
The Return

Hey Galixzy. Ya Scarlett? What if that girl Lizery finds me? What if I won't be able to see you again? What if she does take my magic? Don't worry about that think about the fact that you are here now! But Galixzy you almost said my name if she heard that I was there I would not be here now! And she said that she would come back. What if she finds out that I am here? Hopefully that does not happen and on the bright side if that does happen Ace will be here to help! Hello peasants were is a girl they call Galixzy?! In dorm 316! Hey Galix I have Ace and he will tell me where Scarlett is hahaha! Ace how could you!? Ha so you do know where she is now spill it!!!! Never! Um it's me. What!?! I am Scar. No! I want Scarlett!!! Oh then I don't know her. No but I can see your friend does! You will never find her I told her to hide from you! Where!!? In Wolf Got Woods!....