, unlike some demons this women had a sort of humanoid look, her purple eyes and horns gave her away along with the arrow pointed tale and leather like scales on her arms alone, the rest of her was human and she was beautiful with a figure that would make saints falter. Her aura radiated strength, causing a few weaker students to faint and even the stronger ones to buckle on there knees.

The demon began addressing the students, his voice booming through the hall. " I am vice principle Josephine Van Sputin, you will address me as madam, Those of you who fainted will be taken out to be punished for your weakness, teacher take them out and put them in their dorms they will undergo strict training that will break their bodies and make their soul cry, in this academy there will be no weakness, only the strong survive" her voice was normal but, although far away it felt like she was talking to the students right next to them,even from those in the back. She explained the details of their time here and the devil's forest that had creatures from tier 1 to tier9, which cause many gasps for most races considering the fact their monarchs were only tier 8 and 9 but the angels and demons scoffed at the other races for thinking they were actually strong, she also explained to those who don't know and came from weak backgrounds about the tiers

tier 1-6 were mortal warriors while tier 7- 10 were celestial having the power to destroy planets even solar systems if they were strong but she then explained of the mythical tier 11 and 12, these were the tiers of those whose power were unimaginable having the ability to erase universes with a flick of their hands, these were called gods and only few had the chance of meeting them."I will not explain how to increase tiers as that is the jobs of your teachers, the only thing I will explain is that each month you must fight at least own round in the immortal chamber and win if not there will be consequences" with that the vice principle was gone and Walked of the stage as everyone began murmuring.

Throughout the assembly, Lucien couldn't help but be captivated by the sheer diversity and talent that surrounded him. It was a humbling experience, realizing that he was now a part of this extraordinary community of young mages and warriors.

As the assembly came to a close, the students dispersed, filled with a renewed sense of purpose. Lucien, Jacob, and Janet found themselves caught up in a sea of conversations and introductions. They greeted fellow students, exchanged pleasantries, and marveled at the vast array of magical abilities and races present.

Their first day at the Raymond Magic Academy had begun, and the trio couldn't wait to fight to grow stronger.

As they left the assembly hall, the sun shining brightly above, Lucien, Jacob, and Janet looked at each other, their eyes gleaming with excitement. They check their calendar they found in their rooms and went to their respective classes, luckily yher had their first class together which was Mana circuit class, arriving in the class they realize people were already in the class chatting in groups, the trio went to the middle of the class and sat together. After a while a dark elf walked in the class, when she entered every boy sat upright even the demons and angels, calling the elf a beauty would be an insult to her magnificence, deep blue eyes that held untold mystery and knowledge, silver white hair that glistend as it went down to her plump round bouncy buttocks, her thin waist and wide hips that swerved erotically as she walked, her glasses which complimented hair charm, she wore a black dress skirt and a white buttoned up shirt that was a bit loose but tight in all the right places especially her chest which gave the impression of the shirt breaking as she held a magnificent E-cup under those clothes. Her face which was serious belied the eroticism of her body making all the men except the angels have a hard on. "Good morning class, I am lillith nightshade" the beautiful lady spoke with her stoic expression, " Wait nightshade, as in the nightshade family that has a tier 9 elder on the verge of tier 10" a students spoke up in distress "Ahh yes you seem to know of my father" lillith spoke back having a slight smirk on her face. Every race except humans had a cold sweat appear on their back as they heard her say father.

"f-f-Father" A handsome boy with pale skin and red eyes with jet black hair spoke, the boy was a simple tier 2 vampire who had a shiver run down his back, as his own father had not even reached tier 8 and he was fearful, thinking he might as well be castrated for having dirty thoughts of a powerhouse, daughter who was known for not letting his daughter marry for 100 years due to all men being inadequate. All races except humans were scared shitless as the teachers background was way to immense. " Ms. Lillith you are very beautiful and that but may we please get back to the lesson" Lucien spoke up suddenly and everyone one turned to look at him with shock and pity on their faces, even Jacob and Janet faces paled as they have been taught about universal matters and once heard about lilliths fathers achievements and ruthlessness and his doting love for his daughters, the same man who had killed all of his daughter suitor, even one of his same tier died to his hands for courting her.

"he's dead"

"may he rest in peace/pieces"

A boy even went as far as doing the cross sound and sending a silent prayer for Lucien. " Ahh sorry about that, now everyone quiet down let's start the lesson" lillith smiled at Lucien as although he seemed ignorant and also had lustful thoughts, he had that look in the eyes, one that she had only seen once in a man who had become a celestial, his eyes held the true desire to gain power, and that put a smile on her face. Every guy and some girls looked at Lucien with shock and envy in their eyes " bahaha you dumbass lucky bastard, although you managed to make the teacher shed a extremely rear smile, you just made every guy except me become your enemy, and it seems you got some girls too"Jacob laughed at Luciens predicament and felt respect and pity for him.

" Alright class, today we will be talking about the flow of mana" Ms. Lillith spoke and got the attention of everyone as their lesson would soon begin.