
Lawfully Sinful

Lily was always the darkest star in the brightest places little did she know she was simply shining brighter than anyone else. The Sins were people betrayed in the past and now reaping what they believe they’re owed. The story of the brightest star and darkest Sin begin now.

cyoung2067 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Everything started with a bang.

Waking up to banging on the door wasn't how she imagined her day would start. Lily finally had to get out of bed and see just who it was knocking so early and on the other side was her best friend Jamie. Jamie was an impatient person who never had the time to wait for anything, she had a family to help feed since her parents were disabled and could no longer work. Jamie burst in after the door finally opened and plopped onto Lily's bed and sighed "todays the day huh Lils." Lily turned "it's something that happens every year we should be used to this by now." The day of Sacrifice to the Seven Deadly Sins. It was a day everyone dreaded, because of their ancestors they had to live in fear everyday. "Which Sin are we holding the ceremony for this year?" Jamie asked. Lily replied "Lust". Lust's sacrifice requires a virgin it doesn't matter if it's male or female, old or young just a virgin. Jamie looked at poor Lily and sighed sadly praying it won't be her this year to be chosen. Lily turned to Jamie and shooed her away now that she was up it was time to start on the morning chores and then to get ready for the ceremony. Lily who was orphaned at a young age worried about being chosen, if she got picked the remaining family members receive benefits for life and for her that would be worse than death. Time continues moving forward regardless of how worried Lily is so she forces a smile on her face and sets out to the ceremonial hall with Jamie besides her. As they were walking they see an unfortunate face belonging to Lily's cousin Dalia. While Lily had long dark purple hair and dazzling light blue eyes, Dalia had shiny short black hair and emerald green eyes that shined with sinister intent. This was going to be a long day that began with a bang.