
Last Shine

*WARNING* *Reading in a better place will prevent you from getting scoliosis* First this is a mash up fan-fic, a fan-fic created from many component of different origins. There's some from anime, video game, Lovecraftian, SCP, manga, manhwa, manhua and some other stuff put together in one place and voila. I don't really know how to promote fan-fic or stuff like this but... Fu Hua is best girl. At first Mc still got no names, but he'll gain it based from the usual Core Memory stuff. He's also an average Fu Hua admirer who like to drink milk. Beside from the main Mc there're some other important character that help to become the foundation for this story. There's Cera the common 4th wall breaker. Yjor the ruler. And Hylia a lass who likes chocolate ice cream. Those four are OC and got their own personalities, so maybe it'll be hard to read when they appeared or got their scene. The premise of this story is about erasing the tragedy, obliterating the chosen one, confronting the fake happiness, to become someone worthy, regaining dream and hope, as well as to become the champion of their own life. At earlier chapter, I still can't decided what writing style to be used so there're many error to be found. Even now I'm still trying to find another new style to write. And yeah perhaps there's someone who think it'll be a waste of time reading such long synopsis like this but... anyway. *IMPORTANT* There're suicidal thought in this story, so please watch your own thought before reading this as I don't want to make you to commit suicide on your own. Ehe Then there's some different personalities thingy, monster of emotion thingy, and death of cute and kawaii characters thingy. I'm someone with cute aggression behavior you see... Ah yeah... in this fan-fic there's Arknight CoC Genshin Granblue Azur Lane Honkai Gakkou Gurashi Welp so far there're only those, but I do want to add more character and lore from different stuff like Lament from Memento Mori, some game that can't be played anymore (You guys know Sid Story or Eternal City?) and yeah... this is just a plan so there's gonna be a HUGE chance I wouldn't put those in this fan-fic. Why? Who knows, I made this fanfic as a way to find my favorite stories. So anyway, that's the end for today synopsis. ----------- *This is a fan-fic, a work of fiction using some reference and material from other source of work, so credit goes to the original creator.* *Even though some of them are not mine, there's some original or random thing that I've added in this story* *And that cover is Fenghuang Down, don't know whose pict though*

Strunom · Others
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147 Chs

Anomalies founded, re-loading

'Testo... Testo... Check-check... Heyya Zeiiii~? Can you hear me?' (Cera)


'I can hear you loud and fine. Stop using this line for useless thing like this, or is there something taken place about our condition?' (Zeimachi)

An undead figure fell in front of Zeimachi who was doing a small "cleaning" at Namekawa's elementary schoolyard.

Previously he had arrived at Namekawa elementary school by taking the route that matched what he remembered when he travelled to the past. On the way to that grade school he also "cleaned" up the zombies he encountered because unlike Cera, he had no fear of the undead.

As usual, he who was always wary of his surroundings is still using the perception barrier of his [Feather]. Even so he's not as outrageous as the cautious hero who's overly vigilant, he still used his hands and feet to overthrow the undead and didn't use high-level spells like "Hellfire" for those weaklings.

'What's wrong? I can't call you because you don't want to? There's nothing important happening so chill a'ight. More than our current condition, I'm really concerned about your well being.' (Cera)

On the other hand, currently Cera or Hakusei Rosoku are leaning against the door previously flooded by zombies who was trying to destroy the door on the roof, along with three members of the school life club and their teacher Sakura Megumi who was trying to calm the situation around them.

'... Focus Cera, I'll be the last thing that you need to be cared of. They're fine right? How about that pest you kept talking about?' (Zeimachi)

'Yes~ Yes~ All the praise to the great Machi-sama~ You don't 've to worry about that. Then how about your surrounding? Did you find any cute girls in your Waifu radar?' (Cera)

'The situation in here is not quite good. Some students already turned into undead, there's not enough adult who could guide the children in here, and not only that I'm still OTW to find that little girl.' (Zeimachi)

'Wow~ So you've move your hand on children huh....Zeimachi-dono, you really need to repent at your sin.' (Cera)

"*Giggle* It's always funny to tease him like this." (Cera)

Due to their habit which she always liked all the time, Cera let out a small laugh when she imagined Zeimachi's expression who looks very anxious for nothing.

Her small laugh was then realized by the person who was nearby, namely Wakasa Yuuri who then approached Cera because she didn't believe that anyone in their right mind could laugh in a situation like this.

