
Last Shine

*WARNING* *Reading in a better place will prevent you from getting scoliosis* First this is a mash up fan-fic, a fan-fic created from many component of different origins. There's some from anime, video game, Lovecraftian, SCP, manga, manhwa, manhua and some other stuff put together in one place and voila. I don't really know how to promote fan-fic or stuff like this but... Fu Hua is best girl. At first Mc still got no names, but he'll gain it based from the usual Core Memory stuff. He's also an average Fu Hua admirer who like to drink milk. Beside from the main Mc there're some other important character that help to become the foundation for this story. There's Cera the common 4th wall breaker. Yjor the ruler. And Hylia a lass who likes chocolate ice cream. Those four are OC and got their own personalities, so maybe it'll be hard to read when they appeared or got their scene. The premise of this story is about erasing the tragedy, obliterating the chosen one, confronting the fake happiness, to become someone worthy, regaining dream and hope, as well as to become the champion of their own life. At earlier chapter, I still can't decided what writing style to be used so there're many error to be found. Even now I'm still trying to find another new style to write. And yeah perhaps there's someone who think it'll be a waste of time reading such long synopsis like this but... anyway. *IMPORTANT* There're suicidal thought in this story, so please watch your own thought before reading this as I don't want to make you to commit suicide on your own. Ehe Then there's some different personalities thingy, monster of emotion thingy, and death of cute and kawaii characters thingy. I'm someone with cute aggression behavior you see... Ah yeah... in this fan-fic there's Arknight CoC Genshin Granblue Azur Lane Honkai Gakkou Gurashi Welp so far there're only those, but I do want to add more character and lore from different stuff like Lament from Memento Mori, some game that can't be played anymore (You guys know Sid Story or Eternal City?) and yeah... this is just a plan so there's gonna be a HUGE chance I wouldn't put those in this fan-fic. Why? Who knows, I made this fanfic as a way to find my favorite stories. So anyway, that's the end for today synopsis. ----------- *This is a fan-fic, a work of fiction using some reference and material from other source of work, so credit goes to the original creator.* *Even though some of them are not mine, there's some original or random thing that I've added in this story* *And that cover is Fenghuang Down, don't know whose pict though*

Strunom · Others
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147 Chs

Side story: A Glass of Honey [III]

In a world where five dragons have established their thrones and dominion, several ordinary and insignificant days for the continuation of the world have passed.

Amid these days, events involving the five regulars at Modest Restaurant also took place. These were filled with peaceful days that held no significant importance for the future of the world.

But nevertheless, even though they may not seem thrilling or entertaining, their slice of life is still a part of this story.

Whether it's about how they laugh or how they run, stories like these are often found in one's peaceful life.

"She's one of those bastards who tried to kill me! Like hell I can trust her! Pops, aren't you afraid of being back-stabbed by her?" 「Shishiro Botan」

Responding to the logical concern raised by the Lioness, the Old Man shifted his gaze to the hood-wearing horned girl. It seemed like they were silently communicating whether she would do it or not.

"Hmm? I'd rather punch this man's face and embarrass him right here, right now, rather than do something boring like stabbing from the back. Got it?" (Yjor)

"Your problem just got solved, Master Lioness." 「The Old Man」

"As if that make any different!?" 「Shishiro Botan」

As someone clad in the attire worn by the members of Trope of Regust, A.K.A. the group who clashed with Shishiro Botan, and also a group involved in human trafficking, it's no wonder the lioness despises the presence of the horned girl.

She also seems to hold a grudge against the members of Trope of Regust, blaming them for destroying her vehicle.

This sentience also shared for the two kidnapped children, Fuwawa and Mococo.

They also feel wary of every move made by the girl who is roughly their age but had become such a villain. When they catch her gaze they hide, when they accidentally cross paths they quickly turn away and flee.

They seem like wild animals, not putting their trust to anyone.

Although soon enough, those wild animals had become relaxed enough due to the comfort they found within the Modest Restaurant.

In fact, perhaps they've become much too relaxed most of the time.

