
Last Shine

*WARNING* *Reading in a better place will prevent you from getting scoliosis* First this is a mash up fan-fic, a fan-fic created from many component of different origins. There's some from anime, video game, Lovecraftian, SCP, manga, manhwa, manhua and some other stuff put together in one place and voila. I don't really know how to promote fan-fic or stuff like this but... Fu Hua is best girl. At first Mc still got no names, but he'll gain it based from the usual Core Memory stuff. He's also an average Fu Hua admirer who like to drink milk. Beside from the main Mc there're some other important character that help to become the foundation for this story. There's Cera the common 4th wall breaker. Yjor the ruler. And Hylia a lass who likes chocolate ice cream. Those four are OC and got their own personalities, so maybe it'll be hard to read when they appeared or got their scene. The premise of this story is about erasing the tragedy, obliterating the chosen one, confronting the fake happiness, to become someone worthy, regaining dream and hope, as well as to become the champion of their own life. At earlier chapter, I still can't decided what writing style to be used so there're many error to be found. Even now I'm still trying to find another new style to write. And yeah perhaps there's someone who think it'll be a waste of time reading such long synopsis like this but... anyway. *IMPORTANT* There're suicidal thought in this story, so please watch your own thought before reading this as I don't want to make you to commit suicide on your own. Ehe Then there's some different personalities thingy, monster of emotion thingy, and death of cute and kawaii characters thingy. I'm someone with cute aggression behavior you see... Ah yeah... in this fan-fic there's Arknight CoC Genshin Granblue Azur Lane Honkai Gakkou Gurashi Welp so far there're only those, but I do want to add more character and lore from different stuff like Lament from Memento Mori, some game that can't be played anymore (You guys know Sid Story or Eternal City?) and yeah... this is just a plan so there's gonna be a HUGE chance I wouldn't put those in this fan-fic. Why? Who knows, I made this fanfic as a way to find my favorite stories. So anyway, that's the end for today synopsis. ----------- *This is a fan-fic, a work of fiction using some reference and material from other source of work, so credit goes to the original creator.* *Even though some of them are not mine, there's some original or random thing that I've added in this story* *And that cover is Fenghuang Down, don't know whose pict though*

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147 Chs

Let the earth shatter pt.4

Skull Island

The day had changed, bringing bone-chilling cold to the tropical island. An extraordinary natural phenomenon created by Sakura Zeimachi using one of the items summoned through the Astra Sphere.

Although it was nearly midday, the weather on the island was vastly different from what one would expect in a tropical climate. In this bone-chilling weather, Hylia, Gascogne, and their new party member, Deutschland, were making their way to their new promised meeting point.

"Waaaah! Hot spring! Uche-sama, you're really great!" (Hylia)

Hylia was so delighted that she immediately called Deutschland by a peculiar, original nickname she had come up with.

Before them lay a natural hot spring seemingly untouched by the nearby monsters. The steam from the hot spring was clearly visible, accompanied by the herbal scent in the air. Its circular shape and the surrounding large rocks were a true wonder to stumble upon.

"ITS Deutschland-sama! Stop calling me with a silly name like Uche you insolence VIP. Different from her, I don't want to lower my standing against those inferior from me. What the hell is Coney, huh!"「Deutschland」 

"Report: Gascogne didn't mind to be addressed as such."「Gascogne」 

"See, Sis Coney doesn't mind it." (Hylia)

"Well I DON'T!"「Deutschland」 

"Well don't mind it Uche, let's get ready. I'll rub your back to thank treating my leg." (Hylia)

Continuing to nudge Deutschland, who was still protesting her unfortunate nickname, Hylia urged the ship girl to quickly undress behind the pile of large rocks, with Gascogne following suit.

At first, Deutschland was very reluctant to enter the hot spring without a single thread covering her body. Who would want to reveal their vulnerable self to others? Her pride would not allow it.

But for Hylia, who cared little about pride, what mattered was being close to her friend. Hylia seemed extremely excited, especially when she realized they could also wash their clothes, now stained with a lot of dirt.

"Waah?!" (Hylia)


Hylia let some of her mana stones scatter as she folded her clothes, and when the stones were picked up by Deutschland, she seemed to have sensed something.

Since there she saw a new screen appeared—one that Deutschland had never seen before.

