
Lands of Might & Magic: Wizard's Castle

The legendary magical world of sword and magic, now in virtual reality, is full of danger, deceit, adventure, and epic battles. It attracts millions of players and does not leave our hero cold. A former special forces officer, who by the will of fate earns money pumping characters in online games, gets a chance to start a new life as a medieval feudal lord in the world of sword and magic. Can he seize this chance, for he is opposed by forces far beyond his understanding of meanness and ruthlessness ... Time will tell.

Tripletyz07 · Video Games
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31 Chs

Chapter 12 Day One, Part 12. Plan of attack.

- Well, you have willed it so, - I said, pressing to accept. - Galbireth, take the brothers. We will examine the place of the battle.

Approaching the shore and spotting the opposite coast, I opened the map, which reflected almost everything I needed, and began to examine both coasts. The orcs had some kind of animation, the whole crowd was looking toward the north, and obviously, someone was coming from there. However, they did not take up arms, which means that their divisions returned. In principle, nothing complicated, boats can be taken in the village. For example, rented, for a certain amount, swim up and make a genocide of the orcs, shooting them from the river. But the guys did not like my plan. It is not convenient for them to fight on the water, and suddenly, they fall overboard and drown, or the landing does not go according to plan. Or it may be deep near the coast, and the orcs have time to gather when they reach the shore. Damn, I even forgot that I took the "fear of water" among my abilities! Well then...

I had to revise the plan. We decided to cross the river downstream, land there, and go to the orcs' camp.

The headman sat with the warlord and drank beer. Either the beer is so stinky, or it's my elf receptors kicking in...

I wasted no time and immediately announced the essence of my problem:

- How much will it cost if we rent three boats? Or make you us build a raft to delay us?

For a few seconds, the foreman struggled with temptation, but the thirst for immediate profit outweighed what might lie in the future. Well, or maybe he was thinking of the consequences.

- Three boats for a day will cost you fifty coins each, - replied the headman.

- I am ready to pay twenty coins for the boat! - I answered sharply.

- That's a deal! - the elder agreed a little too hastily. A campaign I paid too much ... Well, no great loss.

- Are you going to go straight across the river? - Hostmir cast his vote.

- No, let's go downstream and cross there. It's not an option to attack from the river.

- In any case, you will attack from the water, - cut off the village warlord, - the orc patrols are constantly running along the shore. As soon as they see that you want to cross the river, they will immediately give you a warm welcome.

- That's for sure?

- Exactly! We ourselves tried to get rid of the greenskins. We were going to attack suddenly, mow down anyone we could catch, and run away. But while we were getting ready to cross the river, three dozen orcs were already coming toward us on the other side, and even the shaman was tapping something on a tambourine.

I have thought about it. I unwittingly created a problem by choosing "fear of water", and now I can't take advantage of ranged combat. Of course, I don't want to lose anyone in my group. Any loss now means a lag in development for me, and that will be very noticeable when the borders of the state open. In direct combat, with a beach landing, we don't stand a chance the orcs will tear us apart until our troops have solid ground under their feet. Why do we need a direct fight? As an old character from a fairy tale taught us: True heroes always go around!

- Serafim, how many boats do you have in total?

- Seventeen, so what?

- I want to rent all the boats. And in case of an attack on the village, how many men can you arm?

- No, we won't take part in the battle! Don't even ask.

- You don't have to participate, just swim closer to the opposite shore to better see how we will kill the enemies.

- We can also see from the shore. Why should we swim?

- Well, I will pay you twenty gold pieces for each boat in which there are at least eight men, and each man will receive a gold coin.

- What will they do?

- Make it look like they are about to attack. That is, in the face of the orcs, prepare the boats, check the weapons, load the boats, and swim to the center of the river. Pretend you are going in a bunch, as if you want to land on the opposite shore. In the meantime, the orcs will gather and wait for you. And we, while you gather and load, will swim across the river and strike them in the flank.

- Twenty-five gold pieces per boat and two coins for each man, - replied the headman without hesitation.

- No.

- Twenty-two!

- Seraphim, I do not counterfeit money myself, have a conscience. I'll try it for you. They will be tired of sitting on the other side, and they will find a way to cross, and since they have a shaman, they will certainly find a way. Think for yourself! Who will be the first of you to get into the cauldron?

- Okay, you've convinced me.

Next came the preparations. We decided to attack at dawn, so we decided to spend the evening rehearsing actions. We left the village with all the participants, of which there were up to seventy-four people. We also began to rehearse the actions of people with boats and weapons, in the role of which played stumps and sticks. Even before the sun rose, some of the people went downstream in three boats, visibly shaking the fishing nets. They are the ones who have to ferry us to the other side this morning.

- My lord, I am sorry, but may I disturb you? - sang a clear voice beside me.

- Yes, of course, Ogarine, I always enjoy listening to you.

- May I make a suggestion about your undoubtedly ingenious plan to make it even more successful?

- Of course, I'm always happy to receive constructive criticism when I have the time.

- It so happened, my Lord, that the element of water obeys me quite well, and I could stay on boats with people, and from there, from the river, support you with water spells. On the water, it will be stronger, and there will be more sense.

- Hmm... Can I see your skills and spells?

- Yes, of course, my Lord.

Household spell and what will I learn about my little subordinate?


Level: 10

Race: elf - half-breed.

Gender: Female.

Intellect: 70

Strength: 10

Endurance: 15

Agility: 20

Magic Power: 70

Magic Resilience: 50

Mental endurance: 50

Skills: Magic of Life, Magic of Matter, Grandmaster of Water Magic, Stealth Movement, Riding, True Sight, Friend of the Forest, Magic of Blood.

Health: 450

Mana 500

Magic Resistance: 13.

Book of Magic: yes.

Available Spell: There were over a hundred spells in the book, including some that were so useful as: 'Water Whip', 'Hail', 'Heal', 'Ice Edge', 'Ice Fan', 'Small Water Elemental', 'Dehydration', 'Roots', 'Entangling Vine', 'Marsh', 'Touch of Ice', 'Antidote'.

A half-breed? So, that's why she's so small...

And such huge parameters, who did her parent elf pollinate with?

I won't ask yet, or otherwise, they will suddenly give experience for the story again. I will ask tomorrow.

- Your idea is accepted! You will attack from the boat. As soon as we attack, the orcs realize that the peasants will not attack and turn against us. You will strike them!

I looked for Itor with my eyes.

- Do you remember our agreement? - I asked him as I approached him.

- How can I not remember, my lord? - said the peasant with hidden fear in his voice.

- Tomorrow, you and your two friends will be in the same boat with the sorceress. My orders are as follows: You will do everything she says and do everything to keep her alive. In return, you will each receive one hundred gold. If she dies, you will die too.

- Why such a thing, my lord, we all understand!

- Maybe you understand everything, but I need everything to be without overlapping!

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