
Lands of Might & Magic: Wizard's Castle

The legendary magical world of sword and magic, now in virtual reality, is full of danger, deceit, adventure, and epic battles. It attracts millions of players and does not leave our hero cold. A former special forces officer, who by the will of fate earns money pumping characters in online games, gets a chance to start a new life as a medieval feudal lord in the world of sword and magic. Can he seize this chance, for he is opposed by forces far beyond his understanding of meanness and ruthlessness ... Time will tell.

Tripletyz07 · Video Games
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31 Chs

Chapter 26 Day Three, Part 3. New Problems.

I was awakened by the commotion of the little dragon, who was picking around on the floor. But he wasn't just digging. He had already dug up the boards to the point where you could stick your fist in there. It was already quite light outside, so I decided not to disturb the enthusiastic little dragon and got out of bed to prepare for the continuation of our journey.

- What are you doing there? - I asked the dragon while getting dressed.

It's a good thing I chose the elf race; I've been wearing this shirt for two days, and the scent is barely noticeable, even for elven senses. If I were human, I'd already stink like crazy. The programmers took immersion seriously.

'I'm looking for treasure,' - the little one sadly replied. Then he added, - 'How many coins should be in the treasure?'

- Well, usually it's five hundred or more, - I replied, puzzled about why Hurr needed this information.

'I won't be able to collect that much today,' - Hurricane said even more dejectedly. After thinking for a moment, he continued, - 'So far, I've only found thirty-four, and there are three more coins under the floor that I can't reach.'

- Need some help?

'Will this count as me finding them?' - The little dragon asked anxiously.

- Of course, you found them, and I just helped pick them up, - I reassured him and reached my hand into the floor hole.

Under the floor were wooden beams and boards attached to them, forming the ceiling of the first floor. TI immediately felt two coins, but the third one required some searching. Without his dragon authoritative opinion on such questions, I would have decided that the coin was simply not there. I even had to lie down on the floor to get my arm in the hole to the elbow, but, in the end, I managed to find it! After pulling my arm out, I was about to get up when I heard the following conversation from below, coming through the hole:

- ...Are there enough victims?

- Victims are more than enough! There are even dwarves and one elf, besides orcs and humans. So, this year, everything will be at the highest level!

"Good! Then we'll see you again in the Pothole at sunset tomorrow! Let's not linger any longer on the way...

Suddenly, I jumped up and grabbed my swords, rushing downstairs without thinking about my armor. However, my plans to catch the creatures intending to sacrifice a crowd of people didn't work out. On my way, one door was open, and from it, I could hear screams, which I ignored. But as I was about to pass it, a short, half-naked figure burst out of the doorway, running on all fours, clutching a bundle of clothes, and dashed toward me. The arms and legs of the figure tangled together, with the legs appearing furry and the face vaguely familiar. If it weren't for the smeared lipstick all over his face, he would be unmistakably Timuel. Meanwhile, without bothering to identify me, Timuel tried to run further, crawling past me, inadvertently touching my sword, and cutting his hand severely. He recoiled to the side and crashed into the wall.

- Well, you little devil, I'll deal with you now! - a menacing roar echoed, reminding me of the danger and making me stand up, drawing my blades.

The halfling, still not realizing who stood before him, darted himself between me and the doorway, where a tall figure of a peasant had appeared with a stool.

- Oh, I'll teach you a lesson you'll not forget! And you'll stop fooling around with other men's wives! And who are you, by the way? Oh! - The peasant noticed the swords in my hands and the fact that the elf was standing in front of him.

He glanced at the halfling, who was darting around with a bloody hand, and drew his conclusions, not hiding his satisfaction.

- Ah, I see you made an impression not only on me! Well, you got what you deserved!

- Close the door! - I ordered the cuckold in a muffled voice, as much as the elvish voice would allow.

- I understood! I didn't see anything! - The cuckold "realized" and immediately slammed the door shut.

When Tim heard my voice, he slumped to the floor with a confused look, leaning against the wall.

- Well, then, it serves you right! - Came from behind the door in response to the thud of the body hitting the floor.

- Well, what was that all about? - I sternly asked my thousender.

- No, it's not what, but who, - The absent Tim's voice corrected, - Rosa's husband. Actually, he was supposed to celebrate the sale of the harvest with the men until the morning, but for some reason, he showed up early...

- It's morning already! You're a "homegrown" Casanova! - There was no way to get angry with him. - Give me your hand, and go wash up and get dressed, then wake up the soldiers. I'll take care of breakfast. It's too late to catch the sacrifice-bringers anyway, - I added and cast a healing spell on his injured hand.

