
Last Shine

*WARNING* *Reading in a better place will prevent you from getting scoliosis* First this is a mash up fan-fic, a fan-fic created from many component of different origins. There's some from anime, video game, Lovecraftian, SCP, manga, manhwa, manhua and some other stuff put together in one place and voila. I don't really know how to promote fan-fic or stuff like this but... Fu Hua is best girl. At first Mc still got no names, but he'll gain it based from the usual Core Memory stuff. He's also an average Fu Hua admirer who like to drink milk. Beside from the main Mc there're some other important character that help to become the foundation for this story. There's Cera the common 4th wall breaker. Yjor the ruler. And Hylia a lass who likes chocolate ice cream. Those four are OC and got their own personalities, so maybe it'll be hard to read when they appeared or got their scene. The premise of this story is about erasing the tragedy, obliterating the chosen one, confronting the fake happiness, to become someone worthy, regaining dream and hope, as well as to become the champion of their own life. At earlier chapter, I still can't decided what writing style to be used so there're many error to be found. Even now I'm still trying to find another new style to write. And yeah perhaps there's someone who think it'll be a waste of time reading such long synopsis like this but... anyway. *IMPORTANT* There're suicidal thought in this story, so please watch your own thought before reading this as I don't want to make you to commit suicide on your own. Ehe Then there's some different personalities thingy, monster of emotion thingy, and death of cute and kawaii characters thingy. I'm someone with cute aggression behavior you see... Ah yeah... in this fan-fic there's Arknight CoC Genshin Granblue Azur Lane Honkai Gakkou Gurashi Welp so far there're only those, but I do want to add more character and lore from different stuff like Lament from Memento Mori, some game that can't be played anymore (You guys know Sid Story or Eternal City?) and yeah... this is just a plan so there's gonna be a HUGE chance I wouldn't put those in this fan-fic. Why? Who knows, I made this fanfic as a way to find my favorite stories. So anyway, that's the end for today synopsis. ----------- *This is a fan-fic, a work of fiction using some reference and material from other source of work, so credit goes to the original creator.* *Even though some of them are not mine, there's some original or random thing that I've added in this story* *And that cover is Fenghuang Down, don't know whose pict though*

Strunom · Others
Not enough ratings
147 Chs

El Dust part.4 [IV] [Katër] [Fower]


1. With Kiana : Camping!

It was that time, if I remember correctly, on my birthday when I turned six. We decided to go camping together and set up our own tents, as a birthday gift I had been longing for.

It was just me, Bianca, that brat Sirin, and Aniki who was appointed as our supervisor. Papa and Mama said they had duty calls, so they couldn't join us. I was a bit disappointed about it, but not too much.

Since previously, this camping trip almost didn't happen because Mama initially didn't allow it. She said it's much too dangerous for us and rejected it again and again, but thanks to Papa's persuasion and Aniki's charm, fortunately, here we are now!

Well... even though in the end, we were only allowed to camp in a spot not too far from home, the important thing is that I'll get to sleep in a tent, gather firewood, and do all the other things I've planned.

"Hihi, I can't wait!"「Kiana」

Standing in front of my own tent, I eagerly awaited the arrival of nightfall!

Not only would I set up the tent, but I was also planning to build my own treehouse!

But just as I was enjoying myself...

Suddenly, mischievous Sirin appeared from behind and spoke, "What's all this excitement about, Tuna? And what are you doing here anyway? Building a chicken coop?" while approaching the tent I had painstakingly set up.

"No! This is my tent! Pretty cool, right?"「Kiana」

Of course, I wasn't going to let her belittle my work. Although... it might be a bit more peculiar in shape compared to Bianca's, but it's still a tent, right? It's triangular-shaped, with space inside, and most importantly, there's a floor covering the ground.

That should qualify as a tent.


"If you sleep here, what if snakes and mosquitoes come in? Look, a tent should look like Bianca's. Not like a crumpled blanket from the 14th century."「Sirin」

Hmm, if I compare... indeed, my tent might not be as good as Bianca's, but at least I made it myself. Rather than this kid who just blabbers on and doesn't make her own tent.

"Hah, at least I made my own tent. Where are you going to sleep if you don't have a tent, huh? Hehehe!"「Kiana」


"Hehe, right?"「Kiana」

Listening to my truthful words, this kid looked visibly annoyed. Isn't it true what I said? No matter how bad, or not bad at all, my effort ensures I'll at least have a bed for tonight.

Lazy troublemakers like her should just sleep on those dry leaves over there, ahahaha!

"... I don't know why, but I can tell what you're thinking from your expression. Besides, don't worry, I'll sleep with Onii or Bianca later because making tents isn't my favorite thing to do." Sirin

No matter what she says, I'm here having made my own tent with my own effort.

So, I'm the winner!

Ehehe, spoiled brat~ Now you realize who's older here, right? That's me!

I feel so satisfied seeing her face looking like she wants to be angry.

"... S-Stop smirking, you tuna! If I wanted to, I could make something like this too!"「Sirin」

"Ehh~ Really? If you can't, I'll let you sleep here too. If you want~"「Kiana」

"Who wants to sleep in your chicken coop tent!? Fine! You're really asking for trouble! Just wait!"「Sirin」

"You two are as lively as ever."「Bianca」

In the midst of her usual tantrum, the purple-haired brat dashed away like a coward. I'm sure she'll ask for Aniki or Bianca's help later to make her own tent.

Fhewww, I truly am unbeatable against her!

Well more importantly there's some huge matters I need to do. As I add many modifications to my beloved structure, I also began to plan how to build my treehouse. Formerly, the plan was to place this tent on top of a tree and tie it with wooden boards.

But I'm still trying to find how to gain those things in here.

