
Last Shine

*WARNING* *Reading in a better place will prevent you from getting scoliosis* First this is a mash up fan-fic, a fan-fic created from many component of different origins. There's some from anime, video game, Lovecraftian, SCP, manga, manhwa, manhua and some other stuff put together in one place and voila. I don't really know how to promote fan-fic or stuff like this but... Fu Hua is best girl. At first Mc still got no names, but he'll gain it based from the usual Core Memory stuff. He's also an average Fu Hua admirer who like to drink milk. Beside from the main Mc there're some other important character that help to become the foundation for this story. There's Cera the common 4th wall breaker. Yjor the ruler. And Hylia a lass who likes chocolate ice cream. Those four are OC and got their own personalities, so maybe it'll be hard to read when they appeared or got their scene. The premise of this story is about erasing the tragedy, obliterating the chosen one, confronting the fake happiness, to become someone worthy, regaining dream and hope, as well as to become the champion of their own life. At earlier chapter, I still can't decided what writing style to be used so there're many error to be found. Even now I'm still trying to find another new style to write. And yeah perhaps there's someone who think it'll be a waste of time reading such long synopsis like this but... anyway. *IMPORTANT* There're suicidal thought in this story, so please watch your own thought before reading this as I don't want to make you to commit suicide on your own. Ehe Then there's some different personalities thingy, monster of emotion thingy, and death of cute and kawaii characters thingy. I'm someone with cute aggression behavior you see... Ah yeah... in this fan-fic there's Arknight CoC Genshin Granblue Azur Lane Honkai Gakkou Gurashi Welp so far there're only those, but I do want to add more character and lore from different stuff like Lament from Memento Mori, some game that can't be played anymore (You guys know Sid Story or Eternal City?) and yeah... this is just a plan so there's gonna be a HUGE chance I wouldn't put those in this fan-fic. Why? Who knows, I made this fanfic as a way to find my favorite stories. So anyway, that's the end for today synopsis. ----------- *This is a fan-fic, a work of fiction using some reference and material from other source of work, so credit goes to the original creator.* *Even though some of them are not mine, there's some original or random thing that I've added in this story* *And that cover is Fenghuang Down, don't know whose pict though*

Strunom · Others
Not enough ratings
147 Chs


It was a sunny day full of sunshine with a light wind blowing the clouds, drifting them over the city of Megurigaoka.

On one of the rooftops of the peaceful city, a ball of light suddenly appeared as if summoned from a different dimension.

Not long after that, the sphere of light then dispersed and unveiled the complete form of the two figures who're clinging with each other.

"We're here." (Zeimachi)

"I can see that." (Cera)

When Zeimachi noticed the change in scenery happening around them, the man let go of his embrace from Cera's waist which he had previously done when he plunged into this world.

"*Tap-tap*." (Cera)

Cera smoothly landed on her feet and she was looking very happy with the first step of her plan. She then corrected her position and also her wrinkled clothes, Cera also letting out a smile while looking in the same direction as Zeimachi.

"So? How is it? You remember anything about this place?" (Cera)

The girl stood beside him with a smile still etched on her face. Even though the two of them didn't look at each other at all, Cera seemed very understanding about the man's feelings as she pats his shoulder.

"Yeeeeaaah somehow. Let's focus with our objective, I'll leave the usual to you." (Zeimachi)

While stretching his shoulders and sounding lazy, Zeimachi turned and walked away towards the door in the building. He looked as if he didn't care, but only Cera knew that the man was feeling scared at the time.

"Arara, you sure don't wanna have some breather in here? Excessive work is the bane of happy life you know?" (Cera)

"As if my life is not happy enough. I'm getting sleepy, so I need some time to rest but it'll be later. There's something that I need to do." (Zeimachi)

Zeimachi said all these things without any expression on his face. Currently he is reprocessing all the memories and other things stored in his『Core Memory』, therefore he doesn't want to show an expression that he considers embarrassing to the girl behind his back.

"Fine, so? What're you going to do? Yoisho." (Cera)

Cera took a deep breath and took the liberty to sit on an air conditioner box and crossed her legs while swinging them playfully with her hands beside her thighs.