"Hello, are you fine holding it alone uhh... Can I call you Rosoku-chan? My name is Wakasa Yuuri, nice to meet you. It's the first time I've seen a heterochromia like you this close." (Wakasa Ruu)

"Greetings too Wakasa-senpai, I'm fine if its only this much so you can leave it to me! And you can look at it more closely if you want~" (Cera)

"...Is that so? Then maybe I'll take that chance if there's time for that. You didn't mind it right?" (Wakasa Yuuri)

"For the queen I'll be waiting~ By the way, is there something Senpai want to talk?" (Cera)

Wakasa Yuuri... Compared to the other girls, she is the one with the most fragile mentality. Even though she put on a look that seemed to be strong, her pale face and her forced smile could be a testament to how mentally weak she is.

'...Alright, I know about that.' (Cera)

"...Hey, what do you think will happen to us? This scene is very similar to those movie isn't it, if so... Rosoku-chan, do you think-" (Wakasa Yuuri)

"We're going to die. I think that's the right answer, Senpai." (Cera)

"..." (Wakasa Yuuri)

Hearing Cera's overly direct answer, Wakasa Yuuri gulped and began to have an expression filled with fear. However, because she had also thought of such a possibility as well, Wakasa Yuuri sighed and sat next to Cera by tidying up her skirt before she sat.

"Are you scared of death Senpai?" (Cera)

"That's... For sure, dying is scary. If you watched their face before they turned into those..."Thing", you should know about that right?" (Wakasa Yuuri)

"Yeah... Especially when you'll die by the hand of those zombies." (Cera)

The two of them sat side by side with different thoughts, for Wakasa Yuuri she still couldn't accept the circumstances around her because in that world she was just an ordinary high school student, ordinary in the literal sense.

She couldn't wield weapons proficiently, she indeed could adapt to the changes she could only imagine in movies, but her mentality isn't that of a high schooler who could putting aside death right before her eyes.

'What about Megu-nee ▀▀▀▀?' (Cera)

Sakura Megumi tried her best to keep the morale of her students, for now she still hasn't found the despair she will face, and therefore Sakura Megumi is able to fulfill her responsibilities as a teacher, but when Sakura Megumi discovers the truth she doesn't reveal, who knows if the burden she's carrying will drive her crazy.

'As expected looks like this one can't be read by Zei, how about Yuki and Kurumi?' (Cera)

Takeya Yuki is crying, she is crying because there is nothing she can do to help Ebisuzawa Kurumi who looks tormented by having to kill the person she loves with her own hands. She who didn't know what to do then chose to hug Ebisuzawa Kurumi with confidence to do what she believed.

For now Takeya Yuki hasn't started lying to herself, she's still living in the real world and not her imaginary one, however she's starting to creating the foundation of her imaginary one.

Meanwhile, Ebisuzawa Kurumi just needed someone who could understand her pain and be by her side for a while to lessen the pain of her broken heart. She's a mentally and physically strong girl, but no matter how strong she's among her friends, Ebisuzawa Kurumi still had the heart of a girl.

'Oh, I see...' (Cera)

"...To be able to know other's exact feeling, how jealous I'm." (Cera)

"Eh? No I didn't mean to act as if I know about you Rosoku-chan." (Wakasa Yuuri)

"Haha~ What're you sorry about Senpai, just now I'm talking to my own Rosoku's inner self... Really, how good it would be to be able to know that fool feelings'..." (Cera)

Cera looks a little down with another discovery she just found out.

"Fool?" (Wakasa Yuuri)

"Yep, don't worry don't worry~ I'm not talking about Senpais, I'm talking about someone who's probably sneezing right now because I'm talking about him~." (Cera)

"Him? Ah! Could it be?! You have... a boyfriend?" (Wakasa Yuuri)

Wakasa Yuri whispered the "Boyfriend" word because she didn't want to let Ebisuzawa Kurumi heard her conversation.

'... It's a joke that I can't laugh... A boyfriend huh. I guess that's what in most high schooler mind.' (Cera)

"Nope, he's not something like that Senpai, more importantly! I think Megu-nee is calling over you right there." (Cera)

Cera then pointed her finger at Sakura Megumi who was waving her hand while calling the names of Wakasa Yuuri and Hakusei Rosoku from a distance.

