
Last Shine

*WARNING* *Reading in a better place will prevent you from getting scoliosis* First this is a mash up fan-fic, a fan-fic created from many component of different origins. There's some from anime, video game, Lovecraftian, SCP, manga, manhwa, manhua and some other stuff put together in one place and voila. I don't really know how to promote fan-fic or stuff like this but... Fu Hua is best girl. At first Mc still got no names, but he'll gain it based from the usual Core Memory stuff. He's also an average Fu Hua admirer who like to drink milk. Beside from the main Mc there're some other important character that help to become the foundation for this story. There's Cera the common 4th wall breaker. Yjor the ruler. And Hylia a lass who likes chocolate ice cream. Those four are OC and got their own personalities, so maybe it'll be hard to read when they appeared or got their scene. The premise of this story is about erasing the tragedy, obliterating the chosen one, confronting the fake happiness, to become someone worthy, regaining dream and hope, as well as to become the champion of their own life. At earlier chapter, I still can't decided what writing style to be used so there're many error to be found. Even now I'm still trying to find another new style to write. And yeah perhaps there's someone who think it'll be a waste of time reading such long synopsis like this but... anyway. *IMPORTANT* There're suicidal thought in this story, so please watch your own thought before reading this as I don't want to make you to commit suicide on your own. Ehe Then there's some different personalities thingy, monster of emotion thingy, and death of cute and kawaii characters thingy. I'm someone with cute aggression behavior you see... Ah yeah... in this fan-fic there's Arknight CoC Genshin Granblue Azur Lane Honkai Gakkou Gurashi Welp so far there're only those, but I do want to add more character and lore from different stuff like Lament from Memento Mori, some game that can't be played anymore (You guys know Sid Story or Eternal City?) and yeah... this is just a plan so there's gonna be a HUGE chance I wouldn't put those in this fan-fic. Why? Who knows, I made this fanfic as a way to find my favorite stories. So anyway, that's the end for today synopsis. ----------- *This is a fan-fic, a work of fiction using some reference and material from other source of work, so credit goes to the original creator.* *Even though some of them are not mine, there's some original or random thing that I've added in this story* *And that cover is Fenghuang Down, don't know whose pict though*

Strunom · Others
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147 Chs

You feel the breeze?

「PoV of Zeimachi」

Reflecting on the past, there was a time when I used to spend my time engrossed with another individual.

I'd engage in casual conversations, relishing any kind of human connection, often adopting various character roles to forge closer bonds with new people.

The same as now just like how I'm doing with these girls.

It's peculiarly amusing that even though I can only recall fragments of my past, there's a surprising amount that I do remember. 

Memory works in mysterious ways sometimes.

'If I did met them in another world, wonder how did I react to them.'

Cera mentioned that the world is revolving, something she herself had never experienced despite her numerous encounters.

If an almighty god or a random omnipotent/omniscient being were to tell me that, perhaps I'd consider it as part of their grand design for the world.

Because that's indeed the beginning of the tale of a star, which causes everything around them to spin.

Time will elapse and World is everchanging.

Joy will be spent and smile will be priced.

But this time, she clearly stated that it was "this world" that was going to change. 

Remembering this, doubt once again fills my mind.

'Could it be true that what she meant back then was this Azur Lane world? No, I don't think so. She must have meant something else.'

Due to my own error, I have gained much knowledge.

Although having a wealth of knowledge that can be utilized is a good thing, I am just one person. What's the point of holding onto so much when in the end I will just be alone?

All the burdens I cannot express and convey will only make my memories and understanding frequently entangled with each other.

To prevent everything from getting jumbled up, one thing I do is lock fragments of my memories within the Feather.

The Feather is left slumbering in The Void until the time comes when they will truly vanish and be swallowed by emptiness.

That's what I hoped for, but Cera felt differently.

She deeply regretted those memories that could never be narrated, leading her to decide to alter some things within The Void.

She transformed something that should have remained mere memories into a reality.

'... What kind of being with high authority did Cera meant, I don't get it. But even if I don't know, she's still doing her own thing. So I'll just assist her like how I always do.'

I myself don't quite understand why I ponder such difficult matters. Isn't it nice to be born and have the power to frolic without any worries?

