
Last Shine

*WARNING* *Reading in a better place will prevent you from getting scoliosis* First this is a mash up fan-fic, a fan-fic created from many component of different origins. There's some from anime, video game, Lovecraftian, SCP, manga, manhwa, manhua and some other stuff put together in one place and voila. I don't really know how to promote fan-fic or stuff like this but... Fu Hua is best girl. At first Mc still got no names, but he'll gain it based from the usual Core Memory stuff. He's also an average Fu Hua admirer who like to drink milk. Beside from the main Mc there're some other important character that help to become the foundation for this story. There's Cera the common 4th wall breaker. Yjor the ruler. And Hylia a lass who likes chocolate ice cream. Those four are OC and got their own personalities, so maybe it'll be hard to read when they appeared or got their scene. The premise of this story is about erasing the tragedy, obliterating the chosen one, confronting the fake happiness, to become someone worthy, regaining dream and hope, as well as to become the champion of their own life. At earlier chapter, I still can't decided what writing style to be used so there're many error to be found. Even now I'm still trying to find another new style to write. And yeah perhaps there's someone who think it'll be a waste of time reading such long synopsis like this but... anyway. *IMPORTANT* There're suicidal thought in this story, so please watch your own thought before reading this as I don't want to make you to commit suicide on your own. Ehe Then there's some different personalities thingy, monster of emotion thingy, and death of cute and kawaii characters thingy. I'm someone with cute aggression behavior you see... Ah yeah... in this fan-fic there's Arknight CoC Genshin Granblue Azur Lane Honkai Gakkou Gurashi Welp so far there're only those, but I do want to add more character and lore from different stuff like Lament from Memento Mori, some game that can't be played anymore (You guys know Sid Story or Eternal City?) and yeah... this is just a plan so there's gonna be a HUGE chance I wouldn't put those in this fan-fic. Why? Who knows, I made this fanfic as a way to find my favorite stories. So anyway, that's the end for today synopsis. ----------- *This is a fan-fic, a work of fiction using some reference and material from other source of work, so credit goes to the original creator.* *Even though some of them are not mine, there's some original or random thing that I've added in this story* *And that cover is Fenghuang Down, don't know whose pict though*

Strunom · Others
Not enough ratings
147 Chs

Side Story: Unknown land with dust.

Somewhere within the Void, there's a figure of Cera who're managing Feathers.

Her diligent demeanor while working is quite impressive, or so it's supposed to be, if only she didn't have that irritated expression on her face as if someone wanted to borrow her money.

"Hey ▀▀▀, mind me asking hm? What's wrong suddenly there's a side story up there?"

It's April first, so naturally its time for that.

"Don't tell me..."



Yes it is and you can't deny that.


Yes you guess it right, it's already time for April Cera.

"No no no! I'm not gonna do this!"

You have to, since it's a tradition.

"NeVER hEArD anD i nEVer kNoW ABouT tHAt!!"

It was created in a rush, but thankfully you know about it just now.

"Like I care bout your deadline, ▀▀▀!!!"

Don't worry because it won't take much time. It will end as quickly as a sting from a swarm of bees right off your back.

And so, suddenly beneath her feet a portal opened which'll become the connection between that space onto a different world.

However, instead of surrendering and going in there to accept her fate, Cera actually fought back and tried her best not to go in.

"Hold it!! Ughhh!!! yOU cAN'T maKE mE!!!"

Cera struggled with all her might not to enter the portal.

At the same time, just when Cera sounded like she's in urgent need, Zeimachi approached her while keeping an eye on Yjor who was still keeping a safe distance.

It seemed that the snake somehow understood not to get involved in the madam's business. Thus the snake just stood idly watching from the side.

"What's wrong Cera? Shouting like an outer god like that. Hey snake, you know something?"

"You're a foolish being who acted like one, human. Can't you see Madam is in distress while doing her work."

"Ohh naruhodo! Better don't bother her then."

Deciding not to get involved, Zeimachi and Yjor then began to distance themselves from Cera. They felt that there was no use in meddling in matters that were far beyond their control.

