
Last Shine

*WARNING* *Reading in a better place will prevent you from getting scoliosis* First this is a mash up fan-fic, a fan-fic created from many component of different origins. There's some from anime, video game, Lovecraftian, SCP, manga, manhwa, manhua and some other stuff put together in one place and voila. I don't really know how to promote fan-fic or stuff like this but... Fu Hua is best girl. At first Mc still got no names, but he'll gain it based from the usual Core Memory stuff. He's also an average Fu Hua admirer who like to drink milk. Beside from the main Mc there're some other important character that help to become the foundation for this story. There's Cera the common 4th wall breaker. Yjor the ruler. And Hylia a lass who likes chocolate ice cream. Those four are OC and got their own personalities, so maybe it'll be hard to read when they appeared or got their scene. The premise of this story is about erasing the tragedy, obliterating the chosen one, confronting the fake happiness, to become someone worthy, regaining dream and hope, as well as to become the champion of their own life. At earlier chapter, I still can't decided what writing style to be used so there're many error to be found. Even now I'm still trying to find another new style to write. And yeah perhaps there's someone who think it'll be a waste of time reading such long synopsis like this but... anyway. *IMPORTANT* There're suicidal thought in this story, so please watch your own thought before reading this as I don't want to make you to commit suicide on your own. Ehe Then there's some different personalities thingy, monster of emotion thingy, and death of cute and kawaii characters thingy. I'm someone with cute aggression behavior you see... Ah yeah... in this fan-fic there's Arknight CoC Genshin Granblue Azur Lane Honkai Gakkou Gurashi Welp so far there're only those, but I do want to add more character and lore from different stuff like Lament from Memento Mori, some game that can't be played anymore (You guys know Sid Story or Eternal City?) and yeah... this is just a plan so there's gonna be a HUGE chance I wouldn't put those in this fan-fic. Why? Who knows, I made this fanfic as a way to find my favorite stories. So anyway, that's the end for today synopsis. ----------- *This is a fan-fic, a work of fiction using some reference and material from other source of work, so credit goes to the original creator.* *Even though some of them are not mine, there's some original or random thing that I've added in this story* *And that cover is Fenghuang Down, don't know whose pict though*

Strunom · Others
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147 Chs

Nanekluh ref Rednialsig part.2

*Chamber of mind*

This is chamber of Zeimachi's mind, a space which house different persona and other things. This space was created through his actions as he tried to dive deep into his thoughts. Because of the feather who holds the title key of sentience, this space can be further enlarged and act like a real space for those who hold feathers or strong consciousness.

But as he keep his journey, this space slowly change as his mind state grows. The first time he dived into this place, everything are like an infinite room filled with doors. Each doors have different contents behind them, some of them are locked, some are opened wide, and others are incomplete.

Yet now everything are in static.

"...Times up already? My brother really keep me tight huhu."

This static which filled his mind are the result of arduous battle, fate encountering, his choice against destiny, and many bond he has broke. He tried to hide it deep inside of both his mind and heart, but as a human, his mind who have it limits had broken into this state.

Even so he used another way to keep going with his already broken mind and that is his 'reset' and 'sleep'. As you knows, forgot is a medicine, while sleep is a cure for tired mind and body. Its can't reverse what already broken, but it can elevate the pain from past.

"I guess its time to watch my brother Als with other brothers kukuku."

In this space painted with static there's no one supposed to knows where they are, or so it should be.

Yet El Dust walked in this static space, there's no one but him who knows the direction or where he'll gone to. His laughter filled this static space as the space teared and show a colorful door, he opened the door to be greeted with a cinema and others who called him.


Nanekluh ref Rednialsig, unconsciousness Higokumaru, and Yae Rin rode a transparent box as they returned back to earth. Yae Rin behave suspiciously as she steal a glance on his face everytime he didn't see, Higokumaru status is good as she slowly recovering when entering earth, and ... NrR who watch their back with concern.

"Do you like to watch my face Yae Rin?"

"N-Not really! You're not h-handsome or c-cool anyway!"

"...I'm glad."

