
Lands of Might & Magic: Wizard's Castle

The legendary magical world of sword and magic, now in virtual reality, is full of danger, deceit, adventure, and epic battles. It attracts millions of players and does not leave our hero cold. A former special forces officer, who by the will of fate earns money pumping characters in online games, gets a chance to start a new life as a medieval feudal lord in the world of sword and magic. Can he seize this chance, for he is opposed by forces far beyond his understanding of meanness and ruthlessness ... Time will tell.

Tripletyz07 · Video Games
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31 Chs

Chapter 27 Day Three, Part 4. Meadowbrook Village. 

While I was on my way to the tavern, I counted the villages. I pondered because it seemed like I had only annexed four villages, including this one, so where did the fifth one come from? I opened the map and clicked on the markers - sure enough, there were five. Pumpkintown, a hamlet the size of three homesteads, is basically a little settlement of halflings with a population of thirty-two. It joined us last night, but due to my message limit, this event went unnoticed. My baron seems to have begun his subversive work to lower taxes by attracting new villages into our state.

Fortunately, the group was already assembled when I reached the tavern, and we immediately set off towards the castle, planning a route in an arc with a stop in Meadowbrook. The treasurer pleased me that both he and his relatives arrived on ponies. That fact significantly accelerated our journey, with the speed matching the pace of the footmen's walk. Thanks to our early start, we arrived in Meadowbrook in the middle of breakfast.

Meadowbrook proved picturesque, with approximately twenty stone houses scattered about the village, spreading freely on both banks of a small stream, which was spanned by as many as three bridges. After all, crossing the additional 40 meters would be so un-hobbit-like! Among the prosperous or tradition-bound halflings, there were only two in the village, and their burrow homes in the hills stood apart, closer to the stony embankment where flocks of sheep grazed, accompanied by little halflings of both genders. On the opposite side of the village, vast fields of wheat, buckwheat, cabbage, and turnips stretched out. In the center of the village, where the treasurer led us, among all the other sights, stood the militia barracks. It was a small stone building with a narrow door, small arrow slits, and a crenelated parapet. The building was located at a T-shaped intersection overlooking all three streets. The presence in the village of at least five militia members hinted at its esteemed stature. Next to the barracks, there was a small tavern, one of those that cheered up the villagers in the evenings but didn't attract heroes. There was also a building with a large sign that read, "Trading House of the Whoolpaws and Woolgather Company." Despite the grand name, it was a typical village store, a one-story building measuring five by six meters. Near these three buildings, the halfling delegation greeted us, among whom stood out an essential, silver-haired village elder, a well-shaped leader of the militia in leather armor, and two distinguished halflings dressed in silk and brocade with serious expressions.

- It's our pleasure to welcome such distinguished and highly respected guests to our remarkable city, known for its top-notch chefs, bakers, weavers, and magnificent sausages! We're delighted to showcase our wares, which are famous throughout not only the valley but also beyond. Merchants travel dozens of miles, sometimes even enduring several days on the road, just to purchase our renowned meadow wool! Can you imagine it? Several days of travel, enduring irregular and insufficient meals, a whole day in dirty clothes without clean handkerchiefs, and all these hardships for the sake of our famous products! I think you already appreciate the importance of our city and will be worthy guests and maybe even new trade partners!

Oh, he's quite the talker! We may have to temper his enthusiasm a bit, I believe..."

- Greetings, esteemed citizens of Meadowbrook! I am pleased with this warm welcome and this impressive demonstration of your trading capabilities. I am the lord of these lands, and you stand at the threshold of my efforts to create a new state that strongly promotes trade. Such a development undoubtedly promises prosperity for all of its inhabitants. I am greatly pleased that upon hearing of my actions, you have gathered here at this early hour to discuss the terms of your illustrious city's integration into my domain!

- But we... Uh... - The headman was taken aback by this assertiveness.

The others also looked around in confusion, casting suspicious glances at the elder as if to say, "We weren't informed of your plans." The most important thing now is not to let the halflings take the initiative, and so I continued:

- Your warm welcome, consisting, as I can see, of the most respected and well-known halflings, has flattered me considerably. I'm prepared to offer your village terms as unique as your splendid city. 