Becoming a powerful being after starting off as a weak and ordinary human, triumphing over gods, possessing strengths from various sources, resolving every national or even cosmic-level issue, and ultimately becoming the strongest in the world.

This is a dream shared by many and has been achieved by many as well.

It's just, there's something...

"Hmm? Something wrong at my feet, Ayanami-kun?"

"It's nothing desu, I don't know what commander is thinking, but you really walked on water, amazing."「Ayanami」 

"Ahaha I see, maybe I could teach you one or two trick later. It's not that hard if you got the hang of it."

That's not what I want. I don't need the world and all its grandeur. Because all I need is a small thing that can bring joy to someone's heart.

... something is happening?

"Again, something does feel off..."

"Is something bothering you, Commander? Should we take a brief pause?"「Z23」 

Gradually, everything has become strange.

It's as if I can't halt this train of thought.

Various pieces of information that I'd rather not dwell upon keep emerging in my mind, almost waiting for my response and explanation.

Like a narrative that I must write, they seem to line up, awaiting to be discussed in detail.

"It's okay, let's continue until we reach our destination."

What the hell is this...

'Zei... Zei??? Sakura Zeimachi did you hear me?'

My soul, reason, thoughts, and heart seemed almost submerged in those words.

But when Cera's voice sounded, strangely, the disturbing thing only needed a moment before they all scattered and disappeared.

They seemed to be... scared of Cera?

'... Its urgent, can you hear me now? I don't want some important detail to be censored. Check check check, do you copy?' (Cera)

'Perfect and clear, copy.'

I don't quite understand what she means by "sensor," but even if I were to ask, I'm certain the answer wouldn't align with what I hope for.

'Let me get it straight, 'kay? Right now, I'm not in the void, and I also couldn't make contact with the spare body either, so this means you and Yjor are the only ones connected to the void...' (Cera)

Every word of hers resonated clearly within me, though I couldn't hear it through my ears, my mind could capture it vividly.

But the immediate thought of mine triggered by Cera's words is a suspicion, caused by the increasing occurrence of many odd and coincidental occurrences that seem to emerge simultaneously.

'Coinciding when both of us aren't in the Void, what a coincidence right?'

Is this the mischief of some entity, or is this what she meant by the movement of the gears of this world? Cera's explanation is making me furrow my brow.

'Let's set aside the puppeteer for now, what matters now are the consequences. Remember, The Void has the ability to turn memories, dreams, and thoughts into reality, right?' (Cera)

'... As long as the memories in question are stored within the Feather, yes. What're you going to say?'

Dreams are the blossoms of sleep, a phenomenon occurring within the human mind when they fall into slumber.

Meanwhile, thoughts, fantasies, and imagination are common aspects possessed by those who think and reason.

Just like what she's saying, and from my weird train of thought's back then, all of these can become real within The Void.

Even a simple act of keeping one's memories could turned that Feather into another realities instead.

Utilizing the concept and laws of different realities, the Feather utilized as a storage serves as the Key of Consciousness, while the container for this storage is the remnants of a dreamer.

Thus, the impossible could be made possible.

However, sensing the trouble in her tone, I can't help but feel uneasy.

If reality were truly as straightforward as it sounds, then Cera wouldn't sound so distressed like this.

'Take for example Aleister from Toaru that troublesome bookworm. He's the one always seeking truth within the world, which eventually might weaken the 'Reason' placed within his world as a wedge there. Breaching the fabric of realities and could even reach the realm of god himself. ' (Cera)

Wedge, reason, and law. 

I'm not particularly intrigued by those terms. After all, these three things are beyond the reach of any ordinary creature's neither any immortal nor higher being grasp. 

Before something that alters those laws occurs of course.

I see, so that's what happening.

'In short, you've placed some kind of barrier to slow down their discovery of the fact that they're created from my memories and recollections, right?'

'Dang it, you've oversimplified it. But yes, as long as I exist, the barrier I've bestowed will prevent them from finding the 'Truth' you mentioned.' (Cera)

In that case, there wouldn't be too many problems if Cera can return in time to prevent a disaster. I decide to set aside the outcomes of this conversation, and continue my journey alongside the ship girls.

'Oh, the problem is... seems like there might be another case like your ex-wife. Who knows what'll happen before I returned right?' (Cera)

"Phhmff?! What's wrong all of a sudden?"「Javelin」

My steps unconsciously halt, pondering the decisions I must confront regarding a bond I once forged in the past. Is she implying that I have to face a similar situation again?