〈Material for Synthesize〉

"What's wrong, Uche-sama? Those are Mana Stones, materials that can be found from monsters. Interested in them?" (Hylia)

"Mana Stone... Oi you two, did you see this window just like me?"「Deutschland」 

"Report: Gascogne did not notice anything peculiar when looking at the stones, similar to what Gascogne possesses."「Gascogne」

Gascogne presented the Mana Stone she received from Hylia. The feasty haired girl herself did not receive any strange notifications when she looked at the Mana Stone she had collected.

This made Deutschland smirk slightly, as she discovered something else that had become her advantage.

Focusing on Deutschland's face, it was then that Hylia remembered the similar expression of someone's when she saw Deutschland's smirk.

"Ah, I see. You must have found something valuable in this stone, right? Your face looks just like Wel-wel's when he found a rare material drop." (Hylia)

"Kufufu... you somehow guessed it right VIP. But who is this Wel-Wel you're talking about?"「Deutschland」 

"Ehehe... it's just one of my fellow guild members! Now, let's hurry and get inside, Sis Coney, Uche-sama!" (Hylia)

Freed from the constraints of their clothes, Hylia grabbed the hands of the ship girls and then plunged into the natural hot spring. Their clothes were well hidden and should not be found by anyone.

Enjoying the pleasant mood of a hot spring must be heavenly for them.

That's what they thought, in contrast to the response of a ship girl who had been following them, ever since she saw the group emerge from the camp they had previously used.

"Aiyaa, looks like I'm not the first one. Welp... then so be it. Let's see who this Lia girl that Enterprise big sis speaks highly of."「Hornet」 


「PoV of Hylia」

″Tonfa Hot Spring″ 


- Boosts natural recovery rate (Small)

- Provides rejuvenation (Small)

- Offers a blessing (Small)

A tonfa, huh... But now that I think about it, if I look closely the rocks surrounding this hot spring are shaped like a tonfa as well. I wondered why they were arranged like this, but it turns out they form a weapon like this.

Truly unique, and also... ahh, warming my body.

❛[It seems like your injuries and energy have recovered sufficiently.]❜

'Hn, thanks to Uche-sama tending to them and Sis Gacogne watching over me, I'm much better now. The effects of this hot spring have been helpful. Alastoru, do you want to join in?'

❛[Even if I soak there, I doubt I'd see any improvement.]❜

At that moment, I was very lucky. When Uche-sama arrived and stood amidst all those monsters, she managed to defeat all the Skull Islanders by just standing there and asserting her gaze.

'I admit, she looks a bit cool. Just a bit, though. '

❛[I don't know much about the energy commonly known as 'Haki', but I seem to recognize the effects it produces.]❜

'I feel the same way. Haki feels different from Magic or Falna, but there's something same from them. If I get a chance, I'll ask Uche-sama about Haki later, okay.'

At that moment, I felt a surge of energy emanating from Uche-sama.

Based on what appeared on the screen, it was one of Uche-sama's skills called 'Color of Supreme King (Level 2)'. From its name, I speculated if Uche-sama might be a king? Though I wasn't sure either.

What I did understand was that she had given us an opportunity by incapacitating them all.

After she and Gascogne urged me to escape, she then used another skill called 'Summon Workshop (Level 6)', summoning a small, semi-circular sturdy building resembling a half-moon cake.

There, the three of us took refuge until morning, and she didn't forget to treat my injuries using the many materials and equipment stored there.

It seemed Uche-sama had a good understanding of medical care and treatment, that's what I concluded from seeing the abundance of medical tools in that place.

But it didn't end there. When we left the structure called the Workshop, Uche-sama led us again, and we arrived at this hot spring. During that time, I felt the same energy being utilized by Uche-sama as she focused her mind.

She mentioned that this was one of her abilities called Observation Haki, making it easy for her to locate things, including this hot spring.

And to thank them for their deeds, I rubbed their backs with my hands, giving them a small massage.

"Uche-sama, how is it?"

"Hmhh... not bad, VIP." (Uche-sama)

"How about Sis Coney?"

"Report: Gascogne's entire body feels warm." (Sis Coney)

While I was still learning many things with Cera there, along with others in Oriario, she had taught me a lot. It ranged from lessons and even something called critical thinking, to various postures like Warrior Hatha and even other aspects.

