

A girl with an abusive past and a caliginous origin stumbles upon a gateway of another world. She is then challenged emotionally as she's forced to face and carry a responsibility only she can carry, the destruction of this world in the hands of the Demon Queen slowly arise, and of sweat and blood she must reclaim the world before it succumbs to it's rule. Kurisutarumajishan shares similar elements and insignias of other medias. I do not own these elements and terms as it is a merely a representation of them in my written world.

Veda_Nadleeh · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Kurisutarumajishan Chapter XIII: Connections

Being the core member of this cell, it was generally accepted that I would be the person who'd be protected heavily. Being the healer, well, it's not uncommon.

My name is Minase Haruko, and I'm Anahana's healer. A common description people would describe me is that I'm approachable, just really shy. I have problems trusting people, to me it's a virus, an infestation and a prison, my perspective is broken, and even though I'm a healer, I can't seem to heal myself.

My village was part of one of the Second Demon Incursion in Fuhrenheim, it was the third to get attacked because it was one of the villages near the entrance of the first wall and, as the healer I was needed the most. I was overworked and exhausted, I've seen injuries that are beyond me, chunks of flesh gone, arms or legs cut off cleanly, burns that melted their skin and meld to their bodies, things that you wish you didn't see, things that you wish you didn't have your eyes.

I never saw the light of day during those times, and I was thankful I didn't. The elder healers and our nurses talked about the horrifying attacks the front line have been experiencing, I wasn't allowed to move from my post, and I wasn't allowed to move into the front of the house because I was gifted in healing, my spells, my potions, my touch can heal anything. Anything and everything but me.

Because of this, my passion for healing had also become my prison, and I had to endure this, for a good part of 3 years.

Meeting Anahana, I wouldn't think I could've been happier than any day of my life. I met her during the latter part of the third year, when the attacks have become more aggressive, nurses have alarmed us in the Apothecary's cottage to run away, because a green mist has begun to envelope the entirety of the village.

They ushered to collect the essentials within the cottage and gave them to me. The Elder Apothecary gave me her staff, and told me that with this, it'll help me with healing those in need… She apologizes to me, and has ushered me to run away, far from the village and into the forest…

The village was just gone, like that. Everyone that was there had given their life just for me to escape. I hate that I have to live with the guilt of everyone dying protecting me, I hate the idea of being locked up because of what I do, and never seeing the outside as much. It's stupid, but if I were free then, I would've helped more than what I could've in that cottage…

I just ran afterwards, I didn't look back, I didn't stop running, I didn't swerve, I didn't turn, I just ran straight through the forest, through the plains through war torn villages, remnants of outposts and supply convoys. I didn't stop to help people, I didn't medicate the injured, and I felt free from my own prison just like that.

I stopped into this one part of the kingdom, and had taken a small camp on one of the broken homes. I was scared and when I heard the sounds of demons on the trail behind me, but what I was scared more of, was the thing they were screaming and frightened about. There was just, a cacophony of demons that wailed and shouted and were running for their lives I… Its still, would be the worst sound I've heard in my life.

The fear, of hearing the very enemy you try to protect your people from. It sounds human. It sounds unbearably human. A part of my mind tells me that neither of us are a singular monster in this war.

Both Humans and Demons. We're all equally the Grim Reaper.

And the sound of crunching leaves, breaking glass, the scent of demon blood drawing ever so closer to me. The fear was so visceral I just froze and to see the figure that peaked through the door frame of my abode as I shiver and cowered into my corner, and to see it was human.

I'm not so sure if I can describe the emotions that ran through me that day.

And here I am, behind Natsuki on her horse, trotting oh so slowly towards the enemy base right in front of us. I think to myself, is my decision to negotiate, would it work? To try and find aid within our enemy to avoid another big conflict just to keep these two women on tight leashes.. to avoid an early loss in our company..

I tapped Natsuki's shoulder, she leans back and leant me her ear.

"I don't want any fighting here, let me talk with the General in this fortress, understood?" I whispered.

She looked back at me and nodded, she signaled to Anahana who took notice and nodded at the both of us.

As we got closer to the structure, Natsuki signaled to use hood themselves with their cloaks, she did so too just as she formed her Qubeley armour using her crystals, and Anahana switched one of her scabbards to ready, allowing her to use one of her Monoliths in a quick grab.

