
Last Shine

*WARNING* *Reading in a better place will prevent you from getting scoliosis* First this is a mash up fan-fic, a fan-fic created from many component of different origins. There's some from anime, video game, Lovecraftian, SCP, manga, manhwa, manhua and some other stuff put together in one place and voila. I don't really know how to promote fan-fic or stuff like this but... Fu Hua is best girl. At first Mc still got no names, but he'll gain it based from the usual Core Memory stuff. He's also an average Fu Hua admirer who like to drink milk. Beside from the main Mc there're some other important character that help to become the foundation for this story. There's Cera the common 4th wall breaker. Yjor the ruler. And Hylia a lass who likes chocolate ice cream. Those four are OC and got their own personalities, so maybe it'll be hard to read when they appeared or got their scene. The premise of this story is about erasing the tragedy, obliterating the chosen one, confronting the fake happiness, to become someone worthy, regaining dream and hope, as well as to become the champion of their own life. At earlier chapter, I still can't decided what writing style to be used so there're many error to be found. Even now I'm still trying to find another new style to write. And yeah perhaps there's someone who think it'll be a waste of time reading such long synopsis like this but... anyway. *IMPORTANT* There're suicidal thought in this story, so please watch your own thought before reading this as I don't want to make you to commit suicide on your own. Ehe Then there's some different personalities thingy, monster of emotion thingy, and death of cute and kawaii characters thingy. I'm someone with cute aggression behavior you see... Ah yeah... in this fan-fic there's Arknight CoC Genshin Granblue Azur Lane Honkai Gakkou Gurashi Welp so far there're only those, but I do want to add more character and lore from different stuff like Lament from Memento Mori, some game that can't be played anymore (You guys know Sid Story or Eternal City?) and yeah... this is just a plan so there's gonna be a HUGE chance I wouldn't put those in this fan-fic. Why? Who knows, I made this fanfic as a way to find my favorite stories. So anyway, that's the end for today synopsis. ----------- *This is a fan-fic, a work of fiction using some reference and material from other source of work, so credit goes to the original creator.* *Even though some of them are not mine, there's some original or random thing that I've added in this story* *And that cover is Fenghuang Down, don't know whose pict though*

Strunom · Others
Not enough ratings
147 Chs

Flowery Digitalized

[He disappear again.]

"You know Moriarty, sometimes I can't catch your meaning, girl. Why don't you speak with me about that first? Someone has disappeared?"

[Hmnn, Himeko. He's still here but...I can't comprehend about this one, splitting his root? or maybe a link between his distant future....There's also a chance if he's switching his place within different timeline.]

"Something like...Clairvoyance? Are you talking about Mystic art, or about the usage of quantum fissure, Moriarty?"

[...I don't know.]

Moriarty and Himeko are having a four eye conversation right now, they talked with a cup of tea that Himeko served on the table after she rush to the nearest convenience store before it closed due to the outbreak.

Thankfully she also got to procured her 'supply', which mostly consist of can of Beers and a lunch box for her dinner.

It started shortly after Siegfried left Bianca to look after Moriarty, although it wasn't the first time these two girls had met but it seemed that the two of them didn't really get along.

"Who are you."


Then it acts according to how it was. Moriarty left the scene ignoring Bianca, she tried to stop Moriarty from escaping by using an ethereal blue spear she materialized in her hand, but it didn't do anything because Moriarty passed it and suddenly disappeared.

The scene then switches to Moriarty feeling something unusual for her, something that shouldn't exist in this world because there's no code inserted into the program.

As the one he assigned in this world she knows many thing related into it, such as its flows, process, and its end if it's a natural one.

This was due to how she had spent a lot of time in this world as a sole entity, so even though this world was not tied to her, this world recognized her as an important being who acknowledged its existence beside Zeimachi.

[A different branch?...It disappear?]

Although in the past Moriarty had experienced something like a different timeline, this time it wasn't the same for her.

A branch suddenly appearing is not foreign or anomaly to her, she knows because this is all according to the choices of the inhabitants of this world which at any time can have a big impact on the course of this world.

However, having branches appear and disappear the next few minutes was definitely not a common problem in this world beside the death of someone.

Along with that 'dead' branch, many more lines that connected to it has also disappeared, which limits a more correlative future to be told.

Simply put, a different future also 'die' along with that disappeared branch.


