
Ladder To Godhood

The universe has many unravelled mysteries. These secrets usually revolve around humans and their endless cycle of cultivation. One day, a curious Dragonborn, coupled with a twist of fate that granted him a suitable physique to indulge in human practice decides to integrate into the humane civilization. For reasons unknown, the realm in which his clan prospers doesn't allow the existence of his variation physique, thus he descended to the lower planes in absolute secrecy to expand his horizons.

Lieutenant0052 · Fantasy
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106 Chs

Blood Orchid Manual

Watching Noire's figure dissolve into the vortex, Yinfer was lost in perpetual worry and despair.

Not knowing why, when it comes to anyone else, she instinctively puts on the airs of an Imperial Queen. The demeanor of a proud beast occupying the pinnacle of the food chain.

But, when it comes to facing Noire, her strength would disperse from her knees like a vapor, as if it was all but an illusion.

The split in personality was a side effect due to the constant conflict between her implanted memory fragments and her inborn persona. Still, Yinfer has no way of knowing this.

For all she's concerned, these memories are an inheritance, a mantle passed down from her mother, an inseparable part of her existence. If she attempted to push these discomforting fragments away, she would lose a portion of herself.

If she accepted these fragments, they would inevitably cause an imbalance in her persona, also leading to a subtle loss of self.