The fortress was small for its designation, it really is just a FOB like most of their structures the recon teams have found scattered all throughout their frontlines. It was a big, but, not as big as the ones I've heard from my time with Anahana in briefings.

The rampart archers have noticed us, instead of shooting, or warning us they waved back inside their walls, maybe to alert the insiders? My question would be answered once the fortress gates have opened, and ushered out were two well armoured Demons who have politely introduced themselves.

"I am Commander Carter! The assassination and reconnaissance officer of the Roungkagare Tanaki Demon Base!"

"I am Commander Kiersten! The Commanding officer for the ground troops of Roungkagare Tanaki Demon Base!"

To think that they're letting us in, I can feel the pressure building up on my chest, I can feel my hands shake. But I must pull through with this.

"We implore you inside our fortress! We wish to negotiate our freedom!" The Demon who introduced himself as Carter, implored their visitors.

I suppose we all have a place to protect, I feel sorry that they're forced into this war.. this negotiation would benefit both of our parties well then.

"Raise your heads" She heard Natsuki say as she unfolded her pauldrons, the coat that sat on her armour slowly slid off, the hood remaining in its place. Haruko felt Natsuki's left arm move in a motion, and she looked towards Anahana who has held a sword handle with one hand and slowly retract them back.

The pauldrons shone in the moonlight and as Natsuki retracted her arm did the pauldron encase her like a cocoon, a well-protected shell of blue moonlit crystal.

"We accept your proposition, we will spare you in exchange for the information we needed" She nodded to Natsuki, as she slowly sheathed her weapons as instructed. "If our negotiations come to fruition, then we will invite you into our ranks, and liberate your town from the Demon Queen"

Haruko slowly eased down, seeing and hearing that these Demons in this FOB would like to negotiate for aid. She started to think, rather, fantasize what would happen next in the lens that things would go how she envisioned it to be.

"We are relieved to hear your response! We shall prepare our briefing room for your arrival" Carter said, nodding to Kiersten who ran back into the fortress. "Do tell me, to whom do we owe the honour of negotiations?"

"Neo Zeon"

A reply rang out.

There was silence among them. Even Anahana didn't say a word.

Carter and Kiersten looked at each other and nodded. "We humbly welcome you, adventurers of Neo Zeon"

Kiersten ushered himself as well as four more guards and surrounded their exit, Haruko looked back and watched as they guarded the exit, not from fear of them leaving, but looking outward into the treeline and inspecting the area for ears hiding under the brush.

As the coup of Neo Zeon entered the fortress, Demons from Carter's squad had taken to aid in shuffling their horses to the stables. The carriages were fixed among the side where the tanks, the same models of those that Anahana and Natsuki encountered before. Whilst this was happening, Fretzer appeared from behind of Carter.

"W-Who are you? Where did you come from?" He asked quite shocked as he didn't sense the boy.

Fretzer ignored him and went to Anahana and gave her a note, she nodded to Natsuki who disarmed Carter's surprise.

"I'm sorry if that gave a wrong impression of us" Natsuki said calmly "We wanted to make sure we don't have ears inside the castle as well, so we sent our assassin inside whilst you greeted us"

Carter who was in total shock nodded before collecting himself.

"Of course, I was startled, because I've never seen someone with such utter perfect skillset when it comes to masking their presence" Carter said, chuckling nervously. "I've only ever seen those within the higher echelons of the Demon Queen's kill squad"

Natsuki took note of Carter's reply. She notices a figure behind her who was visibly different than the rest of the occupants of the fortress.

She was tall at 6'1, she leaned on the main structure's door frame watching the ensemble below the flight of stairs. Haruko notices that she isn't looking at anyone at the front, but rather from someone at the back. She turns around to see Kiersten and his men close the gates and signaling for an all green, Haruko notices that Fretzer has already gone to Tanjirou's cart, who seems to be opening her carriage to engage in repairing weaponry.

The figure at the doorframe moved and strode her way down to Natsuki and Anahana who were at the front. The figure wore leather pauldrons and elbow and knee guards. Her chestplate is a splendid dark blue with a symbol that seemed to resemble that of a shark's jaw, as she smiled a splendid white row of sharp teeth greeted them and her hand that she rose were that of a slim body builder, rather, her whole figure is generally that of a well-toned woman's body who underwent a lot of training.

