
Lazarus: A Summoned Myth

In a similar dimension to ours, a different side of history took place. An evil king changed the tides of war forever. His concealed mage organization was working on ways to summon ancient myths throughout history. After it "succeeded" many spirits, good and bad poured out throughout the world. Lazarus was one of those ancient myths that were summoned. He was a legendary hero, who helped the many people affected by war, regain their possessions. Many feared him as he was a lethal assassin. Everything changed when the spirits realized that they were summoned with a cursed magical power. As the spirit's abilities awakened the world turned to chaos. Some decided to join an allegiance some wanted nothing but revenge. *** This is my first Novel! I hope you enjoy it! Please give me any criticism you might have, I am looking to evolve my writing experience through this novel!

wolos · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 13: The Soul Realm Called (Part 2)

The first floor of the Soul Realm had a bubble around it made out of magic, it was impenetrable. The way the demons got through it was by summoning themselves using black holes, within the Soul Realm. Only high-ranking demons were able to do this, not just any demon.

"Over there!" Luna pointed.

A black hole pierced the bubble, the black hole acted as a sac for the demon. The black hole was a swirling black entity and has orange spikes piercing through it. One demon popped out of this black hole. He had small arms, but big legs and a beak for a mouth, and a human torso. And steam was pouring out of him.

"And just as I thought things couldn't get weirder." said Lazarus.

"This is the least of it." laughed Luna.

The demon made an ear-piercing ringing noise and looked around sniffing the air.

"Mee, mee, maaaaaaaa." screamed the demon.

"What? Can he not speak to us?" said Lazarus.

"He's a fusion, in the demon realm they also do many experiments. He's a hybrid, human, bird, t-rex." said Luna.

"Hold, on... what?!" said Lazarus.

"Yes this is the sad reality." said Luna.

"Maaaaahhhh!!!! Raaaah!" said the demon.

He started sprinting toward them with his torso leaned outward, like a T-Rex.

"Watch me!" said Luna.

Lazarus placed his hand on her shoulder holding her back.

"No. Let me handle this." said Lazarus.

Lazarus went in front of her, and the demon and Lazarus were face to face.

"Mraaaaah!" screamed the demon.

Lazarus looked up at the demon and blinked. His eyes turned glowing green when he opened them. And he smiled.

"I don't care how strong you are, do you know what my dream is?" Lazarus said.

The demon couldn't move and was stuck in place.

"Mra.... mraaaah!!!" screamed the demon.

"You poor soul... one day." said Lazarus.

The demon piece by piece faded away, each piece vanishing into the air. The demon let out one little whimper.

"Maah." said the demon, as he fully faded away.

"Lazarus... how did you?.." said Luna.

"I was granted this power by the Association." said Lazarus.

"Are you serious!? You're amazing Lazarus!" said Luna.

"Oh no, it's nothing, haha!" said Lazarus as he rubbed behind his head.

"Anyway, are there any more demons coming?" said Lazarus.

"Not that I know of, but Lazarus be honest to me, who are you?" said Luna.

"Huh? I'm me, Lazarus. Nothing more." he said.

"I know you're bluffing. Lazarus, I can sense strong willpower from you. You're special." said Luna.

"I have a dream that I must fulfil." said Lazarus.

"And what is tha-"

"Very well Lazarus, I see you are using what we gave you greatly." said the voice as he interrupted Luna.

"Soul! May I- oops." she said as she covered her mouth.

"It's okay Luna, you can say my name in front of him." said Soul.

"Soul! May I please venture with Lazarus on Earth?" she said.

"Well then who will protect the first floor?" said Soul.

"You have the others! Please, Soul, do me this one favor." said Luna.

"Ah, since you're a Veteran, I'll grant you this." said Soul.

"Thank you so much!" she said.

"I'm sending you two off, safe travels." said Soul.

"Wait send down Leon too!" said Lazarus.

Lazarus and Luna were both enclosed by a black hole, within the black hole they were weightless, and it feels as if you are hovering in a timeless place.

Within what felt like a second to them, they were all back on Earth right at the exit of Corbus.

"Woah. That felt like nothing I've ever felt before." said Lazarus.

"Yep! That was made by Soul himself. Everyone copied him." she said with a frown.

"Hold on. Where Leon?" said Lazarus.

"Right here!" Leon yelled, he was on the ground waving his arm up in the air a couple of meters away.

"Hahaha, what happened to you?" said Lazarus as he helped him up.

"Ahhhh, I don't know I was sleeping and ended up here. Who's the girl?" Leon said as he pointed at Luna.