By using these moments to grow closer in their relationships, the old man and Shishiro Botan had become familiar enough to not frighten the twins.

Aside from Yjor of course, who had apparently become their arch-nemesis.

"There, you brats." (Yjor)

"Ah?! What's up you brat? Need something huh?!" Mococo the younger twin, responded snarkily, as if she couldn't stand being called a brat by a girl who seemed to be about her age.

"Think your words or I'm going to chop your ears." (Yjor)

But upon seemingly realizing her place in the food chain hierarchy, "Gheh?!" Mococo immediately submitted, tucking her ears down and daring not to defy.

Catching sight someone picking on her lis sis, "No one but me can mess with Moco-chan's heart! What do you need, you brat!" Fuwawa emerged as a protector coming to her sister's aid, or is she?

"I don't really care if you want to lick each other or anything, just answer my question. Have you seen Ze— I mean, that old man? He's not around in this shabby place he calls his restaurant." (Yjor)

As their wariness and fear began to fade, Fuwawa and Mococo started behaving more like the mischievous children they should be.

Whether it was acting playful or picking fights with anyone they could.

There were several difficulties and arguments they had to overcome as a result.

And perhaps this fact was momentarily forgotten, but for the time being, both Fuwawa & Mococo along with Shishiro Botan have been staying temporarily at the Old Man's place.

Considering the twins might still be targeted, or Shishiro Botan herself who still had unhealed wounds.

As for Yjor, the horned green-haired girl, in order to complete her identity she was employed as a waitress for the restaurant by the Old Man himself.

"Breakfast!" 「Fuwawa」

"Breakfast!" 「Mococo」

"Where is the breakfast!" 「Fuwawa & Mococo」

"Sigh... are you energetic because you're a kid, or are you a kid for being energetic," Shishiro Botan mused, sitting with her arms crossed as she watched the twins tapping their cutlery on the table.

Allowing the lioness's contemplation to continue, before long, the waiter arrived wearing the trademark uniform of the Modest Restaurant.

It's a brand new uniform, with a design that seems crafted solely for her, the design also got similarly reminiscent of the typical dining restaurant waitress' outfit.

Accompanied by foods already prepared for five people, Yjor approached the table where the clattering of spoons, forks, and chopsticks being used as musical instruments had been heard for a while.

As usual, the twins looked very spirited.

And just like how the day before, they kept picking on each other.

"We got no dog food in this shop, and pets aren't allowed in here." (Yjor)

"We're not just any dogs or even a pet, you brat! We're hybrid and hi-breed!" 「Mococo」

"Yeah whatever brid or breed you are, just stop playing with that noise or I'll turn you into a bread and add it into our menu." (Yjor)

And once again, "You shall stop, brat! I won't let Moco-chan become one of the menu items to be digested!" Fuwawa immediately assumed the role of protector, determined not to let the wicked waitress lay a hand on her adorable sister.

It was indeed a heartwarming sight, especially witnessing the care the siblings had for each other.

Even the Lioness, who had encountered too many betrayals from people she had met, found her heart warmed by their display of affection.

The same sentiment stirred within Yjor as she glanced at them. She, too, had been warmed by the sight before her.

In fact, she felt compelled to reciprocate by warming up the twin girls herself.

"What?!" Fuwawa exclaimed.

"Gyah?!" Mococo gasped.

Without hesitation, Yjor hoisted both Fuwawa and Mococo onto her shoulders and swiftly carried them into the kitchen, where the air was thick with smoke and the scent of spices.

And her goal in mind is just one among them: the boiling pots.

"Nooo! I'm sorry! Please take Fuwawa only! She's tastier than me!" 「Mococo」

"That's right! Just take me away since I'm more delicious! Moco-chan doesn't have much to offer!" 「Fuwawa」

"What did you just say!?" 「Mococo」

"You too, Moco-chan! What did you just say to me?!" 「Fuwawa」

"Huuh?!" Fuwawa & Mococo glare simultaneously to each other while still on her shoulders.

Seeing their bickering even in such dire situations, Yjor grew even more irritated.