"What are you glad for? You heard me right, I don't really like to see your face!"

Yae Rin faced away to hide her true feelings with Higokumaru fluffy tails in her arms. She did not hate him like when she was before, but its an interest which made her curious.


'What he's looking? Even though I'm here beside him! And he also k-k-kiss me like its nothing! But kiss between friends is good right? Onee-chan and Kallen onee-chan sometimes did that behind the house, but onee-chan told me she's just a friend, so it mean I have gained one too like onee-chan! A friend!'


Yae Rin didn't let her thought spew out from her mind, and she's still being a tsundere as she hide her true feelings from him.

She do a little dance with Higokumaru who slowly regain her consciousness because all of that shakes, she moves with her bare legs and fluttery cherry hair. In fact she didn't move two steps from where she was but ... NrR who saw this pleased by her smile.


But he didn't show it because he was mesmerized by her little movement, and because of that he becomes careless and misses the person who keeps following him.


Right now be it ... NrR team or Moriarty have reached earth's sky, below them is cloud that stretch all over horizon, and under those white clouds is Soukai city. The city where his adventure start.

Moriarty opened a round space in the box and stood beside him.As she stepped inside, the hole she made instantly closed like nothing. Maybe its somekind of power or rule that she had as the guardian of this world.

Still within her white status where her hair is white and most of her clothes are black, Moriarty walked to the other side where she can have him without any influence of Yae Rin and grabbed his hand. She didn't say anything or anything and maintained her position beside him like a statue, if only there's no movement from her chest to indicate that she's living.


NrR got vigilant as he noticed someone breaking this box from outside, he know if the one who did that is her, because no one beside her will do that in here. He called her name as she watched how El Dust 'meet and greet' with her at Yae Rin's house.


But she didn't said anything and hugged his left hand so tight that he could feel her bone behind her skin, (Moriarty is not really buffed afterall) she hugged his hand like something she has been wanted all this time, fortunately she didn't reap and tear it from his body.

"...Yae Rin? Do you know anything?"

Trying to figure out her motive, NrR asked Yae Rin to elevate the mood after Moriarty comes in. Moriarty didn't move or try to hurt him like when she told El Dust about 'bits' which make him getting more confused.


Unfortunately, Yae Rin eye him with a disgraceful glance as she know of his relationship when they come to her house, but once again this is all her action as she didn't know of how to act around him, she used this move ever since she peeked at how girls her age in the shrine were acting, when they encounter a man who tries to ask them something.


'...This is why I don't want to deal with woman, much easier facing god envoy or creating a big bang than trying to find out their true intention...'

"Let's enjoy our ride."

Struck with a sudden truth of how hard it is to understand a woman heart, ... NrR didn't let out any other question and enjoyed his short trip back to Soukai city. On the way they see a huge satelite float fairly high above Soukai city.

'...Hmmm?? Rin? What is going on?'

And Higokumaru who have woken up in Yae Rin's arms tried to figure out her condition.




This is Monolith no.8, being stationed with watchtower no.16 and no.17 where those two poor subject of Mobius and Fu Hua Himeko pair stationed.

While there's a quite far distance between Monolith, the watchtower with guards inside them are not really far, but there's different position for them, one on front right while other is on rear left and vice versa at other tower.

Both watchtower are still under Monolith barrier so they'll be fine as long they stay vigilant.

"Is there any respond from watchtower no.16? Why is it at this time?!"

"...Major, there's no one picked up our call, but when I contacted HQ, they told me agent is on their way. The agent will arrived in 15 minutes."

"So its up to us...*sigh* Just what is going on right now."


There's two figure of female runs wearing uniform and a badge on their left chest. These two are none other than Himeko and Fu Hua, guards being stationed at watchtower no.17 from before.

As soon as they noticed a foreign objects fell with it course is right on top of the Monolith, Himeko alert her partner Fu Hua to spread this news and asked help from nearby tower.

Unfortunately, the tower didn't let out any answer for their backup request. Being left up with no choice they call for back up from HQ to send their forces to watchtower no.17, but their request was rejected again with a reason of agent right on their way to them.

