

centuries ago, a coven of witches performed a forbidden ritual in Fay Woods that could change the cause of time, nature and even the world as we know it. The witches were lead by a young powerful witch Esther who was feared by many. She disappeared months after she had performed the ritual. A war broke between the Orgs and the witches after her disappearance. Other mystical creatures sided with the witches making the Orgs an enemy to all. The war came to a sudden end by Esther's reappearance. Years later she built a school were creatures of all kind will be taught to controll their abilities and aquire more knowledge of their kind.

apex66 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

CHAPTER 1: Fay woods

Year 1505 in LAVENDOR

It was already the hour of the witches. They had gathered together in Fay Woods and covered themselves with dark brown hoods. They had drawn a large circle which had two stars in twined - inscribed within it with fig ash. They gathered round the circle, chanting their sacred words to the goddess Rhema.

That was the day that they had planned to plant the devil's seed. They had been nursing and caring for a woman who carried it in her for months.

" Le vec he la, debulame evec ne he"

A woman who was the only one in dressed in a green hood said, conjuring some kind of storm.

"Bring her in" she said while picking up a knife and stepping out of the circle.

"No no no, please don't do this"

Another woman cried out. She seemed to have been with child for at least six to nine months.

She was dragged in by two men who also had hoods on. All the witches gathered round the circle went down on their knees and continued to chant.

The pregnant woman was made to lay on the ground in the circle and nailed to the ground making her to bleed miserably from all her limbs.

The witch who was covered with green hood and also seemed to be the leader walked into the circle where the pregnant woman was nailed. She knelt beside her and used the small knife in her hands to slit the part of the woman's gown that covered her stomach. She then rose up her hands saying.

"Oh la vec, say ne he vec siva playas dev, oreav eat te nelame. Si oh ne la feare Rhema omireara devo"

These few words that she had said angered the raging storm more. The wind threatened to throw them all down and the thunder roared like a hungry lion devouring its prey.

She immediately brought down her hands and made use of the knife to slit open the woman's precious stomach. The screams of the woman, the chanting of the witches and the howl of the wind and storm filled the woods. The woman screamed out her lungs but unfortunately for her, she was left alone in her demise. She shouted even more when she saw her internal organs. She watched in terror as the leader of the witches put her hands in her opened stomach and brought out a large bluish green egg. It creeped her even more that she was still alive making her sweat like a drenched goat. Due to the fear that consumed her she lost her voice when she tried to scream again.

The witch who had opened up the woman's delicate stomach, carefully carried the egg and kept it in a brown basket on the ground near them.

The woman was agitated but at the same time perplexed that she had given birth to an egg. It angered her that all the pains she went through for the past nine months was for an egg. She knew that the egg wasn't her child. At that moment, she decided that she would try to negotiate with those treacherous witches to let her go and in return she would leave the egg with them.

"Mm... the great Esther, can i be..."

She managed to say with the extravagant pain she was feeling before Esther shut her up by cutting off her head.

"Cain" Esther called.

"Yes, great Esther" he answered.

"Come, dispose of this disgusting body in the pit of Lucifer as an offering."

She stood up with the woman's lifeless head in her arms.

Cain and his brother Abel were the warlocks that brought in the women. They were standing by the side - outside the circle. Cain walked into the circle, unnailed the woman, placed her on his shoulders and carried her out of there .Meanwhile, Abel picked up a shovel that was resting on a tree and entered in the circle. He began digging a hole at the exact spot where the woman laid.

"Great Esther the hole has been dug for the sowing of the Astara" Abel said.

Esther picked up the basket from the ground with her right hand and held the head on the other hand. She knelt beside the hole and kept the basket by the side and used her hands to place the head directly above the hole and said

"Eat la mi he"

She repeated those same words five more times.

The head gradually melted from her hands into the hole. The once empty hole was now filled with blood and some flesh. The blood in the hole started rising and bubbling as though it was boiling.

"Le vec he la, debulame evec ne he"

The other witches started chanting with more enthusiasm as blood trailed down from their eyes to their chin.

Esther picked up the egg from the basket and dropped it into the bubbling blood.

""Oh la vec, say ne he vec siva playas dev,oreav eat te nelame. Si oh ne la feare Rhema omireara devo" Esther chanted.

Suddenly, the ground started quaking, causing a disturbance on the earth's surface and a large oak tree emerged from the hole, covering the egg.