- And while my lord partakes in his morning repast, I am prepared to delve into these terms with you. - Finally, my treasurer entered the negotiations, and judging by his appearance, he was obviously worried about entrusting me with the announcement of the benefits for this village.

A hushed silence descended upon the square. Some were regaining their composure after such a sudden shift in priorities, while others pondered the unfolding or the receding prospects, depending on their perspective. The first to react was a man in a blue waistcoat, his chest adorned with a hefty golden chain.

- There is no need to discuss such matters on the street when I have comfortable sofas at home. I invite you to partake of breakfast with me...

- Why should our guests go to you? - Immediately, the second extravagantly dressed halfling, resplendent in vibrant colors, protested, excitedly leaping in front of the first hobbit. - I, too, wish to extend my invitation...

- I believe our guests will have breakfast with me, for I am the most interested party here, the one most likely to suffer the first from an unjust ruler and his decisions. Therefore, it's only fitting to commence discussions with me first. Besides, I am, after all, the figure vested with authority, and by virtue of my status, it is my prerogative to receive esteemed guests and facilitate high-level negotiations. So, I kindly request that the Lord and his companions join to breakfast with ME!

Emphasizing the last word, the headman glanced at the young halfling standing behind him, after which the latter dashed towards the nearest stone house, distinguished by its size and decor. Meanwhile, the headman continued:

- And you, esteemed Tildiring Whoolpaw and Sholto Woolgather, I respectfully request that you join us at the table. And, of course, dear Willo, the leader of our valiant militia, please also join us! Please, gentlemen, follow me! Conversing about vital matters is much more pleasant over a cup of hot chocolate!

Exchanging glances with each other, we followed the loquacious elder, whom Benjamin discreetly informed me was called Kirsten Crimsonbay. As far as I understood, that wasn't his real surname, more like a nickname, which didn't seem to bother him at all. The house itself exuded luxury, both in its furnishings and decor. There was intricately carved furniture, silverware, and four maids in matching costumes. Taking into account the halflings' thriftiness, they could very well be his relatives, diligently working under the watchful eye of their beloved uncle, serving both at the table and in the household. In any case, while we acquainted ourselves and took our seats, a light breakfast was set before us, modest by halfling standards. It consisted of half a dozen eggs, plates of sandwiches, a dozen muffins, hot chocolate, and several jars of various jams.

- Well then, let's bide our time while the servants prepare breakfast and discuss what you wish to offer us.

- I believe our lord will outline his proposals in broad strokes now, and then we can delve into the business side. Lord?

- Yes, I think that's a good plan!

So, let's see how effectively the two heroes can get our hands on such a valuable settlement. From what I understand, a significant amount of money flows through it.

- I would like to point out that being a part of my state is advantageous, especially for those involved in trade. Taxes on trade and agricultural activities are significantly reduced for the residents of the state. For example, if you come to sell goods in my city, which will soon grow into a vast economic center, you will have to pay twenty to thirty percent of your profits as a tax. However, as the residents of my state, this will only cost you ten to fifteen percent. In neighboring states, peasants and herders pay ten to fifteen percent, which I consider exorbitant. In my domain, taxes will be set at a steady five percent during peacetime. During wartime, I may raise them to ten, but I believe it's unnecessary, as inhabitants usually do their utmost to support the defenders of their homes. I plan to build a series of stone roads through which caravans of merchants will pass, buying and selling various goods at attractive prices. However, they'll only trade in my city, so draw your conclusions. In case of danger, you can always seek refuge within my walls. Trained rangers will patrol our land, expunging bandits and other troublemakers who hinder regular trade. I'm also willing to invest in expanding your trading facilities to enhance and increase your production for a small percentage of the profits, which you can discuss in more detail with my treasurer. Now I'm ready to hear your questions and suggestions.

Hello to all the readers and fans of Heroes of Might and Magic! In this chapter, I've tried to change the narrative style a bit. I hope you liked it! The best thing you can do for me is to share your feedback on the chapter! I'm really looking forward to your reviews.

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