"And behold, my tree tent!"「Kiana」

I had already envisioned how my tent would turn out, even drawing the design on the ground with my stick. For now, I'm going to rest while enjoying the distant scenery. Coincidentally, I glanced at Sirin who seemed to be indeed approaching Bianca for help.

As usual, Bianca didn't mind at all and showed the techniques taught by the manual to the purple-haired kid. Hmph, who needs guidance from a book anyway.

But this is strange, I saw him there earlier, but suddenly he's gone? Where's Aniki? I haven't seen him since earlier, with that question in mind, I approached the two of them.

"Bianca, where's Aniki?"「Kiana」

"He said he'd go down to the foot of the mountain for a moment to find a signal. Maybe he's contacting mother and father."「Bianca」


"Oh, I see."「Kiana」

No wonder this purple-haired brat didn't go straight to Aniki.

The distance from here to down there is quite far, and if not careful, our feet could stumble on branches or trees. In fact, Sirin has almost fallen several times when we climbed up here, which led Aniki to advise her not to wander around carelessly.

As for me, I'm not as clumsy as her. I'll just jump and run with all my might! Then I won't have to worry about anything that could hinder me!

"That's right, then drive the stakes into the four corners, and then tie them like this. And pull!"「Bianca」

"L-Like this?"「Sirin」

From the looks of it...

They were both setting up Sirin's tent, and Bianca is indeed skilled at reading and explaining things from books, making it easy for Sirin to understand what the book was saying.

But if I take a closer look... oh no.

Isn't her tent actually better than mine?! This can't be allowed.

"Bianca, can I watch you make it again from the start?"「Kiana」

"Eh? But you already done yours... or... what it should be," Bianca looked surprised, but why did she seem puzzled by the tent I made too? Is it really that bad? Whatever the reason, Bianca then seemed to ponder something before suggesting something strange and seemingly impossible.

"Hmm alright, after I finish helping Sirin, I'll come over there. And also, instead of just watching, how about Kiana helps us too?"「Bianca」

"Huh?!"「Sirin and Kiana」

Wait a moment, I beg your pardon?

"Then after that, Sirin and I will also help fix your tent. That way, you'll be even."「Bianca」

"Eh?!"「Sirin and Kiana」

No, no, the problem is me? Helping this purple girl? No way! Besides, we're competing, if we help each other, then what's the point of the competition earlier?

As I pondered this, I glanced at Sirin, who seemed to share my opinion. She also didn't like Bianca's idea just now. But well, I do feel sorry if this kid ends up getting cold sleeping outside.


I'm fine with snakes and mosquitoes, but this spoiled brat... she'll definitely scream and cry if she encounters those creepy crawlies.

Well then, what else can I do? I'll just help a little, considering that I'll be helped by her in return anyway and maybe she'll become more grateful in the end.

"Well... if it's okay then. I'll gladly lent you my help!"「Kiana」

"... Do as you wish."「Sirin」

"Wha?! What's with that bratty attitude!?"「Kiana」

"Alright, let's finish this and make it a surprise for brother when he came back. We'll tell him about our work, how about that?"「Bianca」

With a slight nod, I then followed Bianca's instructions.

I was a bit annoyed, but what could I do? I'll set up this purple kid's tent and then use her and Bianca's guidance to make my tent even more beautiful than hers.

Afterward, I'll ask Aniki to compare our tents, and I'm sure I'll be the winner. Ehehe, I'm sure this purple kid doesn't realize I'm just using her.

"... Like I said, stop smiling when you're thinking something suspicious."「Sirin」


2. With Bianca : My Sisters

My name is Bianca, I turned 14 in January last month, and I am the oldest daughter of four siblings.

Our family consists of six people: my parents, myself, and three other siblings.

In our family of six, I have two younger sisters and an older brother. The youngest is a girl named Sirin, followed by Kiana. Then there's me, and finally my older brother. It can be said that the four of us have a fairly close relationship as siblings.

(The unsteady rhythm of fists meeting their target echoed through the training facility, a testament to the unwavering determination of the one honing their skills within its walls)

Today is my day off, so I decided to spend it by returning to training myself while also calming my mind from the worries that occupy my thoughts.

Together with my brother and a friend from school, the three of us had arranged to meet at this place. It's a place that offers various sports facilities and physical training, commonly known as the Training Gym.

The location isn't too far either, just about a two-hour jog from home, and I'll arrive at this training facility that looks remarkably very much like a gym from the outside.

(Her fist struck the punching bag with firmness, capable of shattering a man's jaw upon impact. Each blow propelled the bag farther and farther away, demonstrating both strength and speed)

And perhaps this isn't too important, but it's fair to say I'm one of the regulars here. So, the owner of this place always seems friendly whenever I come with someone new, like my brother and my friend today.

I see they're both warming up over there, and thankfully they seem to get along well.

It looks like my worries were unfounded. I had been concerned about what would happen if they didn't get along, but fortunately, that didn't occur.

"Phew... seems like Rita and my brother are on the same page. Alright, let's increase my tempo."「Bianca」

But setting aside the two of them who're chatting lively with each other, there're actually two things that make me want to come to this place.

The first is because lately, I've noticed some changes in both of my younger sisters. I'm not sure how to explain it, but they seem to be growing more distant, or perhaps... not like they used to be?

I'm not sure if that expression fits them, but it feels like something is changing within them, making my perception of them feel unfamiliar at the moment.

(Bianca takes a breath as she rests her palm on the punching bag)

Sirin, who was always accustomed to asking for help, now seemed to distance herself and take on tasks independently. Similarly Kiana, who despite her usual mischief, appeared to be maturing and gradually taking responsibility for her actions.

As I reflect on this, I realize that the more they explore new experiences and many new things, the more they learn and grow. It's a positive development for both Kiana and little Sirin.

