
Last Shine

*WARNING* *Reading in a better place will prevent you from getting scoliosis* First this is a mash up fan-fic, a fan-fic created from many component of different origins. There's some from anime, video game, Lovecraftian, SCP, manga, manhwa, manhua and some other stuff put together in one place and voila. I don't really know how to promote fan-fic or stuff like this but... Fu Hua is best girl. At first Mc still got no names, but he'll gain it based from the usual Core Memory stuff. He's also an average Fu Hua admirer who like to drink milk. Beside from the main Mc there're some other important character that help to become the foundation for this story. There's Cera the common 4th wall breaker. Yjor the ruler. And Hylia a lass who likes chocolate ice cream. Those four are OC and got their own personalities, so maybe it'll be hard to read when they appeared or got their scene. The premise of this story is about erasing the tragedy, obliterating the chosen one, confronting the fake happiness, to become someone worthy, regaining dream and hope, as well as to become the champion of their own life. At earlier chapter, I still can't decided what writing style to be used so there're many error to be found. Even now I'm still trying to find another new style to write. And yeah perhaps there's someone who think it'll be a waste of time reading such long synopsis like this but... anyway. *IMPORTANT* There're suicidal thought in this story, so please watch your own thought before reading this as I don't want to make you to commit suicide on your own. Ehe Then there's some different personalities thingy, monster of emotion thingy, and death of cute and kawaii characters thingy. I'm someone with cute aggression behavior you see... Ah yeah... in this fan-fic there's Arknight CoC Genshin Granblue Azur Lane Honkai Gakkou Gurashi Welp so far there're only those, but I do want to add more character and lore from different stuff like Lament from Memento Mori, some game that can't be played anymore (You guys know Sid Story or Eternal City?) and yeah... this is just a plan so there's gonna be a HUGE chance I wouldn't put those in this fan-fic. Why? Who knows, I made this fanfic as a way to find my favorite stories. So anyway, that's the end for today synopsis. ----------- *This is a fan-fic, a work of fiction using some reference and material from other source of work, so credit goes to the original creator.* *Even though some of them are not mine, there's some original or random thing that I've added in this story* *And that cover is Fenghuang Down, don't know whose pict though*

Strunom · Others
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147 Chs

Loli-man part.3

Since in total there's four Loli-man who are in different place right now, and most of them should've done with their mission. Let me tell you how they reach the end of their mission except for Loli-man Delta since last chapter mostly about him.

It's the perfect time since the title is part.3 ,because there's only Loli-man, Loli-man Alpha and Loli-man Beta.


After he separate his way with the other clone at the hospital, Loli-man use the signal from the feather to bait Moriarty out and met her in haste. He didn't had much time since he didn't know much about Moriarty who was waiting for him in this world.

Well, Moriarty could point out his position by using the feather when it was activated. To made it much more efficient, he met Moriarty to find what she wanted with him or something that has been bothering her all this time.

At that time Moriarty still not dare enough to told him everything that she wanted him to hear. That's why Loli-man brought her to enjoy some time and talked when the mood was right. They entered clothing store (or sneak in it since almost nobody are in the city) and changed her attire to a swimsuit.

He asked her why it must be a swimsuit but she told him if Himeko had taught her to be bold and to be more open sometimes with him. She clearly misinterpreted the true meaning, but he decided to went along as long she's happy about it.

They walked through the city after Moriarty told him to pick something that match with her. This was also the lesson Himeko had taught her not to let their date get screwed up because of the clothing sense of the man she was dating.

She a little confused, but she got the spirit.

They spent their time shopping, tasting many food that has been hidden by their owner, holding each hand together and went into the beach for their final place before Loli-man will be gone from her.

There's more fun awaits them when they play with each other at the beach. Although Moriarty took her chance by showing him a glance of her curve, Loli-man only smiled at her with the same friendliness he always had.

This made her took a drastic measure to shove her body on his face by using a catapult.

Barbeque, volley ball, swimming, sea diving, banana boat, and many more since the beach are only for them during that time. Moriarty also looking amused with her time to found out more about him with Loli-man.

