
Last Shine

*WARNING* *Reading in a better place will prevent you from getting scoliosis* First this is a mash up fan-fic, a fan-fic created from many component of different origins. There's some from anime, video game, Lovecraftian, SCP, manga, manhwa, manhua and some other stuff put together in one place and voila. I don't really know how to promote fan-fic or stuff like this but... Fu Hua is best girl. At first Mc still got no names, but he'll gain it based from the usual Core Memory stuff. He's also an average Fu Hua admirer who like to drink milk. Beside from the main Mc there're some other important character that help to become the foundation for this story. There's Cera the common 4th wall breaker. Yjor the ruler. And Hylia a lass who likes chocolate ice cream. Those four are OC and got their own personalities, so maybe it'll be hard to read when they appeared or got their scene. The premise of this story is about erasing the tragedy, obliterating the chosen one, confronting the fake happiness, to become someone worthy, regaining dream and hope, as well as to become the champion of their own life. At earlier chapter, I still can't decided what writing style to be used so there're many error to be found. Even now I'm still trying to find another new style to write. And yeah perhaps there's someone who think it'll be a waste of time reading such long synopsis like this but... anyway. *IMPORTANT* There're suicidal thought in this story, so please watch your own thought before reading this as I don't want to make you to commit suicide on your own. Ehe Then there's some different personalities thingy, monster of emotion thingy, and death of cute and kawaii characters thingy. I'm someone with cute aggression behavior you see... Ah yeah... in this fan-fic there's Arknight CoC Genshin Granblue Azur Lane Honkai Gakkou Gurashi Welp so far there're only those, but I do want to add more character and lore from different stuff like Lament from Memento Mori, some game that can't be played anymore (You guys know Sid Story or Eternal City?) and yeah... this is just a plan so there's gonna be a HUGE chance I wouldn't put those in this fan-fic. Why? Who knows, I made this fanfic as a way to find my favorite stories. So anyway, that's the end for today synopsis. ----------- *This is a fan-fic, a work of fiction using some reference and material from other source of work, so credit goes to the original creator.* *Even though some of them are not mine, there's some original or random thing that I've added in this story* *And that cover is Fenghuang Down, don't know whose pict though*

Strunom · Others
Not enough ratings
147 Chs

Omake special 2023

In a city where night had fallen and the calendar was on the brink of turning to a new year, a girl hurried through the bustling streets with a round creature as her companion.

"Sorry! Excuse me~" (Hylia)

"Fuwa fuwa!"

That day marked an important occasion for many, yet for those who had lived for countless years, it was just another entry in the diaries.

Streets adorned with lively colors painted a festive atmosphere, a grand celebration unfolding to embrace the imminent arrival of a day laden with promises of change.


"Yep, I can't wait to get home." (Hylia)

The weather and outside temperature were quite chilly, prompting some people to switch their attire to something warmer. Besides the warmth from within that warmed the heart, a walking body also needed the protection of outer warmth.

As Hylia observed a few individuals dressed similarly to her, a sense of joy lit up her rosy face, and she couldn't help but offer a small smile. Even though she didn't really recognize those people, she felt delighted that there were others who shared a similar style.

"Hot chocolate? Don't worry, there's nothing strange in it."「Irene」 

"...Though I didn't ask for it, thanks."「Skadi」 

"Huooh... this is warm and sweet."「Anita」

The streets the girl traversed were also teeming with people, be they human or otherwise.

Though there were still a few hours left in the countdown, some couldn't contain their excitement for the approaching New Year in the era they were living in. Some engaged in lively conversations, preparing for the festivities, while others readied themselves to actively participate in the celebrations.

"Hmm... where's the perfect spot to set off the fireworks... I guess here! Ehehe, now I just need to make the trigger."「Klee」

Rows of fireworks, sparkling colorful lights, trees adorned like main characters, or large-screen broadcasts about the New Year – there were numerous scenes where people wanted to celebrate the new year in their own way.

A plethora of scheduled events awaited them as well, whether it was a costume competition where participants vied for the most creative attire or simply delivering speeches to a crowd of adoring fans.

"Have you heard of phrases like 'future' and 'aesthetic'? Because I think your suit and clan are going to need that."「Iron-man」


"Don't worry bud pat-pat, I've been there before. I think your armor is good as it is, pretty tanky."「Captain America」


People met and converged.

Similar to the feasty haired girl and her companion Fuwa, they're on their way to the designated place. Lifting their own weights and carrying all of their hope for the future behind their back.

