

centuries ago, a coven of witches performed a forbidden ritual in Fay Woods that could change the cause of time, nature and even the world as we know it. The witches were lead by a young powerful witch Esther who was feared by many. She disappeared months after she had performed the ritual. A war broke between the Orgs and the witches after her disappearance. Other mystical creatures sided with the witches making the Orgs an enemy to all. The war came to a sudden end by Esther's reappearance. Years later she built a school were creatures of all kind will be taught to controll their abilities and aquire more knowledge of their kind.

apex66 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Ark Lake

YEAR 2205


" Students of Arkberg university, our university has come with a conclusion that it is high time we formed an alliance with LakeVille University. We do not want to dwell in the past and continue with the ridiculous rivalry between the two schools. Assistant Headmaster Adam Smith and I, together with the council has seen, that this is best for witches and creatures alike. Our guests will be joining us here tomorrow and will be residing in Thorns. This school will no longer be known as Arkberg but ArkLake. I ask that you all be in your best behavior and welcome our guests properly tomorrow."

Head mistress Esther Walton addressed the students in the red hall. Esther Walton is a witch that is over a thousand years old- but she looked in her fifties.

As soon as she left the hall, the students started murmuring. They were all very displeased with the decision made by the elders _ this very reaction from them was well expected.

Over 700 years ago, witches and other creatures were not in good terms with the Orgs. Orgs are shape shifters just like many other creature but are more dangerous. when they shift, they become monsters with two bald heads, each having a distinctive feature- long dark claws that can cut through dense irons and diamonds- their bodies covered with scales. They have a size of 2-3 men and height of two average men. Some are even bigger than this. Orgs has strength like no other creature and most possess enormous power.

"How could head mistress Esther agree with such terms. We should really protest" Kate said to her friend as she adjusted her white shirt to rest properly on her blue jeans.

"We will do no such thing. Surely, you are aware that whatsoever head mistress Esther says is the law and it stands. So why waste our energy on such useless things, instead I propose that we show those LakeVille students what we are all about" Eleanor said wearing a smirk on her face.

"Albert" Eleanor called out to her boyfriend who was a distance away.

He was dressed in plain black T-shirt and brown trousers. They both started dating last semester. For someone with high standards and etiquettes like Eleanor, it's rare to see her settle for a simple boy like Albert. She became attracted to him because he the only boy who was not easily swayed by her - it agitated her at first, but she made him her target and she eventually captured him.

"Albert, where have you been all vacation? I called but you did not pick up."

"Sorry for that. My mum told me to go spend my vacation with my grandmother in Hillstone and grandma despises any sort of technology. So, you know …, just forget about it. How was your trip to Moonshed .

He wrapped his arm around her and the continued walking. The two love birds kept on talking forgetting that Kate was with them.

" I should really get myself some company this semester" Kate said.

"Yeah, you should. You always look so..so..." Eleanor said hesitantly.

"I should really learn to stop saying some stuffs in your presence" Kate sighed and left them in front of the red hall.

"Albert, how do you feel about LakeVille or should I say ArkVille" Eleanor asked emphasizing on the ArkVille

" Nothing really but I do believe that it will be more interesting having them around."

"Interesting having them around? just the thought of them coming tomorrow infuriates me. I mean how can the elders just put an end to a long-time history. How could they forget the way Orgs killed many witches without a second thought, the way they killed their creators. If everyone forgets or pretend to not remember, I will do no such thing.

" Such passion, that's one of the reasons I love you" he drew her closer and pecked her on her forehead. " Let's drop this discussion and talk about the freats"

" I am so excited; I'll be initiated this night. finally, I will be addressed as a freat. You know, it is not just everyone that they accept to be part of them but as everybody knows I am exceptional."

"Daring, I'm glad that you finally got in, but haven't you been trying for two years now" Albert said with a smile on his face.

"Look it isn't easy to be accepted into such an elite group. Why don't you try and see if you will ever get in.''

Eleanor was mad because Albert had questioned her capabilities, so she hissed and left him.

The next day had fast arrived. All the students at both schools had already gathered at the assembly, waiting for the arrival of Head mistress Esther and Headmaster Adam.

Esther was seated in her office, contemplating on her decisions. Her office is decorated in mostly brown. It gives one the feeling of warmth or an old cottage some say. Her thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door.

" You may come in."

"Esther, it's time for you to address the students.''

''Edwin, do you think this is the right thing to do? I am sure the students are not happy; it might make matters worse.''

''It doesn't matter what I think, I can't tell you the future if that's what you're looking for but all I can say is that I believe in you. so enough with all this and let's go.''

Edwin may look in his fifties, but he is a powerful warlock of two hundred years. Him and Esther has known each other for a very long time now.

Esther and Edwin went to the hall of falcons to receive Adam Smith the Headmaster of LakeVille.

''Esther if I may say, you look very dashing today.'' Adam said as he received her hand for a peck.

''You don't look too bad yourself. The day has finally come.''

''Don't tell me that you're having second thoughts now.''

''Oh, Adam, you should know me by now.''

''Better because if you were then I'm afraid it's too late. If you are not having second thoughts, then could it be that you are nervous.''

''Enough with the nonsense talks, let's go meet the students.''

Just like Esther and Edwin, Adam is an old org but also looked for younger than his age. Youth was one of the privileges' that came with being a creature. Adam is dark in complexion, had dark brown eyes, average height and kept no facial hair or any hair on his head. He always wears a suit, a hat on his head and a walking stick with a lion's body crafted on its head.

As soon as they reached the assembly, all the students went silent. Most students were conversing in groups but there was a clear demarcation between the orgs and the other creatures.