
Ladder To Godhood

The universe has many unravelled mysteries. These secrets usually revolve around humans and their endless cycle of cultivation. One day, a curious Dragonborn, coupled with a twist of fate that granted him a suitable physique to indulge in human practice decides to integrate into the humane civilization. For reasons unknown, the realm in which his clan prospers doesn't allow the existence of his variation physique, thus he descended to the lower planes in absolute secrecy to expand his horizons.

Lieutenant0052 · Fantasy
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106 Chs

Entering Space-Time Labyrinth

As Noire was still lost in the reminiscent of Adrian's final whims and desires, about four days distance away, a massive pagoda flying treasure sped forth in a neck-break pace, almost paving a valley through the turbulent waves. 

In an isolated room within this pagoda, Wang and Rui sat in a dispirited manner with gloomy expressions, currently, they were listening to one of the staff disciples complaining about the consumption of Qi crystals in a stressed atmosphere.

"Young master, young lady... If this rate of consumption skyrockets the more, although we would gain a tremendous boost in speed, our crystals will turn into powder by the time we arrive back at the Core Continent. If the Martial Law was to investigate..."

The disciple gulped, not daring to think of the consequences.