Just as I was feeling composed, I recognize that my hastiness in making decisions is to blame. Nevertheless, as the saying goes, better late than never.

'I'm not alone right now. There's this figure that I need to watch over for a while. So technically I'm not within that domain.' (Cera)

'I will make haste, no worrying about it. Hopefully Yjor could held out for a while.'

'As long some big pie not paying any visit then I supposed so... but Zei, you do know this is weird right?' (Cera)

Cera reiterated my doubts, which I had already begun to contemplate of how to prevent and address it.

Observing her manner of speaking, reminiscent of older women filled with repetitions and concerns like this, I genuinely hoped she wasn't under some kind of influence, poisoned or something.

'Huuuh?! Just wait till I-' (Cera)

I don't have time to listen to her curses. For now, I have to leave this place and return to that domain.

The commander's affairs have already exceeded a 50% completion progress, so it's fine if I let it naturally conclude with the assistance of the inhabitants of this world.

"Commander!? W-What's wrong? Did you forgot something?"「Javelin」

Turning my body and striding past a ship girl who was still unaware of why I was in such a hurry, I submerged myself again into the cold ocean.


In the expansive expanse of the open ocean, a squadron of ship girls navigated in a precision diamond formation, diligently escorting their revered leader, the Commander.

Initially chatting and enjoying the voyage amidst their cheerful chatter and the serene ambiance of their voyage, everything changed abruptly when their commander halted in his tracks.

Resulting in a small collision between him and Javelin who've been looking on his back in daze.

"Commander!? W-What's wrong? Did you forgot something?"「Javelin」 

Right after Zeimachi received a crucial piece of information from his companion, the man swiftly pivoted his steps, redirecting away from his previous forward trajectory. 

Though he offered Javelin a farewell tap on the shoulder, his words remained scarce. He barely said anything about his motive.

And without much ado, he plunged back into the depths of the sea, leaving the ship girls who watched him behind in puzzlement.

"Commander!? Javelin, what's happen with commander?"「Z23」

"I don't know either, he just ran past me and dive again."「Javelin」 

This realization swiftly dawned upon the ship girls. After all, Zeimachi was their commanding figure, the one they were bound to protect.

The prospect of failing to safeguard something precious for the second time weighed heavily on their minds. 

Recollecting of this fact, Javelin's heartache resurfaced, reopening old wounds within her.

"Nimi-chan, I'll go after him!"「Javelin」 

"Wait! Hold on Javelin!"「Z23」

Without a moment's hesitation nor anyone's decisions, Javelin was resolute in her decision to follow her Commander.

Once her intention was set in stone, the ship girl who could still catch a glimpse of her Commander dove as well into the water. 

She swam purposely, while keeping a watchful eye on the man who seemed to be doing something amid the expanse of the ocean.

"What's happened with both of them..."「Z23」

Returning to the surface, Z23 let out a sigh in response to Javelin's reckless behavior and the commander's suspicious actions.

Though she was as clueless as the others, she trusted that her friend Javelin wouldn't act impulsively without a significant reason.

Thereafter, she retrieved her still-functional communication device out of her pocket, assessing the remaining distance between their current location and the academy harbor.

"We still have time... huh? You two, what're you doing?"「Z23」

However, as she attempted to calculate their estimated arrival time at the harbor, Z23 caught sight of Laffey and Ayanami dipping their faces into the water, then lifting them back up to converse with each other.

"Mmmmm, I see them. They're still there, but what is that thing?"「Laffey」 

"I could see it too desu, both Javelin and the commander are still safe. But that thing... it looks remarkably like a portal."「Ayanami」


"Just like in game?"「Laffey」 

"Yes desu. Based on my understanding, that portal seems like it'll connect us to another place."「Ayanami」

Their hair clung damply to their faces as they raised them.

Observing Javelin and their commander seemingly entering the portal they often encountered in video games, Laffey and Ayanami then invited Z23 to take a look inside.

"Nimi should do it."「Laffey」 

"Nimi should try it too."「Ayanami」 

"As if! But... just to make sure they're both okay, I'll at least do something"「Z23」




Meanwhile, as the three of them observed from the surface of the sea, Zeimachi who had noticed a ship girl following him, felt a sense of surprise.