It wouldn't be weird if anomalies are created by another anomalies, that's why she thought if he's the one behind this matters along with the death of many different path. She tried to read about this branch using her authority as the guardian of this world.

Only to met the man with another persona inside of it. Based from how tame he is.

[...He's...not Sengoku, then...is it another one?]

Moriarty then realizes that if this persona activates his powers upon entering this world, she cannot sense its presence because he does not use the feather which is the key to this world.

However, she could also use her brute force to track him down and stay by his side again without feeling the 'key', after all, she had captured his 'essence' in this world with all those skinship.


But she didn't. After she met his three personas and their words, something changed within her as well. Running away from herself, determination to be with someone, hatred for everything and this personality will also soon give her another lesson to learn about him.

[Let's meet her first.]

She has now gained another motive before she faced him. Moriarty changes her direction from sensing his presence, to find another resident in this world that told her about a good lesson of relationship between man and woman.

That's why Moriarty went to Himeko first before she confronted him, to gain knowledge and do research on how to do it the right way.



Not even ten seconds had passed, and Moriarty was already knocking on her door. She rang the intercom bell, and waited at the door.

Moriarty sensed that Himeko was in this area and walked to the strongest place that gave Himeko's presence, and she ended up in this house belonging to Himeko's family.


"Hmm? You're at that time. How can you know my address?"

Himeko came out from her house and surprised to met Moriarty who suddenly knocking on her door. Even though Himeko recognized her, she wouldn't let Moriarty pass right away without hearing a reasonable explanation from her.

She watch her surrounding in case there's a spy following Moriarty or maybe Moriarty is a bait for her.

'Then why? I don't think there's much meaning from a soldier like me to be monitored. Or maybe...'

Himeko glanced at Moriarty who was calmly looking at her hair, it seemed Moriarty was still hesitating whether she should change her hair color or not to suit his taste after she saw Himeko's fiery red hair from a close distance.

"Why don't you come inside first? To let my guest getting cold outside with this clothes, I'm not that cruel you know. Come on, put your shoes right there."


Then the scene returns to when Himeko and Moriarty talked to each other, after both of them once again greet each other.


"Hey Savior~ Are you sure you point us to the right way?"

"Uhh...I'm pretty sure this is the right way but...."

"Jeez, if this was the case then it'll better to follow those Kaslanas back then."

This is the continuation of savior Horaiji Kyuushou and self accused the greatest hacker Bronie.

Both of them follows the direction that has been appointed by Horaiji Kyuushou to the place where broken Monolith was, Bronie also triple check this place using her drones, however with many member of MOTH patrolling over this place it limits their act gauge.

"Geh, there's also that old man Kebin and grandma right there."

Bronie also saw Kevin, Bronya in the site. There's also Fu Hua with them but because she barely know her, she ignored Fu Hua.

"For now I can't feel it anymore. It was...It was as if the chapter had moved to another part of the scenario."

"Like, nothing exciting in this place anymore? Then why did we come in the first place."


Hiding behind the crowds of reporter, both of them mask their identity by using a cover of journalist.

Bronie was disappointed to have missed something good to watch while Houraiji Kyuushou used her head to get anything that could be used to get out of this unusual state.

"Hey Savior."


But her thoughts were stopped by Bronie who saw another threat that she considered priority, Bronie then showed it to Houraiji Kyuushou who reacted not too different from her.

The threat that Bronie sees from her drone is a troublemaker who likes to act as she pleases and maybe they think if she'll give them another clue for them.

The threat was last seen by one of her drones around this area. But the place cannot be reached by the drone, as if there is an obstacle blocking the drone from entering or maybe to lure them into a trap.

"What do you think Savior? Stay and watch in this place or we jump in?"


"Oi...Are you okay?"

After closing her eyes for a few seconds, Houraiji Kyuushou gripped her left arm and tightly grasped her black glove-covered palm. She laughed heartily as if something had awakened in her left arm just like when a hidden power was discovered sleeping within her.

"Let's go Haxxor, we need to move according to our resolve."

Houraiji Kyuushou spun dramatically while flicking the hem of her coat, like a hero who on her way to uphold justice.

"Uhh, could you at least explain to me what's going on? Don't tell me it's something like "Uwaahh! My left hand is trembling!" again."


