
Last Shine

*WARNING* *Reading in a better place will prevent you from getting scoliosis* First this is a mash up fan-fic, a fan-fic created from many component of different origins. There's some from anime, video game, Lovecraftian, SCP, manga, manhwa, manhua and some other stuff put together in one place and voila. I don't really know how to promote fan-fic or stuff like this but... Fu Hua is best girl. At first Mc still got no names, but he'll gain it based from the usual Core Memory stuff. He's also an average Fu Hua admirer who like to drink milk. Beside from the main Mc there're some other important character that help to become the foundation for this story. There's Cera the common 4th wall breaker. Yjor the ruler. And Hylia a lass who likes chocolate ice cream. Those four are OC and got their own personalities, so maybe it'll be hard to read when they appeared or got their scene. The premise of this story is about erasing the tragedy, obliterating the chosen one, confronting the fake happiness, to become someone worthy, regaining dream and hope, as well as to become the champion of their own life. At earlier chapter, I still can't decided what writing style to be used so there're many error to be found. Even now I'm still trying to find another new style to write. And yeah perhaps there's someone who think it'll be a waste of time reading such long synopsis like this but... anyway. *IMPORTANT* There're suicidal thought in this story, so please watch your own thought before reading this as I don't want to make you to commit suicide on your own. Ehe Then there's some different personalities thingy, monster of emotion thingy, and death of cute and kawaii characters thingy. I'm someone with cute aggression behavior you see... Ah yeah... in this fan-fic there's Arknight CoC Genshin Granblue Azur Lane Honkai Gakkou Gurashi Welp so far there're only those, but I do want to add more character and lore from different stuff like Lament from Memento Mori, some game that can't be played anymore (You guys know Sid Story or Eternal City?) and yeah... this is just a plan so there's gonna be a HUGE chance I wouldn't put those in this fan-fic. Why? Who knows, I made this fanfic as a way to find my favorite stories. So anyway, that's the end for today synopsis. ----------- *This is a fan-fic, a work of fiction using some reference and material from other source of work, so credit goes to the original creator.* *Even though some of them are not mine, there's some original or random thing that I've added in this story* *And that cover is Fenghuang Down, don't know whose pict though*

Strunom · Others
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147 Chs

Side Story: Unknown land with dust part.3

"Zei and Cera already moved, I need to pick my pace up."

After Hylia separate from Zeimachi, Nanashi Mumei, and Cera. She rode the feather that has been gifted by him to another place she deemed an important place (or an ice cream place), with a piece or slate of metal on her shoulder.

She escaped from Cera's aura range when the sand were lifted onto the skies by teleporting through the sand. Now she hastening her speed on the feather to see the place where she could land safely beneath the sand ocean.

"Hum? Isn't that the person from before..."

In the middle of her fly she met a sword man with three Katana on his side who struggled to not fall from the sand. The image is like when he stood on the sand that Cera lifted, but because there's nothing beneath the sand, the sword man sank and use everything he could to not fall to the ground where many hideous energy source was unearthed.

"Gwahh! Crap! That doesn't look good!"

The sword man also doesn't want to touch those thing under his feet either, but he is in the edge from falling onto that place. When the sword man tried to find anything to step on, he met Hylia who was rocketing to his way.

"Datdarada dada~~~!"


She slammed the feather to the sand near his body and reach her tiny hand so that the sword man can grab it. A small bit of sand splattered on his face, but the sword man hurriedly grab her hand before he completely fall from the sand.

"Hello! My name is Hylia! Hylia the blossomed flower who likes chocolate ice cream! Do you want to feel death for once?"

"Haah?! Death?! I don't have any time for your child play."

Hylia once again used her catchphrase which slightly surprised the sword man, the sword man almost loosened his grip if only Hylia didn't catch his hand before he fall. Fortunately the sword man didn't cut her off and stole the feather from her.

"Ahaha sorry, but at least I got my answer. What is your name mister sword man?"

"Well...At least you saved me one, my name is...Zorojuro. Sorry but I'll meet death later when I feel like it."

"Hmmm...I see! Nice to meet you Zororo."

"...Do as you like."

The sword man casually answers her question with some hidden meaning because of her catchphrase while dangling in the air. He look to the ground where many dangerous colorful energy mixed one into another which shows an intriguing yet disturbing phenomenon.

'Is there something like that at Wano?'