Until the time for their farewell closing by, it's not a real farewell though.

"Whuaaaahhhh~ That's hella good not gonna lie."

[Hmn...I think banana boat is a good ride.]

The sun almost set and it's almost one hour for his designated time of his mission. They sat on the cold sand of the beach because it was almost night with the waves sometimes tickling their feet.

"Is there more you want to know Moriarty?"

[...There's too much that I need to know about him when I heard your story.]

"Welp~ That's why Sengoku told you that."

They already talked with each other while on their way to the beach, but it was mostly something like what color is his favorite, what food does he like, how long has it been since she met him, and many topic that need to be straighten so she'll understand her curiosity.

Loli-man didn't particularly mind if she really wants to follow him since it'll made his journey more merrier. Sengoku also told her the same thing by using his brutal language, so this time it's Loli-man turn's to clear the other mess.

"The first one you met was El Dust, then Als or his uselessly long name Nanekluh ref something and then him the one you called Sengoku. He is the holder of Mikage, you know that blade right?"

[...I thought...He already throw that dangerous thing away.]

"Ohhh~ Please elaborate."

Moriarty nodded off before she continued her story.

[Mikage is...was the blade forged from carcass of the elder god according to him.]

She watched the wave that has been reaching the sand and continuing her story of Mikage.

[Burned with the boiling blood of a primordial, the blade could cut even something that can't be comprehend. Are those the kind of enemies he used to face right now?]

She asked Loli-man and he replied with a nod. Somehow Moriarty looked sad when she continued this story.

[It was tempered by the hand of a celestial and...the celestial was one of his acquittance.]

She closed her eyes as she continued the last part of the origin of Mikage which surprises Loli-man who barely knows of the weapon that has been assigned with them.

[The blade has been used to slain many other gods and those...Imchrohensible being. Till the blade and its scabbard turned white because the blade it self wanted to be clean from impurities.]

"E-Eh?! I never know about that...That's kinda cool actually."

[That's why Mikage need an ash to wipe it's blood, the blood of a god can't be wiped with a simple mop after all, and then...I've never seen Mikage again...ever since the Celestial gone.]

"I-I'm getting worried with that weapon in his hands."

They talked to each other with many topics that Loli-man wanted to gain and Moriarty also asked him with more question about him.

[...The one before you was Necro-phi and Vandango yes?]

"Ah~ Nonono...Those name are his name so it's Necro-phi sla-sh Vandango, like that."

He used the sand and write Necro-phi/Vandango's name on the sand before it got washed by the tide. Moriarty blinked for a while until she could somehow understood the meaning of this name.

[I see...]

"Don't worry, it's not like he hated you. He's the type who wouldn't leave his room, if you could watch his travelling even I dare to bet my hand you'll got bored by him."


"Wait, you're not serious right?"

Moriarty glanced at his left hand which made him hide his only arm before it got eaten by her.

[Don't worry, I already got one right over here.]

She replied while copying his smile as she pulled a frozen arm that has been destroyed from a white portal connected with her realm. It's none other his arms that got blown away when Sengoku reflected Thomas the abomination engine's attack.

He asked where she got that and Moriarty answered if she stole it from a silver lady which was none other than Bronya. Not even before he could ask her to gave that back, Moriarty proposed if she'll give this to him only if he bring her along with him until Loli-man disappeared.

He didn't think he had anything to lose, but he asked her if she knew any girl according to his description that she knew in this world. Moriarty excitedly nodded and took his hand to show him the perfect place that she knew in this world.

The time ticked perfectly with one hour that has been passed which made Loli-man filled with hope to get a rare material for his cosplay book.


Loli-man Beta who was in charge of solving Yae Rin's problem also started his move when the original Loli-man separated their way with each different mission.

He took the same route by roller skating through the city and following the direction that El Dust passed and keep his profile low from any eyes that could be watching him.

When he reached a forest which emanating some kind of perception barrier, he stopped from skating and continued his journey by on foot.