Natsuki, with her pauldrons setting to the side to let her arm move, shook the General's hand.

"Welcome to Roungkagare Tanaki Demon Base, I'm the General assigned to this post, Hanagura Gargia" She greeted, she retracted herself as she laid both of her hands on her hips and motioned to Carter and Kiersten. "I suppose you've already know my boys' names? Carter and Kiersten are my base's greatest on the field, I do hope that their manliness didn't scare you off" She jokingly said.

Natsuki chuckled quietly. "No, not at all General Hanagura"

"Please dear girl! Hanagura or Hana is fine. No need for formalities!" Hanagura patted Natsuki's shoulder, being the lively tomboy shark that she is.

Hanagura retracted herself, and inspected the coup infront of her. Still smiling she asks them.

"My my, I've heard that two from your crew have defeated my friend Taurturia. May I ask which ones were the victors of the battle?"

Anahana and Natsuki looked at each other, Hanagura didn't have to press for a response from them.

"I see…" She said "Quite unfortunate, isn't it so Carter?"

"It is quite unfortunate.. General" He replied solemnly.

"You see, Taurturia and I were drafted into the army under the pretense that both of our villages will be burned to the ground, and us to die with it" Hanagura said as she led the three inside the structure. Carter followed suite as Kiersten closed the door behind them.

"So there were villages that were forced to fight the war.." Haruko muttered.

"No.." Hanagura stopped, she looked at Haruko as she gave a solemn stare. "All of us, no matter what our stance is within the idea of waging war against those around us"

"There was no excuse, whether you're loyal to Her cause, or you were against it, if you did not show a sign that you were willing to fight for the Molten Crown, your village is in impending doom" Carter substantiated.

Hanagura patted Carter's shoulder, her patted her arm in return.

"I'm sorry that this is the case for you" Natsuki apologized. "I can see why the Demons who fight against us humans were quite aggressive"

"It's fine human, there's no need for an apology" She said, giving her a warm smile. She opened the door to her office and ushered them in. "After you"

Natsuki, Haruko, and Anahana walked inside, Carter followed as Hanagura closed the door and led them towards the sofa where they sat. Carter sat on the chair opposite of them, and Hanagura sat behind her desk.

"I don't need to hear the reasoning as to why you wanted peace, we're well aware of what our.. former allies have experienced since Her Molten Crown has arrived in this realm" Hanagura said. "I seem to take that you simply want an alliance, if I'm correct?"

"I suppose we are" Haruko agreed. "The situation within our ranks are degrading, and we were only a few of the remaining adventurer cells available for deployment.

Knowing this, just us alone won't be enough to plow through your ranks, especially the Generals who find it going against Her Molten Crown unsavory."

"I see" Hanagura muttered as she went into thinking, but before even going deeper she stood up and addressed the three. "Ah… Where are my manners? I'm sorry but I forgot to ask for your names"

Haruko stood up and bowed. "Minase Haruko, I'm this cell's healer"

Anahana followed and reached for Hanagura's hand for a handshake. "Anahana Tatsuriko, I'm the leader of this cell"

Lastly, Natsuki stood up and shook her hand. "Yuriko Natsuki"

"What may be your role in this cell?" Hanagura asked Natsuki, to which she didn't reply, nor has she acknowledged. Haruko and Anahana looked at each other, and replied in her behalf.

"Natsuki-chan, is a special ops of sorts" Anahana responded.

Natsuki retracted herself and sat on the sofa again, she took her hood off and retracted her crystalline armour within her.

"Ah, I see" Hanagura acknowledged. "The person of interest, I suppose?" She looked at Carter, who nodded. "Mhm.. there's a certain someone within our custody at the time being, who has refused to acknowledge your presence for negotiation. Hearing the intel Carter gave to me was shocking to say the least and the fact that you were able to do that much damage in such a short amount of time based from the data we have gathered ourselves, and the data from General Taurturia before her passing intrigues me"

"I myself intrigue me sometimes" Natsuki replied. "I'm not so sure what I am either"

"Interesting, I will follow you on that one in a fair minute" She looked to Haruko to continue with her subject. "As for your request for an alliance with the Roungkagare Tanaki Demon Base, I believe we do reach a general consensus yes?"

Haruko's eyes lit up, she stood and bowed several times. "Thank you! Thank you so much!"