She felt foolish for taking the puppies seriously, and having had enough of it, she finally tossed them both back onto their chairs.

But before disappearing behind the kitchen curtains, the waitress shot them both a sharp glare.

"Sit tight and don't make any noise." (Yjor)

"..." Fuwawa and Mococo remained silent, but it seemed like they were still looking for trouble...

"Does that mean we can't-" Mococo began to ask but immediately fell silent when she noticed a chopstick embedded right in front of her on the table. "BAUuu?!" With a stiff body, she glanced back at the waitress.

Yjor was already poised to launch another chopstick, and this time, she wasn't aiming for the table. "Next will be your wide forehead... do you have something else to ask?"

As if sharing the same thought with her twin, this also caused Fuwawa to slowly lower her hand. Her intention to ask something vanished instantly.

Instead, she seemed more interested in how Yjor managed to throw that chopstick like an arrow.

"Act as if you're dead if it's actually needed," Yjor said before returning into the kitchen.

A serene atmosphere enveloped the dining table for a moment, until laughter finally erupted from the lioness who had been watching from the side.

She found the recent scene highly amusing.

And after the issue was settled and it was time for the meal, finally the Old Man joined the table for breakfast. He was the one who had cooked all the food, so upon realizing this fact, the Lioness expressed her gratitude.

"I'll add it to your tab." 「The Old Man」

"Ehhh..." 「Shishiro Botan」

The old man was ready to take his seat, and Yjor had already seated herself without needing to be asked.

However, the old man was shocked when he noticed the condition of Fuwawa and Mococo, who appeared stiff and motionless on the dining table.

He was shocked because upon closer inspection, the old man could see their tongues sticking out, reminiscent of the death scenes often seen in animated films.

"Did I put chocolate in their food? ...Or maybe, we got raided?!" 「The Old Man」

"That's right," Yjor replied casually, with food in her mouth.

Meanwhile Yjor fanned the fire further, fortunately Shishiro Botan managed to stop her and explain some of the things that had happened before it escalated into something unwanted, "Slow down there, Pops. Put the old and vintage gun down."

"...Oh? Then they're just acting?" 「The Old Man」

"No, it's real. They've kissed goodbye and slumbered for eternity. Let's bury them!" Yjor remarked bluntly as she got a shovel ready in hand.

She even prepared two sacks large enough for the twin girls.

Just as Yjor was about to snug them into the bag, the twin girls, who had already been caught in the act, suddenly opened their eyes and began employing their own secret escape technique.

"Ahhh! Not again! Moco-chan escape!" 「Mococo」

"Followed by Fuwawa escape!" 「Fuwawa」

And fortunately, before the twin girls were almost packed in the bag they managed to escape through the gap under the table, and quickly hid behind the Lioness and the Old Man.

Realizing her efforts would be futile, Yjor placed back the tools she intended to use with disappointment.

However, feeling her actions were a bit excessive, the Old Man decided to instruct Yjor to use the shovel she held to plant some trees in the vacant land near the restaurant.

Seeing the waitress being punished, Fuwawa and Mococo found joy in it.




Another day dawned in the world where dragons reigned supreme. The sun ascended from the east, casting a warm, sparkling light that illuminated the planet, dazzling the eyes with its brilliance.

Buildings with crevices gradually regained their warmth and brightness, driving away the fungus or moss that had sought to thrive on their walls.

"Fhuuhh... guess this is why Pops didn't really want to move huh?" 「Shishiro Botan」

The air in this sparsely populated city area felt oddly refreshing.

Since most places and areas previously inhabited by humans had been contaminated by magical residue or nuclear radiation, the location of the Modest Restaurant could be considered one of the few safe zones where humans could breathe without fear of harmful substances.

Although the buildings created an eerie atmosphere at night, in the morning, the Lioness could see several wild trees growing and breaking through the hardened asphalt or concrete throughout the city.

If only she could take a picture of this moment, she would certainly do so.

"Now that I think again... was this formerly Ginza?" 「Shishiro Botan」

Seeing all those views, her mind drifted back to memories etched in her past. It was just another scene that lingered vividly in her mind, that's all she could think of.

