
LANCELOT (Fire Breather Series)

in a world where both Elementals and Humans existed. Demons have long hindered the rise of a true Elemental god king. The Night family have produced heirs who have been continually killed and prevented from uniting the Elemental Kingdoms and saving them from extinction. This story portrays the rise of the first True god King of the Night family, He is going to challenge Hades in hell and the gods in the god realm. He is going to reign supreme...

Nicholas_Morgan234 · Fantasy
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92 Chs

Chapter 7: Beast Nation

Chapter 7: Beast Nation!!!

Lancelot could see the sleek skin of the Basilisk as it started to move closer.

It slithered rapidly closing the distance between itself and the wolf which was busy devouring the goat.

The Basilisk swallowed both the wolf and the remnant of the goat in one rapid mouth-grabbing motion.

The whole process took a few seconds as it swallowed the wolf and goat reminant as though it was swallowing sputum.

It then eyed Lancelot as if staring at its next meal.

It then turned and closed the distance between itself and Lancelot in one rapid slithering motion.

However, just as it got within touching distance it turned away to protect itself, as an unbearable level of heat suddenly scalded its sleek skin.

It didn't go far before the crimson flame struck it and consumed the snake within seconds.

What was left of the enormous basilisk was a large pattern of soot on the area previously covered by the basilisk.

The after-effect smoke fizzled out of the areas covered by the soot.

The huge pair of eyes appeared again, this time it had a look of shock. "...the actual god fire, how did you manage that.....?"

The god of the beast nation was so shocked, that he started to make incoherent speeches.

He had not expected the Basilisk to be killable as he believed that no mere mortal possessed the ability to kill it.

However, standing before him was a teen who not only killed the unkillable but also did it so ruthlessly in seconds, and to top this, was how ruthless he was in killing the Basilisk, by using the legendary god fire, the spirit of a true fire god.

This was too shocking for the god of the beast nation but he was powerless to stop the teen that had passed his test, his only option was to allow him into the beast nation land.

Lancelot's energy level had been depleted to a dangerous level, as the use of god fire consumes a lot of energy.

That was why he usually reserved the use of the god fire for very powerful opponents or formidable foes.

As such, he won't use his trump card recklessly and needlessly put himself in a dangerous position during battle.

The first time Lancelot used the god fire, it came about accidentally, but afterward, he started to learn to control and summon the god fire at will.

The god of the beast nation had to uphold his word so he decided to give Lancelot access to the beast nation's land.

Lancelot reappeared beside Dice and Cherry.

They were both relieved and surprised.

His return could only mean one thing; he had passed the test and killed the beast he encountered.

Dice was particularly wary of the chain of thought that constantly haunted him on just how formidable Lancelot was and how powerful he would be in the future.

A gate appeared out of thin air, and almost immediately, Lancelot walked through it, followed by Cherry.

Dice quickly snapped out of his daze and followed closely behind as they walked through the gate which had an illusory property.

On the other end were beast men of all sizes and shapes, some with half human and half

animal; like half scorpion, centaurs, half rhino, and all manners of beast human mixtures.

Some were fully human with animal attributes like frog tongue, or extreme hair all over their body, and some had the head of different animals with the legs and torso of a man.

One special attribute of beast-men was their ability to possess the ability of the animal they bear on them.

Some special beast men could even summon animals but only the extremely powerful ones can pull off this unique ability.

The beast nation members were staring at them as they walked through the gate, they were wary of these outsiders.

Since the fight of the gods for the position of the god-king, no one had passed the test, hence no outsider has been able to enter the vicinity of the beast nation, but now not only was that record broken, even then three people were standing before them, having gained.

They were naturally surprised and curious about the identity and intentions of these people.

A voice rang out with an earth-shaking sound,

"They have passed the test, they have access into the land" the voice then dissipated along with the effect it brought.

The beast-men bowed as they heard the voice but that was not sufficient to suppress their fear and panic,

Lancelot stepped forward and started to speak, "I am Lancelot" breaking the eerie silence that was permeating the atmosphere.

He continued; "For a long time, the beast nation has lived secluded from the world unable to interact with other nations to build wealth and this nation's land seems to be depleted to a dangerous level without adequate time to replenish itself, it won't be able to sustain the agriculture and other use for much longer."

"I am here to help the beast nation and integrate this nation back into the world as the powerhouse it once was" Lancelot finished speaking and looked around for the approval of the beast nation members.

The eerie silence continued until all of a sudden , a spear flew straight into Lancelot's thigh and embedded itself there like a stamp.

Lancelot winced in pain for a split second and later managed to calm himself as if the injury was minor, blood was dripping from his thigh and littering the floor but Lancelot remained standing.

Yet another speak struck his upper arm, just below his shoulder, making him fall to his knees

Cherry couldn't restrain her wild emotions as she screamed,

"Barbaric fools, we're trying to help you. and even risked our lives to do it...", while Dice had his mouth agape, staring at the scene.