At first when those energy and substances met against each other, there's a colorful and bright energy showed up, but not long after that it turned into a dark purplish energy and substances. The flow of energy which erupted by it also changed from a calm and colorless, into a dark and chaotic type.

"Hey, Hy..Lia was it? Do you know that thing over there?"

Those energy and substances keep fighting and mixed with each other which slowly turning everything around it corrupted by its miasma. Zoro still dangling with one of his hand while Hylia didn't let him step on to the feather either.

While Zoro can held out after he put his hand onto the feather, Hylia didn't want Zoro to hop on because she have to put that slate of metal back onto her shoulders, if she carelessly let him jump on and bumped her that slate of metal will obviously fall.

"That is...Do you want to know Zororo?"

"At least tell me there's a chance to stay alive when you touch that."

"There's no chance a human will stay alive. From what I know, that's only the first step before it stabilized and absorbing more energies from its food. Hup!"

Hylia pull Zoro up while explaining those clump of energy that was still eating each other. Zoro who can feel a steady ground for his foot finally sighed with relief. He sat with his leg crossed on the feather while examining it with curiosity.

"Whoa...It's soft."


Hylia puff her chest proudly because of his reaction. However Zoro still thought of his friends and crew who was could possibly in the middle of a tough fight.

"Oi Lia! Can you tell me Kaido's castle in here?!"

"Kai..do? Hmm, who or what is that?"

But Hylia tilted her head because she didn't know anything about Kaido or his scenario back in his own world. Hearing her answers, Zoro slightly enraged and asked her with more power behind his voice.

"Don't lie to me!....Wait, aren't you from Wano?"

Yet once again, Hylia tilted her head to another direction because she can't understand about his explanation. She thinks if Zoro is a resident of this world, but when she heard his question, she became sure if he's not.

The reason is because when she flew around on this wasteland, there's no such thing like a castle or such building around her. She found many creatures that could be considered as threatening figures, but the one who resided in castle? No she didn't found anything.

"No, I'm not from the land called Wano. I was from...Well, I don't think this land is Wano either Zororo."

"What...Do you mean?"

Zoro can be seen to be surprised by her remark but he regained his composure so he can hear her statement. Hylia wants to tell him more about how this world works based from her knowledge so he can be more relaxed if he's going to follow her around. At least until another being fly onto their way.

"!!! Get back!"


A sharp sound of steel clashed was created by Zoro and the other's katana. He pull Hylia behind his back while blocking the assailant attack using two of his katana. The other party who can feel his strike has been blocked, backed away to commend Zoro's effort.

"...Splendid. I thought there's only worthless scum with lesser taste around here.*Cough*"

The other party who hide his face with a cloak sheath his sword back with a small cough. Even though the two of them are fighting in the sky, Zoro can get a good footing because of the feather. However, the other party stood firmly without anything beneath his foot.

"Hello! My name is Hylia the blossomed flower who likes chocolate ice cream! Do you want to feel death for once?"

"What the- Didn't you see he was aiming at us before?!"

"No no~ Zororo. This is very important, I need to greet him to shows my humility."

"What humility when you asked me and him to die?!"

The two of them start bickering unconsciously even though it's their first met, the other party who hide his face behind a cloak snorted in front of them and descend to the place where those clumps of energy and substances still eating against each other.


"Oi! Where are you going?!"

The person with cloak pay no mind at Zoro's question for him and keep descending until he can touch those clump of energy which started to shows a sign of attacking him. The person with cloak parried, slashed and dodged it's attack. His moves make Zoro questioned Hylia's statement about 'if a person will die when they touch it.'

"He's a not a person, he'll be fine down there."

"Then what is he?"

"I don't know about it either, and not interested either~"

"You brat...At least tell me about what you said about this world? Again."

"Hunm! My teaching isn't as better as Zei but, let me tell you about it."

They then entering another lesson for Zoro who tried to comprehend complexed concept like world hopping, space fracture, existential being, and many more which made him frown. He closed his eyes so that he could understand at least one from a hundred lesson being given for him.




Moving on before their lesson finished, the other party who hide his figure with a cloak started his next plan. He searched for a place with the highest source of energy that can be his fuel to recover his power. The cloaked figure, keep searching while hiding from another fight that took place in another place.