"Definitely cleaning up some viruses who put their hands on something they shouldn't touch. Though I want to say that, I'll just messed up a little with some time line." (Zeimachi)

"... Haha, you're full of fervor just now. Looks like your emotion is till quite unstable yet. Are you sure you don't want to rest and do the "rest" afterward?" (Cera)

"Now that you say it... Dang it." (Zeimachi)

Zeimachi clutched his own head while cursing himself who was still immersed in his past memories. Facing the past that he had thrown away was indeed painful, especially if he was forced to remember events he didn't want to remember.

"..." (Cera)

{'I'm sorry Zei, but I need you to get used with this without forgetting it. Since I want you to remember it...'} (Cera)

"Did I got weaker after enjoying my holiday?! Impawssible!" (Zeimachi)

"Fufu..." (Cera)

{'Not even I will know what we'll be facing in the next few seconds. This is also the first time in my life to feel like this... But as long this emotion is mine, then I'll keep holding onto it.'} (Cera)

When she heard about this weird sentence from him, another creepy smile formed onto her lips. She know if she's the one doing this plan but still, she doesn't want to turn him and make an irreparable mistake that'll end up turning him completely.

"Zei, I got a good idea." (Cera)

Unnaturally, her glasses created a shadow that hid her eyes like when a villain in a manga or anime schemed something disturbing.

"You know...The truth is, this is just a copied world from the original created by me sourced from you and no matter what... This world will only end up in endless loop however I want." (Cera)

"..." (Zeimachi)

"They're indeed have warmth like a living people, but they're nothing more than a data. We can create a new ending for them or maybe destroy them so many times." (Cera)

"hmm...no salt." (Zeimachi)

"You can **** them or even break their mind and turn them into your slaves. Isn't it interesting? Your own world and no matter what you did it'll reset itself if you want so they wont hate your wrong doing and the good thing is." (Cera)

"where's my holy water...crap i forget, i guess this'll do." (Zeimachi)

"They'll never know it. It's the rule of this world, you can do everything you want to them if you're not satisfied once, be it past or present. Or you want to build a happy family? A harem kingdom? Maybe a beast who only do what it desire? All you want." (Cera)

"alright its all set." (Zeimachi)

"You even can make them despair more and can't do anything but depend on you, to break their spirit, train them like a dog, ahh...AHAHAHA to see you stand on top of them licking your shoes, how glamorous you are, Zei" (Cera)

Her behavior when she said those words looked very real, because it was a small part of her wish. It's also her desire to see him living without any regret and weight of his power, and then...

To be himself while still enjoying it without any restrain yet live rightfully.

{'... And its a selfish dream that'll never happen.'} (Cera)

But Zeimachi who heard her on the other hand.

"Akuryou taisan! Akuryou Taisan! [Evil spirit disperse! Evil Spirit disperse!]." (Zeimachi)

"Douman! Seiman! Douman! Seiman!" (Zeimachi)

"Haratte moraou onmyouji! [Get the onmyouji to purify them!] *Glug glug-Spew*." (Zeimachi)

He took some elixir remaining from his bag and mix it into his mouth, he then gargle with it and spit on her after finishing his chant(?) or song(?)

"OI! WHAT ARE YOU DOINGGG????!!!!" (Cera)

Her clothes became wet and stained after she was sprayed by the mixture of pink and black liquid spewed from his mouth, the result was easy to predict. How could she not be mad at him.

"Guh... it's not working." (Zeimachi)

However, he's still going with his purifying ritual. Now he grab the empty bottle and...

"Kegare disperse, kyukyunyoritsuryo. HAAAT." (Zeimachi)


"..." (Zeimachi)

"..." (Cera)


With a clumsy move, he threw that bottle to her after he put some mumble on it. He want to aim at her forehead and got the top of her head instead. He's still suck at aiming even after gaining core memories but maybe it can be changed with something.

"Done?" (Cera)

"*Snort* Mada mada desu." (Zeimachi)

While Zeimachi acted though and spouting some words that he remember from some Dudu. Cera still have those shadow behind her glasses, but this time some kind of a dark red aura is flowing out from her left hand.

She closed the distance to him with slow, silent steps. When she got under Zeimachi's chin, somehow a stool formed from Cera's aura with a dark red color appeared under her feet. She then used it as a stepping stone to stand taller than him.

