
Last Shine

*WARNING* *Reading in a better place will prevent you from getting scoliosis* First this is a mash up fan-fic, a fan-fic created from many component of different origins. There's some from anime, video game, Lovecraftian, SCP, manga, manhwa, manhua and some other stuff put together in one place and voila. I don't really know how to promote fan-fic or stuff like this but... Fu Hua is best girl. At first Mc still got no names, but he'll gain it based from the usual Core Memory stuff. He's also an average Fu Hua admirer who like to drink milk. Beside from the main Mc there're some other important character that help to become the foundation for this story. There's Cera the common 4th wall breaker. Yjor the ruler. And Hylia a lass who likes chocolate ice cream. Those four are OC and got their own personalities, so maybe it'll be hard to read when they appeared or got their scene. The premise of this story is about erasing the tragedy, obliterating the chosen one, confronting the fake happiness, to become someone worthy, regaining dream and hope, as well as to become the champion of their own life. At earlier chapter, I still can't decided what writing style to be used so there're many error to be found. Even now I'm still trying to find another new style to write. And yeah perhaps there's someone who think it'll be a waste of time reading such long synopsis like this but... anyway. *IMPORTANT* There're suicidal thought in this story, so please watch your own thought before reading this as I don't want to make you to commit suicide on your own. Ehe Then there's some different personalities thingy, monster of emotion thingy, and death of cute and kawaii characters thingy. I'm someone with cute aggression behavior you see... Ah yeah... in this fan-fic there's Arknight CoC Genshin Granblue Azur Lane Honkai Gakkou Gurashi Welp so far there're only those, but I do want to add more character and lore from different stuff like Lament from Memento Mori, some game that can't be played anymore (You guys know Sid Story or Eternal City?) and yeah... this is just a plan so there's gonna be a HUGE chance I wouldn't put those in this fan-fic. Why? Who knows, I made this fanfic as a way to find my favorite stories. So anyway, that's the end for today synopsis. ----------- *This is a fan-fic, a work of fiction using some reference and material from other source of work, so credit goes to the original creator.* *Even though some of them are not mine, there's some original or random thing that I've added in this story* *And that cover is Fenghuang Down, don't know whose pict though*

Strunom · Others
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147 Chs

Incompetent fraud

The story begins again by entering the Chamber of Mind.

The place where Sakura Zeimachi's shattered thoughts manifested, which then covered in the many colors that he knew, and turned into a static space where thousands of doors are hidden in every corner.

At one of the doors in the Chamber of Mind, there's a room that is being used by several of his personas. These personas are none other than Sengoku, Nanekluh ref Rednialsig, and also Necro-phi/Vandago.

Currently at that time, they're not tagging along with Loli-man and also El Dust who was watching how Sakura Zeimachi struggled to break depression from the past.

After all, the reason they had previously gathered was only when there was trouble related to their host, Sakura Zeimachi. If there are no important meetings or needs, they'll be busy looking for activities on their own.

When compared to his old self, one of the persona, Necro-phi/Vandago wouldn't have thought that their host would become like this.

While it's true that he hadn't rejected both of his rotten and fragrant sides long ago, accepting all conflicting beliefs would only make his heart become even more jumbled by the overlapping principles.

The cruelty from El Dust wouldn't be accepted by the morality from Nanekluh ref Rednialsig, the weak nature of Necro-phi/Vandago will never be tolerated by the hatred of Sengoku who hates weaklings.

Such are the examples.

"Huuuhh!!?? You think you're great at dodging you little shit?! 💢"「Sengoku」

Let's go back to the beginning.

Behind one of the doors that connects the Chamber of Mind to the room currently being used, there's Sengoku who is violently enjoying his video game which apparently some kind of RPG game.

With a small chair that he sat on while staring at the big screen in front of him, Sengoku took the cassava chips that were beside him and ate them with gusto.

"Aahh?! ... Now you done it. I'M GONNA LOOT ALL OVER YOUR FAMILY'S ASS, NOOB!!!"「Sengoku」

He looks really happy with his video game.

