
Last Shine

*WARNING* *Reading in a better place will prevent you from getting scoliosis* First this is a mash up fan-fic, a fan-fic created from many component of different origins. There's some from anime, video game, Lovecraftian, SCP, manga, manhwa, manhua and some other stuff put together in one place and voila. I don't really know how to promote fan-fic or stuff like this but... Fu Hua is best girl. At first Mc still got no names, but he'll gain it based from the usual Core Memory stuff. He's also an average Fu Hua admirer who like to drink milk. Beside from the main Mc there're some other important character that help to become the foundation for this story. There's Cera the common 4th wall breaker. Yjor the ruler. And Hylia a lass who likes chocolate ice cream. Those four are OC and got their own personalities, so maybe it'll be hard to read when they appeared or got their scene. The premise of this story is about erasing the tragedy, obliterating the chosen one, confronting the fake happiness, to become someone worthy, regaining dream and hope, as well as to become the champion of their own life. At earlier chapter, I still can't decided what writing style to be used so there're many error to be found. Even now I'm still trying to find another new style to write. And yeah perhaps there's someone who think it'll be a waste of time reading such long synopsis like this but... anyway. *IMPORTANT* There're suicidal thought in this story, so please watch your own thought before reading this as I don't want to make you to commit suicide on your own. Ehe Then there's some different personalities thingy, monster of emotion thingy, and death of cute and kawaii characters thingy. I'm someone with cute aggression behavior you see... Ah yeah... in this fan-fic there's Arknight CoC Genshin Granblue Azur Lane Honkai Gakkou Gurashi Welp so far there're only those, but I do want to add more character and lore from different stuff like Lament from Memento Mori, some game that can't be played anymore (You guys know Sid Story or Eternal City?) and yeah... this is just a plan so there's gonna be a HUGE chance I wouldn't put those in this fan-fic. Why? Who knows, I made this fanfic as a way to find my favorite stories. So anyway, that's the end for today synopsis. ----------- *This is a fan-fic, a work of fiction using some reference and material from other source of work, so credit goes to the original creator.* *Even though some of them are not mine, there's some original or random thing that I've added in this story* *And that cover is Fenghuang Down, don't know whose pict though*

Strunom · Others
Not enough ratings
147 Chs

(RE) Netc rads tyri

*Mc PoV*

When I exited through the portal, a lush green forest filled the scene before my eyes. The trees look big and well enough to leave some gaps for the sun's rays to reach the ground, so I wouldn't say this is an ancient type of forest.

The sky is also beautiful which made you really want to play outside. Birds are chirping, flowers are blooming and there ain't no kids burning in here. Lies down under the shade of a tree, there's me who uses a rabbit mascot as an entertainment.


Well...I wouldn't say that it's much of an entertainment, since I just tossed the bunny mascot in my hands.

It's not that I hate the sun, I just like a cloudy day so I can travel more easily without the sun shining on my head. To pass the time I tried to close my eyes and fall asleep, but neither of those works since after a few seconds of waiting, the drowsiness didn't come.


A few minutes has passed since I did those things, not far from my leg there is a bush around the corner moving suspiciously which clearly shows something is hidden in there, since there's no wind right now I can't just leave it either, who knows if there is Agent Snake hiding in there.

"There's nothing more in that side."

Then...Nope, it's not that Snake but its a real snake. Before we move to my dialog let me tell more about him okay.

His name is Yjor, an entity that took the form of a snake and follows me around in my journey which also serve as my life guard or something maybe? More information about him are archived inside my core memories so I don't know much right now.

"You got back Mugan? Took you long enough this time."

Mugan is my nickname for him because of how he got the looks of a certain moon walker. If I'm not wrong, he only comes out whenever there's something that catch his interest or a buffet for his stomach.


"Don't You address me with that name human."

Though he doesn't accept it and bite me instead. He is a snake around 70 cm length with most part of his body covered in jet black scale. In addition there is also a little green hue and a small horn that adorns his head just like a crown of a demon.

When he first came out and slithered on my feet, the first thing he did was creep away without telling me where he was going, he returned back later though with some kind of light pink liquid that came out from his mouth accompanied by a pleasant expression on his face.

We already did this more than once, but everytime he returns only to bite my hand is also the time I yeet the snake onto another direction, it's a win-win situation for us. I can throw him away and he can arrives faster to another place, the same as now.


