
La la land

It follows Bill Evans, a 16-year-old boy who on his birthday, finds himself transported to a new world where he loses most of his memories of the real world. Though this utopia seems to be paradise, he must return before it becomes Impossible and cause a change in the course of the world. In the real world, his friend thrives hard to bring him back after discovering the hidden plans of the moon.

sylvanus · Fantasy
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Chapter Four: The Realization.

Mrs. Evans Closes the door, locking it behind her and walks inside, Mr.Evans is seated on the couch watching the news. She takes a seat beside him.

"Why didn't you tell them? They deserve to know," asks Mr. Evans.

"I don't want them to be unnecessarily wary."

"I have lived with you for 20 good years. I know when you're lying."

"I don't want them to go disturb him at the hospital. He needs his rest," she said, but by the look on Mr. Evans's face, he wasn't satisfied with that answer. "I don't want them around my son...I think my son deserves better...More responsible company."

"A more feminine company?"

"Yes, he hasn't had a female friend since Tris. I know with a girl in his life, he will be happier."

"We've been over this, you can't choose the boys friends, and if he prefers the company of boys, now let it be," he said. "And now, how do you think he will feel? When he's up, and his friends aren't there, or even bordered to be there for him."

"But he will move on, all boys do."

"And what of then, What are you going to tell them, when they come again, tomorrow, asking off Bill and where he has been the past days." she makes no reply, and from her countenance, he knew she was vexed. "They will still find out eventually, so just tell them when they come around tomorrow."

She says nothing, turning her face to the TV angrily.

He kisses her on the cheek. "You need to let him make his life choices for himself."

She looks to him, now worried. "And what if his choices push us away?"

"We are his parents, we won't be with him forever."

"And what if he makes dangerous choices?"

"He is our son, he won't do that. And even when he does get himself into rough situations, we, his parents will be there, standing by him and supporting him through it," he kisses her on the cheek and leaves the sitting room.

February 13th, 2017. 7:45 am

John and Chris are on the school bus, seated beside a window, monitoring the school bus's door and every student that enters.

"Told you, there is something wrong," said John now feeling sure of his theory.

"We still don't know that. He might have been dropped off, already," Chris replied, trying hard supporting that theory.

"You know, the more you talk like this. It makes me wonder if you ever knew him."

"I did. And I'm just giving possible explanations before jumping into any conclusions."

"So when he's not at school, what is your next explanation?"

"We do not know that yet."

The doors close and the bus starts moving off to school.

"Well, we'll soon find out."

Few minutes, from the last bus stop, Chris and John didn't talk, they were wondering what has happened to him, cause they both knew that Bill will never go to school early, or even go a day without texting them on what he was doing.

They got off the bus and went straight to their lockers, and Bill wasn't there, then went straight to their first class and he wasn't there, still. The school was over, and he still didn't show up, even for Physics class, which he adored.


Olivia walks into the kitchen, mom was in the back, gardening. Mrs. Evans only gardens when stressed or worried, and now she is gardening for both. She has been waiting all morning for a call from the doctor. Olivia walks to the back door and stays, watching her water the tomatoes.

Mrs. Evans is aware of her presence. "You know, we would soon need to cut down this tree. Someone could climb on it and enter your room" she said looking at the tree branch stretching to her window. She continues. "I'm not sure why we even kept it all this while, it doesn't even produce fruits."

"Mom, what is wrong with Bill? You took him yesterday and you haven't told me what happened. Is he okay?"

She turns to look at her. "Oli, Your brother is fine."

She gets annoyed by the answer. "If he really is fine, Then why are you gardening?" she leaves to her room but stops at the stairs when she hears the house line ring, she looks back and sees mom rushing to pick it up.

"Hello. Doctor any progress?"

"Oh," she said in a sad tone. "I'll be right there." she drops the phone and sees Olivia standing at the stairs. She immediately goes to the store and drops her gardening gear, then came back Olivia was gone and she heard her room door close. Then she goes to the sitting room grabs her keys from the top of the table and leaves.