However, Houraiji Kyuushou remained silent while holding back her cover as a journalist.

She lowered her head to hide her face as she walked away from many reporters and journalists who heard her chuunibyou sentence and plus Bronie's statement. She quickened her pace while Bronie sighed because she guessed it right.




A few minutes later, they have arrived in the place marked by Bronie's drone. They entered an alley and soon arrived to its end.

"There's should be nothing like this on its end Savior, tighten your belt."

When they arrived, the place that welcome them is a...dead end. There was no sign of any other building beside this simple and small stall that could be seen to be from a traveler who almost lost all their belongings, and in order to earn money they opened a shop in this suspicious place.

Leading to their estimation that this place was a trap.

"I'll leave our escape to you Haxxor."

"Heh, don't let your pocket empty by her."

The two of them prepared themselves to enter the trap that the threat had prepared for anyone, but since they were the first to come there, they chose to investigate first before anyone else would.

Houraiji Kyuushou pull out twin blades from her back while Bronie construct two submachine guns using her power (It's P90 maybe? Just like what Llenn use) and hide some of her drones for an insurance in their vicinity far from jamming range.

'It looks like she used her ability to block my drones, what a slippery one.'

Sure of their preparation, duo Savior and self accused greatest hacker come to the small stall.

"Hmm~Hmm~Hmmm~ Oya? Look what we got here- Uhk!"


The stall owner greeted Houraiji Kyuushou along with Bronie as they passed through the illusion barrier and other barriers into her small stall.

The owner put up her black glasses and gave another one to a big bird beside her. The owner have an oriental clothes mostly with black and silver themed, adorned with golden accessories in most part.

Her hair is ash grey with a small white shade on the right side of her face, and a small red gemstone on her fore head. Her eyes also red before she closed it with a smile when she greeted both of them.

"Oh hey Shiki-chan! Did you break another plate and get scolded again?"

Bronie greeted her back with a snide comment for Shiki-chan to hear. On the other hand, Shiki-chan who heard Bronie's snide remark grumbled lowly because her guess was partly right.


Although Bronie's guess if she broke a plate is still unclear, but it seemed like the part where Shiki-chan got scolded was true.

"Why did you open your stall in this place, Sentience? I thought you had quit your past as a con artist."

Houraiji Kyuushou talked to her while asking her reason if she will becoming active again as a swindler. Hearing her interrogation, Shiki-chan smiled to hide her intentions when she opened this stall.

"Oh what is this Shiki-chan? Another new stuff?"

Bronie who looks at Shiki-chan stuff asked her because this one thing piqued her interest. She grabbed it and shows it to Shiki-chan for explanation. Shiki-chan feels deep gratitude for her because she has saved her from the investigator Houraiji Kyuushou.

"Kuhum! You have a fine eyes dear customer! This item just came in and is the only one that I have right now. My progress to obtain even this one piece of equipment was reaaaly painful to remember because this item can do something that others can't~"

"Oh~ That's sounds cool. So what does it do Shiki-chan? Smuggling? or maybe...hiding your small stall? Hmm?"


Bronie casually use her hacking and knew somewhat about this device, however she'll need some time because there's something or a component in this device that works differently from any machines that she had seen.

The big bird beside Shiki-chan was taken aback while Shiki-chan forced her face to smile and curse her luck to meet a difficult customer right of the bat.

"So Sentience? Care for your explanation?"

"Yeah let's see...This tools is what called by them a 'Reality Anchor'. Like what this hacker bunny said, it served as my tool to escape your tiny drones who always mess with my ears. Hand off if you're not buying it."

"Anything beside that?"

Shiki-chan tried to snatch the evidence from Bronie's hands, but Houraiji Kyuushou stopped her from crossing her line because the investigation is still rolling.

"Hmm...I don't really understand its full abilities because I sto- someone gifted it to me after I helped them. With no way of knowing what it's capable of, I touch any button I can see and voila your drone can't see me! Just like that."





Their silence continued before another conversation comes. However, Shiki-chan lost one of her product because it was deemed as an illegal good. They then left after getting more information from her as a parting gift to hide her crimes.

"Don't ever come back again!!!"

I'm still in progress when it's about Necro-phi story, so please held out with this one.

Oh yeah, Griseo came out in new version isn't. Maybe I'll add her later with other character.

See ya

Strunomcreators' thoughts