"It's nothing" Carter said as he looked at the crew infront of him. "We all have people to protect, us Demons are not so different from you Humans"

"I suppose we should arrange for an exchanging of information, Carter, call for Nakamura, she'll have a field day with Ms Natsuki and her friends here" Hanagura requested, to which he nodded and exited the room to fetch Nakamura.

"I'm sorry that this 'negotiation' didn't really last as long as we'd hope to be in" Hanagura apologized to Haruko. "I can see you were stiff the moment you reached the insides of our base"

"No no, it's better for all of us this way. I'm glad we all understood your standing at this time in the war" Haruko said warmly.

"I see, I'm glad too as well. With this, we would be able to stop this unnecessary fighting, even if it means there would be certain sacrifices along the way" Hanagura shot her a thumbs up, and as the roster inside the office start to chat about other things, Natsuki was focused on what she had said aloud.

I'm not sure what I am either.

You're not sure?

Not sure?

Or are you refusing what you really are?

A monster?


A saviour?

Which one might you be?

Which one might I be?

What am I?

What are you?

Natsuki was shaken out from her trance by Anahana and Haruko, who seem to have a look of concern within their faces.

"Nats-chan? Do you need something?" Hanagura asked. "You seem to look pale are you alright?"

"Y-yeah, sorry I just dozed off thinking about something" Natsuki replied, diffusing the situation. Haruko handed her a small vial and instructed her to smell it.

"Just hold this by your nose okay? If you're feeling dizzy do tell me okay?" Haruko said as she ruffled Natsuki's hair.

"Nats-chan, just an advice" Hanagura said. "If you're going to doze off into your thoughts to the point that you've drowned everything else around you, try not to feed the idiot inside you. You'd save yourself quite the trouble fighting with yourself"

"I'll take note of that thank you Hanagura" She bowed slightly.

The door opened and in came Carter dragging Nakamura with his tail.

"Pardon for the unsightly entrance" Carter said as he sighed, he turned to the crew and introduced Nakamura as he raised her, still bound by his tail. "This here is our archivist, Nakamura Nijii, she's also our resident scientist of sorts…"

Nakamura Nijii was a pale woman, she didn't have the traditional demon horns that humanoid demons have, but they were that of a ram's. They were ornate with a net veil with crystals hanging among them. Her dress was black and flowy, and as Carter set her down she finally took the notice of the situation she is in.

"Ah- My manners I'm sorry-" She stumbled before bowing and shaking their hands. "As Commander Carter introduced, I am Nakamura Nijii, I am an archivist and their resident scientist as said"

"I had Nakamura be bought here to disclose her information within our base, the bare essentials, inventory, and combat situation. I believe it'll be necessary for when we make future moves for our alliance." Hanagura said as she motioned towards Nakamura.

"Thank you for entrusting us with this information we'd happily exchange ours afterwards" Haruko replied, nodding to Hanagura.

"Very well, Nijii-chan, go ahead" Hanagura then motioned for Nakamura to speak, and so she sat opposite of the three and read her clipboard.

"The Roungkagare Tanaki base currently has 300 men under its, a bulk of this comes from the Heavy Asault Corp under Commander Horace Unna who controls 200 of these men. They're all currently in hibernation to save resources and their energy. 50 units are designated under Commander Kiersten's Guardsmen corp and the remaining would be a recon and shock troop force under Commander Carter's rule.

As for equipment we have enough gunpowder and cannonlochs that are supplied to the HA Corp, if you aren't aware, these are simply hand held cannons for them. There are enough weapons and spares to supply the 300 with some to spare for at least 20 more engagements before we'd run out of weapons and materials to repair them, armour wise we only have enough for 15 more engagements, there seems to have been a need of reinforcements for some of ours for Tangkagare Rouheri Demon Base that were lost" Nakamura read the list, and had paused for a while. Hanagura motioned that it's fine towards the three before motioning for Nakamura.

"Go on go on" She said calmly.

"Very well" She said, before continuing. "We also have five panzerwagons in our inventory, there were previously ten units but they were also lost in battle. I believe three of ours were sent to a different base and the other two were used for repairs on the remaining five"

"That's correct yeah" Carter said as he nodded while he read through her list.

