

"Are you sure you are comfortable on the floor, Kou-kun?"

"Yeah I'm sure, why?"

"cause it's been 2 hours and you are still awake"

"Well...i can't sleep... I'm not feeling sleepy.."

"is something bugging you?"

"Err...noo... it's just that...i got a little too excited.."

oooooooohh!!! he's blushing!!! he looks SOOOO CUTEE!!

"Umm... thank you... you are cute too!!"

"eh? did I say that loud!?? ahhh!!! why i always do such embarrassing things" *fake sobs*

"Well...it has isn't that bad...i got to know what you're thinking"

"But that's not fair!! I can't read your mind..."

"Well then...i guess there's nothing left to do then..."

"huh? what do you mea-"

he got up from the floor and kissed me on my cheeks....

ahhhhhhh!!!! really!!!!???? I'm blushing too much!! noooo!!! i think even he can see that my cheeks are burning!!! ahhh nooo!!! what should I do!!! should I kiss his cheeks too? ahhhh!! I don't have much time... i won't get this chance again... okay... I'll do it!!

i sat on my bed and he was still standing in front of me...I got up and leaned forward to kiss his cheeks...but you know what happens when a clumsy person tries to do something? it never goes right!!! that's the thing which happened here!! i clumsily fell on him when I was getting up and guess what's next!? i kissed his DAMN LIPS!!! ahhhh!! how embarrassing is that? i wanna die right now!! i don't wanna see his face!! what'll be his reaction? nooo!!! i should say sorry!!!

"I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry!!! I didn't meant to!! I meant to do that on your cheeks!! I'm sorry!!

and guess what!???

i saw him blushing hard!! i could hear his heartbeat!! and I thought I'm the one who is always nervous or messed up around him.. I guess.. the same goes for him..

"it's okay!! why are you even sorry!? I'm jealous of you!!"

"eh! why?"

"Hmmm... I wish I had the courage to do that... thank you Lee-san" *smiles*

ahhhh!! why am I always blushing!!

sooo...here i got more embarrassed and I covered my face...

I mean!! how do you expect me to show my face after that!??

ofcourse i was blushing and embarrassed!!

"It's okay Lee-san!! you don't need to hide your face!!"

*me still covering my face and speaking*

"but it's embarrassing!!"

"It's okay!! alright!? don't think so much Lee-san!! Let's not think too much!!" *smiles*

"O-okay Kou-senpai... I'll not.."

"I didn't know you have a sickness of forgetting too"

"ehh?? what did I forget!?"

"Why don't you tell me Lee-Senpai?"

"I'm sorry!!! i forgot Kou-kun!!"

"okay... you should sleep now...or you'll feel sleepy in school"

"what about you Kou-kun?"

"It's okay... I can sleep here"

"Come on... the bed is big enough for 2 people"

"Lee-san...are you really okay with that?"

"Well... I don't want you to feel sleepy...so come here with your pillow"

"okay... Good night!!"

"yeah!! good night"