It wasn't just about combat, singing, and dancing. Cera also imparted many other things she considered important. One example is this: the art of massage.

She used to say, 'A woman must know how to massage!' and similar things, but at that time, I didn't quite understand. Besides, the ability to massage seemed pointless for fighting monsters.

'Hehe, finally, the massaging skill I trained for months can be put to use here. Thank you, Cera.'

Moreover, when I touched the backs of these sisters, once again the purple screen appeared before me.


〈Race : Ship girl〉

〈Level : 115〉

〈Job : -〉

|〈Power : 4039〉|

The screen seemed to contain information about their statuses, which was very different from the usual process I knew, typically done by Bel and Tia. Ah, I mean Rabbel and Hestia, uhh no its Rabbel and Tia. Fhuuh...


〈Race : Ship girl〉

〈Level : 75〉

〈Job : Spiritual Overlord〉

|〈Power : 1960〉|

At first glance, the display seemed much simpler than the usual status I've seen. There're no status parameters, skills, and the overwhelming numbers, although there're a few parts that're new to me.

Power, level and the Job, along with their reflection upon the power value, I still didn't understand the meaning behind these parts.

From what I've experienced, just because someone has a high level doesn't mean they're hard to defeat. As for the differences that arise from level discrepancies, I still don't fully comprehend that.

I'll try asking them about it later. I'm more interested in knowing why Uche-sama keeps calling me a VIP.

"Hey Sis Coney, Uche-sama. Both of you mentioned that coming to this island and finding me was a mission, right? What kind of mission did you receive?"

"Hey, Coney, explain it to her." (Uche-sama)

Uche-sama waved her hand, still visibly enjoying the massage and rubs I provided in the hot spring. I assumed she might not be too informed about the details of the mission. Maybe she didn't read or listen carefully.

At that moment, Sis Coney, who touched something in the air, then shifted her gaze toward me. It seemed like she wanted to show something, but I couldn't see anything.

Sis Coney seemingly understanding my confusion, began to spoke with herself, repeatedly mentioning the phrase 'TB' in her stiff and difficult-to-pronounce manner, similar of how a golem would speaks.

"Seeking confirmation, can you see it?" (Sis Coney)


#(Beginner mission : Assemble!!!)#

→ Skull Island, an island teeming with dangerous beasts that must be kept away from numerous civilizations. Presently, this island has manifested itself within your world, marking the beginning of your mission.

Fulfill the requirements to initiate the quest, successfully achieve the objective to complete this mission, and regroup after accomplishing the objective to receive your next mission.

Good luck, girls.

〈Requirement〉: | All members undertaking this mission must set foot on the island  |

〈Objective〉 : | Locate the VIP (The mission will be considered a failure if the VIP is found deceased) |

〈Reward〉 : | Skill: Iris of Blood (Level 1) | 

〈Time limit〉 : |!Quest completed!|

〈Penalty〉 : | Failure will not be forgiven |


"Ohhh! Yes, I can see it now."

"What? How did you do it?" (Uche-sama)

"The answer to that question lies in the capability of the PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) TB, which can utilize stealth features against the displayed interface. Conclusion: Hence, Gascogne requested to deactivate some of these stealth features." Sis Coney explained

Sis Coney also elaborated on many aspects of the mission and the Demi-system provided by Zei. She described how they were initially scattered across the island to find me, the VIP.

From what she explained, there're six ship girls on this island jointly undertaking this mission. Even though they are far apart, they can still connected with each other when one of them is close enough to another.

And although it's still somewhat vague, she also provided a brief explanation about the skills I observed. Initially I thought they didn't have any skills at all, but when I asked, it turned out they did have them, I just wasn't allowed to see them unless certain conditions were met.

That's what TB conveyed through Sis Coney's explanation.

"So this TB is like a supporter right? Uuu... I don't have one."

However, one question lingered in my mind.

I wanted to know why they were so obedient to Zei, why they were so dedicated to carrying out this mission for Zei. Was it because Zei requested it as their commander? Or could there be other reasons?

With that in mind, I voiced my question.

"Hey Uche-sama, Sis Coney. How did you first meet Zei?"