"... Gurathnaka has leave once again, but this meant there's still a chances others will come."「Necro-phi/Vandango」

"Then for now The Void still have Yjor in it, we could cut some lax if we could ask for a back up and retrieve all the Feathers in there into Astra. It'll be a huge loss were they fall into their hands."「Nanekluh ref Rednialsig」

If Sengoku was playing his game in such a brutal way, it was different from the two of them who're currently talking about various matters on the other side of the same room.

They also didn't bother to disturb Sengoku, and continued to focus on a white board that they used as a medium to channel their ideas.

"... Those ship maiden?"「Necro-phi/Vandango」

"Count that done, the other two are helping him with their own ways. If you ask my opinion, then those system user are priority."「Nanekluh ref Rednialsig」

This is a problem that they'll have to face and solve on the later date, that's why there aren't just one or two alienated scribbles painted on the white board.

On the white board, there are lots of scribbles containing the results of the discussions the two of them had while in that place.

There's some that had the words "Message from Suzuhara", some contained a symbol depicting the legend of the Dream Devourer, some had pictures like Yjor pasted on them, and some even to the extent of pictures from ship girls he once knew.

But even though the two of them could easily find answers for those problems, there's one puzzle that was difficult for them to solve, and that is Cera's disappearance.

"... No matter how I think about it, I can't found out why Cher leave us. Our pact has been annulled, our connection has been vanished. No matter how far she crossed the bounds, this is..."「Necro-phi/Vandango」

She has know too many things, and received too many clues. It'd be worse than a fool if she couldn't even put all of those fragment she had found, into another alternative for Sakura Zeimachi and Hylia to reach the exit from their predetermined ending.

"If we take some content about that, we also didn't know where she disappeared into. She's not in our earth, neither in the Faraway, nor at Different plane. Different from what Yjor told him."「Nanekluh ref Rednialsig」

Then what is her alternative? The real answer has gone along with her, but what important is how the current Fool and Feasty haired girl perceived it.

The two of them were silent for a moment while listening to Sengoku's scream.

"... Let's catch on something different, as long we don't know her motive it'll be hard to find out where she gone to."「Necro-phi/Vandango」

"It's not that hard to find it out, but yes, even if we find "why", the next one will be "how". Let's spend our time in something more dire than that."「Nanekluh ref Rednialsig」

As the two of them put a circle on the image of Cera's face at the board, they both looked at the other writing which was about the content from Suzuhara's message.

Suzuhara Lulu, in this story she's the same like Moriarty. Someone or something who has a history with Zeimachi, and a creature who has elements that're difficult to understand yet still retains her humanity, similar to Cera.

Actually, the content of the message itself was nothing more than a greeting from an old acquaintance. The content of the message itself is not the problem, but what makes it a crisis is the sender herself.

"... Hopefully, it wouldn't be soon- hmm?"「Necro-phi/Vandango」

However, right before they could read more clearly what was hidden in the message, suddenly all the lighting sources that has been place in the room went out. They both looked surprised, while pushing aside Sengoku who shouted "Fuk! I forgot to touch that grass!"

"My friend is sleeping? It's still morning though."「Nanekluh ref Rednialsig」

"... What was he doing again?"「Necro-phi/Vandango」

"He's occupied with some girls who are hungry for his love. No matter how frail he is right now, it's weird for him sleep in this hour."「Nanekluh ref Rednialsig」

Gradually, all the items in the room faded and disappeared as if swallowed up by time. Knowing this, the two of them casually stepped out of the room and encountered the state from Chamber of Mind while its owner was unconscious.

"... Love... Well, I think I know who."「Necro-phi/Vandango」

As for Sengoku, he has went ahead.

"Who're you talking about?"「Nanekluh ref Rednialsig」

Nanekluh ref Rednialsig asked, while making some kind of light source to lighten through the static colors that had fallen to the ground as if they're a carpet.