"M-Mada...Mada..." (Zeimachi)

Zeimachi just standing there while crossing his hands and showed a distressed face.


Cera grabbed his head with her left hand and let him dangling in the air. No smile could be seen on her face at the time, and now her eyes showed a clear glint behind her glasses.

"I see, don't you want to do something just now??? THEN WHY DON'T I HELP YOU SIR." (Cera)

"I can walk alone." (Zeimachi)


She summoned mist which covered a portal from behind and ready to throw him off from the top of that building. All of those was created from her aura, meanwhile Zeimachi couldn't do anything as he know what fate awaits him.

"..." (Zeimachi)


"...Haha. My last word huh..." (Zeimachi)

Zeimachi who was hanging in the air was silent for a while. Looking at the sights of the city and the places that made an imprint on his memory, he once again laughed even though it was only two laughs.

"No matter how unreal and how unreasonable it is, there're many people that has and will be forgotten. I'll also be the same." (Zeimachi)

"... What's wrong with you Zei?" (Cera)

"... Cera, no matter how I became. In the end I have no intention to lose how I am right now. If I'm going to be a monster, then I'll be one. If I'm going to be a sinner, then I'll seek for desolation. " (Zeimachi)

"That's too long for a last words... Well it's fine thou..." (Cera)

{'...You should've said that sooner.'} (Cera)

Hearing that she felt a bit sad because she can know anything but not everything about him. She felt if she's really lucky to be with this fool even though it's not really her will to reject it. In her eyes, Zeimachi is still the same person who'll try to getting her pissed till no end.

"Yeah, ahaha! Now then! Throw ME!" (Zeimachi)

Using the coolest and passionest voice he could muster, the man who is dangling on the air shout out his deepest desire to be thrown.

"What, no. I still haven't forgiven you, try something better." (Cera)

"Uhh..." (Zeimachi)

"Come on." (Cera)

"Then... Cera, even if you're covered in my gargle and got a bump on your head. I still think you're the most beautiful in the world." (Zeimachi)

He tried to spoke in the coolest voice that he can to said that. For your info, Zeimachi is a glass cannon. Simply put he's the type who would suffer from his own sentences or seduction for others.

So he add the first sentences which serves as a punch-line to removes the damage from saying those kind cheesy lines.

"Ahh you forget where we are now." (Cera)

"Guhh damn woman with their intuition." (Zeimachi)

Unfortunately no matter how many experiences he has when it comes to woman, he still fail. Well it's within his name though.

Zeimachi back to his distressed face after knowing his trick didn't work. Whereas Cera who was already feeling quite amused decided to let him go with this.

"Hehe...I also have some words for you Zei." (Cera)

"My execution line?" (Zeimachi)

"Noope. Since there's something that I remember between your words, there's something entangled within my mind." (Cera)

"Which one? Onmyouji song? Onmyouji chant? or about you covered in- UAAAGHHHHH STOPP." (Zeimachi)

"*SMILE*." (Cera)

Smile returned to her face but its not a warm one. She strengthen her grip on his head with her hand which is covered in aura and stretched the hand that was holding the man to her behind.

"Zei...In any world, no one is bad. They've just already found the wrong way." (Cera)

"...And...I'm always beside you." (Cera)

"...Cera..." (Zeimachi)

"Don't you feel embarrassed when you said thAAATTTTTT." (Zeimachi)


Didn't want to hear anymore of his nonsense, she threw him off this building toward the portal from before to his destination that has been lingered in his mind.

"Well....Someone need to know, everyone has their own beauty things as their purpose in their own life. Right ▀▀▀▀?" (Cera)

So be it, it's your will.

"Ufufu, now then it's supposed to be a few hours left before the eruption. Let's take a look at our girls, "Stranger"." (Cera)

She walked off to the door that lead to the stairs of this building, it's not hard for her to fly and went to her destination. Yet she choose to take a look at this place and finding the pest by walking on her foot.

"Ah yeah almost forgot, I better look for a sewing kit for this jacket and thanks to him my clothes got wet...well it's a good chance to try their uniform." (Cera)

On her other hand are a bag pack and his jacket which should be on Zeimachi's back. She stole those two items when she threw him into the portal. Now, she looks like a girl between her college or high school year with a wet clothes sticking onto her body.