'Let go Javelin, do you know what about to happen? But uuh, I guess you didn't right?' (Zeimachi)

Attempting to release the grip of the girl attached to his ankle, the commander's expression seemed to convey these words.

Moreover, Javelin's efforts to bring him back to the surface added to Zeimachi's growing irritation.

'Just what's wrong with this girl?!' (Zeimachi)

Certainly, Zeimachi wasn't easily swayed by Javelin's pull. There're more pressing matters he needed to attend to now.

Nevertheless, he didn't want to misconstrue the ship girl's motives.

Therefore, in order to comprehend Javelin's actions, Zeimachi peeked into her heart a little, seeking understanding regarding the reasons behind Javelin's behavior.

Don't go.

"Khh..." (Zeimachi)

I still don't know anything about you yet, you dummy commander. From your expression just now, I'm sure something just happened.

But I beg you... don't leave again.

"..." (Zeimachi)

Please... I don't want to let the same thing to be happen again. I don't want to see everyone sad like that again, that's why... I'm not letting this leg away! 

Be strong Javelin! 

Don't lose your strength!

Rather than a mere glimpse into her heart, what he just heard sounded more like a wish she wanted to fulfill. A desire that always resides in those with aspirations.

Despite carefully keeping his distance from the ship girls to prevent such feelings from arising, it seemed the seeds of those emotions would sprout even when sown in the most barren desert.

'Damn it, this is why I don't like bonds, let alone romance genre.' (Zeimachi)

Despite saying so, the man had momentarily submerged into the voice of the heart he just heard.

Unbeknownst to him, he had stretched out his right arm toward the portal together with Javelin in tow.

'Whatever, somehow it'll work out.' (Zeimachi)

That resulted in both of them being pulled into the portal that connected them into The Void.




"Pwhaaah! Cough cough..."「Z23」

"They gone."「Laffey」

"A transportation gate... desu. Not good, we don't know where Javelin and the commander went now."「Ayanami」


Raising their heads again after witnessing the same scene, both of them looked at each other with the same question in their minds. 

Meanwhile, Z23 began contemplating several things.

"All of this..."「Z23」

From U-101's revelation about her encounter with the commander at the academy to the fragmented pieces of information she had gathered about the commander, both from when he arrived until the commander secluded himself in the office.

"... Could this possibly be a Siren trap?"「Z23」

"What's wrong? Let's go."「Laffey」 

While the thinker was unraveling the issue with her rationality, on the other side, Laffey and Ayanami were already prepared to plunge into the still-open portal.

"That's right, we need to jump in before it close. Even if it's a Siren's trap, we can't leave them alone."「Ayanami」 

Their rigging emerged simultaneously with their readiness to advance. There's hardly a trace of doubt in the eyes of those two.

They're poised to leap into wherever the portal would take them.

Now, it was just a matter of waiting for Z23 to voice her response.

"... Alright, whatever it may be, there's still a chance both of them are in danger. I've already set a beacon pinpointing our last coordinates on the map. We can leave at any time."「Z23」

Though they're well aware that the Sirens, their adversaries whom they must confront, often used cunning tactics like this to disrupt the seas.

And despite having gone through a harrowing nightmare that stirred much within them, these ship girls had always been the gallant warriors of the sea, the manifestation of the warship.

Therefore, even when faced with challenging waves, they would continue to sail through them.

"Deactivating self imposed limiter... let's go."「Laffey」 

The first to act, she dove in.

Utilizing her rigging, which resembled black rabbit armaments, she plunged into the sea and entered the portal without a hint of fear.

"Us too desu."「Ayanami」 

Followed by Ayanami who had changed as well, and wielding a double-bladed sword. Very similar to what Thanos wield in his End Game scene.

"Sigh... Everyone is same like usual... Oh not good not good, I need to collect my self, I can't put any shame especially when this is my first mission before commander."「Z23」

Then also followed by Z23, whose left hand had transformed into an arm cannon—one of the many forms she had received due to her retrofit.

Despite the small complaint she voiced, a smile lingered on her lips, indicating her joy at being beside her friends. It was a small dedication she directed toward those around her.




As the three entered the portal, they swiftly arrived at the other end.