He soon reached the same huge cherry blossom tree and the shrine of Yae family. What awaits him in that place was Yae Sakura who had been waiting if another culprit dare enough to kidnap Yae Rin again.

Yae Rin whereabout was hidden with Higokumaru by her side somewhere in her organization. Yae Sakura didn't want to entrust her sister to the MOTH but considering this accident where Yae Rin got kidnapped, she got no other choice beside putting her trust in that organization.

Yae Sakura continued to wait in this place with a red katana in her hand that gleamed blood-red color as she drew her sword.

"You have come."

Her voice reach the man who has realized her presence behind the huge cherry blossom tree. Since it has come to this, Loli-man Beta didn't utter any other words and pulled out the flintlock that he got on his right waist.

"I'm glad you understand."

After that things went according to what Loli-man Beta reported, he fought Yae Sakura who keep chasing after him with that vermillion sword. Using her bushi armor and moving swiftly like that were pretty amazing for him.

They entered the forest and clashed with each other in that place. Trees became full of slash and bullet mark, many leaves got torn in half or full of holes because of their fight.

Maybe it's also because Yae Sakura who keep her strength and didn't went full berserk while holding that vermillion sword. Since that sword was counted as a cursed sword in the game, Florid Sakura.

It looks like Loli-man can drastically reduce his trash aim when using the flintlock, this was proven by Yae Sakura who slashed the bullets that were aimed at her instead of dodging them.

Their fight keep going until the sky turned dark and the two has reached their limit. Yae Sakura held her sword to the ground before she fell gasping for air and no matter how tired she was, Yae Sakura still had deep hatred in her eyes.


Loli-man Beta slumped to the ground on his knee with the flintlock turned hot because all of his shot. He looked at the sky that has turned dark and asked Yae Sakura of her sister whereabout.

"...Do you think...It'll be that easy..."

Yae Sakura gripped her vermillion sword and push her body to keep moving before the man shot another bullet right on her chest.


But it got blocked by her greaves.


Loli-man fired the gun and knocked her hand from reaching the sword. This made Yae Sakura gritted her teeth and pulled another small katana on her waist to protect her honor. The Wakizashi who has been unsheathed reached to his head who was still on his knee.


Yae Sakura stopped for a moment because of a name that came out from his mouth. He looked at Yae Sakura who was still angry at how disgusting he was when he said her name. How dare he mention the name of her beloved sister even though he is the figure who kidnapped her sister.

"You're not worthy to call her right that."

"I don't care if you thought of me like that, I still has a promise that need to be fulfilled with her."

"Bring your promise until the end and never shows your self again."

Yae Sakura who has gained her decisions swing her wakizashi on to his way and wanted to end this fight as soon as possible. However she missed and strike his shoulder instead. Taking over this chance, Loli-man Beta headbutted her forehead which made her knocked back and he swatted her hand from that wakizashi.

He pinned Yae Sakura onto the ground with his hand near her neck and his knees beside her waist. Such scene where a lucky pervert could trap their self in.

But it doesn't last long since he rolled his body to lie down beside her.

Loli-man and Yae Sakura who have reached their limit lies on their back beneath the same sky that has turned dark. She can feel if she'll soon fallen asleep if she close her eyes, and the man beside her will kidnap her sister again.


Yae Sakura's eyes grew heavy with her dirtied face after her fight in the forest, she face him who keep looking at her bunny ears and hoped if the man will not hurt her sister anymore.

However, the man stood up and picked his gun. He loaded it with another bullet and aimed it to Yae Sakura's head. The girl who have lost every energy to move could only accept this outcome as she closed her eyes to lessen her pain.

'Rin...I'm sorry.'


The time ticked perfectly with one hour has been passed. Since he took more time to clear his mission, he can't stop on this place and picked the girl body to placed it on his shoulder.

"Moving to the next part."


As for the Loli-man Alpha, I purposely put him at the end since he's with the easiest mission than the other. The task to eliminate target is more easier than the task to mend a relationship, at least for him.