The snake once again left into the orbit and will soon crash onto land. He would need some time to get back here before I throw him again, and because of that I become the same me who tried to waste my time alone under this shade of tree.

"...There's still more time."

Alone in the middle of the forest with the bunny mascot in my hand, I regretted my choice because I didn't charge my phone before moving to another world. The warmth of the sun as well as the itching feeling I felt when my neck touched the tree, filled my time alone in this place.





Not much time has passed since his fly to the orbit, it should have took him more time before he returns presuming the strength I used to threw him. Considering his weight, then a few kilometers is the distance it'll took for him to walk back and forth.

"They're on my tail, get rid of them human."

But the calculation was not very effective because the snake that was inserted into the formula is already in front of me. He slithered so fast before stopping suddenly right on my bite mark he left earlier, and without saying any other word he was sucked into my body as black particles.

Now that Mugan has gone before my eyes, he left me in shock with another loud roar that chase after him. The roar sounds incomprehensible just like an old roar of a viking or...


...In this case is a barbarian.


I can't believe it because this snake leaves me alone to clean up the mess it makes, like when he's alone at his party and filled with whatever makes him so happy, only to leave me with bones and tobacco sauce.

However now that I see this yellow man, I can understand if the light purple liquid is another resource that belong to this world, which makes a huge leap in information gathering.

'Now it'd be fine.'

The barbarian still hadn't noticed me even though I could see him quite well, taking the opportunity I had, I conjured a shining feather which was also a power I was well acquainted with. Now there's nothing for me to do beside waiting for his arrival...again.


"*Look left-look right*"

Looks like this guy found Mugan while on his way back. The snake in question won't say anything to me either, so there's no way I'd be willing to do whatever he wants me to do.

"ARRGGHH.." *Runs somewhere*

After shouting another incomprehensible roar, the barbarian left the scene and moved to another path in this forest. He ran with his chipped sword which he used to chop bushes and tree branches off his face.

'...Do all barbarians like that?'

These Barbarians shouts got more pack than what I thought, not only their waterfall of saliva but also those huge mustaches. Well...There's no way I got scared of those little things though, yep there's no way.

With one yellow guy almost lost from my sight as he runs aimlessly, I readied my self to chase after him so that there's more info and crates that I can found in this world. Maybe some gold or gems for my pocket.

The preparations were finished after I used Fenghuang Down for protection and also the luggage that was located in their respective places. My bagpack on my back, badge in front and mascot on my waist. However there's this annoying little snake that stop my leg from moving forward with his appearance.

"Haha...let's go human, I still haven't enough of that taste."

He came out of the bite mark innocently as if he had forgotten what he has done. He stood on my head and wants to use me as his horse so there is less work for him and he can enjoy the ride along the way.

I don't even understand how he arrived so fast even though he is a snake.

"Wait human what are you doing?! It's that way!"

He tried to point out the direction to go with his tail so I followed the Barbarian and made things easier for him. Unfortunately, I like to be different. I walked to the path where the sound of water could be heard instead.


There's only this small chance that's I wouldn't let him drown in the river. Its as small as his gratitude.

"...You..How dare you use your han-"

Because there's no such thing like a gratitude behind those scales.


If I'm not wrong then there should be another village player can use in another region, there's a small chance that he'll reach that place though. There's no need to worry about him, he'll soon returns right when you don't expect it.

He's my trusted companion (Pet) after all.

"How is their elixir taste like I wonder?"

Now that the trash (Snake) is gone, I can enjoy the trip to follow that yellow guy again without any dead weight who'll bite my fingers.




Good afternoon is my report because the barbarian I was chasing turned out to be a lot closer than I thought. That Mugan told me if 'they' are chasing after him, so there's a chance if this yellowy is not the same dude.

"*Low sad groaning*."

The barbarian seems to be dejected because his prey has escaped.

"Hrgngg! *Kick*."

The barbarian kicked a root beneath him with his left feet to vent his frustration.


The barbarian picks the wrong angle and the thorn that come out from it stab him.


The barbarian.....why am I doing this? There were footsteps that should have been heard when I closed the distance from him, but there was only his roar that made him unable to hear anything but his own screams.

Obviously there's no way I could show myself in front of his face as gallantly as a certain magician, I just used one conjured feather and let it appear near his face so that'll attract his attention. Now...he's ready for mind bre-*cough* for interrogation.