They found themselves in a serene and dark place, akin to a black marsh that seemed to suck the breath out of their noses.


"Ughhh... Nimi... your cannon is stuck into my sword, and heavy..."「Ayanami」 

"Ahh?! Sorry Ayanami, but hey! I'm not heavy!"「Z23」

Without needing further explanation, they had now arrived within The Void, at the end of that tunnel or portal they had just entered.

It was a pitch-black space resembling an expansive and ominous void, adorned with numerous glowing feathers amid each darkness that confronted them.

"Wooahhhh... lots of feather everywhere, and Javelin spotted."「Laffey」 

Within that accepting yet rejecting chamber, the ship girls then discovered their friend lying unconscious. 

Surrounded by numerous feathers, it made it easier for Laffey, Ayanami, and Z23 to locate where Javelin was. The three of them hurried towards her.

"Amazing, they moved away like avoiding us."「Ayanami」 

"These feathers seem to respond to our actions, we don't know what might happen. Both of you should be careful—"「Z23」

Z23 cautioned, showing her leadership charisma among the four of them, reminding about the unknown place they were in.

"Booo~"「Ayanami & Laffey」 

"Didn't I just say be careful?!"「Z23」

True to her warning, if Z23 hadn't reminded them, Ayanami and Laffey might have already leaped into the midst of the feathers. Freediving onto them as if those Feathers are pool or something.

It was peculiar that as they reached Javelin's side, all the feathers that had previously surrounded the ship girl simultaneously dispersed, scattering across various sides and corners of The Void.

This allowed the four ship girls to regroup and reunite once again.

"Javelin! ... thankfully it looks like she's only unconsciousness, she's only fall asleep."「Z23」

"That's good desu."「Ayanami」 


Fortunately, as observed by Z23 and her companions, Javelin seemed to be in a good state. Despite her body being soaked, much like the three of them, there're no visible wounds or indications of pain.

For the time being, while they waited for Javelin to wake up, the three of them surveyed their surroundings. 

How did they spend their time there? Of course, by playing around.


Except for Z23, who stood guard beside Javelin, Laffey and Ayanami began chasing the many feathers that always attempted to evade their pursuit.

"Hum! There's no running away."「Ayanami」 

During their game of chase, there're moments when Laffey or Ayanami found one or two feathers that didn't flee when pursued. 

Instead, these feathers approached them individually as if they got attracted with each other.

Unfortunately they couldn't had their chance to touch them, because after playing for a not-too-long time...

"Who dares running around my turf?" (Yjor)

The commotion caused by the two of them gradually attracted the attention of the guard who had been trying to ignore them. The snake named Yjor who didn't want to have anything with them.

"Hmh, you're either belonged to that fool or nothing more than a rowdy bunch." (Yjor)

Yjor had received a few messages from Zeimachi before the man proceeded to his destination.

That's why the ship girls could still have their fun in the place guarded by that snake-like guardian of mischief.

Slithering with its head held high, Yjor hissed before the ship girls, who were surprised by the presence of a talking snake.

"A talking snake?"「Laffey」 

"Its a talking mister snake desu."「Ayanami」 

Laffey and Ayanami heightened their vigilance.

Whether it was the right choice or not, Yjor herself seemed unconcerned by their aggression. The snake already knew why they had arrived in that space.

"Are you belonged to that foolish human. Your response?"「Yjor」 

As Yjor passed by both of them, who regarded the snake as a mystical creature, the snake arrived at Z23's side, where that ship girl was providing a comforting presence for Javelin.

Facing the talking snake, Z23 felt a slight unease every time the serpent raised or lowered its head, especially as Yjor began to move and slither up onto her thighs.

"I-If that human you meant is our commander then, HYIII! M-Maybe you're right!"「Z23」

"Indeed so it may. You can relax about this sleeping one, she can wake up anytime." (Yjor)

Slithering with its agile and flexible scales, the serpent also wound around Z23's upper arm until eventually reaching beneath the ship girl's chin and used the tip of its tail to touch Javelin's forehead.

Prompting her to awaken with open eyes, like a brand new spring that almost headbutted Z23. Thankfully Yjor pulled the ship girl's neck in time, thus they avoided the aforementioned collision.