Casually, the human and the snake walked and slithered away from her.


And clearly, this made her very upset.

"Excuse me!? What do you mean far beyond your control, huh?!"

With her emotions boiling over, Cera grabbed and squeezed the foolish man's face. Like the grip of a Godzilla, Cera used all her strength and didn't let Zeimachi escape her reach.


"You also get in! Don't ever think I'll suffer that alone!"

Zeimachi's scream echoed through the Void.

While Yjor watched the unusual scene from a distance, the snake's ears then heard another sound coming from somewhere. It was a beat that drop so hard despite coming from a random ice cream truck.

Making a U-turn and parking in the designated ice cream truck spot, a little girl holding a choco mint ice cream could be seen getting out of her vehicle.

"Humm~ Zeimachi~ Cera~ What are you two doing?"

Another girl, the feasty haired girl Hylia chimed in.

The girl, who was unaware of what was happening stepped closer to the two struggling individuals.

"Whia! Peffect gibe me thaz ize sream! (Lia, Perfect give me that Ice cream!)"

In the middle of his struggle, Zeimachi who saw a powerful weapon in Hylia's hand chose to acted like a wicked adult.

Without mercy and without permission, Zeimachi took Hylia's ice cream and shoved it into Cera's mouth to create a chance in releasing her grip.

"Ahhh?!?!? My Ice Cream! Zei!! Give it back!! Give-it-back!"

"A-Ack don't pull my shirt it's just an ice cream..."

"AHHGGgKKK uhhggghhmm khhhaaaahhh!" (You idiot, it's choco-mint ice!! And it's cold you fool!)

The three of them continued their struggle, and without realizing it, they had all entered the portal.

Now then have a nice trip.

"HHMMMMMMMMM!!!! (NOOOOOO!!!) Pteuuu... Zei! Link us with your feather! Make sure to link Hylia as well! Don't let your hands go, Lia!"


"Y-Yes Cera! But my ice cream~"

"Just put it on Zei's tab!"

"It irks me that you're the one who said it, but both of you don't let go!"

A glowing Feather floated down and landed on both of their heads.

With the portal drawing near, the three of them disappeared from the Void, entering a new world along with a new adventure that awaited them.

Silence returned to the Void, as if the previous disturbance had never occurred.


And within that silent and serene space, there was Yjor the Snake, once again regretting the snake's choice of not joining the crew in their adventure.

"Why did I stay..."

Yjor the snake contemplated.


「Unknown Land」

The wind roared, carrying dust and sand within it.

The sunlight shone brilliantly, almost blinding, giving a scorching sensation on their untamed skin.

In a place where the land was covered entirely in sand, resembling a desert, three humanoid figures emerged from a now-closed portal.

One man who appeared nearly lifeless, one girl shedding tears as her ice cream melted, and another girl older than the crying one, who hid under a parasol she had conjured seemingly out of thin air.

"... I have a question for god... WHY?! It's sand and dust all over the place!? PWahAGH! Oi Lia! Stop throwing that sand to me!"

"(Cries) My Ice cream is gone... why did you have to take it from me??? Zei you idiot!"

The first to start the commotion were Zeimachi and Hylia.

Unlike the girl who was crying because her ice cream had melted, the man was not too bothered by the desert's heat.

But looking at those tears, he seemed to feel a slight, really slight regret for stealing ice cream from that child.

"Sorry... sorry. I'll give you Magnum and Cadbury later, so forgive me, okay? For now, just take this Rokka, okay? I've got nothing left in my pocket."

So, he resorted to using the ultimate move of adults: bribery.

Of course, being a child, Hylia easily accepted the apology. She gleefully took a Rokka candy from Zeimachi's hand and ate it with joy.

But it seemed she was getting a bit greedy.

Thinking she could outsmart Cera to get more candy, Hylia started to sweet-talk and cling to Cera to get more candy.

"Choco-mint is not to my liking. Everything is that fool's fault so don't pose that eyes at me. Instead of that, would you like to play a game Lia?"

Unfortunately, she failed.