However, witnessing these small changes in them leaves me grappling with indescribable feelings. I've even tried discussing it with our parents once, but they advised me to let time resolve it.

Yet, I'm reluctant to passively wait for a solution to emerge on its own.

"Is now the right time to ask them about it?"「Bianca」

The second reason is to discuss this matter with both of them.

My friend Rita, who I trust and rely on, and my brother, surely notice the changes in our younger siblings. They both must have their own insights, and with them, I'm sure I'll understand what I'm feeling or at least found some clue about it.

"Huph! ... Hmm."「Bianca」

'Or is it too early for me?'

As usual, I always evaluate my training results during the cooldown. Even though my main goal here is to talk with them, I still aim to maximize my gains while in the gym. My gaze also wanders to the people in the gym, as my mind seeks inspiration.

Unintentionally, I glance at them both and notice that somehow, they seem to have grown closer.

'Ah, Rita's looking over here. But what's with her eyes?'

Or maybe they've become too close?

Could it be that my brother likes Rita? Or is it the other way around? I'm not sure, but for some reason, Rita and my brother seem deeply engaged in conversation, standing very close to each other.

Afterward, not long after she glanced my way, Rita came over to me with a towel and a bottle of water in her hand, leaving my brother there as he continued practicing his mastered martial arts.

"Thanks for your hard work, Bianca. You've worked up a lot of sweat."「Rita」

"... I-Is that so? Thank you."「Bianca」

"You're welcome."「Rita」

Was I really sweating that much?

Usually, I wouldn't pay much attention to it, but when Rita mentioned it, suddenly I felt the urge to head straight to the shower. Without second thought, I accepted the towel she offered and swiftly wiped my neck and face.

As I used the towel, I couldn't help but glance at Rita, who was smiling as usual. She often behaved this way, and I typically took it as just another mischief of her. But this time, I couldn't shake the feeling of curiosity about the reason behind her enigmatic smile.

Just what did they talked about right there?

"What's wrong Rita? Do you have any reason for smiling like that at me?"「Bianca」

"Fufu, there's no real meaning behind my smile. But... seeing how hard you always improving yourself, it makes me happy. That's all," Rita replied with a smile, closing her eyes in her usual manner.


Why was she feeling happy? I couldn't understand.

After all, I was just doing what I wanted to do to become a better version of myself. Why would she feel happy too? Wasn't it me who went through all that effort? Then why did she feel happy just by watching it?

If she was happy about someone else's progress, did that mean she felt happy when she saw anyone putting in effort? Or maybe she was just mocking me?

No, I don't think she would go that far.

"Rita, why do... you feel that way?"「Bianca」

"Let's see... as a starting point, you've been stuck in a problem, haven't you?"「Rita」

"... How did you know?"「Bianca」

Just when I was about to discuss it with her, why does she know I've been thinking about something? Sometimes her seemingly intuitive nature makes me shiver.

"Fufu, please don't be afraid. How long do you think we've been friends? It's not too difficult to tell when you're thinking about some matters. Besides, I just found out a few things from onii-san over there."「Rita」

"... I see, then will you care to explain it?" I asked, hoping Rita would clarify in a way I could understand.

"Truth to be told, it's actually simple. Starting your your pacing, breathing, eye sight, and maybe tone of voice. Today Bianca contained many difference from the usual her in my humble opinion. And then..." while examining me from hair to toe, Rita spoke hundred of words with thousand meanings leaving me speechless. I don't think she'll stop unless I told her to.

"... Kuhum, very well, I also agree it could be difficult if you realize this too late. Therefore, I'll provide some 'Special Rita's service'." Rita replied.

Once again, it's another stuff difficult for me to understand, but it's okay. Even if it's just a clue, I just need to piece together the information later. Whether its about Kiana and Sirin or something else, I'll try to put those puzzle piece on my own.

In the end, I just nodded in front of Rita.

"And the service is... your feelings as an older sister, the progress of your sister, and lastly... happiness," Rita said, while touching her chest where her heart was beating. I kept holding my breath unconsciously, expecting more from her, but it seemed...

"... Is that all?"「Bianca」

Honestly, I still didn't quite understand the clue she provided. What does being happy about seeing those two strive have to do with my feelings as an older sister?

"The hint I can give you is just this, the rest... I'll leave it to how your position as Durandal-sama and your figure as Bianca will shape it. With that, please excuse me."「Rita」

With a graceful bow, Rita, who had just handed me the water bottle, retreated back to her previous spot. Alongside my brother, she resumed their conversation as if nothing had happened.

However, what lingered in my mind was Rita's cryptic remark about my role as an older sister. What did she mean by that? It was a puzzle that seemed inscrutable, leaving me with a growing sense of bewilderment.

"Hmm... as Durandal, and as a big sister..." I murmured to myself, trying to make sense of Rita's words. However, despite my efforts to decipher them, the phrases only seemed to twist and turn, leaving me even more perplexed.


For now, I conceded defeat. It seemed I needed more time to grasp Rita's cryptic message. Perhaps the answer would reveal itself once I resumed moving my body again.

"Let's begin again."「Bianca」

Returning to the familiar patterns of martial arts, I found solace in channeling my strength into the punching bag once more.

There were a few pairs of eyes that seemed to be focused on what I was doing, but I didn't pay much attention to them and continued with my reps.

Little did I realize, amidst the myriad of attention I was receiving, Rita and Brother were observing me from afar while carrying on with their conversation.

"I see, you're quite mischievous person aren't you, onii-san? Making your beloved little sister figure things out on her own, fufu. But I must admit... I'm also curious. How Durandal-sama fulfills her role as the eldest sister, I wonder?"「Rita」


3. With Sirin : Not so bright day

To be honest, I'm not sure where to start in explaining all of this.

