

Hero? Protector? After fighting countless battles, people started calling me “The hero of this kingdom," but what's the benefit of having this title. Soon, the king accused me of being a traitor. My wife and children were burned alive on his orders. He ordered the knights to execute me. If I could avenge my family. *You have been chosen as player.* *Congratulations* From that day, I started living a different life and promised not to make the same mistakes again.

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7 Chs

'The Blaze Tournament' decision

I split out water from my mouth. The Count's eyes widened in surprise, and he couldn't help but respond to my unexpected reaction.

"Please don't mind her, young master," he said, attempting to restore order in the room. "She is just a child."

I could see the determination in her eyes as she stood there, her gaze fixed firmly on me. "But it's true, Father. I want to marry him," she declared boldly.

"Charlotte, behave yourself," the Count scolded, clearly taken aback by his daughter's impulsive confession.

With a reassuring smile, I turned to the Count and said, "Please, don't worry. Let her speak her mind."

The Count sighed, still unsure of what to make of the situation. She's saying this because she thinks I'm cool. This feeling is just temporary. When she grows up, she will forget these incidents. The Count is trying to rationalize his daughter's outburst.

I leaned in and spoke softly to him, "It's not uncommon for young hearts to be captivated by fleeting infatuations. But sometimes, those feelings can lead to something beautiful."

"Alright," I said, my tone resigned. "I will allow it. But you have to wait."

Charlotte, her eyes still sparkling with hope, eagerly asked, "How long?"

"Maybe a couple of years," I replied.

"Okay," Charlotte agreed, unable to contain her excitement. With a radiant smile, she left the room, her heart filled with dreams of a future together.

"I will leave today," I said softly, watching the Count's expression shift from welcoming warmth to genuine surprise. He blinked in disbelief and replied, "Was the treatment not good enough? Aren't you feeling comfortable here?"His concern touched me deeply, and I could sense his unease. I met his eyes, which were a blend of kindness and concern, and I reassured him, "Don't say such things. I am eternally grateful to you for saving my life. But I have pressing matters that require my attention. Moreover, if I don't return, unfounded rumors may spread."

The Count nodded, a mixture of understanding and reluctance in his gaze. It was evident that he cared for me deeply, and the thought of my departure saddened him. Nonetheless, he rose to the occasion, his sense of duty prevailing over his emotions.

Without further delay, he ordered his devoted servants to prepare a carriage for my journey. Their efficiency was commendable, a testament to the Count's dedication to my well-being. I gathered my belongings and, with a heavy heart, stepped into the finely appointed carriage.

As the horses began to trot, I looked out of the window and saw the Count standing on the stone steps, his presence regal as ever. Beside him were his loyal servants, their expressions a mix of respect and farewell. My heart swelled with gratitude for the hospitality and care they had bestowed upon me.

Then, an unexpected moment of warmth and innocence pierced the somber air. From the grand entrance of the mansion, a flash of movement caught my eye. It was Charlotte, the Count's vivacious daughter, with her hair flowing like a cascade of sunlight. She sprinted towards the departing carriage, her voice full of youthful exuberance."I will be waiting for you!" Charlotte exclaimed with a radiant smile, her eyes sparkling with hope and promise. I couldn't help but smile back, waving my hand in acknowledgment of her unwavering support. As the carriage gradually carried me away, I stole a final glance back at the estate. Charlotte was still there, waving her tiny hands, and I couldn't help but chuckle softly. "Kids are full of emotions," I mused to myself, reminded of the simple yet profound ways in which children expressed their feelings.

The journey continued the rhythm of hooves against the road a constant reminder of the path ahead. Hours later, I arrived at the training center, a place where my true mission awaited. The Count's generosity and kindness would forever reside in my heart, but my purpose in the world beckoned me forward, and I had a solemn duty to fulfill.

*You have overcome your abilities. *

* strength +3*

Oh, I forgot about this.



Name: Javier

Title: Good for nothing

Class: None


Strength: 7(+3)

Stamina: 6


Intelligence: 0

??: 0



Sometimes things will go your way


What does the luck even do? It's a useless ability. I wish I could get a useful ability like fire or water manipulation.

*It's not useless*

*If you hadn't this skill, you would be already dead by now*


* The robbers. You got saved two times.

You couldn't even sense an arrow*

That's true. I have to work on my senses. The problem is how am I supposed to increase my sense?

*You can use the empty stat slot*



Quest: Increase your reputation.

Rewards: unlock sense slot


As I pondered my options for increasing my reputation, it was clear that the journey ahead would not be as straightforward as I initially thought. There are a lot of ways to gain reputation.

1. The Path of Good Work:

The first option on the list, doing good work, seemed like the most reasonable and ethical route to pursue. After all, a reputation built on genuine achievements tends to be more lasting. However, as I delved deeper into this choice, it became apparent that it was no walk in the park. Excellence takes time and dedication. Many individuals toil tirelessly, doing commendable work, yet their efforts remain hidden in the shadows of anonymity. The realization struck me that becoming known for my good work would be a slow and arduous process.

2. The Hero's Journey:

The second option, becoming a hero or winning the hearts of people, was a good option but far from easy. As I reflected on the timeline, the imminent attack on the kingdom was set to occur in two decades. Waiting for such recognition seemed impractical, given the urgency of the situation. Additionally, becoming a hero required undertaking heroic deeds that were unpredictable and could carry immense risks.

3. The King's Praise - An Exclusive Honor:

The thought of earning praise from the king held an undeniable allure. It was undoubtedly the fastest route to immediate recognition. However, this path was reserved for the most qualified and exceptional individuals. It wasn't enough to simply be skilled or hardworking; one needed to possess political acumen and secure influential connections. The odds of this occurring were slim, and the competition for royal favor was fierce.

4. The Unconventional Gamble: Winning "The Blaze Tournament":

Amidst the contemplation of these options, a daring idea began to take root within me. What if I chose the unconventional path? What if I decided to participate in "The Blaze Tournament"? This prestigious event was renowned for showcasing the finest talents in the entire continent. If I could emerge victorious, I would not only exceed expectations but also create an entirely unexpected reputation. The very thought of this challenge made me excited; it was a risky gambit, but the rewards could be monumental.

As I looked at the list, it hit me that if I wanted to become famous quickly, I needed to be brave. I have to be ready to try something different and risky. So, I made up my mind – I am going to prepare for "The Blaze Tournament," even though I have no idea what lay ahead.