My word fall on loaf ears, or was it deaf ears. Whatever it is, there's barely any answers aside from their unnatural jolt.

"... All I remember is a girl who have lost everything, along with a ferocious beast crowned the girl as queen. Then the same beast sacrificed itself to save the queen's life. That's all I recall." (Uche-sama)


When I uttered Zei's name, their initially relaxed bodies suddenly tensed and contracted. They seemed startled upon hearing Zei's name, trying to conceal their expressions, which were filled with the emotion I least liked: regret.

Only to calm down again with their faces now filled with longing, from what I could sense.

"Based on the remaining cache within Gascogne's node, Gascogne had a close connection with a musical instrument. Master was the one who repaired the instrument, just as Master repaired Gascogne." (Sis Coney)

The more I heard their stories, the more I felt a gentle and warm feeling enveloping from them. Different from the healing effects of the hot spring, this feeling... was bittersweet but also heartwarming.

Even just by watching the two of them immersed in it, I couldn't help but feel incredibly joyous. It was akin to the sensation I experienced when singing for a large audience, where I felt restless yet immensely excited.

"Hehe, so that's how it is."

"What're you laughing at? Move your hand and do your job as a servant." (Deutschland)

"Report: Gascogne feels sufficiently relaxed with muscle stimulation. Next, Gascogne will do the same for Young Lady Hylia." (Gascogne)

"Just Hylia is fine. I'm not even a young lady yet. Thank you, Sis Coney."

So that's it, the reason they were sent to this island, and the reason I am here on this island. It's all Zei's doing to help me find the meaning of 'True Love,' one of the requirements Seilenos gave me to awaken my power.

After all, he's the one who gave me those three swords. It wouldn't be strange if he knew the requirements to awaken all three of them. Maybe... this is my real training session after our sparring.


"Like I said twat, why're you so happy?" (Uche-sama)


And of the six ship girls on this island, I've already met two of them. I really want to know their stories of how they met Zei and what their feelings are like when they think of him.

I'm really eager to know—what their faces look like when they're imagining Zei, how their stories led them to like Zei so much, and what 'True Love' means to them.

This time, I'll definitely find out and then meet Zei again with the progress from the training he's given me. At the same time, I'll help them in expressing their hidden feelings. Huhu, I really can't wait.

'Zei, just you wait! I'll make sure to surprise you.'

"Heyya~ Sorry to bother but, are you still in services?"「Hornet」 



Soukai City

In the vibrant city of Soukai, a lively festival takes to the skies, infusing the entire city with an air of celebration. A lively festival fills the city's airspace, reminiscent of a coming-of-age celebration, infusing the entire city with a vibrant atmosphere.

This event, reminiscent of the city's coming-of-age festivities, is a joyous occasion embraced by both its residents and visitors alike. 

The skies above are adorned with a spectacle of hot air balloons, each displaying a vivid array of colors. Transforming the once plain blue canvas into a kaleidoscope of hues.

With being accompanied by their cheerful passengers, they add to the lively spectacle.

"Hey Kevin, look over there!"「MEI」

"..."「Kevin 」 

Kevin, the white haired man turned his gaze toward the sky, where a multitude of balloons filled the air.

Beside him stood MEI, a girl with her grip on his hand, gentle yet firm.

Her typical countenance had transformed into one of radiant delight, and her charming smile had entranced his senses.

"A beautiful view, don't you think?"「MEI」

"... Yes indeed, beautiful... I think."「Kevin 」 

As the sky filled with an array of airborne spheres, a lively parade unfolded on the city streets.

The procession featured an assortment of music, adorable figure of numerous life-sizes Honkai and mythical Beasts, and splendid displays of Valkyries donning their unique costumes.

"Anyhow, Cecilia-sama! Your costume looks absolutely stunning"「Shigure Kira」 

"Uh... do you really think so? I wonder if I'm too old for this. Does it truly suit me? Ziggy mentioned it made me look much younger..."「Cecilia」

"Younger?! How dare he imply that you need to look younger! Cecilia-sama, you radiate youth no matter what you wear!"「Shigure Kira」 

"... I see. Thank you very much, Kira. I truly appreciate your kind words."「Cecilia」

Old and new friends often reunited in this lively setting, crossing paths once again to reminisce about the memories they'd shared in a short span, contributing to the wholesome atmosphere.