With their belongings in tow, the two of them strolled through the streets, choosing the path that pleased them as well. However, to reach the promised destination this time, they had to take advantage of various modes of transportation to make the journey easier.

The fortunate choice for their journey happened to be a train.

Having observed the congested streets earlier in the evening, Hylia decided that taking the train would be a more convenient option than getting stuck in traffic with a taxi or bus later on. Sooner or later, they entered the train station.

"You remember to bring your train card, right?" (Hylia)


"Great! Let's go in and wait for the train." (Hylia)

Before entering to board the train, Hylia had to pass through a gate that could only be accessed with a special pass card. Both of them were well aware of this, so without wasting any time, they each took out their respective cards.

"Ah! Fuwa, help me." (Hylia)

Unfortunately, due to the items she carried in both hands, she accidentally dropped her pass card, which slid across the clean and smooth floor. Realizing this, Fuwa quickly chased after it until the pass card fortunately stopped before a passerby.

"Oh my, is this yours?"「Sakura Megumi」 

"Fuwa fuwa!"

"Uhuhu I see, be careful not to lose it, okay?"「Sakura Megumi」 

With its cotton-like round body, Fuwa retrieved the card and lifted it above its head. Carrying the pass card belonging to her friend, Fuwa then conveyed the recent incident to Hylia.

"Oh, umm thank you very much, aunty!" (Hylia)

She genuinely felt grateful for the help she had just received, so even though a bit hurried, the girl expressed her gratitude while bowing her head.

"... Aunty... do I look that old?"「Sakura Megumi」 

"Megu-nee is already ◼️◼️ years old after all~ It wouldn't be weird if that little girl thought of you as— O,ouchhyy!!!"「Takeya Yuki」 

"Hmph, Yuki-chan should be an aunty as well!"「Sakura Megumi」 

After that, Hylia and Fuwa smoothly boarded the train that arrived right on time. Luckily, there was still a functioning train at that hour. Despite a bit of jostling with people exiting and entering the train, Hylia managed to get into one of the railway carriages and even secured seat for two.

"[This is your train conductor, Enterprise speaking. As a reminder, please keep an eye on your belongings while in the station area and be mindful of the platform gap when stepping off.]"

"Fuuh... my arms ache. Thankfully, the train isn't too crowded here. Are you okay?" (Hylia)


"[The train doors will be closing.]"

With the conclusion of the conductor's announcement, the locomotive's engine roared back to life, and the iron wheels adhered to the tracks resumed their rhythmic motion. Being a well-behaved passenger, Hylia took her seat and settled in.

While enjoying the swaying motion of the train and the scenery passing by outside the window, Hylia and Fuwa spent their time playing a game of spotting things beyond.

"Ah! Fuwa, look, look! Doesn't that person resemble Bell and Tia? And that one looks like Wel and Lili too!" (Hylia)


"Eh? Is it just my imagination? As if! Do you think I'm forgetful like Moriarty aunty or something!?" (Hylia)

Starting from the red truck, the black motorcycle, a purple robot, to someone with white hair, they named anything they saw from their perspective. At times, they engaged in lively banter about the things they had just seen as well.


"Waah?!" (Hylia)


And as they were in the midst of their banter, whether it was an oddity or perhaps just a coincidence, suddenly someone somehow crashed into the window they were both gazing out of, obstructing their view.

Judging by her face, she's a girl. And upon closer inspection, they noticed something resembling a feather attached to the girl's head as well. She wore an attire similar to that of a backpacker who is in the middle of her journey or so it seems.

However rather than who, why or how she is doing, Hylia and Fuwa are more puzzled about how the girl managed to collide the train from the outside. 

"Swwwryy, hiihnt schee haaat kmmnn... phuaaaaa! (Sorry, didn't see that coming... byee)"「Nanashi Mumei」

She spoke some unrecognizable words as she excused herself from their sight, but it was how she did it that astonished both Hylia and Fuwa.

Even though she had just collided with a swiftly moving train, she managed to extricate herself from the scene, spiraling through the air before gently descending to the ground. Hopefully, the girl's fate would be alright.

"What was that?" (Hylia)


Following that, once again, the train conductor's voice echoed.

"[Once again, this is your train conductor, Enterprise speaking. Please refrain from jumping while the train is in motion, thank you.]"

With a patient tone, the conductor's voice faded away from the train's speaker. However, instead of heeding the train conductor's announcement, strangely, some individuals seemed to be inspired by the earlier girl's actions.