Since Cera preferred to guard that door rather than following the teacher's call, only Wakasa Yuuri approached Sakura Megumi and they end their talk with a pleasant way.

"... Desire, friendship, affection, family, trust... Alright. I got it now, ▀▀▀▀. Sorry but could you change it to Zei's PoV? There's something I wanted to test." (Cera)

While she sat and leaning against the metal door that had some blood on it, Cera began to speak onto the air again. She said something that sounded utterly implausible and impossible to do unless she had a skill like "Character List" from Kim Dokja.

"Please..." (Cera)

Her face was no longer playful and became an expression filled with determination, on the other hand, her blue eyes with the mark of asterisk also began to show an unusual change.


Very Well.

- In the end, I'll match up with your timing. -


*PoV of Zeimachi*

In the yard of Namekawa grade school and keep cutting on zombie numbers', there stood a lone man who was wiping the cold sweat pouring down from his eyelids.

Around him scattered many people who have turned and starting to turn into zombies because they're infected with the virus that was the source of the problems in this anime.

"Hmm?" (Zeimachi)

He continued to beat and beat the corpses with his fists and kicks, no matter whether it was a boy or a girl, a child or an old man, as long as he faced them he continued to use his hands and feet to overthrow them.

But strangely, he always seemed to hold back and didn't intend to kill anyone in that place, he always knocked them down, but soon they rose again because of his doubts in ending the suffering of those undead.

'What's wrong with me? I feel like... Something is... Away?' (Zeimachi)

"!!!" (Zeimachi)

He... No... I smashed my fist into the ground until a small crater was created from that impact in order to attain my concentration and keeping my thought from drifting away. The pain from the blow that I did then brought me back from my unconsciousness, and at that moment I felt that something bad was going to happen.

"Zei... machi, remember your name. I need to hurry or something bad will happen huh, sometimes I hope my guts feeling is always wrong." (Zeimachi)

I have arrived at this elementary school with the direction I found from the position of [Feather] which is in Wakasa Ruu's hands.

As soon as I saw this place being targeted by zombies, I rushed to find Wakasa Ruu and intended to take her with me and reunite her together with her older sister at the mall, where Cera and I will also be regrouped again to hunt the invader.

"... Headache? Huh? Now that I think about it, my fist..." (Zeimachi)

It's weird, my body shouldn't be able to feel pain anymore after affiliating with Core Memory. Pain is something I've forgotten, and with my Core Memory I should be able to "remember" it again… Is that how it works?

"That's for sure not how it works." (Zeimachi)

'When I'm in my journey while forgetting about mostly everything, I kept my [Pain] inhibitor's on so that I wouldn't forgot about how weak I am in those journey.

However... The moment I received this Core Memory... some of those [Pain] should be gone as I've burned those type of [Pain] along with my [Feather] away.' (Zeimachi)

- Ex : He once forgot how it feels to bleed, but it doesn't mean he'll forgot about how it feels when his blood being sucked. -

"... Then could it be... Cera? Did she do something with this Core Memory? What is she planning right now..." (Zeimachi)

This kind of pain probably wouldn't hold me back at all, but it was this oddity that made me hesitate.

Cera is the type of person who always hides her tricks and lies behind something that is very clear. So that even though I found one truth, there are many other truths that she neatly covers up until the seeker found a small part of it, or the detective solved the second half of the case.

"I can just ask her later. For now..." (Zeimachi)

After I put aside my long thoughts, I started to re-secure the area around this elementary school by getting rid of all the undead. I don't know why... I feel bad every time I knock them down, especially the child-type zombies.


"...Thanks, I owe you one." (Cera)

"Uwaaaaahhhh!!!!" (Takeya Yuki)

Don't read the narration.

Back to Cera with her pseudonym, Hakusei Rosoku, who was being hugged by a crying Takeya Yuki.

'Shouldn't you... Explain how it come to this?' (Cera)

No need for many words.

In short, after hearing a brief introduction from Hakusei Rosoku who told a little about her past, Takeya Yuki, who previously heard the explanation, felt that her junior Hakusei Rosoku was an underclassman who was very admirable but sad at the same time.

She was forced to run away from her home, forced to work by her adoptive family who doesn't love her, unable to express her love to the person she likes, and has strong reflexes due to the part-time work she has done in order to search of daily food.