That's how the current state of Chamber of mind is, after Sakura Zeimachi become unconscious Chamber of mind will become dark, then all of those statics color will also fell to the ground as if they're the ground it self.

Maybe it's a little weird to imagine, but just take the image of a curtain falling from the window, which then becomes a doormat at the front door.

"... If it's about "Love" then he's the one. He's also the reason of why we could put The Void aside, and focus more with the other problem."「Necro-phi/Vandango」

"That senior you told me before?"「Nanekluh ref Rednialsig」

"... Yeah, he's older than you, Dust, and Loli. He didn't like it here and chose to roam around the Feathers instead."「Necro-phi/Vandango」

After going through several obstacles and a journey that didn't take long, they finally arrived at the main room where the other three personas were. Necro-phi/Vandago and Nanekluh ref Rednialsig could also hear Sengoku's voice from inside there.

"But Love... was it. Truly an amazing thing for him to still hold those."「Nanekluh ref Rednialsig」

Nanekluh ref Rednialsig was very happy because of this statement.

For those who chose to only focus on one person, love can be an important reason to protect someone. Unfortunately for Nanekluh ref Rednialsig, his feeling of love is much too twisted to be called a pure feeling.

"... A beggar can't chose, since you know the rest right?"「Necro-phi/Vandango」

Necro-phi/Vandango who kept thinking whether all of this was caused by his meeting with Moriarty or because of the irregular Hylia's presence, glanced at Nanekluh ref Rednialsig for a moment.

"Please don't worry, I remember it quite well. It's about "Love made strong became weak, and turns weak became strong." Right?"「Nanekluh ref Rednialsig」

Hearing that answer, Necro-phi/Vandango didn't say anything. The two of them then entered the room and were then greeted with a flying controller thrown by Sengoku.

It seemed he overheard their conversation and became irritated by it.


Before entering the next section, these are the words left by Suzuhara Lulu in her message. Whether Warspite's ability to remember every word is admirable, or maybe she did something to the ship girl, words by words has been successfully delivered.

# Hello, greetings from me Machi-san. It's me Suzuhara, how long have we been able to talk like this? I remember it's been a long time since both of us tried to kill each other with excitement~#

#Ah! I'm sorry, I got carried away. Because I missed Machi-san so much I forgot what I wanted to say. First of all, is Machi-san over there healthy? I hope you are well because..., don't get sick before I go there. Second, I'm fine here! All thanks to the efforts of Machi-san and also Cera-san who sealed us to save all of those humans.#

#And here's the best news... Yeaay~ now we're finally free! Finally the seal the two of you gifted us has been broken, and we can breathe fresh air... uhh, maybe the word "released" is enough compared to "free" huh? I'm sorry what am I talking about anyway ehe☆ Therefore this is my last message to Machi-san, and please tell the traitor- I mean Cera-san too.#

# We will be there soon #

#So please prepare yourself#


「Soukai city」

Soukai City, a city known as a place full of entertainment and beachside tourism, where many people often vacation there to spend their boredom and try many new things to fill their time.

Of course, this city is also the same city where Ramiel went on a rampage, the city that was ravaged by Thomas the Abomination engine, the city where Tiamat is strolling around, and also where the timeless girl or Moriarty dwelled.

Ever since the incident which has turned the situation around that「world」, many budding events have changed, and then shifted from their original root in order to adequate branches with infinites possibilities.

Or simply put, that「world」has changed.

Whether if it's school, or maybe work in their office, and perhaps to completing their research. In this changed「world」, the inhabitants still continue to live their lives as they naturally do where there're moments of ups and down.

[... Is it gold?]

This is no exception for the guardian of the world.

Indeed, it's not until recently she has been transformed into an almighty being who could control anything in that「world」, but be it her power or her position, those two were absolute.

In the midst of a cold winter that can make many people shiver, Moriarty still wears her loose and thin outfit, while dangling her feet on the top of a swing at a children's playground she previously visited.