Everything feels so calm and peaceful, with no problems weighing heavily on my mind in the days that have passed. These days I've been living through, they feel so beautiful yet unreal, like living in a dream.

It's something I desired, yet never imagined would happen in reality. I know it's a strange thing to ponder in the morning, but for some reason, it keeps lingering in my mind.

"She's late..."「Sirin」

Today was a typical school day for me. I was already dressed in my uniform, fully prepared to head to school. Books, lunch, and homework were neatly packed in my bag. All that was left was waiting for Kiana, who, as usual, rushed to finish her breakfast.

Honestly, even though she's in middle school now, just why is she still behaves like a child. How many times has she been scolded by teachers for being late by now?

"Sorry! I'm good to go now."「Kiana」

"You took your time. Let's go, and make sure to wipe your mouth before we leave."「Sirin」

Dressed in a neat and tidy uniform, served warm food on the table, and having a family living under the same roof, I feel like these daily routines have become ingrained in me.

Here, there are those I can call mom and dad, and even the companionship of a friend from my sibling who treats me sometimes like family, but also sometimes like a friend. There are no menacing individuals trying to harm me, nor are there people trying to separate me from what I have right now.

I truly feel comfortable here.

"Careful on your way! Make sure to protect your sis from any rascal who dares to tease her, alright?"「Siegfried」


"Wait, what? Are you talking about me?! What do you mean, you old banana pop?! Who's protecting who?!"「Kiana」

We could banter and speak our minds freely, laughing and getting angry all at once. And when things seemed to escalate, there would always be a peacemaker to put an end to the conflict among us.

Just another trivial morning exchange.

"D-Don't, Kiana! No fighting in your uniform! Now hurry and go."「Cecilia」

"That's right."「Sirin」

Of course, this is just my own opinion.

I'm not really aware of what ordinary days others might desire or expect, nor do I care much about what they might think when they see our family dynamics. They can say whatever they want about our family relationships, but my mindset won't change.

I love this family, even though I can't say it out loud to them right now.

'Especially when there's this white Tuna beside me.'

"Alright bye, I want chicken for dinner later!"「Kiana」

"Be careful on your way."「Cecilia」

Of course I'll definitely be careful, but thank you mama, I cherish you so much. Although not as much as Mom, I also deeply care for you Dad. The same goes for Bianca and Onii.

To convey my heartfelt sentiments, I've planned to use the remaining pocket money to buy them gifts. After school, I've also arranged with Bella, Agatha, and the others to help me buy them.

For Mom a new apron, for Dad maybe an Arahato figure, I'll give Bianca a pair of gloves, for Tuna just a new edition comic book plus some spicy noodle, and for Onii... hmm, would he like it if I bought him a pair of glasses?

Well... they might find it odd why I suddenly decided to give them gifts, but I'll just say I felt like doing something nice for them. Lately, I've been fine-tuning my little tsundere little sister act, just like Onii suggested.

'I'm sure my act will work!'

"You've been lost in your thoughts all this time, like you're contemplating something super important or some stuff? Could it be you want other than chicken for dinner?"「Kiana」

"Just come on, your nonsense talk is only going to make us late. Besides, why would you eat your own kind? Heh."「Sirin」

"Grrrrr!!! You little brat..."「Kiana」

I wonder if the money will be enough? I kept thinking about that even when I arrived and met my friends at school. Time seemed to move very slowly as I eagerly awaited the end of the school day.

I couldn't wait to pick out the gifts I thought would suit them, and maybe this was just a bonus, but I was also excited to hang out with my classmates. It's been in a while after all, shopping and playing around with them I mean.

This day should be a very special day for me.


Unfortunately... it seems like today I won't be able to give out these chosen gifts today.

Because as I walked alone towards the store, suddenly my vision blurred and my body felt heavy and sluggish. Before I knew it, someone I didn't recognize had begun dragging me away. Despite Bella's shouts trying to reach me, I couldn't respond or reach out to her, as if I was trapped in moving cage.

And then, everything got covered in black.

"We've got the subject, we're moving to extract point."




It was dark, noisy, and harsh.

I didn't know what just happened. I didn't understand why my hands and feet were tied up, and I had no clue who these people were whose voices I'd been hearing.

All I knew was that I seemed to be inside a vehicle moving fast. My sight was obscured by darkness, and my body felt cold and unresponsive. I tried to scream for help, but no sound came out.

'What is this?! Am I being kidnapped?!'

Fear consumed me, my mind swirling with terrifying thoughts of what might be happening. With all my strength, I struggled, not caring when I felt someone trying to restrain me, I kept thrashing about, using all I had.

"Wake up so soon? As expected of her, very resistant. Don't hurt her, just shut her up."

"Alright, boss."

From the voices I heard, it seemed they were a woman and a man. I would remember their voices and never forgive what they did to me.

As fear gripped me tightly more than before, my mind raced with thoughts of what might happen next. But just as those thought began to sprout out, a large hand suddenly pushed me down, pressing me against the hard surface beneath me.

Although I couldn't see, I could feel the weight of the man's presence.

"Get back to sleep if you don't want to get hurt."

The man who pushed me down then pulled my hair up, sending a chill of terror down my spine. I could feel a sharp object, like a needle, pressing against the back of my neck.

'No! Don't let him!'

He seemed intent on subduing me, but quickly I moved my heel and kicked him with all my might. His grip momentarily loosened, giving me a chance to stand and resist once more.

"Shit! My chin hurts you dirty brat!"

I tried to escape, no matter where as long it's far from his voice.

Unfortunately as I attempted to pry open my eyelids, I felt my hair being yanked by someone, presumably the woman from earlier. She ordered the angry man whom I had kicked earlier to stay silent, before then she pulled my hair tighter.

And whispered a threat right beside my ear.

