
Ladder To Godhood

The universe has many unravelled mysteries. These secrets usually revolve around humans and their endless cycle of cultivation. One day, a curious Dragonborn, coupled with a twist of fate that granted him a suitable physique to indulge in human practice decides to integrate into the humane civilization. For reasons unknown, the realm in which his clan prospers doesn't allow the existence of his variation physique, thus he descended to the lower planes in absolute secrecy to expand his horizons.

Lieutenant0052 · Fantasy
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106 Chs

I'll Accompany You [18+]

As Noire faced the unfolding ebbs of laws because his body was bathed in the laws of space-time, the undulating currents naturally couldn't affect his body. In a way, as long as he didn't expand his consciousness, he shouldn't lose track of time, but his disposition would be inaccurate.

Still, within this spacious nothingness, Noire didn't care much about drifting off towards an unknown road, he more or less cared much about his comprehensions in regards to mending the laws into his spirit and mind. 

As for Yinfer, she only spent a week by the vortex's entry before consolidating her resolve and aiming towards the Thousand Bells Temple.

The Thousand Bells Temple was one of the infamous forbidden zones in the Divine Inheritance Island, mainly because completing an inheritance trial could take as little as a year and as long as tens of years, some participants even spend decades or have perished within the ancient walls through the vicissitudes of time.