
Last World : Celestial Archeist

after reading what was considered one of the best books of all time, and also possibly being a soldier inside of a war against massively overpowered AI robots which could easily send out nuclear bombs... Rei gets reincarnated inside of the epic book that he had read all the way until the end at chapter 5425 ( Last World ), where the main protagonist, Kiro, awakened the last world system to become the strongest arcanist alive! unfortunately being reincarnated as a side character is way harder than you think, although it becomes way less hard when you're reincarnated with limitless potential and your own system. watch as the path of the very fabric of the world is deviated by the Awakening of Rei, The last celestial ( Spoiler ), and The upbringing of multiple other characters. can you withstand the will of the heavens which simply makes you think that this novel is trash, or will we surpass your normal expectations? Well prepared to get on the journey of your life! - Volume 1 - Arch Acadamia - Just keep in mind that my grammar is trash because I use text to speech...( speech to text ), sooo.... yeah

genisis_gaia_boss · Fantasy
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5 Chs

New family

"*aaooo ( ya know, the sound that you make that's sort of similar to yawning )*, that was some good slee- Said Rei, as he started looking around, finding that he was in a house with very much rare wooden furniture ( living in a desolate future must be pretty, un-wood filled ).

'Great, not only do I find out that the magic system is similar to Last worlds, I find that I'm in a new area!' Said Rei, as he pushed his senses to their non-existent limits ( how can you push your senses to their limits if you don't have any strength to do so )

'Why is my body more matured? It looks really similar to my previous body but I was 28, actually not that I think about it, my name in my past life was also Re-

'What was I talking about?' Thought Rei, as he continued with his usual thought process, although the only thing that wasn't entirely forgotten was the fact that his current body now looked more similar to his past one.

'actually not that I think about it why am I even so calm!?' Said Rei, his previous memories reemerging in a couple of seconds, before being sealed once again.

[ Host... Please don't do that, like most systems would say you're authority isn't high enough to know about those things. ] Said something, but Rei looked around and found nothing, of course not counting the wooden furniture along with the multiple other metal objects.

"What are you? In fact where are you!" Said Rei, jumping out of his bed, without realizing that he was clotheless.

[ Host, I can't be seen by your mortal eyes, plus I can still see you and you need to put some clothes on! ] Said the mysterious entity, as Rei continued to hold his guard up and continued to do so until....

"Rei, Ulmir, Evergarden! Get your butt down here or else you're going to be late for the opening ceremony of Arch academy!" Shouted a rusty and decently old voice.

"So you're saying that I can only trust you for now?" Said Rei, and a small voice would he would assume would allow the old rusty voice to not hear him.

[ Of course, but to make sure that others don't think you're crazy you can just think when you're talking to me. ] Said the weird parasite voice, which for now Rei had just decided to call 'weird parasite'.


After he quickly found some of the most nice looking clothes in his wooden closet, something that would have been extremely rare in his old planet, he quickly wore them while going downstairs.

The actual clothes themselves matched, and looked like some sort of royal attire from his previous world, while also holding multiple attributes of the modern society that was also in his previous world merged with the medieval one.

They were both black and had silver outlinings while the shirt and outer shirt had the words [ Arch ] on it in gold outlinings.

Overall the shirts actually looked pretty expensive, and was far better and held far better quality while also being in a far better condition than the rest of the clothes.

"Ah, honey, your finally up." Stated the old voice, mixed with a mostly unnoticeable change of anger, as Rei found out the voice was a simple old lady who was sitting on a couch across from him.

"But, we can't have you being late so you're going to have to eat breakfast at Arch." Said the grandma, as she started pushing Rei out of the house.

"w-wait!" Said Rei, causing the grandma to stop in her tracks.


'I don't really know what to say... But with all the previous events I sort of have an idea what happened'

"Thank you so much for adopting me, and I just want to tell you that I had a amazing life when I was living it inside of this house with you. So is it okay if I just give you my blessings?" Said Rei, cringing at his own speech...

"Aww, You were never the emotion type so why don't you just get out...!" Said the grandma, with a bit more anger in her voice, as she fully pushed Rei outside of the door, allowing for him to see the mega-tropolis that was in front of him...

[ Quest obtained - Get to that bus!

Requirement - Get to the hyper train that leads to Arch academy

Rewards - You get to Arch academy ]

'Quests to? This is like one of those RPG games from 2024. But seriously what are you?' Thought Rei, as he watched a massive red arrow appear mysteriously in front of him, leading to the north.

[ I am...

Olspher!, the ultimate AI of the ' outsider system ', gifted to you for reasons completely unknown by even myself... ]

'Olspher...I'm just gonna call you Ols, that ok?' thought Rei, as he started running in the direction of the red arrow, which seemed to be invisible to the eyes of other people.

[ Sure I guess... But focus on your current mission ]

'Ok, prepare for the most amount of questions asked to you in your life...' Thought Rei, giving Ols a chill in her non-existent spiritual spine.


*On the hyper train*

'first things first... Is this the novel Last World?' thought Rei, as he based The assumption off of all of the similarities inside of the power system except for a couple extra details.

[ Yup! This is in fact Last World but remodeled so all of the stuff isn't necessarily the same ( most of it is like the rolls of the main character and villainous ) ]

'Ok then... If so then the main character Kiro shut up obtained the Last World system...right!' thought Rei.

[ Correct! But the difference between the Last World system and the origin system is vast.

Mainly because I am much better. ]

'how can you be that much better? I mean with the last world system a person can buy potential, the strongest of items, manuals for arcanic cultivation in the of greatest forms, and even the ability to level up.'

[ The reason I'm better is mainly because of the fact that instead of leveling up and all of the stuff you mentioned I bring you closer to the path of origin! ( Which is literally everything but in their primordial forms and billions of times better ) ]

'...Oh, the path of origin, that's really overpowered.' Thought Rei, As he continued to look outside the window which was constantly flashing with different buildings and people.

'But why... Am I so calm?'

[ Well due to a fault in the transmigration unit, you unfortunately appeared 'emotionless'. Well you can feel emotions but most of the time you really calm and your face can't even move unless it's talking... ]

'Oh.. No wonder Grandma said what she said... But the next question is what a celestial is? All I know is that it is a lost and forgotten race but it was barely even mentioned in the novel and anytime it was it was for some sort of gigantic power up.'

[ Celestials are the strongest race by a long shot, due to their natural limitless potential and aspectual connection to space. The peak of celestials were entities that were considered World guardians and could form connections with worlds to gain the world level sources of arcane forces ( energy ) constantly at their disposal.

So you are really lucky to actually be trans migrated as not just a normal human but a Celestial! With the potential to become a world guardian you would have insane amounts of arcane energy at your disposal at any time! ] Said Ols, mentioning the great usefulness of being a celestial, specifically the title of a world guardian.

"Ok... Wait why does time pass this fast? We're already here?" Quietly said Rei, As he quickly got off of his seat and went into the stop...

To see a massive building with over 10,000 students inside!