Cera, hidden in the shade of her parasol shifted and turned her gaze away because she didn't want to get in the aftermath.

Still it doesn't mean she pay zero attention to that child's tantrum.

Due to her extensive experience dealing with clever kids like Hylia, Cera used another method to help the girl get rid of her annoyance.

"Do you see that hill over there? Let's race between the three of us. The winner could get anything from Zei."


Hearing this suggestion, Hylia who had been pouting and crossing her arms, suddenly brightened up.

She thought this was a game she could easily win, and besides, because Hylia was interested in the word "game," she immediately dashed in the direction indicated.

"Don't take it back okaay! I'll be the first!"

"Good luck with that Zei, whether that lady will be upset or not, all will be on your hand."

Cera's behavior is indeed quite irresponsible when unexpected times.

Surprisingly, Zeimachi also realized that the game was Cera's way of keeping Hylia occupied with something else. Slightly scrathed the back of his neck, he didn't put much thought with those trivial matters.

Then, just like his switch that has been flipped off.

"Never mind. By the way, do you sense it?"

He Kneeled down while placing his palm on the desert floor, Zeimachi looked quite different from his usual self when he was completely focused on his tasks and abilities.

"What sense? Energy vein? The Watcher? Those things above our heads? Radiation? This world is ain't one of my copy so I don't know what you're talking about."

"My skin feels like burning, and something keep ringing inside my head."

"Then its radiation."

"Then its radiation my head?! Hmm... borrowing knowledge from archive, implementing anti-hazardous element to all parts of current body... yosh done."

"You should be fine for now, but are there something else you feel down there?"

Utilizing one of his "spells," Zeimachi, who had now somehow built up a tolerance against radiation continued to concentrate on probing the underground.

While he couldn't sense everything, he managed to deduce some elements that he had known well and close for a long time.

"I sense some Honkai energy in here... weird... there's also magic vein deep down there... and is this originium?"

"Honkai, magic stone, and Originium. Anything more?"

"Hmm... there's more... ether, crystallized essence? Maybe it's a soul? There's even energy of evil and virtue in here. Weird, were there somekind of war or something in here?"

As he finished his probing, Zeimachi brushed away all of the sand from his hand. His demeanor was a mix of peculiarity and enthusiasm, as if he had seen water in the middle of the desert.

Meanwhile, standing beside him, Cera's expression was one of sarcasm and sharpness, directed towards an indistinct point with evident hostility.

'I am looking at you ▀▀▀.'

It seemed she was blaming someone or something for what had happened.

As Cera maintained her sardonic gaze, Zeimachi abruptly raised both of his hands, startling her who was still focused on directing her animosity towards an unclear target.

"That means... Huh! There's Fu Hua!"

"Y-Yeah... maybe she is or was."




After a moment of silence, Zeimachi's eyes filled with determination, leaving Cera utterly flabbergasted by his sudden change.

"I'll go pick Lia, wait here till I return got it?"

"What?! That's mine you idiot!!!"

However, what surprised her even more was when Zeimachi grabbed the parasol she had been using and dashed off towards the hill to catch up with Hylia.

Infuriated, Cera ran after Zeimachi with all her might.


"Everything is sand. All is sandy~ Akhg!? My eye..."

Upon reaching the hill's top, Hylia, who had emerged victorious as the desert champion, got some sand in her eyes.

Though she was somewhat in awe of the landscape before her, the wind and sand continued to be sources of discomfort for many in the desert.

"Oi~ Lia~~ You okay, girl?"

Thankfully, the voice of the man provided her some solace once again.

Rubbing her eyes with her sleeve, Hylia turned around to see Zeimachi ascending the sandy hill with Cera in tow.

"Ah! Zei and Cera~! Over here~"

Waving both her hands, Hylia signaled for Zeimachi to hurry up.

"Don't ask the impossible, this dead-weight is more than a burden. Hurry and get off now!"

"Just take these good things, you can feel this softness on your back and I'll also shield us from the sun holding my parasol. Then in exchange, you can be my carriage ohohoho~"

"Ahh?! What the hell is soft!?"