Amidst the festive ambiance, many people donned unique and diverse costumes. However, there're some who chose to stay true to themselves, clad in their most comfortable and familiar outfits.

"Can't you just let me go? Its a fest just so you know."「Bronie」 

"YOU, are on my watch."「Bronya」 

"Ey... ey got it already. (Whisper) Grandma— Owwwchhhyyy!"「Bronie」 

Families too, joined in on the festivities. Adding to the lively atmosphere of the festival. Some came for quality family time, strolling together, while others indulged in the diverse culinary delights available at the festival center.

"So that's all for your order, yeah? Just a moment. Kaaalpaaas~ we've got an order!"「Delta」 


Many things happen in the city, things and events that are very enjoyable for those who live inside of it. It was a place where every smile seemed to define the very essence of wholesomeness.


Amidst the lively festival, where the streets were teeming with cheerful crowds and the sky adorned with balloons carrying couples, there's a lone girl who do nothing but observed the jubilant scenes with a gaze tinged with loneliness.

This girl seemed timeless, residing within one of the hovering air balloons.

Despite the festive atmosphere around her, her heart felt inexplicably heavy and devoid of color. The absence of her partner on this celebratory day left her standing alone, her yearning for the warmth of companionship growing more profound with each passing moment.

[...] (Moriarty)

In a balloon that added vibrant hues to the blue sky, Moriarty grappled with the loneliness that seemed to cast a shadow over her heart.

Today should have been an exceptionally eventful day for her. Moriarty had gathered the courage to invite him to celebrate the festival in this world—a world conjured from their shared desires.

However, the person she had been ardently waiting for never showed up. The anticipation and hope that had once fueled her spirit now dwindled, leaving her grappling with a profound sense of disappointment and solitude.


The timeless girl shifted her gaze to a gadget on her arm—a memento gifted to her during her interactions with many residents of that world. It also served as a means to communicate with him.

Her finger continued to drag downward, scrolling to revisit the bottom of the conversation they had previously shared. Moriarty was so engrossed in reliving the chat history that she didn't notice a snake curled up in the passenger's basket of her hot air balloon.

(Reply: I'm sorry Arty, I can't just let things go in here.)

["You really can't?"]

(Reply: There's a huge time difference between this world and that one, I'm well aware of it. Even if I spend weeks there, it's only a matter of hours passing here. But I'm truly sorry, right now, I can't leave.)

["It won't take long, I just want, I just want to hug you again. Can't I?"]

(Reply: I'm sorry, but I really can't. It'll be all over if I missed my chance to finish all of them. I mean, it'll be all over if I'm not here when the moment come. So please bear me with this virtual hug. Muuuah~)

"Disgusting mortal." (Yjor)

Upon hearing the voice, Moriarty swiftly stowed away her gadget and turned her back.

[Yjor... I want to say I'm surprised but...] 

"I don't think you're in the mood to say that, just don't mind me."

The snake was none other than Yjor, who had once played the pivotal role of MVP, guarding the Void as its last line. Presently, she was enjoying her well-deserved holiday, a gift conveyed through Amour and Sengoku from Sakura Zeimachi.

Interestingly, it was entirely up to the snake how she wanted to spend her vacation. Despite this freedom of choice, it became apparent that Yjor had a deliberate desire to visit Moriarty in that world.

"So, this is the world created through his wishes? Huh, what a fitting manifestation of his foolishness. Despite claiming he'd live without regrets, it seems he can't truly escape them. What a farce."

As Sakura Zeimachi couldn't come to spend the festival with her, Moriarty's already sensitive mood grew even darker after hearing Yjor's recent statement.

No matter how typically expressionless she was, there're still things that could ignite her anger.

Hearing Yjor's words, Moriarty who couldn't accept it felt annoyed and shot a sharp glance toward that snake. Even some part of her hair begun to turn white, comparably different from her usual blonde hair.

"Pout all you want, I'm stating the obvious."

[... Why're you here?]

"That fool has sent the real cavalry, I don't really need to fulfill my role as guard anymore."


"If that's all you want to ask, then think carefully, newlywed. I've come this far, and it would be a wasted opportunity if all you're going to inquire about is 'me'."

