
Chapter 7 : Joys of D-Ranks

A couple of years have passed and Naruto and Hinata have grown quite a bit. They were now both 10 years old and each of them were slightly taller than kids of the same age due to their constant training. Both Naruto and Hinata were very strong when compared to others of their age if you could even compare.

In the academy physical shinobi conditioning and training only start when the students are 12 years old in which they learn the academy taijutsu style coupled with ninjutsu. If they were to face Naruto or Hinata they would get demolished.

They were both well rounded shinobi however Naruto still couldn't a cast a low level genjutsu without sharingan to save his life. Actually he found it easier to cast high ranking genjutsus that required more chakra than low level ones. Even though Naruto focused a lot in chakra control bringing it to jonin levels he still couldn't do a single bushin. He either did at least fifty or the one will fail.

Naruto finally mastered bo staff but decided to learn kenjutsu since his mother was one of the best in the leaf. Since he couldn't get in most shops he bought couple of books in weapons forging since he had fire nature he decided to forge is own weapons with scrap metal and other weapons he found in training fields. In time he would buy chakra metal for a proper sword.

In fact both of them learn kenjutsu and the same style however Naruto favored speed and strength and Hinata being more flexible preferred to dodge the strikes.

This type of kenjutsu style much like his taijutsu was based on parrying or dodging the attacks with quick strikes meant to end the battle in one strike.

This was the kenjutsu style of the Uzumaki Clan. Uzumaki Kushina before her death was on par with the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of The Mist, this group was composed by the greatest swordsmen of the Mist and were not to be underestimated, in fact each of their swords had special abilities that favored each of their styles. Kushina in fact was known as Konoha's Red Death due to her crimson red hair color.

Naruto also learned the gentle fist with Hinata and both practiced until perfected. Even though Naruto's sharingan couldn't see the chakra points he adapted the style for pressure points. One of the problems they had was Hinata's low chakra pool so they focused on that for almost last year and managed to increase her levels quite a bit, she had low jonin chakra levels and kage level control. Naruto had high kage chakra levels and jonin level control.

Naruto realized that Hinata was actually quite proficient in the gentle fist and asked her why did their family treat that badly when she was quite talented. The fact was that in order to learn the gentle fist effectively and train their stances and techniques one would have to use another as test subject and closing tenketsus was quite painful so Hinata refused to that to the branch members.

Hinata was too kind to even try and harm someone in order to train but with Naruto that wasn't a problem. Naruto used the shadow clone techniques to provide Hinata as much guinea pigs as she wanted and doing so her technique sky rocketed and she even managed to hold her ground against Naruto in taijutsu.

In Ninjutsu they both mastered their chosen affinities and the jutsu they had. Hinata started in Wind and Naruto started in lightning. One interesting fact was that Naruto discovered was that he had high lightning affinity similar to Nidaime's water affinity. In fact Naruto wasn't really a sensor in the normal terms since he didn't sense chakra. Naruto, due to his lightning affinity, could actually feel the bioelectricity of the people around him.

Knowing that he had such an affinity he started investing more and more in this element. He went to his father library and gathered all the lightning techniques that he could.

Now we find Naruto walking through the village heading for the hokage tower. The villagers still sent the usual glares and they would still try and harm him but now with his training he managed to escape. He could have fought them but he chose not to harm them, he didn't want to give the poor hokage more paperwork.

## Hokage Tower ##

He arrive at the hokage tower and made his way up. Arriving at the hokage's office he turned to the secretary. He never liked her and the feeling was mutual she was one the idiotic civilians who couldn't tell the difference between a scroll and sealed kunai.

"Just let it go kit, someday they will understand" - the kyuubi said. Naruto nodded inwardly.

"Good morning, I came to talk with the hokage, is he available?" - Naruto asked politely as he for once didn't want trouble.

She looked up and saw that thing in front of her and with a disgusting face said "What would the hokage want with a thing like you" - she spat.

"You should be careful on how you address me, one wrong word and I have permission to separate your head from your shoulders" - he said in a serious tone while releasing a bit of KI (killer intent) as she was a civilian and too much could kill her.

"T-The h-hokage will see you now" - she quickly said fearing for her life while showing a false smile.

Naruto opened the door to see a smiling face of the hokage.

"Naruto-kun how have you been?" - the hokage asked

"I'm fine, actually a have a favor to ask you" - he said to which the hokage raised an eyebrow.

"I'll do my best. What do you need" - he said.