From the bustling crowds of people who once roamed, the metropolitan skyline filled with towering skyscrapers, to how it all crumbled into chaos with just one sweep of the Apocalypse Dragon's wing.

"...Things changed huh. Hmm?" 「Shishiro Botan」

However, just as she was reminiscing, her moment was interrupted by the rumble and fury of the wind swirling around her. The sound of metal blades cutting through the air drew her attention skyward.

"A Heli? Who's going around in that noisy thing..." 「Shishiro Botan」

As she looked up, she realized that the rumbling sound and the gusts of wind were coming from a helicopter attempting to land in a nearby open space.

The lioness still didn't know who these people in the helicopter were or why they were descending from their vehicle, but just to be cautious, she was ready with a Glock given to her by the Old Man at her waist.

She didn't make any sudden moves. The Lioness simply stood there casually, observing the helicopter as it landed in the store's yard. It wasn't until they finally landed that she noticed the surprise on their faces.

"Oh, who might you been? You look... like not from around here."

The number of people descending from the helicopter amounted to three: a young woman with pale skin and short black hair, accompanied by two men dressed in black suits who appeared to be her bodyguards.

Including the helicopter pilot, their total count came to four.

Their numbers are more than what she have, but Shishiro Botan didn't consider them enough to overpower her. Thus, she assumed they had come for reasons unrelated to what she's been.

"People usually call me the Lioness around here, nice to meet you. Might be asking you the same. Who're you fellas? Have you got permission to land that thing there?" Shishiro Botan said, pointing towards the helicopter.

Hearing the woman with animal-like ears clearly, "The Lioness? Hmm, does that mean you know about Uncle? Another customer so it seems," the young lady muttered, realizing something.

But after realizing that the Lioness was still staring at her, she think if she's been a little rude.

"Ah pardon me, if you're known as The Lioness, does it mean you're also among the list of this shop's client?" Shishiro Botan just nodded in response. "Well then, let me simplify it. Allow me to introduce myself, I'm often called by uncle as the Alisce."

Reaching out for a handshake, they both grasped the hand of the person they had just met. Thankfully, this ensured there would be no misunderstanding between them.

Observing how Alisce spoke, it seemed she also wanted to avoid anything unrelated to her purpose for coming to the place.

"..." 「Shishiro Botan」

Not only did her skin and body look supple yet elegant, she also possessed some assets hidden in her chest.

She resembled the typical young lady one might encounter in manga, the kind who was very intelligent and capable of accomplishing amazing feats in unimaginable ways.

"Alisce... uhh sorry, that mean you also know about Pops right?" 「Shishiro Botan」

"Pops?" 「Alisce」

"Yeah, pops. That's how I call the owner of this shop, not like he's my parents or anything," Shishiro Botan said casually as she continued shaking the previously surprised woman's hand. "He's been taking care of me for a while."

As the Lioness explained her reason for knowing the old man who owned the shop, the young lady seemed to smile with delight. She appeared to see the woman before her as someone with a similar fate.

"I see, well... the same for me. But this is new, I've never found another customer visiting this shop at the same time. Usually, this place is always empty to the point where I thought uncle would soon go bankrupt from how it seemed," Alisce remarked.

Shishiro Botan chuckled slightly at the remark. "Yeah, right? There's like no one who comes in here. But I love the ramen here, so I hope Pops doesn't close his shop in the future."

"Oh dear, that's quite a good idea so it seems." 「Alisce」

With the assurance that neither of them posed a threat to the other, both Shishiro Botan and the woman named Alisce concluded their handshake+introduction.

They both had positive impressions of each other, the Lioness regarded Alisce as a clever princess from an important family, while Alisce herself was somewhat pleased to find someone who are similarly to her.

Then, after instructing her two guards to stand ready near the helicopter, Alisce invited Shishiro Botan to conclude their conversation and quickly head to the front yard of the Modest Restaurant, where she could some pleasant chatter from inside.