"She's there!"「Ceres Fauna」 

"Mumei! Here we come for huuuuu!"「Ouro Kronii」 

They forcefully exited the train and leaped from the still rapidly moving locomotive, bravely facing the rushing wind that swept upon everything as they fell from the air. Truly something daring and seemingly implausible to be done.

"We actually jumping?"「Hakos Baelz」 

"C'mon Bae."「Tsukumo Sana」 

"Wait! I've never agreed with thbiisss!!!"「Hakos Baelz」

Like a gust of wind, they departed as swiftly as they had arrived, leaving many witnesses who had seen their actions in awe. Even Hylia and Fuwa could only watch as the events unfolded so suddenly and rapidly.

"[Once again, this is your train conductor, Enterprise speaking—wha!? Did someone just fly out again?! Impossible! What did I say about being careful and not jumping from the train!]"

Those scene of course didn't escape the dutiful eye's of the train conductor.

The conductor's voice now sounded more annoyed. After all, no one should be jumping when the train is still in motion, and as the train conductor, it was reluctantly her responsibility to deal with it.

Faced with this difficult situation, Enterprise the train conductor, made a decision to uphold her duty—a choice carefully considered to ensure the safety of many.

"[Can't help it, I'll get them back in here! Enterprise, sailing forth!]"

Or maybe not.

Ended with the shouts of the conductor, Hylia and Fuwa peered into the scene outside their window. Sure enough, the two of them witnessed a figure with white hair soaring through the air towards where the members of the Council were.

Upon seeing it, Hylia and Fuwa struggled to contain their laughter.

The reason for their laughter remained a secret known only to them. However, that wasn't the case for the other passengers. They, now realizing that the conductor had left her post, were confused about who was driving the train.

"I guess... this train doesn't have an autopilot system."「Griseo」

"Sigh What an event taking place, never have I thought to watch a scene where the conductor jumps out the train without hesitation."「Fu Hua」

"Uhm, maybe there's another thing we should worry about, Fuka onee-chan."「Griseo」

"Indeed, that's right. I think this train isn't equipped with a sophisticated Interface system to control it. It's similar to the normal trains I often use in my hometown."「Fu Hua」

In these critical moments, some passengers took the initiative to find ways to address the challenges they faced. One of them was a girl in glasses, accompanied by a young girl who began reading the instructions posted inside the train when unexpected situations occurred.

"The emergency brakes..."「Griseo」 

"It's in the same location as I remember, but perhaps it's better if we go to the front train's carriage and inform the central communication first. This way, they'll know our current situation."「Fu Hua」 

"Alright, Fuka onee-chan."「Griseo」 

For now, they swiftly deciphered what needed to be done.

However, unbeknownst to everyone, there's an individual attempting to escalate the situation. Emerging from an unexpected position and that is from atop the train, there appeared an agile girl who deftly broke into the front carriage where the conductor's post should be.

"Heh! Brakes? Who needs brakes!? With the mighty Herscher of Sentience at the helm, no wheeled vehicle is beyond control! Let's go!"「Herrscher of sentience」 

For a moment, she glanced around at the myriad of buttons, levers, and the scenery visible through the front window. Much like a child who had just discovered a new toy.

The girl behaved as if she were capable of anything, and she was about to prove it as she enthusiastically accelerated the train she now commanded.

"What's going on? We're... going faster?"「Griseo」 

"Waaaaaa!!!" (Hylia)


"Everyone hold on!"「Fu Hua」 

Far different from before, the locomotive had now transformed its purpose. From being a simple train intended for passenger transport, it turned into a racing machine speeding along the iron tracks.

With a rhythmic dance of sways and tilts, the train dared to defy gravity, leaping off its tracks like a daring roller coaster, embracing the thrill of the unexpected.

Of course, this terrified many passengers. Most of them just wanted a train ride, not a ride on the verge of death. Their panic escalated further as they crossed paths with other trains on adjacent tracks as well.

Nevertheless, there're those oddball who found enjoyment in these perilous moments.

"Hey, you're not actually enjoying this right?"「Bronie」 

"... Not actually, but this thrill is nice."「Houraiji Kyuushou」 

The same sentiment extended to those who weren't on the locomotive, especially those who could only watch from a distance, admiring how the train sped by like a racing locomotive.

Even though they were aware that such actions could pose a danger, they couldn't help but be amazed by the driving skill of that train conductor.