"Major, please turn on your badge. I'll breaking in."

"W-WAit Fuka! Kuhh! That girl is really reckless! Stop right there!"

Fu Hua immediately run through the entry point of Monolith no.6, she didn't waste any second as she predict the speed of that falling foreign objects.

As for the badge they're using, its a badge based from Moth insignia created from soul steel. When they tapped this badge who already had their id and grant permission to enter the Monolith, it turned into their own protection to step inside Monolith's barrier range.

'No, at this rate I'll be too late from reaching the top.'

She keep running as fast as she could but there's still a long way to the top of the Monolith.

'...I need to hurry or there'll be damage to the barrier.'

Knowing if with her current speed she'll not make it in time, Fu Hua used her power inside of the Monolith, though it'll create half of her power cut in half she need to be as fast as she can to the top.

'...If the barrier broke. No, focus on things now.'

A dark premonition clouded her mind, where a wave of beast and monster swarmed her and her co-worker Himeko. They resist as hard until the bitter end, but they alone can't stop the flood of calamity.

The wave swept across the Monolith and destroyed one of this city last line from enemy. Those wave full of monsters and beast creep their way onto the city where her friend and her father belong. Just this image put her in dire need to stop that thing as soon as possible.


An explosion could be heard from above reached her ears.

'Doctor Mobius banned me from using it, but there's no time to hesitate!'

Fu Hua closed her eyes and utter a words which act as command code for her self.

As soon she said those words, her figure take a drastic change. Her grey ashen hair changed into a fiery white-red hair flowing down to her waist, her irises who have been uncovered of her red frame glasses changed from blue like a water surface into red like a phoenix flame.

"Let's go."

She dashed through to the top of Monolith leaving a red after image just like a red or fire fairy with a feathers of phoenix who danced and step onto the heaven stairs.




Shortly after she changed into phoenix form, Fu Hua had reached the final door which connect her to the roof of this Monolith. She appeared to be exhausted from using this form, but this did not stop her from surpass her limit with her beloved behind her back.

"...Khaaghh...Hold it, just a little more! I know you can do it."

This power is what she have gained from transaction with a doctor from an organization who promise her the power to protect her family and friends. In exchange for her to also protect this city beside her family and friends, she have gained this power.


She opened the door to be greeted by a group of people, its none other than ... NrR, Moriarty, Yae Rin and Higokumaru.

NrR holds a knifes set with his right hand beside his right hip, with a calm demeanor he watched Moriarty fixed a crater under an melted oxygen tube. He never know how this tube take the same direction as him onto the Monolith, but he suspect it involved a cliche like when El Dust encounter it.

Moriarty who was being a sticky buddy with him already let her grip go but still holds his right thumb nonetheless, she used her wand to fixes the crater with a charming smile from the sensation of her right hand, and her demeanor had changed back to when her hair is blonde.

Yae Rin on the other hand, got an ofuda/paper talisman stuck to her fore head like a jiangshi. This ofuda/paper talisman is created from Higokumaru who have regained her senses and cast a protection for Yae Rin from Monolith barrier's influence.

Yae Rin tried to removes it but got scolded by Higokumaru who floats beside her.

And Higokumaru who have awoken from her slumber beside Yae Rin , watches both ... NrR and Moriarty in order to be not tricked by the same farce. Though her power is practically nonexistent inside of this barrier, she can gained a little bit of her power with that one ofuda/paper talisman she kept.

[Zeimachi, look over there.]



And with Moriarty notification, ... NrR meet his eye with Fu Hua who is on the verge of charging at him, but she stopped as soon she saw the figure of Moriarty and her staff, which are inside of a painting she'd seen somewhere.

"All of you shouldn't be here. Please surrender yourself and follow me to further explain yourself."

She talked with them in order to ascertain her guess, she didn't know if Moriarty is the real deal or not but if she's the real deal then Fu Hua will bring her to organization.

Hmm...I want to eat hot wings.

Anyway, with the coming end of golden weeks and holiday...

It sucks.

See ya

Strunomcreators' thoughts