"Nimi... chan? Laffey and Ayanami chan as well... where are we?"「Javelin」 

"... I actually don't know either. Excuse me Sir Snake, but can I ask you some question?"「Z23」

Done with waking up Javelin, Yjor slithered down from the ship girl's thigh and coiled its body into a seated position like swirling circle. From the looks of it, Yjor still appeared to be disinterested with them.

However, the snake still held its head high just like a cobra.

"Respect me with the calling of Yjor, small being of creation." (Yjor)

"Mr.Yjor, that do sounds powerful desu. By the way, did Mr. Yjor saw commander just now?"「Ayanami」 

"He's a guy and... yes, tall with jacket."「Laffey」 

For some reason, both ship girls found Yjor's recent introduction rather amusing. This led to Yjor getting surrounded by Laffey and Ayanami, who started attempting to get a closer look at the serpent.

They continued to pet the serpent's head as if it were a pet, but unfortunately, the snake didn't appreciate it and instead swatted their hands away.

"I do, but don't get your hopes up since his schedule has been quite packed lately." (Yjor)

"Wait... you mean, Mister Yjor mean, the commander has other duties?"「Javelin」 

Javelin, feeling better after her nap, stood up and moved directly in front of Yjor's snout, interrupting the ongoing conversation.

Like a young child trying to plead with a friend, Javelin clasped her hands together and gazed at Yjor with eyes that shone too brightly for a creature living in darkness.

"So its Commander this time huh? What he's doing isn't quite beneficial enough to be called a job, but I'm sure he won't be too long." (Yjor)

"How long do you think?"「Laffey」


"Who knows? If you're concerned about time then relax. Time in this space differs from your world." (Yjor)

Turning its body, Yjor gestured for them to follow with a nod of its head. It seemed the serpent intended to allow the four of them to stay for a while.

Yjor itself was uncertain about when Zeimachi would complete his tasks. 

That man often involved himself in peculiar activities, which could require an extensive amount of time to solve problems in another world.

"World... Sir Yjor, did you just say world?"「Z23」

"Your hearing still fine, I did say World. Right now you're not in that clump of blue planet you called as home. Moreover, you're more like a guest right now, so do your proper introduction first before asking more." (Yjor)

"Ah y-yes, you're right. Sorry, we haven't introduced ourselves. In that case, my name is-"「Z23」

Yet, before Z23 could introduce herself, a ship girl wearing a rabbit ears headband suddenly appeared, striking a pose in front of them.

Climbing onto a carpet made of several feathers she had collected, Laffey now resembled Aladdin. 

Using this makeshift flying carpet, Laffey floated among them and continued to introducing everyone with each other.

"I'm Laffey, this one is Ayanami, this is Zed or Nimi, and lastly Jaberin. Nice to meet you Yjor."「Laffey」 

"I want to try it too desu."「Ayanami」 

As they introduced themselves, Javelin regained her senses with Z23 explaining beside her. All the while Laffey and Ayanami raced to collect the most feathers for their floating carpet.

But Yjor didn't permit any of them to win because the feathers were not meant for a competition.

"Use that sofa instead, these feathers aren't cushion." (Yjor)

Leading the ship girls to their seat, Yjor then proceeded to inform them about their current situation and whereabouts.



After guiding the four ship girls to a pair of sofas previously occupied by two figures resembling deities, Yjor began tidying up the area's slight disorder.

"Tired... good night."「Laffey」 

The serpent allowed them to use the seating available, as Yjor itself didn't want to touch anything close to the beings from a different spectrum like Almas. 

Unlike Ayanami and her friends, who wouldn't face any consequences from it.

"Hmm? Yjor-san what is this glass? This looks very expensive."「Ayanami」


"It looks like a glass I often see in display rooms."「Javelin」 

"That's true, this cup has an authentic design and looks like a relic. I've seen cups like this at the academy, which obviously aren't used for drinking."「Z23」

The cup they were discussing was the drinking vessel previously provided by Cera for her conversation with Almas. 

It was a cup capable of containing any liquid the holder desired, as long as they remembered its taste.

They found the cup resting on the table, and since there was no harm in touching it, they began examining the object according to their own understanding.

"It looks like a legendary grail you could get after you reach the sage house."「Ayanami」 

"Sage house? What sage house, maybe you mean the Light Fountain." (Yjo)

It seemed Yjor's reference might be related to the video game Ayanami often played. Or it may be differ from each others. 