Chris and John are walking down the street to Bill's house. Then Chris holds John back,

"Wait. Did you really think we're just going to walk into their house and demand for what happened for Bill."

"Yes. Now let's go," he turns to go and Chris holds him back. "What now?"

"We need to strategize."

"What?" he asked confused.

"Strategize. Yesterday, Mrs. Evans lied to us. So definitely, she doesn't want us to know about Bill, so I'm not sure she's going to tell us, if we ask now."

"So what do we do? Brainiac."

"We ask Olivia."

"What makes you think she will tell us."

"Well, aren't you looking for a reason to talk to her?... Here's one."

He feels thrilled, not because of the possibility of finding Bill, but because he gets to talk to Olivia."Any plan is better than nothing."

They sneak to the back of the house.

"So what do we do now?" asked John.

"We climb," referring to the tree branch behind Olivia's room window.

"Dude, what wrong with you?" he asked, disgusted by the suggestion.


"You don't sneak up to a girls window unannounced."

"What are you? You do that every time. Remember Lily"

"Well, you don't sneak up to your bro's sister's room unannounced...Besides, what if she's just coming from the bathroom?" he said, now wanting to climb the tree.

"Okay," he picks up a stone and throws it at her window.

Shortly after, Olivia comes to the window and is glad to see them. "Oh it's you guys, thank God."

John immediately sees her, runs his hands through his hair, and gives a half-smile. "Hey, babe," he said in a deep voice.

Her countenance immediately changes to disgust.

"I'm sorry for him. Please where is Bill? We haven't seen or heard from him since yesterday," said Chris, kindly.

She immediately realizes. Mom didn't tell them. "He is in the hospital."

"What happened to him?" asks Chris.

"Don't know, mom refuses to tell me."

"Oh," he replied sadly. Then he asks again. "Which hospital?"

"St. Philips. Please go check, and tell me what happened to him."

"Okay," he said dragging John by the elbow, he was still staring at Olivia. "John let's go."

"What?" confused at what's happening.

"Let's go."

He soon understands they were leaving, so quickly starts going, passing Chris."Oh, what are you waiting for, Chris, let's go."

"Wait!" she calls and the suddenly come to a pause. "I'm coming, with ." She climbs down the tree and they all left in a hurry.


At St. Philips Hospital. Chris, John, and Olivia arrives and stops at the waiting room, Chris walks to the receptionist.

"Excuse me miss." Calling her attention.

"Oh, how may I help you," she said in a sweet, inviting voice.

"Well, we are looking for someone."

"What is his name, let me check my records."

"Bill Evans, where is his room?"

"Let me see." She quickly searches her records for Bill Evans. "Please how are you related to Mr. Evans."

"I'm his-"

Olivia cuts in on Chris. "Sister, I'm his sister."

"Okay, room 414." She notices they are lost. "Take the elevator to the 6th floor."

"Okay, thank you," she said, and they both went back to John.

"So what?" asked John inquisitively.

"6th floor. Let's go," Chris said in a haste.

"Stop. My mom went to the hospital this morning and she hasn't been back since," she warns.

"Okay, we'll keep watch, let's go."

They went into the elevator.

"This might be the wrong time, but hey can we-" John said shyly to Olivia.

She stops him. "Don't even," expressing her disgust.

The door opens and they rush out to room 414, Chris looks through windows and it was just a patient. They entered in, to see Bill lying dressed in cyan patient flow gown.

Chris rushes to checks him and confirms it, Olivia and John join, she sees him and a warm smile falls on her face, as she just watches him. Chris looks around for anything that will explain his condition, then spots people walking to the room through the window.

"Someone's coming. Hide," he warns in a soft voice.

They all rush into the toilet.

Mrs. Evans and the doctor walks in.

"So doctor, what has changed. He looks fine."