"We know who you are, ugly monster. Stop making this difficult for us."

Unlike the man earlier, this woman was more cautious since she didn't give me a chance to resist.

I didn't want this!

I'm not a monster!

I want to see my family at home, I still haven't given them the gifts I bought!

As a last resort, I tried to move my neck, but it was futile as the man held it firmly.

My eyes felt hot, and I felt desperate further. I even wished someone could hear my cries for help. It's fine even if it's Kiana, somebody please stop them! I don't want to part ways right now!

"Everything will end quickly, now sleep, and we'll wake you up when we reach our destination - whaaa!?"

Time seemed to slow down as I felt the sharp object pierce my skin. I thought everything was over, and that I was going to end up in that place again. But suddenly, the vehicle we had been traveling in slammed on the brakes, causing all of us to lose our balance.

In that moment, it seemed like my prayers were answered. My eyes were still covered, but my ears weren't. So I could hear the voices from outside, voices I knew all too well.

"What are you trying to do with our daughter."「Cecilia & Siegfried」

It's mama and papa!

My body immediately felt relieved and my eyes welled up upon hearing their voices. Now everything was safe, that's all that was on my mind as I struggled to hold back my tears.

But even so, the two kidnappers weren't giving up. They spoke of using me as leverage, then harming my parents when the opportunity arose. From the looks of it they still didn't want giving up on me.

"It's a hassle but back up is on their way. Hold out for a while and we're going to dispose them."

Upon hearing that, I felt something stirring within me, especially when they thought of hurting them. Something like a tide of anger, fueling all my hatred towards these two people.

'Why... why did you have to go so far...'

Not only me, but you want to hurt my parents?

Anger and sadness flooded my heart, and I felt a surge of energy propelling me to act on what I had just said. To kill them, to tear them apart, to erase them, to murder them, to take their lives, to put them to death, to execute them, to exterminate them, to wipe them out, to end their lives, to bring about their demise.

I can't forgive them.

'Kill them.'

I will never forgive them.

'Kill them all.'

You greedy humans, I will kill you all.

'Kill every hu-'

Everything felt almost out of control, and I didn't even mind relinquishing control of my body and mind to this anger. Not for the second time. I wouldn't allow anyone to harm my family.

In that moment, I was ready to become a killer. But when I heard the sound of the vehicle's door shattering, my resolve waned and became easily swayed when he appeared before me.

"Onii... chan?"「Sirin」

He is my older brother, one of the people I cherish and a member of my family in this world. Someone whom, despite having different blood coursing through his veins, cares for me deeply like a sibling.

With a smile and agile movements, he enveloped me in his embrace. He tried to assure me that he was relieved I was unharmed, while leading me out and arriving by our parents' side. Leaving those two kidnappers behind, whom I noticed were trembling with white eyes.

But I hadn't done anything to them yet?

"Nice job, deadbeat. Let your mom take care of her for now. We're going to make them pay for what they did to our Lil Sirin," my father said as Onii stood silently beside him, his expression grim.

That's just how Onii is, different from Papa who finds it hard to keep quiet. He's the type of person who is friendly but quiet, the one who doesn't talk much but still manages to strike up conversations and make friends with many people.

In all our time together, I've rarely seen both my father and brother this angry. But as I watched them, they seemed eerily similar. Both of them appeared furious.

As their figures moved further away, heading towards the crowd, an unsettling feeling crept over me. In the distance, I could hear the roar of approaching vehicles and the murmurs of people drawing near.

My worry resurfaced, but as if sensing my unease, Mama embraced me tightly.

"Are you hurt anywhere?"「Cecilia」

"... My neck and shoulders, but Mama, how did you find me? What are they going to do?" I said, glancing at Papa and Onii heading towards the intimidating group of people.

It seemed that after being embraced and hugged by Mama, my body instinctively calmed down, leaving me feeling exhausted from what I had just been through. So, I started feeling a bit drowsy.

Even so, I still wanted to see what would unfold before me right now.

"Don't worry, Machi was the one who actually found you first with the help of his friend. We just followed the plan he made. If Sirin saw it, your big brother looked pretty cool at that time, you know?"「Cecilia」

Uh-oh... my body seems to be getting more tired, my eyes feel more comfortable when closed, and Mama's voice becomes faint. Yet, I still want to hear what else Onii did besides that.

"Kiana and your friends are worried too. Kiana looked frantic when she heard the news about you being abducted from your friends, and even searched for you all around the city. But now just relax, Bianca will arrive with the police."「Cecilia」

That idiot, what was she doing wandering around instead of coming home? Stupid, clueless idiot, stinky Tuna, baby who can't count more than hundred! Why did she have to panic like that? Now I'll have to thank her whether I like it or not!

"Rest now, my girl. You've been through something scary today. Mama will be by your side. No matter how many of those people come, we'll always with you."「Cecilia」

With her embrace, I drifted further into my subconscious. All the burdens seemed to vanish, leaving only warmth. My labored breathing calmed, and I felt like I was in the most comfortable place imaginable.

But before I completely lost consciousness, I wanted to say this at least.

"I love you all."「Sirin」



Each path harbors its own unforeseen conclusion.

Whether it leads to despair, triumph, ambivalence, or myriad possibilities contingent upon the flow of narrative. Yet, within this tale, a set of rules has been established for a specific intent.

Beyond the character capable of influencing the narrative's course, there emerges another pivotal figure wielding a miraculous power capable of reshaping reality at her whim.

The Fool who strides both up and down, left and right, or front and back is Zeimachi.

The guiding light that twists his path is Cera.

And the flower of hope and destiny, who is also the harbinger of destruction, is Hylia.

Each of them possesses their own consciousness and the ability to influence the outcomes they desire. In simple terms, their "whim" enables them to choose their goals, even though everything they possess is controlled and scripted.