"Huuh!? Said that again you prick?!"

Unable to hear the conversation, Hylia appeared slightly envious. It seemed she also wanted to be carried just like Cera was.

So, after observing the ongoing argument between the two of them, without much thought, Hylia suddenly rolled and darted towards them like a wheel.

"Zei! One sonic incoming!"

"Then come- Bhuuuggh..."

In the end, Zeimachi had to princess carry Hylia not long after.

He chose to stop thinking and turned off his brain as he carried both Cera and Hylia like two packs of backpack on both of his front side as well as his back side.

Just like a helpless man who can't escape the koala on his back as well as the little beaver on his front to be carried, Zeimachi sighed hard.

"Yay~ Let's go~~!"

"So... where to?"

Zeimachi asked the most important question. Amidst the desert, all they could see was endless sand.

"How about there, I saw something shiny over there."

"Shiny? Hmm wait Zei... Hylia is right, there's someone over there. That person almost got buried under the sand, let's go that way first."

That's what they assumed before Cera looked towards the direction Hylia was pointing. Using her finger as a compass and tilting his chin to gaze on the same path, Cera indicated the direction they should head next.

"Hmm... Oh! You're right, there's someone or something over there. Good job Hylia! Hang on so you don't fall, I don't really care about this heavy on my back (Clap) Ahhhh!? Why did you slap me on both sides!?"

Indeed, he do received slap mark on both of his cheek due to his insensitive remarks.

"Don't teach her to caught the usual dense and bad attitude. Even if my thigh is 100kg just like Yuuka, you should definitely say if I'm light."

"Hmm~? What's part of you is 100kg, Cera? Wasn't Cera's real weight is far more-"


"Tta!? Why me?! She's the one who said it!"

"It's because she's out of my reach, you neck is just too long, giraffe."

While giving a sharp look at the man, Cera was always ready to move her hand in order to deliver a judgmental slap to Zeimachi.


"What's now?! No one said anything!"

"... Desert mosquito."

"You think I was born yesterday or what? Huh?!"

Such was the conversation they kept having as they descended the sand dune to reach the person who seemed almost covered by the pile of sand before them.


In a certain world, there exist several Guardians who oversee it.

These beings can be likened to deities, but more accurately, they are entities born from fundamental concepts.

For instance, Time giving birth to the Warden of Time, Space giving birth to the Speaker of Space, Nature birthing the Mother of Nature, and Chaos manifesting the Leader of Chaos.

"So Zei, if she's from council and hold the throes of civilization, then this all caused by mark of chaos right?"

"Fifty-fifty, but it doesn't matter since in the end that means this world got too much mishap and mashup in it huh. Having her in here could probably spell disaster soon."

"I'll open it. You should take care of the rest."

"Huh, you think giving me the bread while you ate the rest of the sandwich is fair?"

And this also includes humans and civilizations, which in turn give rise to the figure of the Guardian of Civilization.

By the way, Cera is still on Zeimachi's back like a koala.

In the depths of her subconscious fragility, a guardian slowly opened her eyes.

The dry and arid air was once again inhaled into her being, causing movement within her chest. Up and down, much like the destiny set for every living human.



"Zei~! Cera~! She's already awake now!"

As the previously unconscious girl squinted her eyes, Hylia sitting beside noticed the movement.

Waving the parasol that Cera lent her, Hylia called out to the two of them who were still engrossed in their serious conversation about something.

Though curious about what they were discussing, Hylia wanted to know the reason behind their serious expressions while discussing the topic.

"What're the two of you talking so serious?"

"We wanted to look for anything glitter and sparkling like a stars. But since Cera is not a fighter right now, she can't put up with that."

Hearing his foolish remark, Cera took the parasol from Hylia's grasp and jabbed it at the man's stomach.

"Kasumi reference?"

"Bhuuugh... you got that. I'm dead..."

Just like how it was done, Zeimachi ga shinda.

"(Sigh) Don't worry Lia, we're not trying to hide anything from you. We were just talking about some of our old times."