"...Did something happen around here? It's much messier than before so it seems. And I also heard voices from inside. Your company?" 「Alisce」

"Yeaaah, about that, you could say so," Shishiro Botan replied, her gaze shifting slightly.

Although her answer didn't provide much certainty, Alisce still opened the entrance door to the shop. "Uncle, it's been a long time—" And as she stepped inside, she was greeted with an unusual sight.

There, a waiter sitting on top of the bodies of two girls, even casually pinching and tickling their feet could be seen.

While Shishiro Botan was already familiar with them and even been accustomed to the sight, it was undoubtedly surprising for Alisce.

"Hm? Oh, you are... welcome. Old Man, you got someone's calling here!" Yjor remarked.

Because her behavior could be deemed inappropriate for a waiter.

"Get off!" 「Mococo」

"Don't you know you're heavy?! Even a cow would be lighter than you!" 「Fuwawa」

Despite the commotion, Alisce still praised the slight hospitality shown by the horned waitress. After all, rather than a scene of torture, the three of them seemed more like they were just fooling around.

But strangely, Alisce keep looking at the waitress in solemn gaze. It was as if she's looking at a ghost that once appear in her dream.

"Well, good for me, tell me how does it feel to die by being crushed by a cow." (Yjor)

"BAU!? Don't pinch my waist!" 「Mococo」

"Moco-chan stop moving! You're tickling my BAU! My stomach!" 「Fuwawa」

As Alisce observed the three unfamiliar faces inside the Modest Restaurant, she was taken aback and pondered what had actually transpired.

However, before she could inquire about it, she first wanted to greet the owner who had just emerged from the kitchen.

"If it isn't Master Alisce, I'm pleased to see your face within this shop once again," The Old Man greeted warmly.

"I'm also glad to see you well, Uncle. And it seems like this place is getting... busier so it seems. Am I still on your special list?" 「Alisce」

"Ahahaha, I wouldn't forget someone like you that easily. Especially such an amiable lady as yourself, Master Alisce. By the way, did you arrive here with your vehicle earlier?" 「The Old Man」

The young lady nodded in response.

She explained that recently the land transportation routes didn't seem as safe, prompting her to opt for air travel. This was due to frequent instances of unstable ground movement, resulting in disasters like earthquakes, landslides, and collapses.

"Actually, I've noticed some large holes forming on the way to this area. Whether small or big or so it seems. Do you know something about it, Uncle?" 「Alisce」

"Hmm, that explains why there have been so many earthquakes lately." The Old Man glanced briefly at Yjor, prompting the waitress to quickly exit the shop. "Can I hear more details in my office? I don't want to expose these kids to anything unpleasant."

"Oh dear, I'm sorry if I've made you worried. Don't fret because as far as I've seen, this area still seems quite safe. By the way, you two look adorable. Almost like twins... or so it seems. What are your names?" Alisce asked the girls.

With the hefty waitress now gone, Fuwawa and Mococo could move more freely. Despite their slightly disheveled clothes and hair, their appearances still appeared quite adorable to the young lady.

"Fuwawa dayo!" 「Fuwawa」

"Mococo dayo!" 「Mococo」

"I see, what cute names," guided by her motherly instinct, Alisce began to gently touch and pinch their cheeks. Although the twins showed some resistance, the young lady couldn't help but touch them as if they were soft babies.

However, because it had been quite a while, the owner eventually had no choice but to bring Alisce back from her blissful moments. Business matters awaited, and Alisce was directed by the owner to discuss them in another room.

Their discussion went on for quite some time, starting from when the sun was high in the sky until it slowly descended towards the west. This unavoidably left the three figures lingering inside the restaurant somewhat puzzled.

"Why is it taking so long?" 「Fuwawa」

"Perhaps she's that much important," Shishiro Botan speculated.

"...And where did that brat gone to?" 「Mococo」

"An errand, I saw how pops was glancing at her. So maybe she's doing something out there." 「Shishiro Botan」

While passing the time, the Lioness busied herself with some maintenance on her weaponry. Mococo and Fuwawa sat quietly, watching with curiosity as she disassembled and cleaned various parts of the firearms.