"Well, you see i'm ruining a bit low on cash this month and I know that i'm not a shinobi yet but would it possible for me to get a couple of D-Ranks." - he said looking at the hokages thinking face.

The hokage pondered the situation. "Gennins always hate these missions and they tend to stockpile besides it couldn't hurt" - he thought.

"Sure Naruto-kun but you do realize that these missions are normally done with a jonin sensei and their gennin squad so they will take long for you" - he said.

"No problem old man I can create my own army if I need" - naruto said placing his fingers in a cross form, channeling some a chakra and in a puff of smoke 20 clones appeared in the office.

The hokage jaw hit the floor seeing a 10 year old pull a B-Rank Kinjutsu. "Where did you learn that? You do realize that techniques is a Kinjutsu for its massive chakra usage" - he said trying to make Naruto understand the dangers of the technique.

"Relax jiji, I copied it when I was watching Kakashi and a weird guy named Gai in green spandex shouting something about flames of youth spar, besides I have a crap ton of chakra, I can easily make a thousand clones and still be in fighting condition" - he said with a smirk.

The hokage nodded slowly "Kami, he can make thousand clones at 10 years old. I know he's a jinchuuriki(person with tailed beast sealed inside) but... damn. He will be a chakra power house. " - he thought.

"OK Naruto since you still aren't an official ninja I'll give you the missions and later when you become one I'll add them to your file. Come with me to the mission room" - the hokage said and they both left the hokages office heading towards the mission room.

## Konoha's Mission Room ##

"So, let's see what we got here" - the hokage said going through the available missions.

"How many do you want? Seeing as you can create a bunch of clones I think you might be able to clear our work load" - the hokage continued.

"Humm" Naruto pondered "Give me 10 missions, if I have time today I'll do a few more, besides Hinata decided to go visit Kurenai so I'll have the day for the missions" - Naruto said picking the scrolls and opening the first.

"Damn cat" - Naruto thought as he read the first mission. It was to retrieve a fearsome beast, the name of said beats was TORA the one tailed demon cat.

"Oh please I got 8 more tails" - kyuubi said "Besides we can always burn her a crisp and blame enemy ninja" - kyuubi said chuckling and Naruto sweat dropped.

## Few Hours Later ##

"Come here Tora, here kitty" - Naruto said trying to approach the cat without having her fleeing. Naruto channeled chakra to his legs and jumped catching the cat. Tora didn't find it much fun as she started clawing him all over the place.

"Oh hell, i'm tired of this" - Naruto said activating his sharingan, he looked at Tora and said Magen - Kasegui no Jutsu (Shackling Stakes). The genjutsu paralyzed Tora and Naruto said Magen - Jigoku Gouka no Jutsu (Hell Fire Technique), this new genjutsu made Tora think she was being burned alive.

"Muwhahaha" - Naruto chuckled evilly as Tora screamed in pain. Kyuubi seeing this sweat dropped and thought "I got a dumbass for a container". (A/N: For evil laugh check )

## Next Mission Helping Farmer ##

Naruto made his way for his next mission. He read the scroll and the mission was to cultivate a piece of land since the farmer didn't have enough time to do it himself. Naruto arrived at the site. The farmer's house was actually almost outside of the village and the land itself was fairly big.

Judging from the size of the land it most likely was for planting the vegetables and later selling them. Naruto approached the client and started doing his job. The client didn't seem happy they sent the demon brat but at least the kyuubi would working for him.

Almost a hour was due and Naruto continued his work using a hoe to groom the land peacefully and undisturbed until


A noise echoed through the clearing as the sound of metal clashing. Naruto removed a couple inches of dirt until he saw a metal door in the ground.

"What the hell is this" - Naruto thought as he moved to open the hatch. Once opened he saw a bunch of stairs that seemingly lead underground, as a curious kid he was he carefully made his way down.

As he was going down he couldn't help but notice the smell. One of the things of having the kyuubi inside of him was that it gave enhanced senses primarily smell and hearing. The smell itself was of death and putrefaction.

"Something isn't right here" - Naruto thought as he began to explore what appeared a vast underground base with a long corridor with multiple rooms connected. Checking a few rooms even him couldn't help himself but to throw up, in one of the rooms of skeletons of people and a few others still decomposing.

Going in further and checking another room he could see vials spread along the table with strange colored liquids and he wisely decided it would be best not to touch them. As he continued exploring the base he kept wondering how could this exist here and be kept a secret. Judging by the looks of it, it seemed that who ever lived here left in a hurry.