The meaning behind Yjor's words was clear, "You should be asking about that fool rather than me. That's why I'm here." That was more or less the sentiment of the tsundere snake.

However, understanding Yjor's sincere intentions wasn't something Moriarty could easily grasp.


Realizing that Moriarty was still lost in her own thoughts, Yjor glanced downward, swiftly determining where she would land.

But before doing so, Yjor spoke words that felt more like a warning—a caution born from past transgressions to garner Moriarty's attention towards the snake's tongue.

"Heh, well these words are spoken by me, the Ruler of Rulers and also the Serpent. Now is not the right time for you to meet him."

[... Why?]

Of course, why.

Not only their meeting has become far worse from not-so-often, they've missed these rare and special moments where they could spend it with each other in linked arms.

Moriarty highly demanded a detailed explanation from the serpent, with her stern and ominous pout.


In truth, Yjor wasn't particularly fond of sharing this explanation with others, aside from the madam and that Fool, especially right before indulging in various foods at the festival.

Furthermore, explaining the reasons behind those warnings would also mean revealing some parts of her powers to others.

Quite a risky move of a guardian.

However, foreseeing Moriarty's potential recklessness to rush and meet the man before she could even straighten her own feelings, Yjor decided to share a bit of the story, despite finding it troublesome.

"... Sigh, once I was created through his act of accumulating and continuously gathering evilness from all kinds of worlds. I could easily sense small or significant wicked thoughts, no matter how distant they're, since they were a part of me."

With eyes gleaming like those of a malicious serpent, Yjor cast another dreadful gaze upon Moriarty, urging her not to make any rash decisions.

From the gleam in Yjor's eyes, various tragedies she concealed were evident, far beyond the few Feathers Moriarty had glimpsed within the Void.


Even though Yjor didn't need to explain the where or how, Moriarty could sense the dread of what lay concealed behind Yjor's peachy eyes—terrifying memories of the man who had ventured through countless worlds—the same man who created Yjor from an egg brimming with malevolence.

However, upon hearing the snake's, Moriarty realized something.

Something that made her anxious, enough for her to put all of those warning aside.

If what Yjor said about her ability to sense evilness, whether it's near or far is true, it meant Yjor could also detect forms of evilness in the world they're currently in.

And quite possibly, in the world where Sakura Zeimachi currently resided. He's the one who created that snake after all.

"Kekeke... based from that look looks like you get it. Something strong and evil is on their way to him, and based from his foolish thought, I think he's trying to solve it without putting much of his "properties" in danger, such as you."

Yjor described the six figures from different worlds and the creatures interested in Sakura Zeimachi's existence after he was discovered.

Meanwhile, Moriarty's gaze shook even more, the weight of her realization bearing down on her.

For a moment, she had forgotten who the man truly was all this time, and how she had let herself become slightly disappointed over a small, unfulfilled promise.

A thought that she couldn't forgive herself for.

"Oi, aren't you misunderstanding something right here? From then and now he's still holding the title 'Champion of Udna', what you should be worrying is not him, but those who tried to defy him instead."

[The fact that I'm still protected persists. When I was engulfed in his love, I vowed to protect him. But even now, he's still the one protecting me.]

"I'll give you a ten for scoring that high, but you're right. He's basically pushing you away. That's all I want to say. If you truly value your life, then don't meet him right now."

Ignoring Moriarty, who still had many questions, Yjor immediately leaped from the floating hot air balloon.

Her snake body landed in a thicket, before she then slithered away towards the source of the enticing aroma and pleasant scent, alluring the snake's appetite.

[... Hey...]

Leaving Moriarty alone, her worry for her companion growing by the moment.

[Experiencing it firsthand, waiting without you is indeed more frightening.]

The timeless girl tightly held the gift the man had given her—an anklet with bells that she wore on her arm—a testament to their relationship that transcended beyond marriage.

The bells attached to it still emitted a soft sound, indicating that her partner was safe. However, that alone wasn't enough to dispel the worry and unease that lingered within her. 


What the timeless girl hopefully wanted is not some comforting sentence, let alone a virtual hug. All she need is to have the real warmth she had tasted during that night.

[I'm sorry Machi, but I can't wait any longer. Even if I have to wait, I'd rather be close to you. So this time... please wait for me okay.]