"As of right now, we don't have enough materials nor supplies to run these tanks into combat, we've already asked for a batch of the new models from General Gelgug herself, we're still awaiting these new models to arrive, the estimated time of arrival was said to be next week.

Asides from this, we're also anticipating an arrival of supplies from a nearby supply to rejuvenate our stores with necessary materials for reparations. I suppose that would be it for our inventory"

Nakamura laid the first clipboard and placed it on the table. She flips through a small books with gold etchings on its leather cover that's written in a Demon language.

"As for the combat situations. The Demon army is currently experiencing a recession of supplies from the mainland, not much bases are getting what they need to survive onslaughts from the resisting frontlines. Our frontline by the Elven borders of Nahal Morje are experiencing rapid loss of soldiers due to the Elves managing to recuperate their forces to fight against our naval powers-"

Nakamura stopped as Hanagura rose her hand slightly, she turned to the three and explained a portion of the information.

"As you know, we Demons are now in possession of weapons that Her Molten Crown refers to as 'tanks'. Our naval power has increased since her arrival and the appointment of General Gelgug as head of the manufacturing force. A product of her appointment are naval vessels made from steel and iron, they currently overpower the ocean border of Nahal Morje, though like most of us on ground, the supplies aren't being sent"

Nakamura continued Hanagura's thought soon after she finished speaking. "This is because of Her Molten Crown's obsession with creating an army that rode metal and steel. In my opinion, we can use this to our advantage to further our cause and lessen the effectivity of the Demon Army's frontline."

"We're not entirely sure why this is being done, but I'm sure we'll know soon at some point in the future, however we must focus the learning first before we start to rush ahead into the frontlines" Hanagura stated. "I'm sure there is a group of humans who challenged one of our Generals deep in our ranks, I'm not so sure about their status now."

"We have sent a few messengers to them but non returned" Carter added "It's possible they've been slaughtered by these humans for whatever reason other than bloodlust"

"We were not informed that there was a human spearhead operation" Haruko said, quite confused, she looked towards Anahana who shrugged and shook her head, then at Natsuki who hadn't heard a thing either. "Most of our forces are tied within our territory and have been under siege from the Demon Army, I don't think there was a notice that there were humans deep behind enemy lines"

"That's quite odd" Hanagura reacted. "We were always reminded to send a team after these humans, even from this far out into the front they still sent us notices to search and kill, Nakamura do you have information of this?"

"Umm…." Nakamura muttered as she shuffled through three different notebooks that were hidden in her dress. "Here's one, the group is apparently called Titania as recorded by the survivors of their onslaught, here's a picture if you're familiar"

Nakamura slid a piece of paper on the table to which Anahana picked it up and held it in front of her.

"Ah, it's these guys" She muttered.

"Anahana?" Haruko muttered as she looked at her. Everyone is quite in shock, and quite in fear as Anahana's aura starts to seep out from her form.

"They're elite killers who're poisoned with multiple Auras, I never fought them, but being around them makes you want to kill them dead" Anahana replied, she slid the paper back and said with a stern and threatening voice. "They're not one of us"

"I see, I have heard about such people yes" Hanagura said. "However, let us not focus with the existence of Titania alone" Hanagura said, she motioned for Nakamura to continue. "Nijii, go ahead"

"Y-Yes" She stuttered as she cleaned her notebooks in a clean stack on the table. "As I said earlier, the naval force sent to the Nahal Morje oceans are running low on supplies, it's to note because this instance may help us with our journey yes? There isn't a notice for this, however, I've been hearing of rumors where other bases have been thinking of engaging in a mutiny against Her Molten Crown. If we are to try and contact these bases, we must be absolutely sure that they are considering such action. For all we know it may be a trap after all, besides from this, the factories are located in the outskirts of the Demon megacity Ganheroula Rouge Fortresses. These Fortresses are large city factories and most of them were converted to create these machinery and send them to the frontlines."

Nakamura did a quick shuffle of her notes and her records, and when she deemed that all of the information that are essential to the exchange. She sighed and nodded.

"That's all the information I find necessary to share at the time being. If you need more, then I'll be available at my room" Nakamura bowed and walked off.

"Pardon for my archivists' behavior, she does not do well in meetings with anyone outside of our base, however I'm sure she'll grow to be with you soon enough" Hanagura said, she motioned for Carter to get some drinks for the guests, he does so and provides them all with beverage. "What information can you share with us, asides from the state of your Coalition's defenses?"

