

Hero? Protector? After fighting countless battles, people started calling me “The hero of this kingdom," but what's the benefit of having this title. Soon, the king accused me of being a traitor. My wife and children were burned alive on his orders. He ordered the knights to execute me. If I could avenge my family. *You have been chosen as player.* *Congratulations* From that day, I started living a different life and promised not to make the same mistakes again.

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7 Chs

Hidden sword discovery

He returned the sword to me, its weight settling comfortably in my grip. I couldn't help but be impressed by his skills, especially considering he was still a newbie.

"Did you train with a sword in the past?" I asked him, curiosity piqued.

He nodded, a hint of a smile playing at the corners of his lips. "A bit," he admitted, his eyes reflecting a deeper, hidden story.

I recognized the determination in his gaze. "You've earned a rest," I insisted, wanting him to recover his energy after our rigorous practice.

But he surprised me by refusing. "I've rested enough," he replied, a fire burning in his eyes. "I want to keep going. There's much more I need to learn."

"As you wish," I replied, still slightly surprised by his enthusiasm. I handed him the wooden sword and officially welcomed him as my student in the art of swordsmanship. My initial plan was to take it easy on him, but I quickly realized that he was determined to prove himself.

The fight commenced, and I decided to give him the chance to make the first move. With determination in his eyes, he walked towards me, ready to strike.


He lunged at me with a swift strike, catching me off guard. I managed to dodge, but it was a close call. Reacting quickly, I raised my sword to create some distance between us, hoping to regain control of the situation. He stepped back, poised for another attack.


This time, his strike was unpredictable, and I couldn't anticipate his move. In my moment of vulnerability, I lost control of my sword and accidentally struck him. He fell to the ground, and I immediately rushed to his side.

"Are you all right?" I asked with genuine concern, extending a hand to help him up. He responded with a gentle smile, his trust and determination unwavering. "I'm fine, master. Don't worry."

He's proven to be even more exceptional than I initially anticipated. I advised him to take a break, but his determination remained unshaken. Despite his initial refusal, I had to exert my authority to make him comply. He couldn't bring himself to defy my command, so he reluctantly headed indoors. To my surprise, he began addressing me as "master," signifying the depth of his respect and loyalty.

My excitement was palpable as I contemplated 'The Blaze Tournament,' set to occur in four months. I realized that this timeframe offered ample opportunity to hone my swordsmanship skills to perfection.

The first month swiftly passed, during which I dedicated myself to training Kai diligently each day. His rapid progress was evident, as he achieved a remarkable 2-star swordsmanship level. In contrast, I pushed my body to its limits with relentless training sessions. After enduring a month of grueling practice, I triumphantly ascended to a 4-star proficiency in swordsmanship. It might sound peculiar, but most individuals train their entire lives without reaching the coveted 5-star status, yet here I was, standing at the precipice of such mastery. I possessed the knowledge of the required techniques; now, all that remained was to master them. At this rate, it seemed plausible that I could become stronger than anyone had ever imagined.

With three months remaining until the highly anticipated tournament, I had also delved into mastering techniques from my previous life. One tranquil morning, while I trained in the serenity of the garden, a curious thought crossed my mind. I realized that I hadn't visited the training center in four months, nor had they reached out to me during this period. This unexpected silence left me pondering the significance of their absence.

The butler's hurried footsteps drew my attention, and his apologetic tone suggested urgency.

"Sorry, sir, but someone is waiting for you."

I inquired, "Who is it?"

"It's Mrs. Scarlet, sir."

call of the devil. A wave of unease washed over me; this meeting felt ominous. The butler informed me that she awaited my presence inside the mansion. Without further delay, I readied myself, washing away any signs of exhaustion from my training before proceeding indoors. As I entered the room, there she sat, perched on the elegant couch, an air of formality clinging to her presence. I greeted her, but her response was devoid of any acknowledgment, leaving me to surmise that my prolonged absence had indeed left her displeased.

Summoning my courage, I uttered a sincere apology, to which she reacted with astonishment, her voice dripping with curiosity as she asked, "Why are you apologizing?"

My response was immediate, "For my absence in the training center."

However, her unexpected response left me baffled as she clarified, "I'm not here for that."

Perplexed, I queried her intentions, to which she simply smiled and stated that she had come to pay a visit.

