
Left For Error; Ever A Never After.

What we all want might be what someone else needs. A glamorous affection does not instigate true affection. Can love come after lust and can lust lead to love? I think they are quite different things and do different work too, no part for a whole and no whole for a part. Read and enjoy.

Kosiso_Ekeh · Teen
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30 Chs

In the woods.

     "I never knew you can drive", Bruno said as he saw Enola arrived in a car.

"A lot about what I can do you don't know about, she smiled and continued, just when you see me doing them, don't be surprised".

They embraced themselves and she got a peck on the forehead. 

It was the day they planned to start the trip, all had agreed to assemble at Bruno's house for easy and straight forward movement. Enola arrived first,  the reason is was very obvious. It became clearer that Enola was in love with Bruno. They way they relate and the way they act like they were newly married. Definitely, people should have lots of reasons to envy the lovers; at this, I do not blame Ekaris for the way he felt.

Not too long after Enola arrived, the rest of the Paragons arrived too, like they planned the time themselves. Thanks goodness, Enola arrived with a car too. The journey already made easy. They packed everything they would need for the trip, some inside Bruno's car why the rest how's to his lover's. 

"This is why I hate entering your car, you like over speeding", Clinton, his closest man warned.

"In as much as she's not loosing track, I won't slow down", Bruno told him.

"Is like both of you want us to die..., better stop me so that I will come down in peace", Ekaris threatened.

The boys were in Bruno's car whereas, the girls were in Enola's own. Actually, the car wasn't hers, she borrowed from her mother. Oh!, I didn't tell you, Enola's mother started liking Bruno lately. 

There was one certain time he came to look for Enola in the house, unfortunately for him, the mom came in and met them there. Bruno was fine and attractive, the mom liked his appearance and the attitude he portrayed wasn't awful. So, the mother became comfortable to see him around her daughter. Now, Enola had free and unlimited liberty to visit him and allowed him to visit likewise. That was even the major reason why she was able to come out with the car.

They have arrived to the point where cars couldn't access the roads, so they had to pack and convey whatever they came with manually.

They constructed three tens, this was because they were six in all; two persons per each tent.... Then, a little problem came up. Who would stay with who? Bruno already had a partner so, their own case was very easy. The girls, Michelle and Ella, would each merge with the boys or stay together whereas, the boys stay together. 

"Ekaris will impregnate me if he stays with me", one of the girls said as they burst into laughter.

"Ok, let me share for you guys", Bruno said with increasing level of laughter.

"I think the boys stays and the girls stays, that sounds better to me though", Enola added.

They were talking and at same time setting up their tents. Bruno and his love, Ekaris and Clinton and the girls too. Each pair, setting theirs. They finally got settled packed their stuffs inside and rested.

The faint sun set and the cloudy sky turned dark like it was beaconed to do so. The ground was so cold like rainfall dropped, but that was due to the nature of the site. In their different tents, they were seen discussing and chatting over topics of their different choices. In the boy's tent, Ekaris brought up the topic, trust him, it had to do with Enola. At some point, Clinton was wondering what obsession he has with the girl. He obviously knew there was some act of jealousy on the side of Ekaris. He kept the thought to himself. He didn't say much, he did more of listening as Ekaris was busy pouring out his disgusting and selfish thoughts out as they chatted.

The girls had their normal discussion about fashion and beauty. Whom they admired and whom they abhor. Trust it when girls are discussing about what or who they don't like, nothing seems to be right about the victim too. That was just their own case that evening.

In the tent of the lovers, they laid down smooching themselves. Maybe the weather also helped them owing to the fact that it was so cold and calm. That period wasn't normal like they usually do. They were so conscious of the environment, it was just tent and not a room. Their privacy had no guarantee though, no one would have disturbed their affairs. Would the following days be like that as well? They slept amidst odds, cuddling each other in there warm hands. 

    The next morning, before they were awake, Clinton who was in a haste to observe the whole area was already outside. He had gone to the riverside to look around and observe whatever he could. 

"Have anyone seen Clinton?" That was the voice of Ekaris as he came out looking for Clinton.

"Probably, he must have gone to walk around", Enola assured them.

"I guess we should look for him....what if he's in danger", Michelle chipped in as they started walking around the whole area in search of Clinton. Oh!, I didn't tell you.... Clinton actually had a thing with nature. He loves natural events, anything propagated by nature. The woods was one of the likewise the riverside. He was just sitting close enough to one of the rocks that popped out from the river, throwing stones inside the river.

"Clinton...…...!", He heard his name from afar.

"I am over here", he shouts in a way to be heard.

They found him where he was sitting, the stone was wide enough to carry a certain number of persons.

"So this is where you are, we've been looking for you", Bruno complains. That was when Enola came in, "I told you guys that he must probably be somewhere enjoy the serene atmosphere". As she was even talking, others were already making themselves comfortable by sitting on the same stone as Clinton.

"Here is actually cool", Ella said. Then Michelle used her shoulder to rub that of Clinton saying, "No wonder you were very comfortable here". 

The river looked fresh and calm. There's something they said about water, that rivers have memory and some have spirits....like water spirit. Personal, I believed those stuffs. I feared to venture into water bodied, water as a means of transportation was never my thing not to talk of swimming in a large water body. Some persons felt like I did though. People have their different reason for not being friendly with water, but mine, I just told you. 

"I have phobia for water, I haven't swam for the first time and there wasn't someone to even motivate me", Ella announced to everyone. The announcement made everyone looked at her like she was the odd one though, she was the odd one. At that moment, Enola was already pulling out her outer clothings. 

"Babe, what are you up to", Bruno asked because she was already wearing undies alone.

"What does it look like am doing?" She questioned in a light tone with a little smile on her face. 

Before they knew what was going on, she was already inside the river. Being there alone gave the remaining Paragons the motivation, even Ella too.