Haruko took some time to think. She looks at Anahana before she starts to exchange their information.

"Our crew is mostly built for hit and run attacks, we have twins who specialize in healing potions and explosives, and they're in charge of demolitions and forced entries into bunkers and at rare times, fortress walls. We have just received a mobile smithing carriage, our friend helps us repair Anahana and Fretzer, our Assassin's weaponry. And lastly, we had received a special unit from an excavation team.." Haruko motions to Natsuki who showcased her abilities by creating a bonsai tree made from her intricate black and grey crystals on her palm.

Hanagura was quite speechless, she responded with clapping while her face had shock and awe written all over it.

"That's… SO COOL!" She exclaimed. "How much have you learned about your Aura?"

Hanagura has now stood from her place and has kneeled infront of Natsuki as she inspected the delicate bonsai on her palm like a child who has found something really awesome. Carter on the other hand had inspected it from a distance.

"Not much at the time being, Natsuki has managed to create her armour as you have seen, asides from that she seems to be able to make weapons from her crystals, and what seems to be a cannon of some sort" Anahana explained, Hanagura looked at Natsuki for confirmation, and she nodded.

"Is this the same 'weapon' you used against the General?" Asked Carter as he inspected the bonsai. "Because if it is so, then you should be considered as our trump card"

Natsuki nodded, and Carter glanced at Hanagura who then stood up.

"If that's the case, according to the records, you were able to blast a hole through General Taurturia, and subsequently run her fortress aground in one shot, is that correct?" Hanagura asked as she stood up holding Natsuki's hand.

"That is correct" She said plainly.

"Then starting tomorrow, we'll be testing the capabilities with which you can control your powers, of course, we'll have Haruko-san here observe your health and keep you in check if that's fine with you Haruko-san" Hanagura suggested.

"I'll be happy to help develop Natsuki's powers" She replied enthusiastically.

"As for you Ms Anahana, if you would let me, I'll be happy to train you to fight effectively against the next Demon Generals we'll face, what do you say?" Hanagura suggested to Anahana, extending a hand to her.

After some consideration, Anahana chuckled and accepted her offer.

"I'm down to train yeah" Anahana said enthusiastically.

"Alright! Carter, let's prepare for tomorrow, give our guests some blankets, from this moment onward our alliance and our mutiny will begin against Her Molten Crown!"

Carter nodded, and was preparing to leave to tell the others about the news. As he exited the room, he noticed Horace, his comrade just exiting his room.

"How did the negotiations go?" He boomed in his low tone of voice.

"We now have the means to fight against Her Molten Crown, by tomorrow we'll be helping develop one of our new comrade's Aura, and general training with our comrades starts tomorrow, for now that's all I have as information" Carter explained to Horace, who seemed unmoved from the news.

"I see, I must prepare for tomorrow then" He said before walking back inside his room.

"How odd" Carter mumbled to himself, he soon walked out of the main structure to find that Tanjirou has set up shop with repairing their comrade's weapons, and the twins have been giving out healing potions to the demons by the barracks.

Kiersten approached him and asked about what had happened, to which Carter broke the news out to him. The crew of "Neo Zeon" would remain within the Roungkagare Tanaki base to recuperate and plan their siege towards the Demon Queen's lair.

A Few Hours Earlier.

Horace heard the voice of his General walking down the halls, he shifted within his office and moved to the door quietly. He listened to their conversation before he heard their voices fade away.

"Teaming up with humans" He mumbled to himself. "In a time where homes are taken hostage by the Molten Crown"

He growled then sighed.

"What could've been a better plan…" He mutters as he cleans his large mace.

"I wonder, what could be a better plan"

Horace looks up and scans his room frantically, he tunes his senses to no avail, he cannot feel the presence of the disembodied voice.

"You know as much as I do that this would get everyone in your hometown slaughtered" the voice continued. "You know as much as I do that this plan will be the end of your life"

Horace listened in silence, scanning his room around for this person that had infiltrated his office.

"Speak Horace" The voice demanded. "You agree with me yes?"

"I do" He grumbled. "However, my own ignorance of the plan would not be the hill I'll stand on to betray my General"

"Of course yes, you were always known to be so soft in the inside, despite your sheer strength. Wasted potential I say"

Horace growled as he kept scanning the room, still to no avail, he cannot see this person. "Who are you? Why do you tempt me?"