"Hi! My name's Luna, I'm a Veteran at the Soul Realm, defender of the first floor!" she said with a salute.

"Ah, nice to meet you, Miss. Luna. I'm Leon a member of the Charities in the Soul Realm." said Leon.

"Wow, great to meet you! I heard all about the Charities but never got to meet one!" she said as she shook his hands.

"Haha, well I'm right here." said Leon.

"Where are we off to Mr.Leon?" said Luna.

"Well right now, I think we should settle down in a town called Frojert. It's near us, but it's a town with a very deep history." said Leon.

"Oooh this sounds so cool!" said Luna.

"Why there?" said Lazarus.

"They have a grand tunnel system that people live in. It's the size of a city within a mountain. They've never been invaded. They are also elves." said Leon.

"Woaaaah, I've never seen one." said Lazarus.

"Me neither!" said Luna.

"It's on this path right in front of us." said Leon.

"Hey, how do you know so much Mr. Leon?" said Luna.

"Hahaha, well when I was a human I traveled to just about every corner of Yanni. It was great experiencing so many things, and even now seeing how everything changed." said Leon.

"Should we get going?" said Lazarus.

"Yeah! Let's go!" said Luna as she wrapped her arm around Lazarus.

They continued down the snowy path to the city of Frojert. It was a city that was within a mountain. To enter you must go through the gate, which was almost as tall as the mountain itself. The people who resided within Frojert were the elf race. Not much was known about elves in Yanni, even at this time. They are self-sufficient and never needed outside help, not many have even seen elves. From folklore, they were small people with very big ears.

"So what are the people like?" said Luna.

"Well you see, people have made up many lies about the elf race. People say they're mean, rude, and dishonest. But that's all just myths." said Leon.

"You've met them?" said Lazarus.

"Of course I have. They treated me with lots of hospitality!" said Leon.

During the journey to Frojert, Luna asked many questions and they were enjoying her company. Within a couple of hours, they finally made it to the gates of Frojert.

"Woaaaah this is so cool!" Luna said as she looked up at the gates.

The gates were made out of steel and were embedded within the mountain.

"This is crazy!" said Lazarus.

"Wow, this didn't change since the last time I've seen it! And it still amazes me!" said Leon.

"How do we get through the gates?" said Lazarus.

"Look up on the mountain, there's a 24-hour guard posted up there, he will come down and talk to us." said Leon.

The elf up on the mountain saw the three of them through his binoculars, he didn't climb down, instead, he jumped, and landed right in front of them without a scratch.

The elf that was in front of them was tall, about Lazarus' height, with blue skin, and long ears that drooped to his shoulder. He had tattoos all over his body.

"Heya, why do you three wanna come in?" said the elf.

"Wow you look a lot different from what I thought elves look like!" said Luna.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, what do you guys want." he said.

"We come to tell you about whats happening throughout Yanni." said Leon.

"Yeah, no worries we know everything about it already." said the elf.

"Oh, perfect! Then we'll be on our way." said Leon.

"Hold on, are you a hero myth?" said the elf.

"Yes, I am! Haha, my name is Leon." he said.

"Wow! Nice to meet you! My name is Ugar." Ugar put his finger on Leon's nose.

"Is this a form of greeting?" said Leon.

"Oh- yeah forgive me, this is how elves greet each other!" said Ugar.

Luna then placed her finger on Ugars nose.

"Well then, nice to meet ya! My name is Luna." she said.

"My name is Lazarus." he said as he stood in the back.

"Nice to meet you guys! I want you to come in! There's someone you must meet." Ugar said.

"Alright then." said Leon.

Ugar muttered something under his breath while facing both his palms out towards the gate. After he was done reciting, the gate started to slowly open up, making the ground rumble. As it was opening you can see the city of Frojert. The rock was covered up with metal all throughout and there was a long strip that went down as far as the eye can see. There were tiny rectangular holes in walls within that strip that led to marketplaces, elf homes, restaurants, bars, and more. No structure was placed outside, it was all within these tunnels in the wall.

"How come there's nothing here?" said Luna.

"It's all within!" said Ugar.

"Really?" said Lazarus.

"Hahaha! Yep this hasn't changed much either!" said Leon.

A CCTV camera dropped from above and analyzed their faces. Then a voice came out of it.

"Ugar! Who are these humans?" the voice said angrily.

Welcome, Luna!

The Soul Realm's first floor, is constantly being attacked but how?

Frojert is a cool place that I've been thinking about. It's interesting to see elves that live in a futuristic place.

Again, thanks for reading! Cya!

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