Receiving a few pats on the head from Cera who had opened her parasol, Hylia smiled again. Although she didn't quite understand why Cera was patting her head.

Putting that aside, the figure that had previously been unconscious had now opened her eyes. Sometimes she spoke a bit off, but the most important thing was that there were no injuries or harm on the girl's body.

"Who... are you? Where is me? Am I who?"

"Who am I and where am I? You got some berries in your head or something?"

"Huh?! Who are you?!"

Zeimachi corrected which made her even more vigilant.

But what could she do? The man had suddenly appeared from behind and was now beside the girl's face, which was quite startling.


Since Cera didn't want any more misunderstandings, she urged him to properly introduce themselves before talking to someone who seemed to have a bird as their brain.

She didn't want to stay in the scorching desert for too long.

And so, Zeimachi began his introduction.

"Ore wa Natsuki Subaru, ore no waifu wa Emilia-tan soshite Emilia-tan wo aishiteru."


"Hello Zeimachi desu, nice to meet you. This is Cera and that little one is Hylia."

"... Nice to meet you."

Seeing the man being slapped for a reason she didn't quite understand, the girl whose name hadn't been revealed yet meekly nodded and turned to Hylia, who extended her hand for a handshake.

Feeling a bit hesitant, the girl reached out and shook it, noticing how delicate the little girl's hand felt in her grip.

However, what caught her off guard were the words she heard when their hands moved together in unison.

"Hey I'm Hylia, the blossomed flower who like chocolate ice cream. What is your name? And do you want to feel death for once?"

"... Death, I saw it so many times. Every human and living being that I saw, the end of their cycle. Still it kind of weird though, why you want to know that?"

"Hehe, its my mission. I want to know how death feels for everyone~"

"I see? That's pretty unusual..."

Confusion about the meaning of Hylia's words filled the mind of the girl whose name hadn't been revealed yet.

Meanwhile, the two of them who had been observing from the sidelines took over the conversation to steer it back on track from where it started.

"Hello sorry for that, she didn't really mean it about death for you or anything. Anyway, I'm Zeimachi but just call me Zei for short."

"I'm Cera, sorry to push you here, but can I ask you if you remember your name?"

Hearing these words, the girl could only shake her head with a frustrated expression. Despite her efforts to recall, it seemed there was a barrier preventing her from remembering.

"I... I can't remember it..."

"A classic case of amnesia, Zei."

"A'ight, hold my hand along with this Feather. Don't be afraid, I'm not going to hurt you. Abaha Kadhabra!"

And as he finished his incantation, a gentle light enveloped them.

As if a magical incantation had been spoken by a magician, the girl felt as if something was being released from her mind. Darkness engulfed her as the feather emitted a calm light.

With her eyes closed, feeling a sense of drowsiness, the girl saw several familiar figures, friends she recognized, as if they were trying to rescue her from within her own thoughts.

And with the Domain of Sentience functioning, the key of consciousness, Fenghuang Down, worked its magic on the girl.

"Mu... mei? Nanashi... Mumei?"

Her eyes opened with the seal of memories broken.




After the memory restoration process using Fenghuang Down was completed, the four of them resumed their conversation. Using Cera's expanded parasol she created a shaded area more comfortable under the desert sun.

Fortunately, Cera had grown tired of being carried, so she got down.

They also provided a glass of water to the girl named Nanashi Mumei, considering the dryness in her voice and the potential thirst she might be experiencing.

Where did the water come from? The answer lies within the man's pocket.

"Heee~ So Mumu is a guardian... guardian of civilization? Hey Zei, what kind of guardian is that?"

"Uhh, some kind of tax officer?"

"Idiot, that's mean Mumei is just like a guard who continue to watch over humanity. The term of civilization was based from the history of humanity and most of their creation, so tecnically Mumei is the one who guards them. Am I right?"

"(Gulp) Fheew, yes it doesn't sounds wrong either. I'm the Guardian of Civilization, the one bearing that concept itself. Born from humanity and not created nor molded by gods, I've been travelling all around this world until finally... I reached this land."