Who knows, because even the world based from game itself had been visited by Yjor and Zeimachi in the past.

"Light Fountain? Could it be you also play games like Ayanami-chan?"「Javelin」 

"To think I got to meet a snake gamer. That's mean you're a challenger? I'm always ready to battle even a snake."「Ayanami」 

Hearing their banter, Yjor hissed in their direction.

"I'm on stand by right now, I'll be killed if she know I'm playing a game with some amateur." (Yjor)

"A,amateur... now that's can't be left lightly! Let's fight!"「Ayanami」 

Ayanami raised her unique sword, which had transformed into a controller from a certain console game. But Z23 intervened in time upon hearing the mention of a "she" in the snake's words.

"A-Ahaha let's not Ayanami. More importanly, is there any one other than us in this place Yjor-san?"「Z23」

"She's also out right now, the one who was and is known as The Guide, someone that demand me to call her as Madam. Why're you asking?" (Yjor)

The snake paused its tidying up to look at Z23, who felt a bit awkward and was attempting to ask a question that felt embarrassing to say.

"I-Is she someone like Commander mistress, Yjor-san?"「Javelin」

But what a turn, Javelin beat Z23 to the question, the ship girl in spats appeared to pity herself for not being able to gather the courage to ask.

"HAH! As if." (Yjor)

The girls were left speechless after hearing Yjor's snarky remark in response to Javelin's question. 

Meanwhile, Laffey, who had been silent and gazing at the cup in her hand, attempted to place her lips on the rim of the cup.


"Umm... why it's impossible desu?"「Ayanami」 

"Need to ask? They're considered too compatible, so compatible that many figures or entities refuse the occurrence of their relationship." (Yjor)


"Doesn't that sound somehow off, right, Nimi-chan?"「Javelin」 


"Maybe, but we ourselves don't know anything about the Commander's story. We also don't know much other than that he comes from another world."「Z23」


"That's right, but I understand what Javelin means. Hearing Yjor's explanation somehow reminded me of a romance story, desu."「Ayanami」 


A warm atmosphere enveloped them as they bantered, completely unaware of Laffey, who was still voraciously gulping down anything she could get from the cup.

"Laffey?! Y-Your stomach?!"「Z23」

"Hawawawa... Laffey-chan!? How did you get this bloated?!"「Javelin」 

"She's really drinking all of that."「Ayanami」 

Only then did they notice.

Unfortunately, they were a bit late to react. By the time they all looked at Laffey, her stomach had already puffed up and even made a sound like water whenever it was shaken.

'... I thought you let this sleepy one drunk all of those.' (Yjor)

"How could you drink all of that? Did you forget how your stomach hurt last time?"「Z23」

'So there's another one before.' (Yjor)

"Phuwh... it's the usual tasty oxy colaaaa... I never thought to have this chance in my life. Now I can rest peacefully."「Laffey」 

"Laffey-chan! Don't go into that side!"「Javelin」 

On the other hand, upon hearing Laffey's revelation about the cup, it seems that the ship girls started to become intrigued to try it.

"Hmm? It's mixed sundae I order yesterday? Slurp... whooaaaa there's also cream with it!"「Ayanami」 

"Ehh?? Ayanami-chan could you let me try... Sip... hmmnnn~~ Its the same tea Belfast-san brewed for me. Delicious, Nimi-chan should give it a shot."「Javelin」 

"E-Eh well if you insist. Hmm... Sip... it's the coffee I drink with Iron Blood members."「Z23」

"Adult taste, sasuga Nimi."「Laffey」 

They continued experimenting with the cup, exploring various flavors based on the drinks they remembered. Until their excitement was abruptly interrupted by Yjor, causing the four of them to fall silent instantly.

"Don't indulge too much, there's no restroom here. I'd rather not deal with your bodily waste." (Yjor)




「Azur Lane Academy, Commander's office」


Nestled within the rejuvenated Azur Lane port, a transformation attributed to Zeimachi's arrival, lay the commander's office, which had been refashioned into his operational nerve center.

One room remained firmly sealed, untouched since the commander's departure.

Within the solitary confines of this untouched room, there's a backpack stirred, responding to the vibration of a nostalgic ringtone—an unmistakable sound emanating from one of his possessions nestled within the bag.