*Inside barbarian dream*

This is one of Fenghuang Down power's, a power to seep into one consciousness and manipulate it to however the holder will. It's a waste to let this opportunity pass and let him speak openly with his mouth, which is why I included him in his biggest dream that he could wish for.

I see him sitting on a throne with a crown on his head. The throne is made of golds and gem with the throne room it self looks glamour. Boasting his wealth along with his title as conqueror, he laughs really hard and enjoys this moment.

There were also two giants supporting his throne with their huge bodies, the barbarian became even more arrogant with everything he had now. All the male subjects continued to bow to him and the female ones laughed seductively while touching his body beside him showing their intimacy.

He looks so happy here that it makes me sick and want to destroy him. Not literally him, but this great moment of him.

"Let's start."


I made a wall breaker to break down his front door, blowing it up into particles and letting them see what awaited at the end of the light beyond the door. Everyone in the throne room looked towards their broken door where then I made three more ice golems with rage spells to move them faster.

*Dum dum dum*

The ice golems moved faster towards the barbarian and showed their ambition to freeze him to death. Of course, the Barbarian didn't just stay and watch, he told the giants and all the male subjects to protect him and kill the intruders while remaining casually behind the female.

But what can they do? They're just level one crock while my ice golems are level four mafia. To add a finisher, I add jump spells and clone spells then spam super wall breaker to destroy everything whether it's troops or treasures and wealth, plus put earthquake spells to destroy the throne.


Now there's a total of six ice golems and around one hundred forty super wall breakers added with rage and jump spell. They're fast,strong and bouncy-bouncy for extra buoyancy.


All wall breakers have done their duty, they fell greatly as the hero who triumph over this imbecile. His troops became a tomb and the one still living are surrounded by Ice Golems ready to freeze their balls, umm...their nuts.

As for the female one, I make them throw him (the barbarian) a look of disgust and walk away from him showing as if he was a coward who let their people dies to be the last person alive. Desperate because of their betrayal, this move according to how I plan it to be.


I make him remember how friendly and welcoming the people that reside from his base are, there's no pleasantries put inside this memories, there's only his small and tiny shorts time when he got to feel the joy inside his own home.


Thankfully He's not someone who likes to say "PRAISE THE SUN" or something. The barbarians raise his head and run to the light where he can feel if that's his way out. The truth is I made him to run back home by showing him this light as if it's the exit.

*Dream End*


The dream has ended and now we returned back to his world or maybe his reality where yellow guy can be found awoke with another one of his incomprehensible roar. Shaking his head, standing before grabbing his sword, the yellow man dashed to what I assumed was his base.

"Show me the way Mister."

Following from behind, I kept a safe distance from while continuously monitoring him from behind. Passing through a dense and bright forest full of sunlight, I found a sight that made myself satisfied with the effort that had been made.




Not long after jogging with the barbarians, I can see a huge black walls erected from the earth with spike protruded out of it. Not even trying to touch it is what I have in mind when looking at those trap doors near their wall. There's also how cannon and cross bow react to my presence in this world.

Enough about complicated matter, more importantly I can see it. Full storage of a big-big elixir it's around level 11 from my guess, and those full juicy dark elixir waiting in the black box. Don't even mention a large resources inside those mines and those gold storage, add it with the clan castle and also its Town Hall.

I can feel greed approaching as I desire to grab the things that lie ahead.

By the way I'm still hiding behind a tree not to far from the barbarian's base while still formulating to how I raided it and without ignoring another factor. The town hall that I saw have skull on it, so that means this base got cross bow or at least have one. I don't know if it's loaded or not but dodging all of that can be difficult.

I can still dodge cannons, wizard towers, mortars, bombs, bomb towers as well as archer towers. But not so much with the giant bombs and hidden teslas, plus I don't know if the air sweepers will repulse me either.



While I'm still in the middle of my own thought, there's a rustling that I can feel clearly beneath my shirt.

"Oh You back already?"

It's our little friend Mugan desu. I don't know how he got back quite fast again, and how come he entered my body even though he need to turns into particles before.


"What still angry about that? Alright I'm sorry okay?"

It seemed the snake didn't like my attitude towards him. Maybe from the moment I drowned him in the cold river, if I'm not mistaken the snake doesn't like cold temperatures.

