
Childhood Friend

*Kou-kun's phone beeps*

"What is it Kou-kun?"

"I guess it's an email... just a minute.. let me check it.."

"Yeah..go ahead"

*he scrolls through phone*

"ah! A email from them...it says that we'll receive a clue about the witch on the day Medusa arrives...oh! and also it says... s-someone will try to st-stop us, so we have to stay alert..."

"Kou-kun, why are you stammering?"

"Yeah Kou, why ?"

"The people who'll stop us are Medusa's guards...they ain't easy to kill or stop"

"Don't worry Kou-kun!! We'll beat them for sure!! The witch won't fail us !!"

"Yeah Kou!! Don't be a crybaby"

"What!?? who's being a crybaby!?? I'm not!! For God's Sake!! Roku!! You need to stop that!! Stop embarrassing me!!!"

"Or else what? Oooooooohh someone's crush or i should say girlfriend-"

"Dude!!! Stop it!!"

"Ummm... you know?...how?...why?"

"Let's just say I know almost everything"

" Oohhh You're his that childhood friend!! right!?"

"Ummm...'that' ? what's that?"

"Owww... i shouldn't have said that i shouldn't have said that"

oohhh nooo!!! i can't tell them i spied-...not spied actually...i just wanted to know more about him...so i talked to his friends...they said he had a childhood friend... for some reasons his friend had to go overseas...

but come to think of it...who knew he's in this town now!!? aww!! that's great... he'll be more happy again!!! ohh!! I've something to worry about now!! what should I do!!!????

"Lee-san? How do you know about that?"

"I'm sorry.... your friends told me... cause I asked them... I'm really sorry!! but I wanted to know more about you"

Gahhhh!!! it's really embarrassing!!

"Oh! that came unexpected...i never thought you would..."

"I'm really sorry Kou-kun!!"

"Ehhhhhh!??? nooo... don't be sorry!! i just thought no one took me that seriously... that's all... I'm glad you know...and also Roku!! AT LEAST CALL ME DUDE!! ahhhh!! i wouldn't have known you're here if i didn't receive that email!!"

"come to think of it...how did you know that he received the email too?"

"Umm...the sender seems to be lazy i guess...he used ' Cc' so i saw who were the other 2 people...and ofcourse i knew Roku's email address"

"Yeah...i think i should've changed it"

"Damn!! Roku!! I'm seriously gonna kill you!!"

"Hahahaaaa!!! okayyyy I'll stop now!! I'm sorry!!"

"I'm so happy for both of you!! Kou-kun, Roku-kun!"

"Well well... what's the purpose here then? we'll be getting a clue...we can't start our searching until then"

"hmm... okay!! we'll start searching right after we receive that... soo...i guess we have nothing to do today... let's go home.."

"okayyyy!! See you guys soon!!"

"Yeah bye!"

"Lee-san!! let's go together!!"

"Are you sure? you know you got scolded... I don't wanna get you scolded!!"

"Don't worry!! my parents aren't home today... I won't get a scolding today!!"

"oohh!! my parents aren't home too... they said i could invite over my friend if i was scared...you can come over... only if you're okay with that.."

"Yeah!! sure!! let's go!!!"