*His PoV*

'People will regret it if they never do one thing right. Be it a hero or villain, evil or justice.'

This quotes appear in my mind when I reaches this place. Using Fenghuang Down as a cover for my presence whenever I want, I could see the usual scenery of how Japanese people are.

Students playing with their phone or talking with their friends toward the school. Some adults who running to the station in their suit. Some oldster walking by the side of the road enjoying morning breeze.

And my objective a teenage girl with a little girl beside her. The teenage girl looks like still in her early year of her school, I guessed it from how she put her hair in ponytail. Meanwhile the little girl is a grade schooler since it was obvious from her hat and her figure.

As for me.

I'm acting as a police man on the cross road while managing traffic. I can just appear and stop the car/truck or the driver, or maybe to just pick her hat from draggin her to her death, but who cares I choose this role.

Well it's indeed seems weird for a lone police man managing the traffic in this not so crowded roadway. Hey I don't really know how Japanese cops are okay, but just like what Senti-chan said.

'Just blame it all to the feather.' (Zeimachi)

"Umm...Excuse me could you help me?" (An old lady)

Apparently helping a granny with their luggage are common in this world or country?

"Sure, let me help you granny." (Zeimachi)

"Ahh thank you very much." (Old lady)

So that's how I'm doing till now helping when someone asking for help, like a kid asking me to help a cat, a guy who lost his card fallen into a sewer, and some grade schoolers asking to cross the road.

"Thank you Mr.Policeman." (Some grade schooler)

"Be careful on your road to school." (Zeimachi)

"Yeees." (Some grade schooler)

'Kawayo...uhum.' (Zeimachi)

Maybe because it's anime logic most of the girls are a beauty, but well let me focus the objective. My objective is none other than to stop the death of the little girl that I've said before. Her name is Wakasa Ruu the sister from one of Gakkou Gurashi main characters, Wakasa Yuuri.

She's a little girl with brown eyes, and in long light ash hair with some sort of decoration like a round bun on top of her head. She wears jacket with ribbon under her neck, and also shorts with her socks and grade schooler shoes.

This time I want to try an ending where most characters depicted to be dead got alive instead, although it could be seen as heartless.

Well after I receives memories from the core I'm pretty much changed already. This is why I left it to Cera, since I really want to experience some new thing without remembering them.

It's not a bad thing to know very much anything of my previous journey, but I don't want to turn into an expressionless bastard who grows dull with everything. So I put some limitations for that, just like keeping my Core Memory away and sealing my memory in that Void.

Well again enough about me, target already on move.

"Ruu-chan!" (Wakasa Yuuri)

When wind blows and let the child's hat flies, Wakasa Ruu will be flattened with the bumper of a truck, its very unfortunate that reincarnating by using Truck-kun is not a thing back then.

'But like hell I'll let that happen!' (Zeimachi)

That's why, I didn't let any wind blows her hat. Right now I'm pretty much stronger than before, stopping some measly wind flow is not that hard. So I technically saved her by not letting her hat fly in the wind.

Wakasa...Umm Yuuri-san was calling her name since she couldn't found her little sister, but its fine since I am here. I decided to approach Ruu-kun who was holding tight her hat, and that's how we end up into this condition.

"Anything I can help, Jou-chan." (Zeimachi)

"..." (Wakasa Ruu)

She keep staring at me, a loli staring at me. Can you imagine that how dreadful the situation is. One word and my social life could end here right now. Not like I have though.

Back then before I helped her, I keep patrolling and do some traffic management. However I didn't really moved that far from target position which is her.

'Hmm?' (Zeimachi)

During my own idlingless monologue, I then noticed the Loli that was grabbing her hat looking at me with more emotion within her eyes.

'Did I got found out? I'm not a stalker am I?!' (Zeimachi)

"Aren't you going to school, you're going to late." (Zeimachi)

During this hour, it was supposed to be when students went to their school. So it'll be bad if she's going to be late.