"Yabai! If they doesn't slow down, they'll be in the ravine! Speedo ga mori sugiteru ze! There's no room to slow down!"

"Masaka!? Then nani going to happen to those densha and its passangers!?"

No need to clarify, cars and trains are not the same. Unlike asphalt roads and rubber tires, trains can't maneuver like cars. Simply with excessive speed, a train can derail when making a turn, and that is an undeniable reality.

Even so, a miracle could still happen.

"[Leave it to me, didn't I say!]"「Herrscher of sentience」 

As if aiming to seize the top position by overtaking the train in front, the locomotive accomplished the seemingly impossible feat guided by the skillful hands of its driver after who chose the perfect timing in her move.

Just when it seemed the train would leap off the track and plunge into the ravine, it unexpectedly swerved and maneuvered off the tracks. The loud screech of metal against metal reached many, and the deafening sound echoed as train cars moved like the tail of a serpent.

Still, she didn't stop and continued to execute her move until it finally happened...

"[Now! Edge of Taixuan: Drifting Eminence!]"「Herrscher of sentience」


"Kansei... drifto!"


The locomotive executed an inertia drift, leaving everyone in suspense during each conversation.

A maneuver considered impossible for a train and typically only reserved for wild and daring machines running in their '90s, and yet the locomotive flawlessly did it.

This unexpected feat not only left onlookers dumbfounded but also added to the bewilderment of the spectators who couldn't help but continue spectating.

"[Hehe! Nothing is impossible with me!]" Shiki-chan/Senti declared with laughter echoing, reaching all passengers. She sounded incredibly proud of her accomplishment.

Surprisingly, even after completing the drift, she showed no signs of stopping. Instead, she accelerated once again, further defying the expectations of those on board.

If only there were someone to witness her skill, the train conductor could very well earn the title of the King of Drifting from the get-go.

"[This train will be express from now on!]" Shiki-chan/Senti announced boldly, her words carrying a promise of speed and exhilaration for the journey ahead.




In no time, they finally arrived at their destination.

"[Uh, this is your ark conductor —sorry, I mean your train conductor, Griseo speaking. As a reminder, please keep an eye on your belongings while in the station area, and be mindful of the platform gap when stepping out. Please... watch your step. Ugghh, I'm dizzy.]"

Following the conductor's advice, Hylia and Fuwa disembarked from the train safely and comfortably. Furthermore, instead of displaying fear or trauma from their experience, they seemed eager to do it again as well.

"Ahh that was fun! Right Fuwa? Wanna ride it again?" (Hylia)


They both also noticed someone kneeling as they exited the train before walking past the station's exit gate.

Although she didn't know who it was, Hylia felt sympathy for the person's apparent plight. It was as though she was transported back to the moments when she, too, frequently found herself on the receiving end of reprimands from those dearest to her.

Nonetheless, it didn't mean she would extend help; Hylia understood there was a reason behind the frequent scoldings, mostly stemming from her own missteps in various situations.

"I'm sorry."「Herrscher of sentience」 

"What you did was dangerous, and it had the potential to cause casualties and significant damage. Although luckily there were no victims, you need to reflect on your actions tonight," Fu Hua asserted.

"Huuh!? Reflecting on such things in the new year?! Don't joke, I'd rather just escape from here and—"「Herrscher of sentience」 

"...And, what?" Fu Hua interrupted while gripping the magical sandal she had used earlier. Interestingly, even the Herscher of Sentience fell silent upon seeing the footwear.

Moving forward, they both decided to walk towards their final destination.

Considering the relatively short distance, they saw no harm in leisurely strolling while immersing themselves in the preparations for the upcoming New Year. Moreover, the area had already fallen within their "turf," so there was nothing to worry about.

Navigating the familiar route they always took when heading home, their assumptions proved correct. The surroundings were adorned with numerous markers, lights, and bustling people, fostering a vibrant atmosphere in anticipation of the approaching New Year.

"..."「Hoshikawa Mafuyu」 

"What's wrong, Mafuyu-san?"「Hinata Kaho」 

"It's just... I think I saw a Magical Girl passing by just now. She had this beautiful hair and a myriad of colors, you know?" Hoshikawa Mafuyu shared.

"Now that you mention it... I also saw someone with a similarly fantastical outfit just now. Are they from same group maybe?" Hinata Kaho pondered, while still failed to spot if there's a Dragonian woman just passed by her.

They each had their own lives, and behind their smiles, there lay a deeper meaning.