After what seemed like a brief interval (roughly two hours), the business discussion finally concluded.

"They're done." 「Mococo」

"So it seems." 「Fuwawa」

"Hoou, you're following that lady." 「Mococo」

After Alisce and the Old Man concluded their discussion, the door to the room they had occupied creaked open. Fuwawa and Mococo's eyes instantly locked onto the doorway.

"It's always a pleasure doing business with you, Uncle," Alisce said, her voice carrying a warm lilt. "I'll have my bodyguards handle those goods, so please, take it easy."

The Old Man chuckled, "I'm not so old that I need to leave everything in my customers' hands. You three, just hang tight a little longer, alright?"

Fuwawa, Mococo, and Shishiro Botan nodded in unison, their expressions a mix of curiosity.

The young lady smiled at them as she followed the Old Man to the warehouse. Meanwhile, the twins' curiosity got the better of them, and they turned to Shishiro Botan for answers.

Shishiro Botan chuckled, amused by their innocence. "They're sorting and shipping goods. You know, checking everything and then getting it ready for transport."

"Kissing?" Fuwawa asked, tilting her head in confusion.

"Smooching?" Mococo added, equally puzzled.

"No, it's shipping!" Shishiro Botan corrected, laughing at their misunderstanding.

Men in black suits moved in and out, carrying items to load onto the helicopter, a scene Shishiro Botan was already familiar with. Once the business was concluded, Alisce turned to bid her farewell.

"It was quite fun chatting with all of you." 「Alisce」

"Hope we could meet again someday." Shishiro Botan replied, nodding in agreement.

"Having known someone as capable as you is a benefit in itself. So, if you ever have any trouble, don't hesitate to come to one of my camps. I'll do my best to welcome you. Think of it as a customer-customer relationship." 「Alisce」

"I'll think about it, then. Be careful up there," Shishiro Botan responded, firmly shaking Alisce's hand. Little did she expect that what started as a simple handshake would escalate, as Alisce suddenly pulled Shishiro Botan closer and whispered something in her ear.

"...Alright, thanks." 「Shishiro Botan」

The roar of the helicopter's blades echoed once more, stirring up winds and dust in its wake. The sight of a helicopter taking off wasn't anything out of the ordinary for the Lioness, who simply turned away to leave. But for the twins...


Hmm? Where are the twins again?

"Don't tell me..." Shishiro Botan muttered, her eyes widening in realization.

Well, it turned out, "Bye-bye!!! See you later!" Mococo and Fuwawa could be seen waving from inside the helicopter. It seemed they had snuck among the available goods and managed to sneak into the air vehicle.

Seeing their smiles, the Old Man just stood there menacingly.

"I'll... sit this one out," Shishiro Botan muttered, resigned to the situation.

It was such a hassle to put them down, but thankfully they complied. And when they landed, Fuwawa and Mococo had to face the wrath of the Old Man, who scolded them sternly.

As a consequence of their actions, the twins both had to wash dishes until there were none left dirty. Knowing this, Yjor, who had just returned, immediately picked on them and teased them further and further.

"AHAHAHA! Clean them up, you two! Hey, brat! You missed that one over there! Can't you clean them faster, huh?!" (Yjor)

"...Shut up."「Mococo」

"Go away, hmph."「Fuwawa」




In the silence of the night, the lights inside the restaurant had been turned off.

The Lioness could be seen dozing in the staff room, while the twin girls lay asleep, wrapped in each other's arms on a nearby make-shift bed. Covered by a warm blanket, the chill of the night posed no threat to their peaceful slumber.

"..." (Yjor)

With everyone asleep, there were no more witnesses to what she was about to do.

Gently closing the door, she made her way to the restaurant counter where the old man awaited her, polishing a few empty glasses.

The old man seemed to be expecting Yjor, and indeed he was. The presence of two freshly made glasses of orange juice confirmed her suspicions. And while it wasn't her favorite, Yjor didn't hesitate to grab the glass she felt had the most juice.

