

Hero? Protector? After fighting countless battles, people started calling me “The hero of this kingdom," but what's the benefit of having this title. Soon, the king accused me of being a traitor. My wife and children were burned alive on his orders. He ordered the knights to execute me. If I could avenge my family. *You have been chosen as player.* *Congratulations* From that day, I started living a different life and promised not to make the same mistakes again.

BoringStuff · Action
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7 Chs

Raw talent

The fight didn't go smoothly; bruises and scrapes marked my body as evidence of the struggle. While I had managed to regain my composure, the boy I had rescued remained unconscious on the bed, an enigma wrapped in a mystery. I leaned closer, studying his face intently, yet I couldn't recall ever encountering him in my entire life. The room felt heavy with unanswered questions, and I couldn't help but wonder about his story, about how he had ended up in this precarious situation.

As the hours stretched on, the relentless march of time brought us to the late afternoon. Still, there was no sign of the boy stirring from his slumber. Anxiety gnawed at me, and the once bright daylight gave way to the dim shadows of evening. Night descended upon the estate, and I found myself seeking solace in the garden, beneath the glow of a full moon that bathed everything in its silvery light. Stars scattered across the sky, and the tranquil beauty of the scene should have been a balm to my weary soul. However, my mind was consumed with thoughts of the boy, and I couldn't fully appreciate the celestial display.

I stood there, lost in contemplation when a sudden flurry of footsteps broke the stillness. Turning to face the source of the commotion, I saw a maid rushing toward me, her eyes wide with urgency.

"He's opened his eyes, but... he's acting strange as if he's terrified of everyone." The revelation left me stunned, a thousand new questions forming in my mind. What had happened to this mysterious boy that had left him in such a state of fear and distrust? The moon above seemed to hold its secrets, casting its enigmatic light upon a night filled with uncertainty.

I rushed down the hallway towards the boy's room, my heart pounding with worry. It felt like the corridor stretched on forever, but I didn't give up. Finally, I got to his door and pushed it open determinedly.

Inside, the room was softly lit, and I could see the boy huddled under his blanket, trembling with fear. He looked so small and fragile compared to the luxurious surroundings. The maids were there too, trying to comfort him with their gentle voices.

I quietly moved through the room, my footsteps almost silent on the plush carpet. When I reached the boy's bedside, I turned to the butler, making it clear with my eyes that we needed to act fast. I signaled to him to remove the blanket covering the child.

The butler, though hesitant, understood the seriousness of the situation. He carefully pulled back the blanket, letting the soft room light fall on the boy. The child's wide, scared eyes darted around, searching for any signs of danger, his anxiety evident.

Then, at that moment, his gaze locked onto me, and he reached out, gripping me tightly. It was an instant connection, but I wasn't sure if it was trust or just the comfort of having someone close in age nearby.

I gestured for the maids and the butler to exit the room, their presence vanishing behind the heavy, ornate door. As the latch clicked shut, I maintained my composure and spoke to him in a soothing tone, trying to quell his unwarranted fear. Yet, he clung to my arm, his grip like iron. This predicament was becoming increasingly vexing. Why had I saved him in the first place? It was as though an inexplicable force had compelled me to act when I saw him in the dense jungle.

But dwelling on my impulsive actions wasn't the pressing matter. Slowly, reluctantly, he loosened his hold on me and sat on the bed beside me. The room was engulfed in an eerie silence, broken only by the cacophony of questions racing through my mind. I knew I couldn't rush this delicate moment. I cleared my throat and finally mustered the courage to ask the question that had been gnawing at me since our encounter.

"Who are you?" I inquired, fully aware that expecting an answer to such a query might be futile. After all, who would readily divulge their identity in a situation as perplexing as this?

I'm... " he stammered, his voice trembling as he struggled to find the right words. I looked at him with a glimmer of hope in my eyes, desperately hoping that he was someone significant, perhaps from a noble family who had been kidnapped or lost.

"I'm Kai," he finally revealed, his name hanging in the air, leaving me puzzled and disappointed. Kai? It was a name I had never heard before, and it certainly didn't sound like the key to the answers I sought. I had been so sure that whoever I encountered here would be useful, that they would hold the information I needed.

I thought he might be someone who could help me. "Can you at least tell me which family you belong to?" I inquired, hoping to salvage the situation and uncover some useful information.

"I don't know," he replied with a perplexed expression, his uncertainty only deepening my frustration. He didn't know his own family? The possibilities raced through my mind. Perhaps he had lost his memories, a victim of some tragic circumstance that had left him without an identity.

As the days turned into a week, I found myself in a peculiar situation. I knew that I couldn't do anything but wait until the boy I had rescued was fully healed. I assured him repeatedly that there was no danger in our current sanctuary, hoping to ease his anxiety.

While he rested and recovered, I continued my rigorous training regimen. The passage of time allowed me to make significant progress. I honed my skills, filling the gaps that had held me back as a mere 3-star swordsman. Each day brought newfound strength and confidence.

Meanwhile, the boy's recovery progressed steadily, and his fear began to recede. I noticed a remarkable change in him. He no longer looked at me with wide, frightened eyes; instead, his face lit up with a warm smile whenever our paths crossed. It was as if he had chosen to place his trust in me, and I felt a newfound sense of responsibility toward him.

One day, unable to contain my curiosity any longer, I asked him a question that had been lingering in my mind. "Do you know how to wield a sword?" I inquired, hoping to discover more about his background and abilities. He looked at me, his expression a mixture of confusion and uncertainty, which confirmed my suspicion—he did not know swordsmanship. It seemed that his past held many mysteries yet to be unraveled.

I handed him the wooden sword, its rough hilt fitting comfortably in his grip. With a simple instruction, "Swing it," I watched as he began to move. At first, his motions seemed awkward and uncoordinated, but as he continued, something extraordinary happened. The wooden blade sliced through the air with a grace I hadn't anticipated. It was as though he had an innate understanding of swordplay.

My eyes remained fixated on him, noticing the elegance in his every swing, despite the occasional awkwardness in his form. There was an undeniable smoothness to his movements that hinted at a latent talent waiting to be refined.

In that important moment, I had a powerful realization. The young person in front of me wasn't just a typical boy; he is an exceptional talent in the making. he has a natural ability for sword fighting that's extremely rare. It's as if he was born to be a master of the sword.

As I watched him, I couldn't help but be amazed by his untapped potential. Sure, he lacked some basic skills and techniques, but his understanding of the sword was impressive. It was like he and the sword were a perfect match, moving together flawlessly.

This realization filled me with excitement and anticipation for what lay ahead. I could see a future where, if I took him under my guidance, he would become an unstoppable force on the battlefield. I pictured us working tirelessly together, training day in and day out. The sound of our swords clashing, the sweat on our brows, and the determination in his eyes became clear in my mind.

I knew that with my mentorship, he could become more than just a skilled swordsman; he could become a legendary master of the sword. This vision not only excited me but also gave me a deep sense of purpose. I understood that I had the responsibility to unlock this incredible potential, I could be unstoppable this time in this world of swordsmanship.