After he moved from that lump of matter and energy, the robed figure finally found a place that held the highest and purest energy within it. That place was surprisingly the place where most of the dark matter and chaotic energy gathered.

The purest and supreme energy was still struggling not to be damaged, just like the origin of the dark purplish substance before it blackened.


The robed figure stabbed his sword into that place and something happened. The pool of polluted energy and matter that was trying to tamper with the purest was instantly separated, and a bright green crystal with extraordinary power emerged from within it.

"Now...With this...Power!"

He gripped the crystal hard enough that it shattered, and made the energy emanating from the green crystal flow within the robed figure. He could feel a hefty surge of power within his body, after which he looked and clasped his palms with a small smile.

He drew his katana to escape from this place and return to his base where he could adjust his new powers. Two slash on his front, and a space fissure appeared for him to step on.


But when he was about to step inside the portal in front of him. The portal turned dark until it got withered and covered with the same dark substances he was avoiding before. The space closed by itself with a disturbing energies coating it's crack.

{"You want to leave just like that? Hey lemme give you my appreciation first."}

Another voice can be heard behind his back, yet he didn't shows any sign of fear and anxiety. He confidently faced the one who have stopped his escape and brandish his katana to taunt the owner of that voice.

"You're wasting my time."

Hearing an amusing response from him, the owner of that voice starting to shows her figure. Those dark purplish substances started to accumulate into one point, and turned into a dark red sphere until it finally cracked and shows a figure of a girl in red hair with a mouse ears.

"You're right, time is very precious with her great booba. You know your thing well mister."

Their surrounding started to turns into a different field. The air trembled and the dark energy created from the corrupted substance also began to take a strange shape on her outstretched hand.

The cloaked figure didn't wait for her to finish and slashed from his Iai pose. An energy wave created from his slash flew to slash her down for good, but it was blocked by her bare hand which made her face looked smug for having blocked it so easily.

"How rude, at least let me finish my henshin."

For an additional note, right now that red haired and mouse eared figure is still naked after she break her red sphere. So she uses those dark and corrupted energies around her to construct a clothing to appear better without showing her bare legs and hands.

Now she has gain a proper clothing which cover her cleavage and a skirt to cover her waist until her thigh. To make it more merrier, her left side have a different motive and color palate from her right side. When she finished and dressed up, she wag her tail happily because she could got the look of outside and breath a fresh air.

"Heck?! Why is it so dark?! And why is the smell so foul in this place."


"Do you know what's going on mister?"

The mouse girl glance to see the first scene upon her arrival, but it came out worse than what she expected. As the mouse girl continued to look around to satisfy her curiosity, the robed man became even more attracted to her because of a hidden power that he could sense but couldn't be seen with the naked eye.

Her power enveloped every ground even the one beneath his feet, and when anything was completely enveloped by her power, it turned into a substances, withered, or trembled. Such power was rarely seen again in his world, but he was sure he could find it if he tried.

'What form of power is this.'

"Hey mister?"

"...You have an amusing form."

"Oh what? Gee, thanks!"

The cloaked figure wants to compliment her hidden power, but the mouse girl catch his intention if he's complimenting her figure. The mouse girl accept it heartfully because it's the first praise she got when she just awoke in this world, meanwhile the cloaked figure relaxed his guard with his katana still unsheathed.


"What? You really want to left like that? Why don't we play first mister? *Snap*"

The mouse girl snapped her fingers and constructed a small common dice on her right hand. She tossed the dice again and again on her palm to shows her self-confident with the cloaked figure, and with each throw on her palm something always attacked the cloaked figure.

This made the cloaked figure moved so fast that he put the cloak off by himself to not damaged it and hindering his precise movement. The cloak flew smoothly before he put it on again, however within those split of times the mouse girl can saw his face for a glimpse.

"Well well well, you got the look mister. It's a shame to hide it you know."

"...Interesting. I think you're a perfect chance to test my new strength."

The cloaked man changed his mind to try and fight the mouse girl before him. The cloaked man put a stance with his katana beside his ears while its edge pointed to the mouse girl.

"Now you get it, let's play! There's no rule for our game. Let's enjoy each other without a limits such as rule."

"Not a fair trade but don't let me down with that power you have."

"Relax sir~ I'll match up with your expectation...Now...*Snap* Let's start."

Just like usual, a few stories after Personalities' one are done.

See ya.

Strunomcreators' thoughts