He tagged along with Loli-man to gain his 'ammunition' which compromised of four bag full of food from many different food be it spicy, sweet, big, or small.

After that he separated his way onto the sea by following Sengoku's direction from before, with many bag full of foods.

He stood on the raging wave of sea water created by the titan's battle. Those two didn't appeared to be in perfect condition because of their battle.

Looking at their size they should've able to fight for month and even years, but because Loli-man Alpha sabotaged Thomas' AT field by creating a small crack with his flintlock, Leviathan gained the upper hand and chipped away the machine with a cruel torrent of sea water.

He throw the bag to the air and shot Thomas twice continuously before he caught the bag again.


The Leviathan who noticed his presence ever since he stepped on her area angrily cursed him with a loud voice through her colossal body. Meanwhile, Thomas who got cheated in its fight slowly crumbled and become another junk deep beneath the sea.

"I'm not, more importantly how could you even this big~?"


They chatted with each other before Loli-man Alpha offer the Leviathan to not fight with him and he'll give her something good in exchange. The Leviathan laughed at this ridiculous offer not long until he put out a fresh crocket and ate it.


"*Crunch* I see that's too bad. Oopps my hand slipped~ Ahh...That's my last one~ Anyway..."

He pulled one food and acted as if he dropped it into the ocean, this made the Leviathan curiously observing that food. If he stopped there then she would take it as a coincidence, however he keeps going at which made the surface full of food that 'slipped' from his hand.


The Leviathan shouted at him which made its stinky breath stuck in his nose.

"Nah...I already met one fox before so why don't you also chose more humanoid form to talk? I'll give this to you and leave my foot from thou dominion~"

Loli-man Alpha teased her while fanning the aroma from his food to enter her snout. The Leviathan thought for a moment before it sunk into the deep ocean with a large amount of drool in its maw.

He waited while unboxing other sweets that he had and throw it onto the ocean to further push the Leviathan from wasting his time and also to be hurry before the sweets and foods are gone.


"W-Wait don't throw that!"

Not long after that, a humanoid figure appeared with a horn from her head while begging him to not throw that food again. She appeared from the sea with teary eyes and droll all over her mouth. She pounced at the food before it became saggy.

She grabbed a slice of pizza, chocolate coronet, and one salt flavored onigiri swiftly. She then stared at him like looking at an ungrateful bastard who waste their gold before she sniff at the food and taste it with a small nib.

"Hmmnn~~ Yes! This taste is very good~~~"

The Leviathan in humanoid girl figure spoke cheerfully as she tasted each food on her hand. Her tail keep flapping onto the surface of the ocean which made his face got wet with the salty water.

'Excuse me...Please control you tail please.'

She keep gobbling at those food till there's barely nothing more than a bread crumb on her hands. The hungry Leviathan stared at his bag to eat more, but Loli-man Alpha told her about his offer.

The Leviathan became unsure of whether to accept this offer as it would tarnish her glory, it was because she would be embarrassed if anyone found out about her pact with humans just because of some sweets.

However Loli-man Alpha didn't want to wait any longer since it's almost dark and threatened her with those bag of foods inches away from the surface of the ocean.

"Arhggh! Fine I'll but with one condition!"

"What is it?"

The Leviathan didn't back down either, she also put some restrictions for him as she doesn't want to lose her dignity to a human with bags of food. She told him her conditions and he passed the bag to the Leviathan who keep drolling every time she glanced at the bag's content.

She then disappeared into the sea to enjoys her treat and very happy since her one conditions got accepted by him.

Loli-man Alpha left the dominion belonged to Leviathan while snickering because he remembered something funny about a saggy pizza.

The time ticked perfectly and one hour has been passed. Loli-man Alpha move to fulfill his contract and to search for any monster girl that could be used for his cosplay book collection.

He thought to clear her conditions while looking for his hobby, because the contract was not counted as his mission he payed less attention to that and more to his hobby. So, he moved out to his next destination.

I need to kept the word short since I always waste every paragraph with meaningless info.

Another mental note.

See ya

Strunomcreators' thoughts