For a moment, Moriarty felt a bit calmer in her chest, which had previously been filled with anxiety.

Her heart brimmed with an abundance of emotions, causing her hair to change once again from its elegant silver hue to a charming pink color.

The clouds slowly parted ways, signifying that the clouds within her mind would also clear up.

From there on, she already knows what she need to do.

As the hot air balloon slowly descended, preparing for a change of passengers, Moriarty reminisced about the very short time she had spent with her one and only man, together in that world.

It was certainly not a lengthy or enduring period that could be foreseen for many centuries, nor a brilliant love story akin to Twilight or the tragic yet romantic tale of a prince like Romeo and a princess like Juliet.

However, it was enough for her to feel indebted to him—an emotional debt acquired through the loan of a heart, which had rekindled its warmth when given by that man.

And she was adamant that their story wouldn't conclude there.

"You got cash?" (Yjor)

Her thoughts came to a halt when she spotted Yjor slithering towards her direction, causing some people to become frightened.

Fortunately, Moriarty explained that Yjor was nothing more than a mecha-snake that she had built to enjoy the festival. It seemed that the timeless girl had been influenced by his habit of lying.

[Of course? Money is very important if you want to live along with them.]

"Good, at least you're not that stupid like him. If you already pick up your mind, then I guess I'll excuse myself. I'm going back to enjoy my vacation." (Yjor)

[Yjor... thank you.]

"Hah! Don't need it."

The tsundere snake went off, slithering away to an unknown destination, while carrying the money Moriarty had given. It seemed this was the reason why Yjor stopped by in that world—to make Moriarty stop being a good girl always waiting faithfully.

If only the snake had spoken more directly to her, perhaps Moriarty wouldn't have felt so misguided.

Nevertheless, upon seeing a being from another world finding joy in the world created through her watch, Moriarty felt a flicker of happiness.

Her hair swayed as the hot air balloon rose into the air once more, and her back, now prepared to bear the burden of her affection seemed to distance itself from Yjor, who felt that her role as a wingman, or rather a 'wing-snake,' had been a success.

"Hoouuuh! What heavenly scent are these!!! Sweet nectar! Divine elixir!"

"Mr. Snake want to try it? I created this together with my friend. Please have one."「Seele Vollerei」 

"Huummm indeed, indeed! What a glorious treats they are!"

"Is it really that delicious? Thank goodness! I was worried it wouldn't suit anyone's taste. For Mr. Snake who like it, here I'll give some bonus. Oh, hey, look over here! I found a Mr. Snake who liked our treats."「Seele Vollerei」 

"Huh? What the hell are you talking about? There's no way a snake can talk-"「Seele Veliona」 


Azur Lane Academy

"..." (Sakura Zeimachi)

Sakura Zeimachi sat in his office at the Azur Lane Academy, gazing into the distance. His mind was filled with numerous plans and preparations, all geared towards achieving the goals he had set for themselves and the mission ahead.

No trace of doubt could be seen on his face, only a sense of calmness and emptiness that observers might detect from the outside.

Outside his window, several ship girls were playing with each other.


"Sa-sakana!!! Help me fishy!"「Leipzig」

"Sakanaaa! Ahaha, what's this? C'mon Eisen, no."「Prinz Heinrich」 

"Why do I need to this as well bullin?"「Universal Bullin」

They were having fun, just as he had hoped.

And after dealing with many meetings with several specific ship girls, sometimes other ship girls would come into his office to discuss various matters, whether big or small.

"Commander-nya, are you really sure about handing this to Akashi? And about this plan..."「Akashi」

"There's no error in that. I'll put my trust on you when the time comes, Akashi."

Although he maintained a calm demeanor, there're many hidden doubts and uncertainties in his heart. No matter how well a human plans something, something will always change, and he knew this well.

"Thank you, Saratoga."

"You... you're the worst."「Saratoga」

Fate would be his enemy, and luck would betray his call. Just like how it usually came to. However, no matter the risks, he would still carry out his mission, even if Heaven itself crumbled.

"... I entrust them to you." (Sakura Zeimachi)

Oookay this mark the end of Shattering the earth part.

We're going to enter the next one.

Uhh, somehow I kept forgotting about OMAKE section.

And I want to talk about some new GAME!!!


See ya...

Strunomcreators' thoughts