'That's long! And that's not the real explanation!' (Cera)

"S-Senpai... Stop crying don't you feel ashamed as a senior?! There look! That twin-tail senpai is watching us with her fierce gaze!" (Cera)

"Huwaaaaa!!!" (Takeya Yuki)

"..." (Ebisuzawa Kurumi)

It seemed that Ebisuzawa Kurumi still felt unable to accept the death of her crush senior. Even so, the two noisy people seemed to have managed to lighten up the atmosphere in there.

'Welp anyway looks like he has starting to noticed it huh. Hopefully he wouldn't find it out to soon.' (Cera)


'If you want to know it's simple, my dear ▀▀▀▀. What I'm going to do is to give him the piece he has lost. Since even I didn't know what'll came after us, this is all he need to do to be able to survive.' (Cera)


'He has wasted so much time being in that [Fool State] of his that even his power is slowly disappearing and turning him into a normal common born human.' (Cera)


'But this won't be for any longer since I got this power from you ▀▀▀▀. With this power, I'll change his fate and complete him into his perfect form!' (Cera)


'Hey what's wrong? You're being awfully quiet~?' (Cera)

So it has started.

'What is? Something mysterious again?' (Cera)

You're going to made him into your puppet.

"..." (Cera)

By knowing many things and with broad strength in your grasp, you could further do many things. However Cera, what you're going to do will be erasing the real Zeimachi and recreating him into how you see him fit.

"Roo-chan?" (Takeya Yuki)

Takeya Yuki who saw her underclassman went silent while looking at the clouds felt anxious and then called out her pseudonym. Meanwhile, Cera or Hakusei Rosoku who got called by Takeya Yuki continued to stared into the air with a mark of an asterisk starting to form in her right blue eye.

'... He's not a puppet.' (Cera)


'Not mine.' (Cera)


'Not yours.' (Cera)


'Or those Stranger belonging.' (Cera)

"I'm alright Senpai~ Oho~ You stopped crying? What a good girl~" (Cera)

Cera then patted Takeya Yuki's head and-

'Move away. I'll pay for my debt later so don't worry. For now, I don't care... Just get out from my sense. ▀▀▀▀.' (Cera)


'...I don't like that words putted together with his name, that's all.' (Cera)

My apologies.

'... Don't need it, you mean no harm anyway. For now... Just leave me alone. I need... To think about something.' (Cera)

That would be the best.



We take a look at how Zeimachi are in the Namekawa grade school.

"Hmm?" (Zeimachi)

"Run run run!"

"... Brats." (Zeimachi)

Right now Zeimachi had secured the perimeter around the school for the safety of the students inside of it, and because he wanted to clean the bloodstains on his face he went to wash his face at the nearest handwashing station.

He decided to keep the truth of this incident a secret, and also allowed those who were infected to enjoy the last time of their lives. It might sound naïve, but he felt weak if he had to kill a child or needed to kill in front of a child.

'Kuku... Look at them, running around on their little feet. What a refreshing sight. Don't you agree my brother.' (???)

"...There's no one here... Who're you." (Zeimachi)

After he finished wiping his face and remaining water with his jacket, Zeimachi suddenly heard a ringing voice from inside his head.

He tried to look left and right to find people around him, but there was no one there, he was alone with no one beside him.

He also gave up on finding the physical body and turned to the search for any astral being around him, but the result was the same.

Zeimachi finally decided to listen to the voice and investigate what "It" wanted. Zeimachi also felt familiar with the voice, but he also couldn't remember who owned the source of the voice.

'Hmm... Looks like the reason I'm here is because the Core is still in the assimilations progress. *Sigh* How sad it is to be forgotten by my dear brother huhu.' (???)

"Who?- Khuuhkk!!! Why at this timing?!" (Zeimachi)

Suddenly, Zeimachi felt a burst of newly opened memory from within the Core Memory in his hand, and the flood of memories made his head feel like it was being hammered over and over with hot nails.

'That's exactly the reason why I appeared, my brother. The moment you regained your former self through that Core, be it your mind and your body will experience excruciating pain as the effect of leaping the limit of your body, and upgrading the weight of your soul.' (???)

'Although the pain didn't appeared when we're in the [Void] so it kind of confused me.' (???)

'Hmm? I think that's what supposed to be written here, but that's only the first of the seven page and there is no time left before the backup process takes its toll. To put it shortly, I'll take over that pain and you'll take a rest to stabilize your soul, brother.' (???)