With a subtle shift in my demeanor, I took the opportunity to broach a favor, "Hey, I have a favor to ask," I began, and she inquired, "What is it?"

Resolute, I revealed my aspiration, "I want to participate in 'The Blaze Tournament.'"

A momentary silence hung in the air before she replied with a grave expression, "Do you know what you're talking about?"

Without hesitation, I nodded in affirmation. Instead of further questioning, Mrs. Scarlet rose from her seat, prompting me to accompany her to bid farewell. As she prepared to depart, she left me with a weighty promise, "I will send a knight to measure your level. If you pass, I will consider your request."

Her exit left me in a surreal state of disbelief. Confidence coursed through me; facing a knight was a challenge I could overcome, as they were typically 3-star swordsmen. With renewed determination, I returned to the garden to continue my rigorous training, fueled by the tantalizing prospect of competing in 'The Blaze Tournament.'

The morning was consumed by relentless training, each moment dedicated to refining my techniques and striving for improvement. However, as the sun dipped towards the horizon, I decided to break from my rigorous routine and share a moment of the outside world with Kai.

His reaction was a priceless display of wonder, as though this was his very first experience beyond our training grounds. I concealed my identity beneath a nondescript cloak and led Kai through the bustling streets. His wide-eyed amazement mirrored my own initial awe upon entering this vibrant realm.

My purpose for venturing to the market was clear: in a previous life, I had crossed paths with a remarkable blacksmith named Shang here. Over time, he had ascended to become the continent's most renowned artisan, his name whispered in admiration throughout the land. Whether Shang was his true name or a moniker of convenience remained a mystery, but my quest was to locate him and obtain a new, high-quality sword.

We wandered through the labyrinthine market, Kai faithfully by my side. After a considerable journey through the throngs of shoppers and merchants, I finally stumbled upon a store that seemed familiar. However, something was amiss; the shop no longer bore any swords displayed on its walls. Had it transformed in my absence?

I called out, "Is anyone here?" My voice echoed through the deserted shop. My second attempt at summoning attention yielded a response, though not from the expected source. A young man, irate and bewildered, confronted me, demanding, "Who are you, and why are you shouting?"

A whirlwind of questions raced through my mind as I realized this man was not Shang, and the store had been stripped of its once-proud sword collection. Desperation tugged at my words, and I inquired, "Do you know Shang?"

With a dismissive gesture, he retorted, "You're looking for that old bastard; he's over there." He pointed toward another shop, distantly removed from our current location. I made my way toward the distant shop to which he had pointed. As I entered, the sight of gleaming swords hanging on the walls immediately put me at ease. It was a reassuring confirmation that I had indeed found the right place.

Without hesitation, I called out, "Hello?" The response was swift, as an elderly figure rose from his seat. His grizzled appearance and the unmistakable timbre of his voice left no room for doubt; this was Shang, the legendary blacksmith I had sought.

"What is it, kid?" he inquired, his eyes scanning me with a mix of curiosity and familiarity. The sense of nostalgia washed over me, for it had been a considerable time since our last encounter. Meeting him once more was a profoundly different experience, as I stood before the master craftsman who had risen to unparalleled renown in the intervening years.

Yelling at us to leave if we couldn't speak, the man's voice echoed through the dimly lit room. Determined to reveal my identity, I unclasped the cloak, exposing my face to him. Strangely, he showed no immediate reaction to my presence. Instead, a sly smirk crept onto his face as he uttered, "So, you're Prince Javier."

His nonchalant demeanor took me by surprise as he casually invited me to choose any sword I desired. The room was adorned with an impressive array of blades, each one bearing his unmistakable mark of exceptional craftsmanship. However, I had a different plan in mind. My gaze shifted to a forgotten pile of swords covered in dust tucked away in the corner. Ignoring Shang's bewildered protests, I made my way towards it.

"Why are you heading there? Those are nothing but trash," Shang implored, but I remained undeterred. Carefully selecting one sword from the discarded heap, I returned to the enigmatic swordsmith. "So, you want this?" he inquired with curiosity, to which I responded with a knowing smile. Just as I was about to purchase the sword, my attention was abruptly diverted. My eyes locked onto something inconceivable upon the wall, and disbelief washed over me.