Her skin that is no less whiter than snow, and also her long blonde hair that reached down to the snow at her feet, making her look like a stranded goddess that has both beauty and solitude.

[... (Whisper) Back then, he really liked receiving gold or money. His smile grow the brightest whenever he got his hand on it. Does he still like it?]

Previously, Moriarty arrived in The Void and got to met the watch-snake Yjor due to the request from Sakura Zeimachi who asked her to drop by whenever she had some free time.

By no means he ordered her to immediately come as soon as she could, it's just she really wanted to met him again but it's very unfortunate that Sakura Zeimachi was not in that place when she's there.

And now, Moriarty was thinking about several things. A problem that had been ringing in her mind ever since she stepped out of The Void and arrived back in her dominion.

[... No, he had changed and this world is the proof of it. If he's the one I used to know, then it wouldn't be weird for him to create this place painted with gold.]

Moriarty let out a chuckle as she recalled a memory from the past. The snow became scattered, and her hair fluttered as she rocked the swing she was sitting on.

[... Changed.]

Each「world」has different laws. This also includes the differences in the time that has passed in different worlds. Although it poses barely any harm for Moriarty, as she's one of those who suffered absolutely no effects from aging.

Before the timeless girl contemplated in that playground, and even way before she came to「the Void」to met her man, Moriarty had already stopped by several places and saw many scene from some of the people who were exists in that「world」.

In a「world」that moved faster than what she thought, Moriarty had many opportunities to deepen her relationships with several people whose traces had been erased from the man's memory.

A birthday from some girl who was called as Griseo's. After stopping there, she had the opportunity to see the most happiest day for the painter who was blessed by many stars.

MOTH's new year's event, the event was nothing more than a get-together of the many members of the institution. Even so, she could feel how lively the atmosphere was with the presence of people that she knew.

The winter contest held at Saint Freya academy, an event held by headmaster of that school in order to keep the students from being a lazy bum in winter.


At that time Moriarty was also invited by Kiana and Sirin to join in, but really the two of them didn't expect that the invitation they had done as a mean to prank Moriarty, would instead turn on themselves.

New year's event, the day she welcomed her new year as a new being, without being able to spend her first day with the man she loved.

[... Should I... wear glasses?]

The birthday of a person named Fu Hua, even though Moriarty didn't know how much admiration the man had for Fu Hua, at least she knew that the girl who was having a birthday had played a big part in his life.

And even though she didn't want to show it, Moriarty felt a little jealous with all the time he had given for the Fu Hua's he met in his life. At least she showed her gratitude though, which made Fu Hua shocked about it.

And then there's also Valentine's Day where some people give chocolate bars to others.

Moriarty herself is not very familiar with the culture since her last valentine was a probably a million years ago, but she is sure and confident that at least she can express her feelings in the form of sweets.

Yet it's very unfortunate that all of her hard work got transported into Kiana's stomach instead, which gave the hungry tuna a chance to feel the wrath of chocolate sprite.

[... Will all my might, I'll try it again.]

For Moriarty, all of these scene had given her a tremendous amount of information about some of Zeimachi's past that she didn't know about. That's why she's being really pleased at this moment.

The snowfall follows the will of the guardian of the world, which describes her overflown feelings that can't be stopped.

Later the snow will melt, but at least she know if the coldness would dissipate because of the warmth from the man she chose to love.

Even though the snow didn't have the bitter-sweet taste of chocolate, and does not have a definite shape like a pillar that stands firmly.

Her belief in remaining convinced with the miracle of holding trivial things dear, made Moriarty's heart beats even more faster from the feelings she truly had.

[Be safe out there... and the next time we met, please tell me about your first world.]

I really wanted to create a special valentine and birthday chapter for Fu Hua, but I really can't find the mood for that.

But hey! At least there's a good sign if she'll be getting a new outfit.

It's not hard for me to continue this, but the MOOD! Yes! Za Mood!

Oh yeah, F*UCK you Lu Woh!!!


See ya

Strunomcreators' thoughts