Every time Hylia glimpsed those priceless smiles from passersby, she felt a burgeoning happiness within her heart. Observing the joy radiating from strangers she didn't even know seemed to amplify her own sense of delight.

"Dinner... dinner... tempura, meat, or maybe egg and chicken? Since today is special, should I have them all? Ehehe." pondered a little girl named Hatoba Tsugu, adding a whimsical note to the night.

Life drips its essence onto blossoming flowers in various places, whether in the farthest corners of the world or along the bustling roadside. The destinies they hold are all the same – the flowers bloom and are destined to wither as the world keeps turning.

As time relentlessly passes, the world continues to crumble with each passing moment, and death, along with misfortune, persists in every corner for them.

Be it a tragic death, fitting end to a hero's tale, or the demise of someone whose existence went unnoticed, the loss of power leading to a return to ordinary life or gaining the strength to change the world – unexpected and surprising events can unfold with each passing second.

"HERE'S YOUR PACKAGE! Uooohhh, I fricking hate midnight delivery!"「Chung Cheng Liang」 

"HERE'S YOUR PACKAGE! Uooohhh, I fricking hate midnight delivery!" Chung Cheng Liang exclaimed.

"The heck? I'm your customer, damn it," the person receiving the package lashed out at the running away courier. As he gazed at the receipt paper on the package, it looked like it wasn't the item he had hoped for.

"... Yo what the fuck?! Hey this ain't my package!?"「Yulijer」 

Despite being aware of that, those who have received something precious in their lives now feel that their current existence is not something bad, and they live as earnestly as they could.

"Fhew, we're finally here." (Hylia)

Guided by her feet, she arrived at a humble abode she had chosen as a shelter and refuge from the weather—it wasn't much of a house, but it was an honest work.

Accompanied by Fuwa, Hylia entered the neatly kept front yard.

Her aunt whom she preferably called by the name of Moriarty was the one who had prepared the front yard as best and as clean as possible for the upcoming celebration. Apparently, she learned how to do it from a talking snake who worked as a producer.

The timeless girl conveyed many details to Hylia as well before the two of them set off to purchase various items listed by her, considering the potential influx of people who might attend she needed many things to be a gracious host.

"Aunty is not here, huh? Even though I've come bringing a lot of what she asked for. Maybe she's inside?" (Hylia)


"Maybe that's true. In that case, please help me open the door." (Hylia)

Slightly disappointed because she couldn't find the presence of her guardian, Hylia entered her domain called home with the help of Fuwa, who opened the door first.

As they laid down their belongings, Hylia also remembered to remove her shoes before stepping onto the ceramic floor of the house. Then, with a loud voice, she uttered a greeting typically said when she arrived home.

"Everyone, I'm home!" (Hylia)


Welcome home, Lia.

And from the room where they resided, a familiar voice welcomed her, continuing to be the hope of the promised ends.


Here are their wishes, written on a board adorned with numerous handwritten notes, stored within their humble abode. Whether they are for something good or otherwise, may they be granted the best outcomes.

"May this year will not repeat the same tragedy."

-Sakura Zeimachi

"I hoped for this year to be more merrier both in terms of the development of the story or for those living in it, and of course for my entrance to finally taking place. I'm looking at you ◼️◼️◼️◼️!"


"Let me take another year vacation again, I've been drinking to much and looks like it won't end soon."


"Fuwa fuwa fuwa!"


"If that's what Fuwa wants, then maybe I wish to talk with many people and become friends with them. I want to learn the meaning of their name, the result of their choices, and many, many more."


❛What a beautiful wish, let's work hard to grant it.❜

-Nanekluh ref Rednialsig (Als)

"Eh? But who are you?"


[I want kids.]


"Eh? Uhh I mean... a-alright."

-Sakura Zeimachi

[Hey, why are you reacting like that?]


❛Kukuku, pick your words or you'll be toast brother. By the way, my wish is for more opportunities to play with kids whose blood is still young and innocent.❜

-El Dust



"Nonono, I mean, from the beginning, how can you all seem to communicate with each other? Aren't we just writing our New Year's wishes on the board? Where are we actually? Discord or something?"

-Sakura Zeimachi

[Don't ignore me, why are you reacting like that, Machi.]


"B,But... y,you know..."

-Sakura Zeimachi

"Human, if we're writing then why are you deliberately cutting your words like that? Don't tell me you're shaking."