The bag continued to tremble incessantly, accompanied by the persistent sound of the ringing tone emanating from his device within. 

The screen of his gadget also illuminated, displaying a message akin to a date reminder.

[Happy Birthday Mitake-san: Ran Mitake Birthday]


The birthday reminder's ringtone persisted, uninterrupted and unchallenged, until the doors finally swung open.

"Hey Warspite... you sure He's not in there? You really sure?"「Queen Elizabeth」

"Please at ease Your Majesty, I had asked about it to maid corps and they said if commander is out right now."「Warspite」

From behind the wooden doors entered two ship girls, both blonde-haired and standing at a height reminiscent of young children.

Considering the names they bore in their world, there was no doubt about their significance within their own faction.

One was the ship girl Queen Elizabeth, bearing the name of the revered queen herself. Accompanying her was Warspite, the loyal guardian of the queen.


"..."「Queen Elizabeth」

Ensuring the absence of the intended individual, these two ship girls surveyed their surroundings more attentively. An as expected, there's no one there but the old belongings that perpetually adorned the office space.

The desk and its chair, a sofa paired with its table, a potted plant next to a box of papers, and a cabinet brimming with folders—they all remained, just as Queen Elizabeth remembered them.

"Ah..."「Queen Elizabeth」

"As Sheffield mentioned. What's troubling you, Your Majesty?"「Warspite」

"I mean... there's hardly anything different here. Everything remains just as it was. Don't you recall it, Warspite?"「Queen Elizabeth」

"...Now that you mention it, it feels true. Everything here seems almost unchanged from before."「Warspite」

True, except for a bag that had been making a lot of noise, and a box filled with various shimmering stones resembling gems.

Surveying every corner of that room filled with many memories, Queen Elizabeth paused to digest the myriad of ideas swirling through her mind.

"Your majesty?"「Warspite」

As the process concluded, she placed both hands on her waist, exuding an aura reminiscent of a mini yet adorable queen.

This gesture piqued Warspite's curiosity about what her queen was pondering.

"Warspite, I think I just got a great idea. Head maid, are you there?" 「Queen Elizabeth」

"Yes your majesty."「Belfast」

Like a fleeting apparition, another ship girl emerged from outside the room. Clad in a maid outfit akin to Sheffield's attire.

"I need the support of the Royal Maids present to accomplish this. Can you arrange that?"「Queen Elizabeth」

"What exactly are we going to do?" 「Warspite」

"Huhuhu, what's else. We're going to change this room, as a benevolence gift from me of course. But we need his own permission first."「Queen Elizabeth」

Queen Elizabeth once again elaborated on her plan to renovate the room, explaining it to both Warspite and Belfast. One could say this action was a step she chose to take in order to foster closer relationships among them.

"You could do it right, Bel?"「Queen Elizabeth」

"Your wish is my order."「Belfast」

"Perfect, but talking about order... what's is this sounds?" 「Queen Elizabeth」

As they finished their planning, the sound of the ringing tone finally caught their collective attention. 

Warspite who without hesitation, took the lead and swiftly moved toward the source of the sound, approaching cautiously.

Upon realizing that the source of the sound emanated from the communication device nestled inside the commander's bag, she felt a wave of relief.

"Its commander's phone."「Warspite」

"Phone huh... kuh, there's lock in it. A-Anyway, you should hold it for now Warspite. Leave responsibilities to me, we never know when those people from HQ will call on him, I believe in you."「Queen Elizabeth」

"Y-Yes your majesty!" 「Warspite」

Following this, Warspite carefully stowed away the mobile phone. 

As for his bag, she stored it neatly inside one of the drawers on the work desk. 

She took great care to ensure the bag wasn't crumpled, and Queen Elizabeth, observing that her task had been accomplished then nodded in satisfaction.

"Now let's go, now that I remember... where did he gone to again?" 「Queen Elizabeth」

"A while ago, we received a signal quite far from the port. But it seems Javelin and her companions have found the commander, Your Majesty, you can rest assured." 「Belfast」

"Well, as long nothing went wrong then it's fine!"「Queen Elizabeth」

The three of them then departed from their commander's room, each with their own thoughts and sentiments.

"As long nothing happen, yes."「Warspite」







See yaa

Edit: F Homina

Strunomcreators' thoughts