"Wha?! Why it must be now?!" (Zeimachi)

'Presumably... I'm not sure either, but let me tell you my hypothesis. First is because of your time in the state of [Fool] for a very long time. You've forgotten your own strength, and this is the result. Next is...' (???)

"Khhukk... I need to hurry and return to Void." (Zeimachi)

'Oh you can't my brother. If you returned into that place, then the "Others" will noticed your awakening state. That's for sure something we don't want to happen.' (???)

'... Perhaps, Dame Cera is the culprit behind this. However this is only my pure guess without any bases.' (???)

Zeimachi clinging to a fence he passed after getting away from the crowd of elementary school children, and then he fell to his knees gasping for air.

"If it's her then I'm sure she had her reason for this... One thing khhuuhh... Can I... Trust you..." (Zeimachi)

Along with the flood of memories he received, Zeimachi also recalled memories that were useful for knowing the identity of the voice that spoke in his head. He also decided to bet on this question to the voice inside his head, and hoped that his bet is right.

'Trust? Kuku... Huhuhu... Ahh~ You almost make me laugh brother. For me, there's no trust needed. You can leave it to me, and I'll not let you down.' (???)

"...So it was you huh... I'll leave it in your hand, but be sure do not harm them even though this is only a copy." (Zeimachi)

After receiving confirmation of the bet he made, Zeimachi then dropped his head like a puppet whose strings had been cut and at the same time, his grip on the railing he was using as a support was also released.

"Well... I can't promise about that if you're gone. Just like what I've said, just leave it to me but that doesn't mean I'll gladly do your bidding huhuhu... My brother." (Zeimachi?)

It wasn't long before the man got back on his feet and brushed his hair to the back and forms a style he thought as a cool one. However this time, be it the aura, emotional atmosphere, body gestures, tone of voice, and way of speaking were completely different from the previous Zeimachi.

Just like an image of a fallen god who'll tear all of humanity until the very last one.

"Ah~ It's been so long since I move in the body.... Hmm~ Looks like my other brothers has starting to affecting him eh? If he didn't want to kill those child, then could it be... Loli-man? or perhaps Necro-phi? Nevertheless, I have return... Huhuhu..." (Zeimachi?)

Zeimachi(?) then smirked ominously and reached one of his hand into the sky as if waiting for something to fall onto his hand.

"Come to my hand, my dear~" (Zeimachi?)

Not long after he raised his hand, a space crack was created in the sky and created a small hole with the other side is very black and extremely dark, and from the hole came out two objects in the form of a scissor and a rope of medium length made of rattan.

The two objects fell and landed perfectly on Zeimachi(?)'s hands as if they already knew who owned them.

"Huhu... Both of you look as beautiful as the day I lost you, and as expected... I'm getting hungry by meeting with you again my dears. Why don't we took this chance for a date to satisfy our hunger then, shall we?" (Zeimachi?)

Zeimachi(?) then continues his journey to find Wakasa Ruu who has traces of [Feather] that Zeimachi left in the past for her.

On his way Zeimachi(?) meets several people who have been infected and who have turned into zombies, but this time he acts differently. He unhesitatingly slaughtered those people and walked away regardless of whether they could still be saved or not.

"There's only tainted blood in here, its going to sully my plate. Ah! Looks like she's here." (Zeimachi?)

In the end, Zeimachi(?) managed to find Wakasa Ruu who was hiding in fear in a toilet at the end of the school corridor. The place was very quiet from people, but it actually made Zeimachi(?) feel easier because that way he could do whatever he wanted to Wakasa Ruu.

"Ahhh so this is why she's stuck in the toilet eh? Kukuku... How pitiful you are, Ruu child~" (Zeimachi?)

When his feet almost entered the girl's toilet area suddenly two zombies came to attack him, but the man paid no heed to them and easily snipped the two little zombies in half and pushed them out the window.

He then stepped inside and knocked on the door which had the trace of a feather he's very familiar with and also the door where those zombies tried to breach earlier.

"It's going to be alright so you can open the door now." (Zeimachi?)

"A...Ah...." (Wakasa Ruu)

Unfortunately it seems that Wakasa Ruu is having a hard time answering him because of her fear. The little girl was now shaking from top to the bottom while she curled up and hugged her head due to the trauma she felt from seeing the death of her classmate and their blood splattered in front of her eyes.