❛Right above me is gay.❜

-Persona bearing the mark of Amour

❛Right above me is... The fuck you mean huggers?!❜


"Alright fellas, calm down and be civilized. This is a board for New Year wishes, not a gang war. Since this is a special day, let's try not to provoke and attempt to forgive each other."


❛Amazing, your words truly sound deep from your chest despite the lack of its depth.❜

-Nanekluh ref Rednialsig (Als)

"Or we could create it if anyway, who's with me?"


❛I'll side with violence.❜




❛... Uhhh, what's going on?❜


❛Simply put, Sengoku wake up and chose violence, Dame Cera was the one who later supported it, and then Fuwa is Fuwaing.❜

-El Dust

"I don't think solving things with violence is good from the beginning. Why don't we use another way instead?"


❛Listen little one, this is just instance. What would you do if there's someone...❜

-Nanekluh ref Rednialsig (Als)

❛Don't listen to him, kid. He's sprinkled with sesame seeds.❜


"Uhm, I'm not sure if you're more trustworthy, Mr. Loliman. I'm also curious, what does your name actually mean?"


"He like his girl young and tender."


❛Its not! It's fine even if they're not young and tender!❜


"Loli, you're just a persona and I'm the real one. Those people are going to get me if you write more than this. Don't worry Moriarty, you're fine just the way you are."

-Sakura Zeimachi

❛Enough with this bullshit, where's the chaos you promised.❜


"There, I think she should be here."


"Who? No right what I said, how did you do it?!"

-Sakura Zeimachi

"I'm your common 4th wall breaker after all ehe☆"


"But then who is this "she" you're talking about-"

-Sakura Zeimachi


-Suzuhara Lulu


-Sakura Zeimachi

❛It can't be....❜

-Persona bearing the mark of Amour



❛Impossible, how could she enter our discord?!❜


"So we're in discord."

-Sakura Zeimachi

❛Dame Cera, what have you brought upon us...❜

-El Dust

"What you say, its simply her."


[Machi, who is she? Your acquaintance?]


"Who is she, Cera? Somehow the others seem afraid."


"You'll see sooner or later."


❛Ah, its Suzuhara. Long time no see my friend of Eldritch-❜

-Nanekluh red Rednialsig (Als)

❛... Eldritch? Do you mean Eldritch horror-❜


"In a fleeting moment, akin to an enigmatic force far removed from human understanding, there exists something that permeates this world. Something that ruthlessly clutches the law of causality and unilaterally disturbs the delicate balance that has been wrought."


"You're doing the narration now?"

-Sakura Zeimachi

❛Als! Necro! Oh no, it was yet only the beginning but two of our men has gone!❜


❛Calm down my Lolicon brother, as long we don't antagonize her then there'll nothing to be-❜

-El Dust

❛DUST!!!! Shieet! Looks like I'm the last man holding the line!❜


"One by one, they vanish, suddenly and unexpectedly, their disappearance shrouded in mystery. They fade away as if by unknown force, an enchantment erasing them without leaving the slightest trace."


"That's scary."


❛Ah I'm still here you know, if there's anything you need then we could fight her-❜

-Persona bearing the mark of Amour

❛You're going with me-❜


"And another one bite the dust."


❛Fine, if that's how you want to play then let's play like how you like it! Hooaaaaaahhhhh!❜


"Realizing he stands alone on the show, without even one of his comrades, the brave man who prefers his girl young and tender dashes to fight the anonymous monstrosity. He fights relentlessly until the end. The End."


"But who won?"


"He fought relentlessly until the end, and they both fell, as the brave man who prefers his girl young and tender breathed his last. Then, in his final breath... he uttered... Ahhh, at least I want to be a little girl in my next life, and then he got reincarnated."


"He what?"

-Sakura Zeimachi

"Then and then?"


"Next in the Omake section! Initially, I was just one of the personas from The Fool who wanted to fulfill my wish, but after I fought Konlulu, now I'm reincarnated and then become a cute and adorable little girl. In this life, I will be as cute as possible! Please look forward to it!"


"As if."

-Sakura Zeimachi


It's late, but better late than never.

I'm stumped because I write both new chapter and rewriting older one, so who knows what'll happen.

Oh yeah, and lately I think I've been falling in love with Shirakamui Fubuki, I'll rest this emotion for a few days, and if it's still persist then maybe it won't be so bad to taste falling in love once again.

And one last thing, my Soul Tide account got deleted, hence I'm very upset.


See ya

Strunomcreators' thoughts