"This smell... snakes" - Naruto was thinking when suddenly he pieced together the facts. He read in the library about a shinobi that used snakes as summons and defected Konoha after was found doing twisted experiments with children that he kidnapped.

"Orochimaru, the snake sannin" - Naruto concluded and made a shadow clone and said "Go tell the old man".

The clone left and Naruto continued exploring, gazing into the rooms so he could have a brief idea of what it contained. One of the rooms appeared to be a small study room. Entering the room and making his way to the table he saw a few seals and a multitude of vials of blood with various names in them 'Senju Hashirama ', 'Senju 'Tobirama ', ' Namikaze Minato' and few others Naruto didn't recognize.

"What could possibly Orochimaru want the blood of my father, not to mention the senju brothers" - Naruto kept wondering until he saw a few notes written in what it seemed to be a diary, he continued reading until

"That twisted bastard..."

## Hokage Office ##

Hiruzen was having a normal day in his office and by normal I say he was cursing Minato for leaving him with the paperwork when suddenly he saw Naruto bursting through the door.

"Old man" - Naruto started "I think I found one of Orochimaru's old bases" to which the hokage yelled "WHAT?"

"I was doing one of the missions and I was cultivating a field until I hit a metal hatch, after opening it and checking inside it reeked of snakes and there where dead bodies all over" - Naruto said

"ANBU" - the hokage said and in front of him appeared an anbu with a weasel mask, kneeling before the hokage and waiting for orders. "Bring me Ibiki and Anko"

"Hai, Hokage-sama" - the anbu said and vanished in a puff of smoke.

The hokage turned to Naruto. "Naruto, are the original?" - he asked to which Naruto shook his head negatively. "Boss is in checking the rest of the base and making sure no one enters it" - the close responded.

"Then tell him to continue guarding the entrance until Anko and Ibiki arrive then tell him to come here immediately after" - the hokage said getting a nod before the clone dispelled.

## Orochimaru Base ##

Naruto was still going through the base until the memories of the clone hit him and he stopped and gathered what he was doing and made his way to the entrance. Naruto waited a couple of minutes before a man and woman dropped in front of him.

The man was about 193 cm (6'4'') had wore traditional black anbu pants and a black jacket. He also wore a long sleeved black jacket and a scarf that covered the top of his head. The man had a few scars in his face. Naruto recognized him from a couple of pranks he pulled, he was Morino Ibiki, a tokubetsu (special) jonin and the commander of Konoha's Torture and Interrogation Force.

Besides Ibiki was a woman who had approximately 167 cm (5'55''), she wore a full body mesh armor with a short brown skirt and a long trench coat the barely covered her D-cup breasts. She had purple pineapple style hair and brown eyes. Naruto assumed that this woman was Anko.

Naruto facing both of them turned towards the woman and said "I assume you are Anko"

"I'm the sexy and single Mitarashi Anko" - she exclaimed pumping her fist in the air to which naruto sweat dropped.

"I was doing a d-rank and came across this base and after exploring it I concluded it belonged to Orochimaru, so I informed the hokage. My work is done, knock yourself out " - Naruto said and left towards the hokage's office.

## Hokage's Office ##

Naruto arrived at the hokages office and saw him with a saddened and thoughtful look. Naruto assumed it had to do with Orochimaru, after all he was one of Hiruzen's most prized students, a genius that comes once in a lifetime, however he got caught in his own ambitions.

"I'm here old man" - Naruto said getting the hokages attention.

"I don't even know if this should be called luck or not" - the hokage said sighing

"Uhm " was Naruto's genius of an answer

"You said that you were low on cash and wanted a few d-ranks missions and you end up finding one of my old students laboratory." Naruto nodded and the hokage continued "Since you found it i'm upgrading the mission to S-Rank, you are never to speak of it and everything you found and saw inside you are never to reveal. Are we clear?" - the hokage said in serious and demanding tone.

"Hai, Hokage-sama" - Naruto replied as if he was a usual shinobi that brought a small smile to the man's face.

"I would call it luck" - Naruto said grinning "Well then I'm gonna get going. See you later jiji" - he said and the hokage nodded.

Once Naruto left the room the hokage leaned back in his chair lost in his thoughts. "The wonders of d-ranks"- the hokage thought chuckling to himself. He got out of his thought and got back to work. The hokage looked at the amount of paperwork and yelled