
Lizery Rodent

Lizery Rodent is the most dangerous animal/ person in Dog Cat City and she is here she probably heard about you and wants your magic! Hey Scarlett maybe now is a good Galixzy takes you to your dorm and you don't come out. Ya. Oh hello Lizery what are you doing? Looking for ssssssomeone I heard that the new queen sssssscarlett was here. Hello I am Galixzy and there is no Scarlett queen here. Don't try and fool me I can send fear and you are sssssscared of me! What no way! Galixzy if this girl wants to hurt me I don't think you should talk back to her so please be nice I don't want to end up as dead meet! Okay okay but let me do the talking she might know what you sound like. What is taking so long?!? Oh sorry me and my friend Scarl- What wassss that?!? Oh I said me and my friend Scar were saying if we knew anyone named Scarlett. And do you?!? No we don't. Okay but I will be back! And don't I won't Galix I promise I will come back!!......