This is why confusion sometimes arises.

Because although the three of them are main characters, there is an exception for Cera and Hylia that Zeimachi doesn't have.

On one hand, Cera can sometimes free herself and others from the chains of the narrative flow, while on the other hand, Hylia can also destroy the story entirely and reshape it into something she desires.

They can be considered as anomalies and singularities within this dimensional story. Unlike Zeimachi, who is merely a Fool who knows many things but cannot take much action.

Hmm? It's hard to comprehend? Then don't mind it, it's not particularly important after all.

"Well you know, what is this thing about 'destroyer' I keep hearing just now? And did I just misheard it or its about this little girl?" (Cera)


Returning to the conversation from earlier, if I'm not mistaken, it's about the end of a story.

This time it's the tale that revolves around one of the personas of The Fool, namely El Dust. This story marks the second time he appears, after his first appearance due to Cera's still immature plan.

This persona is not his entire self, but rather a part of him that is ingrained in his soul, making it difficult to separate. It's a consciousness that holds a portion of his soul and memories, which then shapes the figure known as El Dust.

"I deserve an explanation right here. You don't actually think I'm just going to sit and watch like a newborn baby, do you? Lia, I'll be picking some flowers," Cera said, pointing to Hylia before walking behind a large rock.

While the girl herself said, "... What kind of flower?" with a big question mark hanging over her head.

Their current location was deep within the floors of the Dungeon, the focal point of their world and main theme, much like an adventurer in that realm where magic, gods and dungeon exist.

Accompanied by their companion, who was not much different from the original cast, Hylia and Cera were now exploring the dungeon together with the rest of Hestia Familia, who had welcomed Hylia when she first arrived in Orario City.

"Then?" (Cera)

Hylia, as you know her title.

The Blossomed Flower who likes Chocolate Ice Cream, she was the substitute writer once when I was away. Moreover, you already talked with her and even traveled with her in this current moment.

"Ugghh... remembering that title alone gives me a brain stroke. Get your point now! Like speak in PowerPoint and don't half-assedly tell me a cliffhanger!" Cera grumbled.

She's none other than the Destroyer, the desutroyah. Not only can she destroy the story you're in, she could also developed further and even destroy anything that is unrelenting to the words contained within this story.

"Alright, that's escalating from the PowerPoint I had in mind. But yeah, like I told you before, I don't think giving such a role to a newborn is a good idea though." (Cera)

What will and must happen, is up to your and her hands. As long as another choice exists, the future can be changed. You should know better as the one who's watched Zeimachi's tale.

"It's Sakura Zeimachi now." (Cera)

While my choice is to write and write alone.

"Petty liar hehe~ Then again... I still think you're wrong ▀▀▀▀, or maybe not 100% right? With great power comes great responsibility, and with Hylia at my side... isn't this a roundabout way to as me to save someone?" Cera said with her usual smile upon realizing something seemingly trivial.

"You want me to save her as well, right? Geez, what a complicated being you are," Cera continued.

Then after snorting, the figure who embodied the oxblooded haired woman already understood that the story she inhabited was not something perfect.

Even so, she had something she wanted to perfect within that rotten story, all of which might be possible with what she had now. And from the look of it, she's still trying to put everything in place.

I forgot to say this, don't read the narration.

"Hey, c'mon aren't we a comrade already? Oh right, he's still bickering in that world end right? I'll be counting on you to keep me close with his thoughts. Oh, would you like to see some short scene between Lia and them?" (Cera)

As Cera spoke, the perspective slowly shifted from her position behind the rock to a group of people still waiting for her. They were the original cast who were the driving force of the world, Bell Cranell, Liliruca Arde, and Welf Crozzo.

And now, as their story unfolded, the group that would later join the Hestia Familia were embarking on a new journey alongside a parasite that had attached itself to them.

"Hey that's kinda harsh, just because what you're saying isn't wrong doesn't mean it's right, you know? Besides, I'm not too keen on changing a destiny that's already been well crafted," Cera then peeked in the same direction.

There's Hylia, who as usual a bundle full of fun and joy, in the middle of observing a monster she had just discovered. It was a rabbit-like monster, which she then grabbed by its long ears and showed to her friends.

"Rabeeeeell~ Look! This rabbit is the same as you! Don't you think it's cute? See its eye and fur are a perfect match!" (Hylia)

However, her statement was contradicted by another young girl in the group, a girl carrying a large bag on her back. "Wait- How can you compare Bell-sama to this monster?! Bell-sama is much cooler!"

"Lilisuke is right, I think ours is better, look at how he jumps," followed by the man wielding a large sword. He also pointed towards Bell Cranell, who was currently dispatching some monsters.

"Ahaha, I'm more surprised by how you carry it. But since it's a monster, let's put it down, alright? I don't want Hylia to suddenly get hurt either."「Bell Cranell」

Receiving this kind advice, Hylia intended to comply. However, before doing so, the feasty haired girl quickly reached for the knife Bell Cranell had used for the unusual task – carving a name onto the body of the monster.

"EHH!?? Hylia-san?!!"「Bell Cranell」

Unfortunately, shortly after she used the somewhat dull knife, the rabbit monster she was holding vanished. Poof and gone, accompanied by the appearance of a magic stone.

Hylia felt disappointed by this.

"What are you expecting? That's counted as damage to that monster," Liliruca Arde remarked as she watched Hylia return the knife. Even though they were in the midst of their exploration, it seemed the atmosphere of leisure still prevailed.

If only there wasn't someone hiding behind the rock, perhaps they would have made more progress in their exploration by now.

"What're you hoping for? You want me to leave, huh?" (Cera)

Back to the person behind the rock.