"That is it. He looks fine."

"I do not understand."

He walks to the EKG machine. "Mrs. Evans, his heart isn't beating, It just comes up once in a long time. Same for his brain function, which goes blank then comes on, with large activity readings then goes blank again."

She starts to worry but isn't ready to believe what she thinks she's hearing. "I don't understand, what are you saying?"

"All I am saying is, you should start considering taking him off life support."

"What?" Tears fill her eyes.

"I am sorry ma." He said then leaves.

She walks to his bed and seats beside him, places her hand on his face. "My boy, my sweet boy." she looks at his face, runs her hand through his head. "My sweet boy." She looks at his face, but couldn't think of anything more to say, her tears run down her face, rolling unto his check, she feels a comforting hand on her back and turns, it was Olivia.

"Olivia. He isn't getting better," she said with all griff.

Olivia says nothing but embraces her from behind.

Mrs. Evans looks at him again. "Bill, Bill, Bill please wake up, please wake up. Bill, my dear, mama is calling you, please wake up for mama, please," she leans forward and embraces him, crying.


Chris and John are at Bill's house. They left the hospital when Olivia went to be Mrs. Evans. They run to the back.

"What are we doing here?" asks John, unsure of what is going on.

"We are investigating the room. Olivia said something was wrong with his room, we're checking it out."

He climbs up the tree and enters Olivia's room, he is followed by John, who immediately is awed by her room, Chris drags him by the arm and they go to Bill's room. They both start searching the room for anything, John searches under Bill's bed, using his phone's torch. "Chris, You got to see this."

Chris joins him. "Oh my, It was the lady." Under Bill's was a blood trail, shaped in a crescent moon.

Chris and John leave in a hurry, headed to the voodoo shop.

They ran as fast as their legs could permit, tears starts gathering, cause they knew that Bill was as good as dead because of them. They arrive then rush in, the voodoo lady was packing her things. Chris rushes at her, pushing her into the chair behind her, fury and pain filled his eyes for what they have done.

"You think you can get away with this, no." He grabs her bag and poured all she packed out. "You killed him, and you think you can run away?"

John was angry but he stood, shocked at this side of Chris, he has never seen it before. He quickly holds Chris and pushes him to a wall as he was going to hit her. "What do you think you're doing."

"She killed him."

"Yes, but she can bring him back." Trying to calm him down.

Chris soon calms down. "I'm fine." John lets go of him, and he walks to the witch. "Can you bring him back?" She says nothing. "Can you bring him back. Answer me!!" he yelled in anger.

John moves him back. "Let me," he walks to her. "I'm sorry, but you have to understand, our friend hasn't woken up since, can you wake him up?" She still remains silent. "Please, he is dying."

"It's the moon," she said.

"I'm sorry, moon?"

"He won't let him go, he needs him."

"The moon needs him for what?"

"Your friend's wish was too big for this world, so I sent him to a place where all things were possible."


"I sent him to the moon, la la land, to be exact."

"Wait, you're saying that Bill is on the moon."

"No, he is behind it, la la land. In the dark part of the moon."

"I don't understand."

"It all started in the second century, the first solar eclipse, the moon used the power of the sun to cast darkness upon the earth, It was the dark ages, witches, fairies, goblins, horrors, roamed the earth."

"So you're saying the moon is alive?"

"Yes. During the dark ages, the moon had full control of everything, but during the lunar eclipse he took it all back, creating la la land, the dark behind of the moon."

"Hate to cut in on storytime, but you haven't said anything relating why the moon wants Bill," Chris said, still angry.

"When I sent him to la la land, he was to spend just a day and his ree-al will bring him back. But now the moon is holding him back and his ree-al is growing and soon during the next solar eclipse, he is going push la la land through it."

"If he pushes la la land through it, Bill will be back?" John asked.

"Yes, but with another dark age."

**Thank you 😊, for reading. Please vote, comment, feedback.**