"..." (Wakasa Ruu)

"I'm sorry she's not really trying to be rude or something." (Wakasa Yuuri)

When I use Fenghuang Down power to create a disguise, looks like I've succeed in making her to appreciate my imaginary hat. Well I'm also some kind of hat lover, so I can understand her sentiment if she cared for her little hat.

"Please don't worry, I don't really mind it either. So who is this little hat admirer name? You keep glancing to mine, want to take a closer look?" (Zeimachi)

"...Ah.." (Wakasa Ruu)

"Um excuse me but she's not really good with stranger." (Wakasa Yuuri)

I squat to match her eyes view when I asked her name but looks like I got some suspicion from her sister. Well what's their manner again? Tell your name then ask the others? The little girl seems to be surprised because I know what her intentions is.

"Well I'm sorry for being rude. Let me pay my insolence with this gift. You see this hat I'm using? It's very simple and only a hat? *Whoosh* But then where did it gone to?" (Zeimachi)

"Whoa... It gone." (Wakasa Ruu)

"A magic trick, I see. You also can do some tricks Mr.Policeman?" (Wakasa Yuuri)

Well no, I'm just altering your consciousness. I don't even use hat right now. I also somehow impressed them so it's okay, but when you said it like that...Don't I seems like someone who will try to deceive you Yuuri-san.

"Ahaha...It's just a part-time for children. Hmm? Jou-chan why are you wearing my hat? Ehh?! Why am I wearing your hat Jou-chan?!" (Zeimachi)

"Eh?" (Wakasa Ruu)

"Ufufu... Ruu-chan look on your head." (Wakasa Yuuri)

When I talked for a few second with Yuuri-san the big sister. I also do the last trick and put my imaginary hat on Ruu-kun the little sister without her noticing if I've switched our hat. At least I'll not get reported because of her suspicion.

'Oh right... I'm a police. I'm the one who was supposed to catch them.' (Zeimachi)

"Whooaa!" (Wakasa Ruu)

"Ahh...It seemed like my hat took a liking to you, but unfortunately he got some duty with me. So maybe next time okay? Here I'll also give your hat back." (Zeimachi)

"Muuu..." (Wakasa Ruu)

"Ruu-chan it's not good to do that. I'm sorry if we're taking much of your time." (Wakasa Yuuri)

"Ahaha looks like you're a little rebel now little girl, but his duties are also important with me. You both also need to go to school. Don't worry nee-san, making this girl smile are also part of my duty." (Zeimachi)

When I arrive in this place I've said if I did patrol right, when I patrolled across this area I also put some my feather all over the place in case some driver or more importantly, if Truck-kun just slam his bumper to me instead of her.

'It'll be funny though.' (Zeimachi)

And after I noticed if most of sentience in this area are normal, I put my feather in Ruu's hat when I switched our hat. This feather will protect her from incase her fate of death is hunting her down.

"Now then I need to go back patrolling, Jou-chan be sure to listen to your big sister okay and I'm sorry if I'm sounded rude from before to nee-san. Don't worry, I'm not really curious about your name but it's seemed like I forgot my manner." (Zeimachi)

"No... Please raise your head Mr.Policeman, I also do a rude thing before to you, I also apologize for my behavior." (Wakasa Yuuri)

We both keep bowing to each other while Ruu-kun just staring at her hat which I already switched back before. Thankfully she couldn't noticed it.

"Ahaha... Now then, be careful on your way. Jou-chan, don't let got of your big sis hand alright?" (Zeimachi)

"Uhm...uhmm..*Nod*." (Wakasa Ruu)

"Thank you very much Mr.Policeman... She's not a really good talker with stranger but to see her with this much enthusiasm is a refreshing sight" (Wakasa Yuuri)

"It's fine, its' fine. Well I'm not gonna take anymore of your time or else I'll got both of you in trouble, see you later." (Zeimachi)

I parted away with them after finishing my objective, maybe I also could stop the institution from messing up their contamination, but that's not not in my goal. I waved my hand to both of them and move far away from there.

"Ready to return!" (Zeimachi)

Oh yeah... If you're wondering what hat I'm wearing it's fedora police hat, maybe it's rare in Japan. What it's weird? Hey I'm using sentience key, what does it matter, just blame it to The Feather like always.

Did I just write 3K words. Dang.

See ya

Strunomcreators' thoughts