Cera and Zeimachi exchanged glances for a moment.

So far, the explanation was consistent with what they knew, and although there were some differences, they weren't too significant.

The Council and its members.

When hearing about the Guardian of Civilization, Cera teased Zeimachi by associating him with his idol figure, Fu Hua.

However as usual, instead of peacefully resolving their differences, the two of them continued their endless banter as their unique way of settling things.

"You little baby who can't do shit without your Fuka-san!"

"Shut up you reptile lover! You think I don't know about how you got huge collection of Tomimi's thicc tail in your room?!"

"How the hell you know that!? Devasta!"

"Can't you copy Light Yagami when he tried to hide his death-note?! MIKAGE!"

They continued their quarrel amongst themselves.

Meanwhile, Hylia, observing the situation, seemed to signal to Nanashi Mumei not to pay too much attention to it, as such arguments were a common occurrence for them.

"... Excuse me, Hylia?"

"Yes Mumu?"

"Mumu is me right?"

"Yes, Mumu is Mumei. What's wrong?"

Nanashi Mumei appeared to want to correct something, but she decided not to do so.

"Did you you see my friend? It's a mask-like floating paper bag? So it should be easy to spot..."

"Mask? Hmm... I'll help to search."

Zeimachi and Cera continued their petty argument, and while disregarding their meaningless squabble, Nanashi Mumei and Hylia began searching around them.

Possibly buried under the sand, the two of them started digging a small pile of sand. And after digging not too far from where Nanashi Mumei was found she finally found it.

"Mumu~ Is this it? This paper bag with a hole in it. Eh, it's moving?"

Hylia found it, Nanashi Mumei's paper bag or what she referred to as her 'friend.' It even opened its eyes as it was shaken off the dust and sand covering its cardboard face.

"Its flying!"

"Thanks Hylia, I can't do much without this guy. How're you doing little fella?"

" *Fluterring* "

Flying away from Hylia, Friend moved its small arms and showed a little smile on its cardboard face. It seemed delighted to be reunited with Nanashi Mumei.

"He's cute, so his name is just Friend?"

"Yep, Friend."

The two of them somehow grew even closer.




Long time ago and up until the present day.

The world from where this land originated was once a normal fertile land. Many plants and animals thrived there, like a natural ecosystem evolving without human interference.

However, for its own reasons, the land eventually became a dumping ground. Various essences and energies that made no sense were discarded there by the waste disposers.

It's said that in the early era, it was only nuclear waste that was dumped there.

But as civilizations progressed and changed, more types of energy-processing waste were discarded in that place.

Gradually, the accumulated waste absorbed the life force of the land and the ecosystem of the region, transforming it into the dry and dangerous desert it is now.

That's how Nanashi Mumei explained it as she introduced her friend to the three of them.

"At first, he was one of those discards, but as you can see, he has become my irreplaceable friend now."


The friend seemed satisfied with the explanation.

"Be not worried though, it has improved now. Since fewer people are dumping their trash here, this place has not become the worst, but due to the diminishing number of waste disposers—"

"Because humans have become nearly extinct, the waste disposers are decreasing, and with the limited presence of humanity left, the power of the Guardians has weakened. Thus, the world concludes that you're no longer needed. Isn't that how it goes?"

"Don't be like that, Cher. We don't know for sure if humans are the main culprits. We understand how this place became like this, but we don't know the exact reason why Nanashi-san ended up like this."

"We both already know, I've saw too much scene to guess where we're going (Sigh)."

Much to what they both intended to say, Nanashi Mumei's situation as a Guardian of Civilization almost buried in the disposal land raised questions.

Cera thought that perhaps humans, have once again redoing their mistake.

Again and again they create much trash in their wake, and dirtied the innocent concept who was born along with them. It's difficult for her to forget the recurring pattern.

It wasn't unreasonable to think that Nanashi Mumei had slowly become forgotten and opposed by humanity and civilization, the very entities that brought her into existence.