"Okay okay...ughh fine, I guess you're my little pogchamp come here."


He hissed at me and my method of satisfying a lonely snake soul that I found in internet, head pat and scale brush.

"*HISSSS*!!!!." *Tail slap removes hand* *Bites nose*

However he reject if forcefully while slapping my hand using his tail. To add it further, he also bite my nose right in the middle.

"You know I can still feel pain don't You?"

"*Still biting*."

There's still no sign of him to release his bite. Without any other choice to pick beside violence, I soothe him using this one simple method where I can calm animals down.

"*Sigh*...I'm really sorry Yjor, even if you're little grumpy I should've not left you alone." *Bow*

"...*hiss*." *Release nose.*

Well...because he ain't a ordinary animal I guess apologize and bow should works. It always works every time I use it for every kind of animal be it verbally or figuratively.

"Ow ow ow...haha did I got your forgiveness Yjor? I'm sorry if I really somehow hurts your feelings."

"...*low hissing sound*."


"...*look away*."

While I would forget most of my time to be alone in the void, the people around me were not the same. Especially when I don't use feathers to erase my presence from their minds and instead let them be one of the recordings of my journey.

They'll remember me and they'll also acknowledged my presence. Those are something that I can't accept because they were also what gave birth to my existence.

Mugan- Yjor is the same, this the name was gave by me during our first meeting, it's already buried long in the past so I can't remember it pretty well. Moreover I don't have ability such as perfect memory or super brain and something.

To remember everything is just another hell for me. I can't remember it well, but...maybe Yjor can.

From time to time, I keep changing the way I call someone by another name so I don't have to remember their name. Maybe that's what he hates, to be forgotten, and not to be called by the same name by the person who gave him. Where he couldn't do anything to stop it.

"Thank You,Yjor...next time, you can scold me if I ever do that again kay? Thanks!"

I stroked the snake's head with only one finger of my right hand, while my left hand rubbed the previous bite. There was no resistance from him this time, so I stopped before he became even angrier than before.

'Perhaps...this is a never ending tragedy, but...Well...Who cares, I'll just forget about it later.'

"As long as you understand human, nevermind about that. Now let's us feast in this parade!!!"

The snake became excited again once it regained its throne over my head. He spoke loudly as if I was a tool for him to use and charged towards that level eight wall. This snake really never learns does it, I'll comply to his will only this once.

"Ha Ha Ha...to think We're in the same mind,fine my snake friend I'll grant your wish, I'll take those balls of nectars and the black one too. Ohh give me greens gems when you find it and don't melt those golds, can you also don't destroy the spell factory? Maybe I can use one or two from it. That PEKKA helmet too, can you take one? The one above the barrack? If not,then can you check if there's PEKKA first? If there isn't can you leave one barrack alone for me to train from it? I also want to look how their mechanism when training from barrack and DON'T KILL PEKKA alright? I wan't to see how her face is, maybe she's a waifu ya know? Just one is enough. You can kill all troops but not the resident you hear me? I don't know if they're respawnables, but it's ok for troops because they'll turn into elixir but not the case for those resident who knows...Hey?? You hearing Yjor? Yjor?? Yjooooor?!"

However, what awaits me beyond that wall in only a chaos being made by a huge slitherin snake which was the same snake that sulk because of loneliness.


"Oi Yjor?! Wha have you done???!!!"

While I continued to rant about everything I wanted, Yjor had already turned into his serpent dragon form and damaged the base. Crossbows, big bombs, cannons nothing can stop him. If I replay this from my phone, maybe he fills all the maps in the base with his thicc body.

His tail alone could crush that level nine town hall to smithereens and if I put his length together with his upper body, I can only say if he's quite long and tall. There was a bit of amazement as I watched him destroy all the obstacles I tried to be careful of.


"Wait! Not that P.E.K.K.A helmet! YOU SEA BRAID!!! GET YOUR DUMMY ASS RIGHT HERE!!!"

That foking sea braid just destroyed everything I asked him not to destroy, and not only that, he was also acting as if it wasn't his intention.


Acting as if it never happened and not his business either, Yjor returns to wreck havoc in this base whose owner I am completely unfamiliar with. Maybe there's another rule applied in this world, but that was not the least of my concern right now.

Loot is more important.

Fheww I somehow did that...

And tomorrow is Monday

Nai wa~

See ya

Strunomcreators' thoughts