- Who? - The halfling still hadn't come to his senses.

- I'll wait for you downstairs, don't take too much time! You still seem to be confused, so I'll explain everything later...

Although you can understand him, he was in the passionate embrace of a girl, and suddenly, instead of a soft bosom, he was hit with a hard stool. Anyone would be confused in such a situation. 

  * * *

As I had suspected, I found no one downstairs. The visitors who had been sitting below my room left immediately after they had finished their conversation. They set off on horses that the servant had prepared. Another Quest in which nothing was clear. While my sleepy companions descended, I managed to ask the innkeeper what "Pothole" was and where it was located. Surprisingly, for only five coins, he suddenly remembered, and for another three coins, he gained the gift of eloquence. The Pothole was a small valley where a demon breakthrough occurred in the past. However, a great and powerful old wizard with an unpronounceable name rained down a lot of fiery spells on the valley so that the stone not only melted but also boiled. The demons all perished, of course, but since then, demon worshipers have always used the place for their rituals. In addition, the ground there was perfectly smooth and ideal for drawing pentagrams. Moreover, the connection between worlds was thinner in that place. In general, there were some additional bonuses to summoning creatures from another plane in that place. Every quarter, the demon worshippers organized a large gathering there. They brought mass sacrifices and thus summoned incredibly mighty demons. Depending on the demon worshipers' offerings, the demons either faithfully served them for a month, annihilating all enemies with their might and countless summoned creatures, or they simply devoured all the summoners. And now, this "lovely creature" was supposed to emerge three hours' walk from my castle. And these guys can't even wake up enough to come to their senses. They're just sleeping on the go. Oh well, never mind. While my companions were getting ready, I hurried to the village elder. The headman didn't open the door right away. It was evident that even for a villager, it was still very early. However, as soon as he saw me, he immediately woke up from his slumber and was ready to act.

- My lord? What happened?

- I'm just in a hurry! A great danger is near! We have killed your dragon! I've fulfilled my part of the bargain.

- Are you sure he's dead? Can you show me his head, just in case?

- Man, don't piss me off! I've got a demon invasion on my doorstep! I've to prepare. I don't have time for your whims!


~ You have completed the quest:

"Kill the wyvern terrorizing the Village of Chamomile."


The Chamomile Village and its lands now fall under your control; 

The attitude of the village's inhabitants towards you has increased by 10 points;

500 gold;

500 XP. ~


- I apologize, sir! It just... just slipped out! Anything else? - the man quickly became serious when he heard about the demons.

- The tax will be ten percent initially, then we'll discuss how much to lower it. Collect five and a half hundred coins every week this month from the miller, then five hundred. From the blacksmith, the regular tax, but make sure he's willing to fulfill government orders. If any promising mercenaries show up at the tavern, send a messenger to me immediately. If the fellows prove truly useful, I'll reward you. That's it! - With these words, I set off for the gate.

- Lord? - Came a hesitant voice from the porch.

- What else? - I turned around, growing annoyed.

- Do you need an herbalist? - the mayor asked uncertainly, stuttering a little. - You know, my daughter from my first marriage is a smart and beautiful lass. But my wife and her mother mistreat her all the time. They don't let her rest and influence her younger sisters against her. She's a beginner herbalist and still at the beginning, but she's promising. Maybe you could hire her?

Nikeron puzzled me, truly puzzled. But the difficulty in making this decision lies in just one aspect.

- I don't mind that at all! I'll hire her and even help develop her skills. However, I'm in a hurry today and won't wait for her. So, if you can arrange for her to come to my castle, I'd be more than happy... Or wait until I'm back in your area again, and I'll pick her up.

- I can't let her go alone, and there is no one to send her with, - sighed the headman, - so I'll have to wait until you're back in our area.

- I've significant plans for building my city right now, and I need people to pitch in. The pay will be excellent, and I'll provide food and lodging. Additionally, I don't mind if a few women do the laundry and cooking for an extra fee. If you can assemble a group of workers in the next few days, you can send your daughter along with them.

- Thank you, Lord! I'll start gathering them right away. I believe I can gather at least ten people. They'll be at your service tomorrow! I only hope they won't face mistreatment there, as your tribe isn't very fond of us humans...

- I'll ensure they are accommodated in the human village near my castle.


~The attitude of the "humans" faction towards you has increased by 1 point and is now at 3 points. ~

~ The attitude of the Chamomile Village towards you has increased by 5 points. ~


~ This is the fifth village that has joined you without bloodshed. Thanks to your ability to resolve issues through negotiations, you have acquired the "Diplomacy" skill. ~

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