"...As you know, she's doing fine right now. So maybe the next time the spotlight falls back on her story, she'll surely fare better than this time." (Cera)

Whatever will be, then so be it.

"It seems we're on the same page. Well, I'm just a forced babysitter here anyway. As long as I'm paid, then it's settled. Let's change it back to Zei again." (Cera)

Do you really think it'll be that easy?

"Hmm? Then what will happen? Just how hard is it for y-" (Cera)



In this world, there are many things that require explanation regarding their origins and reasons for existence. Whether it's a legend about the city of the night or the discovery of a rare fruit called the "Butter Avocado," understanding their roots is crucial for building the foundation of a world.

Because, no matter what, balance is essential.

Every creation requires a tale about its creation process, whether it's as significant as the stories of ancient beings driving technological advancements or as trivial as the tale of "Zeimachi" in that world before.

In essence, there are many things that El Dust still doesn't know about that world.

And among the many unknowns is The Monolith, one of the human-made structures created to ensure their species' survival, and it's also the place where they're currently located.

"Huhu, even though this place is quite remote, the view is breathtaking. I can even see lots of island stretching far away."「El Dust」

After skillfully maneuvering from building to building and place to place, El Dust finally reached a tall, massive, black monolith where he decided to take some rest with the other two.

He had glimpsed the structure several times before, but on this occasion, he felt inclined to take a closer look.

Together with Yae Rin and Higokumaru, who had been released from the knots that bound them earlier, he decided to enjoy the scenery before him. He allowed Yae Rin and Higokumaru to do whatever they pleased, as long as they remained by his side as well.

"... Never thought he's that kind of guy. Hey Rin, what do you- O-Oyyyy!!!" As she spoke, Higokumaru wanted to ask for Yae Rin's opinion.

However, when she saw the cherry blossom-haired girl enjoying the breeze, her heart almost leapt out of her chest as she saw Yae Rin almost fall from the edge of the tall and gigantic structure.

Fortunately, before that girl could actually fall, there appeared an old rope that tied around her wrist in an instant. So, even though she had closed her eyes and was ready to fall, the girl was still up there.

"Please don't die unless I tell you so, okay?" satisfied keeping an eye on that girl, El Dust also tied the same rope around Higokumaru's slender wrist, which of course elicited protests from her.

Thinking of how she could fly, Higokumaru felt no need for a safety rope like Yae Rin's. She could float and fly all over around his head. However, to prevent any chance of escape, El Dust couldn't help but to tethered her just like a pet.

This only fueled Higokumaru's anger even more upon hearing it. "See now look at him! He had shown his true color! Rin we need to hurry and- Oyyy stop it already!"

Meanwhile, Yae Rin herself exclaimed, "Look! Look, Higokumaru, I didn't fall! Hehehe!" She seemed to be enjoying the new atmosphere she could now experience firsthand.

If only she were brave enough, perhaps El Dust would have pushed her from the edge and let the young girl experience the sensation of bungee jumping.

Unfortunately, he still felt not close enough to the girl named Yae Rin to act on his impulse.




After they had their fill of fun at the top of the Monolith, El Dust once again pondered the individual who had led the three of them to be up there. Meanwhile, he let Yae Rin and Higokumaru wander around here and there.

At this moment, there are a few things that bother him greatly.

Firstly, the real reason behind Moriarty's anger towards him. Despite the timeless girl's claim that she felt jealous, El Dust believed there's another reason behind it.

Secondly, the promise that Moriarty and his brother had made. Whatever promise it was, it must have been significant enough to enable a woman like her to endure numerous hardships and loneliness.

'Just what kind of promise took place between them, I wonder? Huhuhu.'

The persona also decided to pose some questions to his travel companions, thinking that perhaps Higokumaru or Yae Rin might have noticed things that he had missed.

For Higokumaru herself, as she had mentioned earlier she didn't know the exact reason. The little fox-girl could only relay that Moriarty was the one who caused her powers to go berserk, transforming her into a nine-tailed fox.

But beyond that, she didn't know why Moriarty did it.

"To be honest, it's my first time hearing this 'Guardian' term. Don't tell me she's not actually human, is she?" Higokumaru asked.

"Well, who knows?" El Dust with his usual muse.

"Hmph, instead of asking me, why don't you ask Rin? She's the first to notice when your partner was feeling down, right? She's also the one who told you how to calm your partner," Higokumaru said, pointing towards Yae Rin, who was enjoying the breeze and the beautiful island scenery.

Taking some truth from the little fox girl's words, El Dust followed her suggestion and left Higokumaru alone. However, he didn't realize that as he moved further away, Higokumaru began muttering something that hinted at secrecy.

"(Whisper) I can't linger here for long, you know?! ...Before things start to get complicated," Higokumaru muttered slightly, glancing at the rope tied around her arm.

Meanwhile, after posing a similar question to Yae Rin, the girl seemed to ponder the answer she would give to the man before her. It appeared that she had some different insights regarding Moriarty.

And here's what she said.

"Well, um... I think Moriarty nee-san was kind of... lost," her words were followed again by El Dust, and Yae Rin straightened herself, "I'm not totally sure, but... I've seen Sakura-nee act like that before."

Hearing this, El Dust probed further to understand what she meant, delving deeper into Yae Rin's identity from Yae Village. And from there, a long tale about a piece of her life began to unfold.

Regarding her illness, her relationship with Yae Sakura who carried the burden of being the Miko, and albeit only a little, Yae Rin had also mentioned to him about some individuals in white coats who frequently visited her village to treat her.

"People in white coats? What're they trying to do in your village?"「El Dust」

"Sakura nee-san only told me that they're people who will heal my illness, aside from that... I'm not really sure. She often warns me not to speak too much with them, so... that's how it is."「Yae Rin」

As she settled her weight onto the surface and allowed her legs to dangle over the edge of the Monolith, Yae Rin began to share intimate details about herself with the stranger she had encountered just a day prior.

