
LANCELOT (Fire Breather Series)

in a world where both Elementals and Humans existed. Demons have long hindered the rise of a true Elemental god king. The Night family have produced heirs who have been continually killed and prevented from uniting the Elemental Kingdoms and saving them from extinction. This story portrays the rise of the first True god King of the Night family, He is going to challenge Hades in hell and the gods in the god realm. He is going to reign supreme...

Nicholas_Morgan234 · Fantasy
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92 Chs

Chapter 8: The Prophecy!!

Chapter 8: The Prophecy!!!

Dice caught sight of the movement, of the culprit, responsible for throwing spears at


The attacker stood far behind in the crowd of rowdy beastmen.

He was busy preparing himself to launch another spear to injure Lancelot, unaware of the attack of Dice.

Dice stretched forth his hands to target the culprit and almost immediately, the blood in the arm of the attacker that held the spear, congealed on the spot.

The hardening of the blood tore through the flesh like a knife through melted butter and the entire arm fell off.

The huge cut on the shoulder arm bled so rapidly that the attacker could not replenish quickly enough as the attacker bled to death.

"You attacked us just after we passed the land test, are you not ashamed of how distasteful those actions are?" Dice asked feeling a bit self-righteous.

He was also trying to stand his ground and be as intimidating as possible.

The crowd of beast-men cleared a path from the front all the way to the point where the attacker died.

The clearing of a path by the beast men was done in a manner that seems to say 'we are not part of his troubles'.

A high-ranking Chief of the beast nation then took the initiative to walk through the open path.

Every step was laced with evil intentions, as he frowned and growled in anger.

"You're brazen to attack a member of the beast nation, right in the beast nation land, I will kill you, even if it's the last thing I do" He spat with a furious tone.

Lancelot had been making attempts to master his inner fire element control for so long, but he had not had an ample opportunity to practice.

The injury that was inflicted on him gave him the right time and opportunity to test his abilities to control inner fire, which was only usable by a level-four fire elemental.

He knelt properly and closed his eyes getting in touch with his inner fire.

He then forced the inner fire from his core into the areas where the spear had struck.

It burnt away the part of the spear that pierced into him, melting the metal into liquid and pushing out the melted liquid out the injured areas, and sealed the wound totally without leaving behind a trace.

"The Chosen One", the Chief sounded shocked, as he was distracted momentarily from his wrath.

He scanned Lancelot from head to toe, while the latter stood as if he hadn't been previously injured, emitting an unnatural aura of confidence.

Every single wound had been cleared without leaving a trace behind.

Whispers and gossips started to ring out from the crowd all over.

"He is the chosen one, I told you Clarys",

"The prophecy is indeed true, only the chosen one can heal himself so instantly"

"How did he survive the spear? I bent down for like a second, and he is standing with no single injury, is this a god or what?"

"No wonder the god of the beast nation, could not stop him, he was another god"

The gossips and whispers continued from the crowd as they kept glancing at Lancelot as if he was a ticking time bomb that needed to be looked at, every second.

The chief was just not going to let his indignation rest.

The chief had planned for years on how to take over the beast nation as the top chief.

He had killed so many contenders using dubious means to achieve his goals.

He had finally succeeded in killing the major contenders, all that was left was for him to implement his remaining plans and be the top chief of the beast nation, but before his goals could be achieved, some intruders had gotten into the land, and caused an even greater distraction, thoroughly indenting his plans and challenging for the position he fought so hard for, he was not going to take it lying down.

So naturally, he would be pissed, he instructed his most loyal subordinate, to kill whoever spoke first among the intruders, so instinctively Lancelot was targeted.

However things didn't go his way, not only was his subordinate killed so excruciatingly, the person targeted survived almost like he wasn't harmed at all.

The chief had his doubt about Lancelot's true identity as he thought that 'he could be the chosen one', but then he thought again, 'what if it was all a trick'.

With the last thought as a trigger, the Chief turned to his other subordinates and shouted - "Attack".

His subordinates immediately launched spears at Lancelot, and he wasn't the only one targeted at this time, this also included both Cherry and Dice who stood closely behind Lancelot with a bit of panic etched on their faces.

Lancelot stretched forth both of his hands connecting them to create a small wind storm that circulated within.

He then unleashed the small windstorm that turned into a wild raging windstorm that collected all the approaching spears from their various positions and redirected them to the point from which they were thrown.

The spears were sent back and they killed the various beast-men who threw them, ending the assault rather quickly.

The Chief was stunned, he couldn't believe his eyes., he then prepared himself to personally attack, Lancelot noticed this and smiled like he had been expecting that reaction.

Lancelot knelt, and placed his hands on the ground, connecting with the beast nation land. Instantly, a multitude of insects of all shapes and sizes rose from the ground and covered the Chief entirely, within a few seconds they disappeared leaving behind bones that were scattered on the floor.

'Instant summon,'

Several beast-men said with shocked expressions.

Instant summon was a skill that only 1% of top beast men could possess, in fact of this 1% a few could only have the energy to summon a few animals per day let alone summoning a multitude.

This scene caused fear to grip the heart of the beast-men.

"He is a god?"

"How did he do it?",

"What did I just witness?",

"Is this for real?"

The shocked expression of the beast-men could not be contained as they started to take a knee, one by one, they knelt on one of their legs while the other was bent outwards.

This move was a show of acknowledgment to show their allegiance to a new ruler, this continued until all the beast nation members within sight were kneeling.

The story of the shocking occurrences had spread far into town, even women and children of the beast nation had joined to witness history.

Lancelot nodded with a smile and moved towards some of the faces of their top Chiefs,

"Please get up, we have a lot to do before I leave for the fire nation"

After that, he then started to converse with those chiefs.