
Learning to Live (Broomstick's and Cauldron's Pt.2)

What happens after the War? How do Harry and Draco make up? How does H

Drarry_Shipper23 · Book&Literature
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Chapter 1: After the War

Harry woke in the hospital to voices yelling.

"He was bent out of shape when YOU broke up with him! You shouldn't be here" One of the voices yelled.

"I had to! To protect him! Do you think I wanted to? I Still love him! Let me be here Weasley" Another voice said angrily.

"Will you two shut up! And stop arguing? We're here for Harry!" A third voice said annoyed.

Harry opened his eyes the world looking blurry.

"How long was I out for?" He asked as he blinked his eyes trying to clear them.

Somebody put his glasses on his face. He looked around to see four concerned faces.

Hermione, Ron, Mrs. Weasley, and….


"Why are you here?" Harry asked Draco before anyone could answer his previous question.

"I... I'm sorry, I didn't want to end it. My father, he found out, I had to. To protect you" Draco explained.

Harry scoffed "I can protect myself, Malfoy."

"Says the person who went to Voldemort to die!" Draco argued.

"I had to," Harry defended weakly.

"Just like I had to!"

"It's different! I don't need you worrying over me!"

"Well, I'm going to, either way, you Git!" Draco shouted.

"Oh, so I'm the Git now!" Harry shouted back.

"Yes! You scared me to death! You can't just die like that!" Draco said as he leaned down to shake Harry's shoulders.

"Well I did"

Draco sighed defeatedly as he let go of Harry's shoulders and sat in a surrounding chair. Everyone sat quietly until Mrs. Weasley sniffled loudly. Harry looked over at Mrs. Weasley guiltly.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Weasley," Harry said, not being able to take the silence any longer.

"Whatever for?" Mrs. Weasley said tears staining her face.

"It's my fault that.." Harry felt his throat get choked up "That Fred died."

"No. It's not, Harry dear, don't think like that." Mrs. Weasley said with a sudden blazing expression.

Harry nodded knowing its no use to argue. Even though it was his fault.

Just like his parents, Sirius, Dumbledore, Tonks, Lupin, and everyone else that died during the battle.

It was his fault.

His fault.

"Harry" He heard a voice say.


He blinked and looked for who was saying his name, to find it was Draco. He shook his head, trying not to zone out again.

"Harry," Draco said again leaning closer so that they were now face to face.

Harry looked into Draco's eyes as he felt his own eyes starting to get wet. Draco's face filled with concern.

"Harry, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have left you like that. But I'm here now." Draco said.

Harry's throat started feeling closed.

"I'm sorry" Harry croaked.

Draco leaned forward and enveloped Harry in a hug, all cares forgotten. Harry tried not to cry as Draco's arms wrapped around him. It was fruitless however as the tears started flowing from Harry's eyes. Draco let go of Harry and slowly sat down next to him. He put an arm around Harry and cuddled next to him trying to comfort him. Mrs. Weasley made an aww noise.

Draco rolled his eyes at that and Harry gave a watery chuckle. Draco could feel Harry shaking from under his arm however.

"Are you ok Harry?" Hermione said noticing Harry's shaking.

Harry nodded unconvincingly. Everyone gave him a stare that cleary said "Sure you are."

Madam Pomfrey came from her office.

"I understand its been a long day, aand Mr. Potter here has died but everyoe needs to get some rest, we have a lot to do tommorow" Madam Pomfrey chided sadly.

Hermione nodded.

Everyone gets up to leave except Draco.

"I'm staying" Draco said resolutely as he wrapped his arms tighter around Harry.

Madam Pomfrey sighed and held her hands up in defeat as she left to tend to others. The others leave to get some rest.

"Why did you stay?" Harry asked sleepily.

"I missed you" Draco said putting his face into Harry's shoulder.

"Me too" Harry murmured as he reluctantly closed his eyes.

Together they drifted off to sleep, like many other's that night.