In person, she found herself oddly comforted by the presence of someone willing to hear her story firsthand, despite feeling a twinge of nervousness when she noticed El Dust's attentive gaze, aimed towards her.

"U-Um, I-I believe I was somewhere... about feeling confused, right?"「Yae Rin」

"Indeed, you mentioned Moriarty seemed lost and perhaps confused. That's quite an intriguing perspective. However, while I do appreciate your insight, I wouldn't mind hearing more about your story," El Dust mused in his usual manner, leaving Yae Rin feeling a bit embarrassed as she looked away.

Before continuing with her brief explanation.

"You see, when I looked at Moriarty nee-san's face, it reminded me of Sakura nee-san."「Yae Rin」

"Huhu, I see. And why is that?" El Dust sat down beside the girl, making it easier for Yae Rin so she didn't have to strain her neck by constantly looking up.

"...Did I tell you that my sickness doesn't have a cure?" Upon hearing her question, El Dust shook his head, "Back then, I peeked into the room when Sakura nee-san was talking to those people in white coats. It wasn't a pleasant memory, but it's hard to forget."

"I see... so that's where you saw the expression of your sister that you've been talking about." El Dust nodded along with the girl beside him.

"That's why, at that moment, I asked you to cheer up Moriarty nee-san and make her laugh or at least smile."「Yae Rin」

"Huhu, wasn't that approach attempted and I got shot with a beam instead? How did it work with your sister then?"「El Dust」

"Ehehe, though there's no beam, but more or less it does, right? From then on, I tried my best not to do anything that would make Sakura nee-san worried, and of course... to smile! I always try to make her smile at least once a day!" Yae Rin said, pulling her cheeks as she displayed her unique smile to El Dust, who then asked about what Yae Sakura's smile looked like.

According to the girl's memory.

"Do you remember what Moriarty nee-san's smile looked like? Yup, it was the same smile as the one I knew. They seemed to be smiling... but on the other hand, I felt like they weren't smiling at all..."「Yae Rin」

Turning her face away, Yae Rin gazed at the distant islands beyond the Monolith. A cluster of isles being surrounded by ocean, her hair swaying gently in the breeze as she pondered loudly, with the same fake smile she had just mentioned.

"... but, isn't that better than not smiling at all?"「Yae Rin」

Witnessing one of the bonds shared by the girl, El Dust was once again transported back to his own tumultuous past, a time when he, too, had a sibling in blood.

As he envisioned his sibling, a figure reminiscent of Yae Rin, a rare smile graced El Dust's lips. It was a smile seldom seen, especially when he abstained from his usual habit of musing.

"It's much better than not smiling at all, eh? You're quite hypocritical, aren't you, little one?" El Dust

"Hypocritical? I don't quite understand what that word means... but indeed, that's the truth," Yae Rin responded earnestly. "I always want to see Sakura nee-san smile! Because that's when she looks the most beautiful!"

And as they continued chatting, Higokumaru, feeling as though she had been left out of a significant moment, let out a small yawn of protest. Eventually, the three of them found themselves conversing atop the Monolith's peak, enjoying the breathtaking view before them.

"Ahaha, enjoying the view like this really is fun! Next time, let's bring Sakura nee-san too. What do you think, Machi onii-san? Do you want to meet her? She's very beautiful you know!" Yae Rin suggested cheerfully.

"Rin, he's already got his partner."「Higokumaru」

"Ah... that's true. Well then, could you at least meet her and treat her as a friend? I don't think Sakura nee-san has many male friends around her age, you see? I'm sure you two will get along... as friends, of course!" Yae Rin added, trying to sound convincing, although her behavior seemed rather suspicious.

Meanwhile, as the two of them tried to engage him in conversation, El Dust himself appeared to be more focused on something else entirely. With a shining feather in the palm of his hand, he continued to gaze up at the clear blue sky, unobstructed by clouds or anything else.

"Shhh~ someone is angry, so let's get a move on, alright?" El Dust whispered, his attention seemingly elsewhere as he hinted at an unseen presence or force. Leaving those two with question mark on their head.

They briefly discussed where they would go next, especially considering Higokumaru's growing impatience to leave the structure.

Although El Dust sensed something odd about the behavior of the small fox girl, he decided to set it aside for the moment.

Due to his less-than-stellar perception seemed to detect something or someone now watching over them.

'I know Lady Moriarty is among them, but the other two... could they be denizens of this world? Well, if that's the case, facing them isn't really important.'

"Then Nii-chan, where are you taking us next? Just so you know, I'm following you as long as Rin is happy! But if she gets sad and sullen, by that time I WILL—" Higokumaru's sentence was cut off abruptly.

"Machi onii-san! Where are we going next? Could it be the city?! Or maybe the beach?! Don't tell me... we're going to that place called the Mall?!" Yae Rin exclaimed, her excitement evident as she gripped The Rope tightly on her wrist while following El Dust's direction.

El Dust remained silent in response to their questions. Instead, he raised his index finger upward, while carefully stowing away the Feather he had previously used in his pocket. His action prompted both Yae Rin and Higokumaru to look up.

"Up? We're going to fly?"「Yae Rin」

"Huhu, no, little one. We're going above, or more precisely... through the skies and beyond. To the place where stars exist," El Dust explained cryptically, his gaze drifting upward as if envisioning the journey ahead.

Maybe I'll created another birthday chapter.

And finally I can beat that scorpion using Nemean cestus in chaos.

Anyway, See ya

Edit : I want to write Theresa's part, but it'll be just too much long. Ugghh... I'll definitely write many things to satisfy my lust!!!

Strunomcreators' thoughts