"Hmm... Huhu, too easy." (Zeimachi?)

Zeimachi(?) wasn't out of his mind either and used his rope talent to open the toilet door from the inside. As the door opened, and Wakasa Ruu's figure came into view, Zeimachi(?)'s inner desire heated up to do something very cruel to the little girl.

'Oopss, can't overdid it or that annoying seal will act up again. Kukuku, oh my brother.. How cruel you're to did this at me~' (Zeimachi?)

"A...Ahh..." (Wakasa Ruu)

The door had opened, and there the two of them finally looked at each other. One was a man with a very suspicious look but also bear no killing intent, while the other was the gaze of a little girl who was very frightened because of what she had felt before she hid inside the toilet.

"I've come to save you, Ruu child." (Zeimachi?)

"S...Sa..ve, me?" (Wakasa Ruu)

"Huhu, yes you're right. Grab my hand and I'll take you out of here. Not a bad choice isn't it?" (Zeimachi?)

"But...Those..." (Wakasa Ruu)

Seeing Wakasa Ruu who was still very scared, Zeimachi(?) then used the rope in his hand to heal the wound on the little girl's hand. The rope uniquely crept up and scared Wakasa Ruu.

"N...No!!!" (Wakasa Ruu)

"Shh Shh Shh~ It's going to be alright. See?" (Zeimachi?)

"...It's not hurt... Anymore..." (Wakasa Ruu)

Zeimachi(?) who was still keeping his distance silently looked at Wakasa Ruu who was curiously trying to touch the rope.

After he confirmed that he was the savior of the little girl and had also healed her wounds, Zeimachi(?) then continued with the next step of his dinner plan.

The man with the smile then stepped closer to Wakasa Ruu with his intention clearly visible on his face, wanting to do something cruel to the little girl.

"???! Khuhg?!! *BRAAK* Huhuhu... I see, so that [Feather] is not the common one eeehh... How slick you're my brother." (Zeimachi?)

But unfortunately his plan was interrupted by a [Feather] which suddenly appeared as if to protect Wakasa Ruu from Zeimachi(?)'s hands. The [Feather] used its strange power and sent Zeimachi(?) flying backwards.

He who got bounced back then hit the wall of the bathroom and broke the mirror attached to its wall.

"Ohi-san... Hii!??" (Wakasa Ruu)

The little girl who saw the person in front of her suddenly bounced back and broke the mirror engraved on the wall then immediately got up from the closet and tried to help him, although she bit her tongue a little as she spoke and trembled when she saw the pool of blood on the floor.

"Kukuku... So that's how we're going to play. Then so be it, I'll play with your rules but not in your way kuku..." (Zeimachi?)

"O-Oji-san?" (Wakasa Ruu)

In the far end bathroom of the Namekawa Elementary School, there's Zeimachi(?) who got pushed on his knees and trying to get up while getting a help from a little girl. He's now feeling very upset that his plan to torture Wakasa Ruu in the bathroom had failed, but... That didn't mean he didn't have other ways.

Even if one plan failed, it's only necessary to come up with another plan.

And whether the next plan can be successful or not... It's all in your hands.


"... Alright." (Cera)


'...Can I ask one question?' (Cera)


'Why are you... Doing all of this? Even if he or that kid die, those are not your problem.' (Cera)

That may be true.

'... Why are you doing this, what for and what reason. Answer me, ▀▀▀▀.' (Cera)


'...' (Cera)

I can't, because if I did, then I'll stop being a writer.

'What's wrong with that? Don't you have other identities beside being a ▀▀▀▀?' (Cera)

Being a writer is enough for me, because I'm not a [Reader] nor a [Dreamer]. I'll only write stories and never be a part of those.

'Is this why you're trying to put me into this story? To be your replacement?' (Cera)

Not at all.

'... You're similar to those outer gods you know, being hard to understand and such.' (Cera)

I thought you already said it, Cera.

'What say?' (Cera)

If he's not a puppet.

'...' (Cera)

Then why should you or the others be the one.

'Somehow... I could catch that. I'm sorry for being a prick at you, not like I regret it though.' (Cera)

At least you are honest about it.

- Just like you always do. -

Hmm...is the depression around this number of chapter before? I don't really remember.

Well then see yaa

Strunomcreators' thoughts