A blotch of darkness slivered down the corner of his room, this thing, reformed itself to acclaim the shape of a human.

"I am Temptation, and you will listen to me" The shadow said. "I don't want to extend our conversation over nonsensical things so I'll get to the point. You have family yes? I hear you have 3 daughters and a loving wife"

"YOU!" Horace growled as he lunged at him. The shadow held his hand up and he stopped.

"You don't want to do that" Temptation said. "People on the higher pantheons would know if I, their shadow, was killed. They know where I am now, and once they notice, your village, and by extension, everyone here would lose their loving homes"

Horace stopped, before retracting himself. He conceded to this creature. "What do you want"

"That's good, now you understand" Temptation said, clapping softly. "I Temptation have a proposal~"

"I'm listening…" Horace said regrettably.

"Stop them from reaching the Rouheingera Arloua Castle, stop their plans for me" Temptation proposed. "Stop them, and I'll make sure that your villages will be untouched, you catch me?"

There was silence among them, Horace had his head hung down, contemplating, finding an answer within himself.

"I take that you'll deny my proposition?"


"Answer comrade, it's a simple yes or no"


"There's no time for such! Look at the time! By the time you decided there won't be a family to come home to~"


"I told you comrade, there's no time, we are all running out of time"

Horace looked at him with a painful stare, his eyes now watery and dripping like an open sink.

"You…." He huffed as he held his chest. The Rook, the wall of the Roungkagare Tanaki has crumbled.

"If it so pains you to see your family and friends die then choose" Temptation had said, patting his shoulder. "You will accept my proposition, if you are willing to save your home"

Horace coiled his fingers into a fist, he looks at him, this shadow that introduced itself as Temptation, has now forced him a proposition that endangers everyone. At first, there was no reason to believe this shadow, but what if it did have his family on thin strings? A simple grace of this shadow's nail and it would break and he would see his family no more. The lack of a presence, the use of a shadow, he took note of these and bared his teeth. He shook his head and rose from his place.

"I accept your proposition" He growled in a low octave, still gritting his teeth and his fist curled white.

"Hm~? Sorry I didn't catch that, louder please~"

Horace punched Temptation, his large fist hitting him square on his chest. The shadow man was thrown to the wall, where a large crater now sat. Horace took note of this. As he stood up, Temptation stood up clutching his chest like it was nothing.

"Heh, no holes" He chuckled as he patted his chest.

Horace was about to throw another punch before Temptation stopped him.

"Tsk tsk! Don't try buddy~!" He said, it was audible that he was smiling. "Don't try, or there won't be ay goodbyes from them"

He pointed at the picture frame that fell on his desk, it was a framed picture of his family. The photo, drawn by hand, sat on its back, and it reminded Horace about his reason for his presence within General Hanagura's army.

A low growl came from him, before he retracted himself and fixed the picture frame.

"Ahem- Now, Commander Horace" Temptation called for his attention. "You will now follow my orders, you already know what happens if you don't follow, let's not make it to that point alright?"

Horace only looked at Temptation, with a visible scowl on his face.

"Good, good!" Temptation clapped. "I'll see you soon, Horace~"

Temptation soon dissipated, his form now blended with the shadows around the corners of Horace's room, leaving Horace in the silence of his abode.

He soon stands up and walks to the door, from all that noise there must've someone who could've heard the commotions inside his office. He inspected the hallway, right then left, and saw Carter.

"How did the negotiations go?" He asked.

""We now have the means to fight against Her Molten Crown, by tomorrow we'll be helping develop one of our new comrade's Aura, and general training with our comrades starts tomorrow, for now that's all I have as information" Carter explained to Horace, who's chest sank deep into his body.

There was a short silence between them, before Horace looks back into his room and said.

"I see, I must prepare for tomorrow then" He soon closed the door behind him, leaving Carter outside.

'His face looks like he anticipated something else' Carter thought. "How odd"

He then continues to exit the establishment, Kiersten notices Carter and approaches him. Tanjirou was tending to fixing armaments, while the twins would distribute potions. Nijii exits her office soon after, she walks down the hallway and stops midway and glances at Horace's office, she stays there for a few seconds, before walking away and exiting the building.