
Left For Error; Ever A Never After.

What we all want might be what someone else needs. A glamorous affection does not instigate true affection. Can love come after lust and can lust lead to love? I think they are quite different things and do different work too, no part for a whole and no whole for a part. Read and enjoy.

Kosiso_Ekeh · Teen
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30 Chs

The Christmas.

         "Enola!", The mom was heard calling her from the living room.

Staggering from bed like someone that have missed a couple of sleep from the other night.

"Yes mom, you called me", she answered still wondering the reason for the early morning call.

The mom was a little bit worried, she had to inquire if everything was fine before sending her on the preformed errand.

"Do we still have Christmas trees in the house?" She asked.

Being a bit confused, she tried guessing from her head but at that moment, it seemed her brain was about to fail her.

"Let me go and check to be sure mom"...she said and made her way out to one of the rooms in the house.

She came back in a jiffy and related her remission in these words,

" they are just two remaining there".

The trees were very many before, so definitely, they had given some to their neighbors as a way to celebrate christmas together in one spirit. So, the remaining two trees had no where to go yet.

"We still have two remaining...., I don't have anyone else in mind to send them to unless you do",

before the mom had finished talking, she cut in,

"actually, I do. I will just deliver it later in the evening".

That was how she got a tree secured for whoever she wanted to give it to.

Like a flash of light and the blinking of the eye, evening was there. The evening came so fast as if it was manipulated by thoughts and wishes. The thoughts of Enola going to deliver the Christmas tree. She wasted no time to move the tree out from the house.....,she headed straight to the next street which was exactly where Bruno and his friends stayed. Locating Bruno's house was a bit tough for her owing to the fact that she had never been there before. Finally, she met someone to ask.

"Hey Ekaris, nice to meet you, you are just a God sent. I'm confused, I can't locate your friend's house, can you help me?". Ekaris had no option than to take her to where Bruno lived.

Ekaris wanted to ask her what she was holding, all rapped in a rapping sheet, but his timid nature would not allow him to, he do rather kept quiet.          With a warm hug and pleasant smile, Bruno and Enola exchanged pleasantries.

"Hey, what brought you to my house today, please come inside dear", he pleaded.

As they all stepped in, luckily for Bruno, the parents were not  around, they had gone out for their different business and are yet to return. He made a gesture to offer them something, as expected, she declined and Ekaris who was also shy had to decline too.       

"I brought you a Christmas tree", she announced as she was bringing the stuff out.

That look that comes when someone receives a gift from an unexpected person and definitely the look that comes from the friend present, that was the case of Bruno and Ekaris. He could not hold the joyous expression back, so...., another intense hug followed to the unconsidered reaction of Ekaris.     

"Thank you dear, I really appreciate and I will....", Before he could finish, she cut in immediately,

" it's fine, just have a remarkable Christmas". 

She did not stay much longer, if not, her mom would start wondering where she went to. On this account, she had to go home. But before she left, she shared her number with Bruno and likewise Ekaris. At least, if they were not able to meet, they could discuss over the phone. Ekaris, I do not know if he was happy but that of Bruno, he seemed to be the unconditional happy thief that got exactly what he was targeting and even more. It became obvious that Bruno and and Enola were the perfect match so, the rest of the group allowed them to be. All apart from Ekaris were happy for him, reason for that, no one knows. 

The Christmas was indeed remarkable and everyone seemed to have enjoyed the season with every good thing around. We all know that the joy of Christmas lies mainly in sharing with others, and that was the case of theirs.