"It's Forge Dragon now," Yjor said, her voice carrying a hint of irritation. "He feels disturbed by their presence around his territory. From what I know, they seem to be interested in the special minerals from that dragon."

"...Despite facing the Abyss, they still dare to come to the Forge's den," the old man replied, his eyes narrowing as he noticed a tear in Yjor's clothing. "And did you get into a fight with them?"

The old man pulled out a small bag containing sewing and knitting tools, motioning for Yjor to remove her torn clothes so he could mend them. But of course, Yjor didn't appreciate his attitude.

"Fight? Hah! They're just small fry, a mere reconnaissance party," Yjor scoffed. "I got this tear after that Forge bastard trash-talked me. But considering these developments, don't you think they'll also target the other dragons? Or do you think they're going to retreat?"

She placed her empty glass on the table, and the Old Man slid his glass over to her, offering it. "If they're aiming for the other dragons, they might retreat and regroup. But you know why they're here, right?"

"Dragons are just a bonus to them, you mean?" Yjor asked, taking the glass.

"Precisely," the Old Man confirmed.

Seemingly understanding the conversation with the old man, Yjor nodded her head. Soon after, she also remembered the girl who had visited the shop and intended to ask about it.

"That girl with the beautiful eyes, wasn't she the one you picked up from the desert? What did you talk about for so long? Don't tell me you planted something inside her..." Yjor glared at him, her suspicion evident in her eyes.

"You're talking about Alisce? While she does have beautiful eyes, those are quite common among her people. So it wasn't much of a beauty standard... and also, I did nothing to her," the Old Man clarified.

"Is that so? She really looks just like that Witch of Twilight... or something from Persona Vabel, I think? Whatever." With her usual lack of decorum, Yjor promptly seated herself on the table before them.

"Those men in suits, I think there's something wrong with them. Wanna share about it?" (Yjor)

The Old Man paused briefly before taking the empty, dirty glass to clean it. "...Apparently, these small fries just had a contact with people of this world. One of them came into their camp and immediately did whatever they deemed fit."

Yjor could hear the glass creaking as if it might shatter any moment.

She felt annoyed at having to clean such things late at night, but thankfully, the glass didn't break and was placed back in its original position.

"Your plan got leaked to that girl's people? Or your identity got busted?" (Yjor)

"Don't worry, that person was promptly dealt with as soon as he attempted to assert dominance over her camp. And as you said, they're nothing more than small fry. How could they even know about me?" The Old Man responded confidently.

The waitress agreed with his assertion, a wide grin spreading across her face as she observed the old man's self-assurance. "Hah! True enough. More juice..." she remarked, still not satisfied and wanting a refill of her empty glass.

However, the old man wasn't inclined to indulge her further. "Then make it yourself," he retorted, handing her three oranges and a juicer if she wished to refill her glass.

"..." (Yjor)

"Slice and twist on that, I'm going to sleep." 「The Old Man」

Leaving Yjor, who continued to cast a sharp gaze at him, the old man made his way to his room for some rest. In his weathered eyes, there was a fleeting glimpse of a duty that he still held onto.

A duty he still believed was inherent in his gaze.

"Cheh." (Yjor)

Yjor often found herself pondering why the man being persistent on his chosen path.

She couldn't help but envision him eventually facing the excruciating pain of the thorny crown atop his head—a consequence of his foolish determination.

Well, not like it was his first time or anything in doing something like this.

"...How do I even use this." (Yjor)

Rather than wasting time on trivial matters, Yjor focused her attention on mastering the juicer in front of her.

As the night wore on, she tirelessly squeezed oranges until morning dawned and the stock of oranges was nearly depleted, thanks to Yjor's relentless effort to turn them into fresh orange juice.

"...No salary for this month." 「The Old Man」

Watching some Mukbang ASMR, I keep dreaming about eating food just like them. Delicious dishes, huge portions, you name it.

I know it's impossible, but luckily, I can fulfill that dream right here. Dream really is Intoxicating huh...


See ya!

Strunomcreators' thoughts