Zeimachi's perspective in contrast was based on the belief that Civilization didn't solely belong to humanity. He knew well that there were other races on this world that played significant roles in shaping the course of events.

The idea that Civilization was solely reliant on humans was a limited view.

Nanashi Mumei offered an apology, sensing that Cera and Zeimachi might get into another argument. She wanted to divert their attention from potential conflict.

"Uh, besides that, I remember this place is often used by those seeking power or those thirsty for it. I thought you were one of them, so forgive me for misunderstanding."

However, their conversation was soon interrupted as Hylia pointed to a figure walking alone in the dry and barren desert.

"Ehh~ Mumu, like that guy?"

"Must... need... more POWER!!!"

"No that is just a storm that is approaching."

Zeimachi responded calmly, and then Cera also noticed a figure that made her narrow her eyes in recognition.

"And that green marimo is here too."

"Luffy!!!! Guys??!! Jeez just where did those guys got lost? And what is this place, a desert?!"

"Nah... that guy just got lost into another world, same as usual."

"Guess so."

There're two peculiar figures well-known to both of them, and simultaneously, Nanashi Mumei asked if these two individuals were their companions.

"Nyet." (Zeimachi & Cera)

Nanashi Mumei appeared to be confused and in doubt.

"Well let's get out of this place. Mumei-chan should join us as well."

"Agreed, Nanashi-san should join us. At least we could help you in building Lego or something."

"You used -san? (Sigh) Just how stiff you are?"

"Your opinion is just like this place, full of trash."

Those two spoke with clear and friendly tones, with Cera's approach being inviting and friendly different from Zeimachi's, who always emphasized politeness and personal space when talking to others.

Despite sensing (slightly) that they weren't malicious, Nanashi Mumei remained somewhat uncertain. Should she really follow them?

What if she brought along more undisclosed misfortunes? Since despite receiving their help, she couldn't fully reveal all the details of what resided in her memories.

About the grand scheme that rooted within that world.

" *Fluttering* "

That's why the presence of a friend was essential.

With the support of Friend beside her, Nanashi Mumei had decided to accompany them, at least for a while.

If needed, she would be prepared to safeguard these new individuals she had encountered. Nanashi Mumei got some little experience in using a dagger, so she somehow think if she's the one with the most power between the group.

"If you wouldn't mind to let me..."

"Yay! This way my Ice cream staff will increased by one!"

"Welcome fellow freelancer, we offer you meal three times a day with a minimum wage for the first month."


"Don't teased her, else she'll got more confused. Now let's go, we should outta this place. Carriage!"

After finalizing their decision, Cera who looked innocent, promptly climbed onto Zeimachi's back as before. Followed by Hylia, the two of them got on again and deliberately used him as their means of transportation.

"Hmm, we don't have enough seats. Hey, driver, can't you grow another hand or something?"

"I'm happy with my only pair of hands. Nanashi-san, nothing left behind right?"

"... I think so."

Nanashi Mumei retrieved and set up her various traveling gear and the tools that had been buried in the sand.

For a moment observing Zeimachi carrying the two playful creatures, she contemplated whether this was how the three of them intended to cross this scorching desert.

"You sure you don't want to hop in? His head is empty."

Sadly, Nanashi Mumei just smiled back and politely declined. She didn't want to sit on his head, as she still held onto her pride as a Guardian of Civilization, which set her apart from those two.


"I didn't say anything?!"

"Huhu this position is the best! Hope you treat us well Mumei-chan, and that little 'friend' too. Who knows if this'll become a long travel or not, but having someone in your journey will made everything merrier."

Cera said waving at her with a friendly manner.

"Thanks, Cera. Hylia and Zeimachi as well, please don't be so awkward around me too."

"Okeey~ If that's what Mumu wanted."

And thus began the tale of Nanashi Mumei, the Guardian of Civilization, who had joined the party of a literal manager of the Void, a freelancer chuuni, and a feasty haired girl who like chocolate ice cream.

Until next time.

Got a lot of pressure, so I switched to side story.

It's almost April too so I created this.


See ya

Edited : Part of Heaven project

Strunomcreators' thoughts